24 BSWE-02-Volume

Page 97


Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Groups

results. The effort should be to just locate the factors that have created and contributed to the problem and, after a careful analysis, offer plausible solutions. A professional social worker, by using his research skills, can help the management solve many problems. It is not one method alone, but a fusion of all the above methods that truly help the business and industry, for a problem may not be a result of any one factor. It has to be studied in its totality. In such situations, a holistic approach of social work is very much needed. While handling specific problems, the casework help may be more effective, but some cases respond better when handled on a group or community level. A trained social worker, by using an integrated approach dwelling on his knowledge of human behaviour and human relationships and applying the various social work skills and techniques, can tackle human problems successfully. He has to consider every worker as a whole---at the shop floor, at home, in the community.

Place of Social Work in Industry According to the study group organised by the Netherlands Government, a qualified social worker is necessary in an enterprise for the following reasons: 1)

their specialised training in the understanding of human problems, ability to consider the human personality as a whole;


their knowledge of the conditions of work;


their knowledge of the worker’s life;


their knowledge of the resources of the community;


their professional secrecy; and


their capacity for co-operation.

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