Foreign Rights Catalogue ediciones iamiqué

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From Earth to the universe

How did we get from that small and still universe of antiquity to the conception of a vast, ever-changing universe? This book is about Galileo Galilei and other great people who pursued new and better answers, and ideas that changed the world and the way we think about our place in the cosmos.

One BIG family

In exquisite prose, an epistemologist tells us of Charles Darwin’s courage and how he helped us to understand who we are and where we come from. How he showed us that the world is more beautiful and interesting than we ever thought. How his ideas encourage us to think in original ways.

Rights sold: Portugal, Spain & Italy Argentina

ediciones iamiqué
cm x 26 cm New!
From Earth to the universe By Santiago Ginnobili & Guido Ferro 28 full-colour pages 20
One Big Family By Santiago Ginnobili & Guido Ferro 32 full-color-pages, 20 x 26 cm de la Tierra al universo lugar que la ¿Desde cuándo? veían en la personas que que nunca crearon, riesgo universo? A otras personas, en cambio, la idea de un universo gigante y lleno de sistemas de planetas girando alrededor de estrellas los invitó soñar, como Kepler. Y tal vez lo mismo te ocurra ti… ¿Existirán realmente otros planetas con vida como la Tierra? ¿Habrá en ellos vida inteligente? ¿Sus habitantes mirarán el cielo como lo hacemos las personas (si es que tienen algo parecido a ojos)? ¿Verán a nuestro Sol como una estrella cualquiera o le habrán puesto un nombre? ¿Qué teorías tendrán para explicar lo que sea que ven cuando miran el cielo? Hace más de dos mil años, surgió en Grecia un modelo sobre el universo que tuvo gran aceptación por parte de los astrónomos, principalmente, en Occidente. Este modelo, que se mantuvo vigente durante muchos siglos, proponía que la Tierra estaba quieta (porque realmente lo parece, ¿no?) en el centro que todo giraba su alrededor: el Sol, la Luna, los planetas y las estrellas, o, como decían en esa época, las estrellas errantes las fijas. Imaginaron el universo como una gran esfera en cuyo centro estaba la Tierra. En la superficie de la esfera, a unos pocos kilómetros, estaban incrustadas las estrellas, que se movían durante la noche simplemente porque la esfera giraba. Pensaban, además, que lo que ocurría en la Tierra era completamente diferente lo que ocurría en el cielo. En la Tierra todo cambiaba, todo el tiempo: las ciudades se levantaban se destruían; las personas nacían, crecían, envejecían morían. Había momentos de felicidad de prosperidad, otros de guerras, de hambre de frío. En el espacio celeste, en cambio, no pasaba nada de eso: las cosas se movían, pero no cambiaban, no se rompían ni envejecían. Los movimientos eran perfectos.

Let’s travel!

An expedition into the history of transportation ......................................

From canoes to ocean liners, from the hot air balloon to the Apollo 11 mission, from the invention of the wheel to the iconic Ford T, from the invention of the steam engine to trains... A book full of exciting anecdotes, inspiring events, extraordinary people and amazing facts..

An entertaining and in-depth investigation into the universe of senses, which are fundamental for us to locate ourselves, communicate, develop and so much more....


