Original Essay

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Change happens in everyone's lives. The unforeseen changes like an illness of a loved one can grab one's heart and tear it to pieces. The day I found out my mother had lung cancer knocked the wind out of me. This really could not be happening; at least I wanted to believe it was not happening. My mother lived in New Mexico while I was 600 plus miles away in Las Vegas, Nevada. I knew I needed to see her as soon as possible. On the road, making the drive home, memories began to flood my mind. I knew that once I stepped into the house, smelled my mom's perfume, and gazed at all her crafts and decorations that her house would not be the same again. I remember my mom saying, "Your room is ready for you." When she knew I was coming for a visit she would clean it from top to bottom, change the bedding and place a new candle on the night stand. My mom had a cat and I was allergic to cats, therefore the room was cleaned to eliminate the cat dander. She took the time to prepare it for me. It made me fill cared for and loved knowing she did this each time I came for a visit. From then on that one room was known as "Tammy's room". Since mom retired she started to sew so everywhere in the house I could see her touch of love from the curtains to the bedding. She would have something new made every time I came for a visit. Christmas and Thanksgiving were her favorite holiday. The Christmas decorations she would make made the holiday more inspirational. These decorations were hung on the

My Life
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Stage Fright – Original Essay I waited tensely behind the stage curtain, reciting my lines as if my life depended on it. Who was I kidding? My life did depend on it. If I failed here then all of my dignity would shatter like a bullet on glass. There was one, rather insignificant consolation, the blatant expressions on the other kids' faces portrayed that they were just as apprehensive as I. My eyes were glued to my script as if magnetically attracted to it. I desperately tried to focus, but it was futile because people already on stage insisted on saying their lines: it drove me insane. "You sure you're okay?" asked my instructor. She placed her hand on my shoulder; comfortingly. I took a...show more content... The cheap plastic clock was moving at the speed of a drunken slug, but it transformed into a pounding cheetah when I heard my cue in the back of my mind. I snapped out of my daydream frantically, and as the curtain opened, my heart fell so far down my shivering anatomy; that it missed a beat as I haplessly clutched to the fading memory of those oh so vital lines. I bit my lip like that cheetah would do its victim, and hastily walked on stage. I faltered. "This is it." I thought, yet my lines, they seemed to blurt out, it was a mind–boggling feeling. I was so happy that everything was going according to plan, I nearly let out a sigh of relief mid–line. I felt like I was being programmed to talk at high speed as the words were on a mission to make themselves heard. I wandered off the wooden stage with my head held high, and the I saw was dainty little Francesca, who did her trademark grin and more importantly, gave me a thumbs–up, which satisfied me no end. I carried on through the rabble of the backstage area and joined my pack of mates. "Dude you rock!" exclaimed Michael. He gave me a high–five. "Heh, thanks." I said, with a failing attempt to be humble. It was almost an honour to be recognized in such a light by Michael, the proverbial 'leader' of the pack. He was the 'leader' because he was the oldest, at ten years old, which was surprisingly Get more content

Stage Fright

I still remember the day my father left my mom and I . It was a cold rainy Sunday morning my mom and I were screaming begging him to come back. Telling him over and over that we loved him and would that we would do anything for him to stay. But it was too late by the time we got to the end of the driveway he was gone like a ghost in the night. The years after that were some of the worst in my life. I was lost, I was a boy without his father going through my school years I was harassed by my peers day in day out. Elementary school was hell for me I didn 't have any friends I was alone. I would come home with cuts and bruises. When my mom would ask I would make up excuses. I felt like if I told her I would be worrying her too much. I was so happy when my mom told me we were moving. It was a fresh start away from the bullies and the fighting. We were moving to a small little town in the middle of nowhere but I didn't care as long as I was safe. My mom had gotten a job as a customer service provider. Things were starting to get better. I started doing better in school my grades were looking good. Until kids learned about my father leaving. I don't know how the kids learned about it. But the bullying started back up again, that 's when I started to lash out. I started fighting back almost everyday or at least try to anyway. I was weak I was a nerd I didn't play any sports. I was a computer geek. But through all the fighting something good came out of it. I made my first friend.

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My Life

An Unforgettable Experience

An Unforgettable Experience – Original Writing

It was my first time at Dubai Airport, the symbol of United Arab Emirates' aviation ascendancy. The bustling International airport was a long way away from my rural residence. Due to the long distance, we had been obliged to take the taxi instead of making use of public transport. The atmosphere in the car was generally silent, but occasionally my parents moaned about all the minor discomforts of the journey. It felt like we were in a funeral. Hours after departing my house, we started noticing frequent aeroplanes, low down in the sky indicating the proximity to the airport. The roads had become more congested and the air was more contaminated than...show more content...

Later, I perused the shelves of one of the chain stores. The prices of the products were charged extortionately, and therefore I did not buy anything from the airport. As I waited in the waiting room, I heard voices echo through the massive halls as people constantly channeled through the endless maze of walkways and escalators. Several hours later, passengers of my flight were escorted, like sheep escorted by shepherds, down a narrow walkway into the plane. The plane was flooded into by people who were abundant with colossal luggage bags. My family and I hastened to our seats and had a word–fight concerning the seating arrangement. After a menial safety lecture, we were asked to fasten our seat belt, which was a puzzling process since I did not know how the lock contraption worked, and get ready for take off.

