Introduction to Social Work

Page 152


Introduction to Social Work

develop are important acceptance to the child.





Parents must talk to the child making eye contact. When talked to, the child not only learns the language but feels psychologically secure and accepted.


Encouragement, specially when the child is fast picking up motor and speech skills makes the child feel happy and accepted.


Age appropriate, interest based responsibilities must be shared with the child. A child’s help when taken to water a plant or clean the house; the child gains acceptance and feels part of the social group of family.


Demonstrating affection by a hug or a kiss or picking up the child in addition to feeling accepted, helps the child to feel connected.


Parents must take time to teach the child right from wrong, acceptable from unacceptable behaviour. This entire process is called disciplining the child. In order to discipline, parents must explain and show the correct behaviour. Also they must be consistent – between themselves and between two points of time. Frequent punishment would take away the effect and desensitize the child. This should only be a last resort.

Punishment should always be proportionate to the mistake and must be just. The child must know why he/she is being punished.

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