Rights sold: Palestina

Foreign Rights Catalogue
Let’s travel! By
48 full-colour pages 21 cm x 21 cmNew! ¡A VIAJAR! ¡A VIAJAR! UNA EXPEDICIÓN A LA HISTORIA DE LOS TRANSPORTES HERNÁN GRECCO AGUSTINA LEMOINE 17 16 fue uno de los más grandes de la Antigüedad. En el siglo en su momento de máxima expansión, ocupaba gran parte de Europa y toda la costa de Asia y África que rodea el mar Mediterráneo. Vivían allí 80 millones de personas, el 20 % de la población mundial de aquel momento. Una de las razones por las que creció se sostuvo fue porque tenía una gran red de caminos que permitía que los comerciantes, con sus mercancías, y los ejércitos se trasladaran HASTA LA LLEGADA DE LOS EUROPEOS el Imperio inca fue el más extenso de América del Sur. Se estima que en el siglo doce millones de personas. Para conectar este inmenso territorio, que se extendía desde el sur de Colombia hasta el norte de Argentina, se construyó una gran red de carreteras de casi 40.000 kilómetros de extensión. La llamaban Qhapaq Ñan o Inka Naani, que en quechua significa Camino del Poderoso o Camino del Inca. La red tenía dos grandes arterias paralelas al océano Pacífico: una por la costa, sobre terreno más bien llano, y otra cercana la cordillera, que discurría por las montañas. Esta segunda vía estaba repleta de puentes colgantes hechos de cuerda, que podían extenderse hasta 60 metros resistían bien las inundaciones los derrumbes muy frecuentes en la zona. Desde cualquier punto del Imperio se podía llegar la capital, Cuzco, que en quechua significa “ombligo” o “centro”. rápidamente. ¡Gracias a sus 100.000 kilómetros de caminos se podía llegar desde Roma hasta cualquier punto del Imperio en menos de un mes! Los romanos fueron los primeros en señalizar los caminos de forma similar a la actual, indicando la dirección y la distancia a las ciudades cercanas. Aunque parezca increíble, algunas de las calles los puentes del Imperio se siguen utilizando aún hoy, casi dos mil años después de su construcción. TODOS LOS CAMINOS CONDUCEN A … ROMA CUZCO 27 26 LA REVOLUCIÓN INDUSTRIAL que comenzó en el reino de Gran Bretaña hacia la segunda mitad del siglo definitivamente cambió el mundo. Durante ese período, que duró unos ochenta años, se inventaron máquinas que realizaban todo tipo de labores y que dieron lugar a enormes transformaciones. No funcionaban con electricidad, sino con el vapor que se obtenía de hacer hervir grandes cantidades de agua quemando carbón. El vapor, que salía a alta presión, empujaba con fuerza un pistón que hacía girar una manivela que activaba algún mecanismo. Entre sus muchas aplicaciones, el motor vapor se colocó sobre un vagón para crear la primera locomotora. El éxito fue inmediato y en pocos años el ferrocarril se extendió por toda Europa, en especial en Inglaterra, donde mucha gente migraba del campo a la ciudad en busca de trabajo. Se tendieron kilómetros de vías que conectaban las principales ciudades, por las que diariamente circulaban mercancías personas de un lado a otro. Como las locomotoras consumían gran cantidad de carbón, llevaban atrás un enorme carro cargado con este combustible y varios hombres que trabajaban incansablemente paleando carbón hacia una gran caldera. A TODO VAPOR Hasta la invención del ferrocarril solo determinado por el sol. Ciudades cercanas podían tener eso no era un problema para nadie. Pero con la llegada del tren, se hizo imprescindible organizar los horarios de arribo y de partida y, para ello, se regiones dentro de las cuales todas las ciudades tienen la misma hora. En 1869 se inauguró en Estados Unidos el primer ferrocarril que conectaba el Atlántico con el Pacífico. Un viaje de Nueva York San Francisco, que en carreta llevaba cinco meses, podía realizarse en solo cinco días. Actualmente, el vuelo en
Hernán Grecco
by Agustina Lemoine
It makes sense
What Strange Eyes You Have! By Romina Carnevale & Paola Vetere Illustrated by Martina Trach 48 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm ..........................
(IBBY) Standout Book
Recommended Books Fundalectura (Colombia) Argentina Key Titles The White Ravens (Germany)
What Strange Ears You Have! By Paola Vetere & Romina Carnevale Illustrated by Martina Trach 48 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Science for Counting

Rights sold: Spain

Numbers are everywhere you look… and they’re also hidden in nature. Discovering them is a perfect excuse for getting started on reading information books. Beautiful images and an innovative and attractive aesthetic. A captivating series from 1 to 10!

Bugs from 1 to 10

Discover what’s so special about a scorpion’s tail, how a praying mantis works out to grow, how many spots a ladybird’s got, how glow-worms send messages and why ants’ mouths are úberstrong.

The Solar System from 1 to 10

21 cm

Take a look and find out what the Sun is made of, what space stations are for, what asteroids are, the difference between a shooting star and a meteorite and who the first explorer on Mars was.

Ecology from 1 to 10

Mariela Kogan, photographs by Pablo Grancharoff. 4 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm1st edition

Discover some grave consequences of global warming, what the great plastic garbage patches are, why is water so essential and what you can do to “save” nature.

Your Body from 1 to 10

Count round and find out how you can tell when food’s off, where your food goes after you’ve eaten it, why you can breathe even though you’re asleep and all the interesting things your fingers can do.

Extinct Animals from 1 to 10

By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, illustrated by paleoartist Gustavo Encina 24 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Read and find out why Titanis was called “terror bird” and what is the difference between elephants and mamuts, among other curious things animals that no longer exist did or had.

The Moon from 1 to 10

Mariano Ribas 24 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Find out why the moon doesn’t fly away, why we always see the same face in the moon, what eclipses are, why the moon has so many craters and what kind of telescope Galileo used to observe the moon.

Dinosaurs from 1 to 10

Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, illustrated by paleoartist Gustavo Encina 24 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Find out why Maiasaurs were ‘good mothers’, how Styracosaurus defended itself from attackers, Stegosaurus ’ weapon of choice and what was so special about Carnotaurus

Sea Dwellers from 1 to 10

Mariela Kogan & Ileana Lotersztain 24 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Take a journey and find out what’s so special about the flatfish’s eyes, how a leatherback turtle manages to stay warm and how the mimic octopus tricks its predators.

ediciones iamiqué
Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, illustrated by paleoartist Gustavo Encina 24 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain 24 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, photographs by Pablo Grancharoff 24 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Curious Dreams

An ideal series for younger children to take their first steps in the world of science. As he dreams, the main character investigates and finds out why animals have the shapes they have. Books in which information and image join together to investigate, discover and carry on asking questions.

This Isn’t my Tail

Joaquin will find out that animals have very different kinds of tails and that all of them prove to be very useful for their owners. And why is it that Joaquin’s tail has such a cute shape?

Those Aren’t my Legs

Sophie will find out that animals have very different kinds of legs and that all of them are very useful for their owners. And what’s so special about Sophie’s feet?

ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book

Those Aren’t my Ears

24 full-colour-pages, 28 cm x 20 cm

Lola will find out that different animal have lots of different kinds of ears all of them very useful to their owners. And what’s so special about Lola’s own ears?



Three creators and three ways of telling: in verse, in prose, in illustrations. An exquisite cross between language, information and image. An original invitation for the smallest children to have fun and learn about science. .................................................................................................................

Find me if you can!

By María Martín & Ileana Lotersztain. Illustrated by Eugenia Nobati 24 full color pages, 19 x 19 cm, hardcover.


How do animals camouflage themselves?

Catch me if you can!

By María Martín & Ileana Lotersztain.

Illustrated by Diana Benzecry 24 full color pages, 19 x 19 cm, hardcover.


How do animals avoid becoming a delicious mouthful for their predators?

Help Me If You Can!

By María Martín & Ileana Lotersztain. Illustrated by Eugenia Nobati 24 full color pages, 19 x 19 cm, hardcover.


Do animals help one another out?

If so, how?

Foreign Rights Catalogue
sold: Brazil
Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, plasticine illustrations by Luciana Fernández 24 full-colour-pages, 28 cm x 20 cm Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, collage & high reliefs illustrations by Luciana Fernández By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, découpage illustrations by Istvansch 24 full-colour-pages, 28 cm x 20 cm

Scientific Detectives

Rights sold: Brazil, Czech Republic, Spain & Belgius

As Detective Intringulis cracks a case, this series shows how science helps to solve crimes. A highly original combination of information book and detective story.


Detective Intringulis and the theft of the Mona Louisa

The investigation of an art theft gives an explanation of the techniques and know-how involved in forensic science: what are fingerprints and how are they collected, how does the lie detector work, how can you tell if a painting is authentic, etc. Also includes activities, anecdotes from the world of art and famous detectives from literature.

ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book

Highly Recommended Books Fundalectura (Colombia)

Detective Intringulis and the Kidnapping of Mimi

Who kidnapped Madame Glamour’s spoiled pet poodle Mimi?

Detective Intringulis sets out to crack the case using the knowhow of forensic science: how to look for clues; how to analyze footprints; what a bloodstain tells us; what DNA is, and why it’s used to identify someone. And it doesn’t stop there! A delicious combination of comicstrip and workbook.

Science All Year Round

Rights sold: China, Czech Republic & Spain


Each season brings its own changes in the environment, our bodies, and our daily lives. You’ll find all the explanations here, simply told with plenty of rhythm.

Science for the Winter Months

By Valeria Edelsztein

Illustrated by Javier Reboursin

48 full-colour-pages 21 x 21 cm

Why you get sick more in winter? Can cold burn? How does snow form? The answers to lots of the questions of the coldest season and also very curious things about low temperatures.


The White Ravens (Germany)

Special Mention

Leeureka! (Spain)

Science for the Spring Months

Illustrated by Javier Reboursin 48 full-colour-pages 21 x 21 cm

How does spring affect your mood? How do plants know it’s time to bloom? Why does it bring so many allergies? The answers to lots of the questions raised by the season of love.

Science for the Summer Months

By Valeria Edelsztein.

Illustrated by Javier Reboursin. 48 full-colour-pages 21 x 21 cm

Why do mosquitoes bite so much in summer? How does sunscreen work? Why do you sweat in hot weather? Why do fans cool you down? The answers to many questions raised by hottest season and also some pretty interesting weird stuff about heat.

Science for the Fall Months

Illustrated by Javier Reboursin. 48 full color pages, 21 x 21 cm

Where do the colors of Fall come from? What do many insects get up to in Fall? What makes Fall the hurricane season? Why do dry leaves rustle? The answers to many of the questions that Fall brings, and also a load of fascinating stuff about trees, animals, the weather, and much more.

ediciones iamiqué
Amaicha & Carla Baredes, illustrated by Fabián Mezquita 48 pages, 21cm x 29,4 cm Amaicha & Carla Baredes, illustrated by Fabián Mezquita 48 pages, 21cm x 29,4 cm

Strange Destinations

Rights sold: China

A series designed for those who dream of travelling to Neptune, exploring the Everest or spending a season on the North Pole… Written in a tour guide format –with sections like What to take, What to do– each title takes a profound and entertaining trip to an intriguing and unlikely destination. Ideal for dreamers and the inquisitive.

Solar System Tour Guide

Baredes, ilustrated by Javier Basile 60 full-colour pages, 21 cm x 21 cm ........................

Seven strange destinations for those looking for a holiday One of a kind!

A detailed, original and funny description of each of the planets in the Solar System. Every “visit” ends up with a list of the planet’s main features and includes information on space missions which have visited them and details of official websites that update the information every day.

Extreme Earth Tour Guide

Carla Baredes, ilustrated by Javier Basile 60 full-colour pages, 21 cm x 21 cm ........................

More than 25 destinations for those looking for “the max” on our planet!

Mountains that rise skywards, caves that plunge to the bowels of the Earth, volcanoes that take your breath away, deserts with unbearable temperatures, rivers that never seem to end, towns where it never stops raining, measureless salt lakes…

Questions to Make Your Hair Stand on End

Rights sold: China

About to be dubbed a classic any day now, this series gives simple answers to some of the mysteries of everyday life. From two central ideas, the book opens out into a range of questions, answers, challenges and experiments. The information is backed up with fun illustrations, a dose of humour and curious facts. Ideals for teachers and parents in a fix.

Earthquakes and Volcanoes for Curious Kids

Illustrated by Javier Basile

60 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Find out what lies at the center of the Earth, what tsunamis are, where lava comes from, what islands are, plus a whole lot more. With a host of e-ideas to boost reading and learning.

ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book

Innovative Books

Venezuela Book Bank

Storms and Tornadoes for Curious Kids

Illustrated by Eugenia Nobati 60 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm


Discover what are clouds made of, why does it rain stones, how is lighting formed, where do hurricanes come from and lots more.

ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book

Light and Colours for Curious Kids

Illustrated by María Lavezzi 60 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm


Find out why you can’t see when the lights are out, why red roses look red, where the moonlight comes from and why paintings are coloured, plus lots more.

The Sun and the Earth for Curious Kids

Illustrated by Rocío Alejandro 60 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm


Discover why things don’t fall upwards, where the Sun goes at night, why it’s hot in the summer and why wool keeps you warm are just some of the crazy questions that this book answers.

Foreign Rights Catalogue

Science Soup

Rights sold: Brazil, China, Korea, Iran, Turkey & Spain

This series leads children to the discovery that science is both fascinating and present in many of the activities we do on a daily basis.


Biology Even in Your Soup

Illustrated by Pablo Picyk. 48 full-color-pages, 21 x 21 cm

Can you grow forever? Why do we die? Where are the instructions to build a living being? Are zombies dead or alive? Biology is part of your life and the lives of all living things… Join Tomi and Sofi on their day of pure biology and discover this fascinating discipline.

Math Even in Your Soup!

Illustrated by Pablo Picyk 48 full-colour-pages, 21 x 21 cm

Physics Even in Your Soup!

Illustrated by Pablo Picyk. 48 full color pages, 21 x 21 cm

How does a microwave oven heat things up? Why do balls bounce? Why does the Sun look red at sunset? Why does soup cool when you blow on it? Physics plays a big part in your life. Have fun with Hernán and his children this “day of pure physics” and find out for yourself.

Are there sums in videogames? What is a light year? Why are eggs sold by the dozen? What’s so special about a circle? How many noodles are there in a bowl of soup? An afternoon with Uncle Juan is all Marcos needs to discover how thrilling Mathematics is and what a huge part it plays in everybody’s life

Ecology Even in Your Soup!

Illustrated by Pablo Picyk. 48 full-colour-pages, 21 x 21 cm

What happens when a species dies out? What does it mean to be a responsible consumer? What is the greenhouse effect? Why should we care about water? Discover more about this exciting discipline!

ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book

Library Essential Books Venezuela Book Bank

Highly Recommended Books Fundalectura (Colombia)

Chemistry Even in Your Soup!

Silvana Fucito & Ileana Lotersztain.

Illustrated by Pablo Picyk. 48 full-colour-pages, 21 x 21 cm

How does an airbag work? Why are pencils like diamonds? Why do fizzy drinks go flat? Why do we cry when we chop onions? Discover the wonders of this enthralling subject!

ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book

ediciones iamiqué

Things Weren’t Always Like This

Rights sold: China & Spain

Things haven’t existed forever, and they haven’t always been the way we know them now. This series looks at what lies behind each thing: people of flesh and blood, years of work, successes, failures, dreams, frustrations and even strokes of luck. An original and funny look at the history of objects and technology, ideal for enjoying with all the family.

Books Weren’t Always Like This

By Gabriel Glasman & Ileana Lotersztain, illustrated by Javier Basile 36 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 29,4 cm

A fascinating journey through the history of books and the printing press. Find out how many skins were used to make a Bible, why antique books were erased without trace, who copied them out one by one, what pens used to be like in Roman times or the connection between wine and printing.

Bathrooms Weren’t Always Like This

By Federico Kukso & Ileana Lotersztain, illustrated by Javier Basile 40 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 29,4 cm

ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book Publishing concept, Venezuela Book Bank

A stinky look at the history of personal hygiene full of fascinating stuff like the invention of the toilet, luxury Roman baths, what astronauts do with their waste products, how the first sewers were built and much more. History told through the social and cultural changes in hygiene habits.

Medicine Wasn’t Always Like This

By Martín de Ambrosio & Ileana Lotersztain, illustrated by Javier Basile. 40 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 29,4 cm

Highly Recommended Books Fundalectura (Colombia)

An interesting look at the history of medicine, recreating the moments when doctors were sorcerers, operations were done without anaesthesia, surgeons weren’t doctors but hairdressers and people died of illnesses that are easily curable today. History told through the scientific discoveries and advances that made medicine what it is today.

Movies Weren’t Always Like This

By Marcelo Cerdá, Patricio Fontana & Pablo R. Medina, illustrated by Javier Basile. 40 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 29,4 cm

In the history of the movies there is an abundance of creative people, dreams, customs, ways of life, technological progress… From the first public screening in France to the arrival of television in homes, a large part of the 20th century is told through the movies, its characters and its creators.

School Wasn’t

Always Like This

By Pablo Pineau & Carla Baredes, illustrated by Javier Basile 40 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 29,4 cm


Standout Book Publishing concept, Venezuela Book Bank


The White Ravens (Germany)

An entertaining trip through the history of education, harking back to the times when school was a privilege for a few, children wore donkeys’ ears, women weren’t allowed to teach, left-handers had to write right-handed and there was no playtime. A sideways glance at history, promoting group identity and respect for diversity.

Measurements Weren’t

Always Like This

By Juan Sabia, illustrated by Javier Basile. 40 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 29,4 cm

Best Information Book

Venezuela Book Bank

Highly Recommended Books Fundalectura (Colombia)

The evolution of measurement systems and the way they have organized social and economic life throughout history. From observations of the night sky to the universally accepted definition of a second, from the days when lengths were measured in cubits or feet to the establishment of the standard meter, the production of “ready-towear” clothing, and the winvention of the GPS.

Foreign Rights Catalogue

Off Series

The story of the “Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo” movement and their restored grandchildren. A book that highlights the importance of the collective struggle for democracy and human rights and leaves us a message against indifference and impunity. A lesson of peace and nonviolence.

Alija (IBBY) Standout Book

The White Ravens (Germany) Mention Publishing Concept Venezuela Book Bank Highly Recommended Books Fundalectura (Colombia)

A folder travelled from house to house. Each child introduced him– or herself and talked about who they lived with, what their families were like, the things they enjoyed doing, and others they felt like sharing with everyone. 15 stories and 15 illustrators bring us 15 very different families. Or then again, maybe not so different…

Rights sold: Italy

Abuelas with Identity

By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain

Illustrated by Eleonora Arroyo 52 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 29 cm

Rights sold: Italy

From Family to Family

By José Nesis & Paula Szuster

Illustrations by Diego Bianki, Poly Bernatene, etc.

40 full-colour-pages, 21 x 29 cm

Highly Recommended Books Fundalectura (Colombia) Library Essential Books Venezuela Book Bank

A book to clear up doubts, fears, and questions, and help you get to grips with what’s going on. What is gender identity? What is menstruation? What is an erection? Are some bodies “better” than others? Written in fresh and friendly language, it provides essential, accurate, no-frills information… from P to ty!

The White Ravens (Germany)

Cerlalc-IBBY Catalogue

Latin America is a huge and varied place. Its songs tell us about its people, their dances show us their joys and sorrows, its rhythms take us back to its roots… How long has Carnival been celebrated? What does “Mapuche” mean? What do slaves and candombe have to do with each other? How were the tango and the chacarera born?

Rights sold: Brazil, Spain

Puberty in Motion

By Gloria A. Calvo, Camila Lynn & Agostina Mileo

Illustrated by Martina Trach 64 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 15 cm

Original and fun images made entirely of food invite the little ones to work out what they are and what vitamins are for. Ideas to help children enjoy a varied and healthy diet.

Where Are Those Voices From?

By Lucila Carabelli & Mariana Ruiz Johnson

48 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

Rights sold: Brazil

Vitamin, Where Are You?

By Carla Baredes & Ileana Lotersztain, Food Carving Illustrations

by Luciana Fernández

32 full-colour-pages, 21 cm x 21 cm

ediciones iamiqué
ALIJA (IBBY) Standout Book


Carla Baredes and Ileana Lotersztain

What is iamiqué?

Set up in 2000 by a physicist and a biologist, ediciones iamiqué is an Argentine publishing house dedicated exclusively to producing information books for children and young people.

In a very short time, iamiqué has gained a prestigious place as a byword for creativity, originality and excellence.

Many of its titles received renowned distinctions, have been translated into different languages and were included in the most distinguished Reading Programs in Latin America

Most of our titles have been included in:

National Reading Program

ARGENTINA (dependent on the Ministry of Education)

Book and Reading Promotion Program

Sex Education Program

Reading Time Program

ARGENTINA (dependent on the Ministry of Culture)

ARGENTINA (dependent on Buenos Aires Ministry of Education)

ARGENTINA (dependent on Buenos Aires Ministry of Education)

Libraries at Schools National Program

Read, Chile, Read


CHILE (dependent on the Ministry of Education)

Reading Promotion Program

Let’s Read Together Program

National Reading Program

National Reading Program

National Reading Program

CUBA (dependent on UNICEF – CUBA)

GUATEMALA (dependent on the Ministry of Education)

MEXICO (dependent on the Department of Public Education - SEP)

URUGUAY (dependent on the Ministry of Education)

VENEZUELA (dependent on the Ministry of Education)

National Reading and Writing Program

COLOMBIA (dependent on the Ministry of Education)

Foreign Rights Catalogue

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