The aeroplane majestically strolled towards the runway. The din made by the engines roaring evoked reminiscence of a stampede. As the aeroplane accelerated and went higher in the sky, I stared out of the glass window and bid goodbye to the buildings and the people. They seemed to be becoming more and more miniature by the second, until I could no longer see them. When we were up in the earth's atmosphere, I felt as if I had been magically transported into the land of fluff and I was floating above the feather like clouds. Even though it was a

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"No... I–I wanted to apologize. For everything. For what I said, did, told... I was mad, out of my head and I was childish when I did what I did. It was your private life, it was your secret and I shouldn 't have been such a... Bitch." She looked at him in the eyes. "It was an immature thing to do and I don 't want to ruin everything we had because of a thing you had... Or did... Whatever." "Tess, I 'm with Cas." He slowly said with a tone of impatience, not understanding what she wanted. "I know that. I know! I just thought that someday we could be friends. If it 's not too late, you know?" Dean snorted holding a humorless laugh, "If it 's not too late?" He quoted her. "It 's more than late, Tessa!" He couldn't do it. He couldn't simply shut up and walk away, she need to hear some truths. "You made me live through hell!" She looked down at her feet ashamed and Dean actually huffed at it. "You have no idea what you did to me, or to Cas, do you?" He tried to control the tone of his voice. "Nah, what you 're doing now it 's too little, too late." "I 'm sorry, Dean." She whispered. "I was so mad and out of my head... So hurt. And then Alastair came to me asking question and he kept asking and asking, and he can be very persuasive, you know? So I told him, but I never thought he 'd tell everyone, you were friends... Or I thought so! But it all happened so fast and then the entire school knew and everyone stood by my side, so I just..." she cleaned her tears looking down at her

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Free Essay

Reaching for my left hand, he lifted it to his lips and kissed it. I pulled my hand away quickly. "I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate you sitting on his seat and talking to his girlfriend." "I know your boyfriend Ms. Loran. Brian and my half–brother Philip went to school together. My brother's name is Phil Tatum. He still lives in NY. Do you know him?" "Yes...Oh. You are full of surprises. I met your brother at a fundraiser a month ago. Your brother is such a wonderful man." He crossed his leg, letting his ankle rest on his knee with an air of arrogance. He leaned toward me and said with the sexiest voice I had ever heard, "You'll be surprised to know he mention meeting you." Surprise, I responded. "Oh?" "Believe me when I tell you, his description did not do you justice. You are exquisite." Noticing my bashfulness, he changed the subject. He moved back, placing his hand on the back of the seat opposite to me. Then he licked his lips and asked, "What brings you to Rome?" "Business." The waiter came by our table and took my order and handed my Leonardo a menu. "He is not dining with me." I stated quickly. He smiled and the resemblance to his brother Phil became evident. Out of the corner of my eyes, I caught sight of Brian coming into the hotel with a very beautiful blonde–haired woman wrapped around his arm. They were laughing hysterically. "Please, excuse me for just a moment. I need to make a quick call." While Brian and his

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My Life

Definition Essay

The Definition I was only 10 years old but I had every life goal laid out in a perfect plan. I was going to Pickerington to play basketball, getting a scholarship to OSU and have my dream job of being an attorney. Nothing could stop me, or so I thought. In the time it took to read a definition my world went into a tail spin that would completely disrupt all those plans I had, and destroy me for years to come. Nothing would ever be the same again. I remember it was a Tuesday, only because that was vocabulary homework day for spelling class. The day started out just like every other day, going to school and then home to do my homework. I grabbed the dictionary and began the normal process as I did for many weeks prior. I got to the word adopted. I looked it up and as I read the definition, 'Adopted: legally take another's child and bring it up as one's own,' I read as a sense of uncertainty came over me. I heard this word quite often in the past since I was referred to as the adopted daughter, but never paid that much attention. I sat at the kitchen table trembling from the inside out. Every possible thought was going through my head but I couldn't finish a single one. "Was I adopted?" I reluctantly asked my mom. "Yes, you were honey," she responded as if it was no big deal. The thoughts going through my head started spinning out of control. How could ...? I'm not...? Who do I ....? How did ...? If I'm not who I thought I was.....? I left all my homework on the table and ran Get more content

An Everyday Thing.

Before my sister and I started college, we usually cleaned the house during the weekends, but since my sister started college, she wants to clean the house everyday. Living with ten people in one house is not easy and less if the majority of the people are children. Every Sunday all my uncles and aunts come to my house to eat. We are a bigfamily, so you can imagine how the house gets after they leave. Candy wrapper everywhere, the dishwasher was full, it was a Monday a perfect day to clean the house. It wasn't too cold or too hot, it was just perfect. I woke up early; I turned on my radio and put some of my favorite music on. Nobody was home it was just my three dogs and me. The house was very quiet and peaceful, it didn 't last that long. I had just finished mopping when I decided to give myself a break. I sat in the couch. I turned on the TV to watch one of my favorites TV shows (Caso Cerrado). I heard a car door shut it was my sister coming back from school. I was so excited to see my sister 's reaction after she sees that I had clean everything. We usually split the chores so we do half and half but this time I had done everything by myself. Her reaction weren't what I was expecting, as soon as my sister opened the door all the moment of peace disappeared. "Why haven't you clean the house!" she screamed, while holding a starbucks cup. She scared me so much that I almost fell off the couch. In that moment I really didn't know what

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An Everyday

Rafae Ahmed Ms. Foster English IV 24 September 2015 A Piece of Work He told me to walk because it would save money and gas and that it was only a couple of blocks away. So I put two pairs of socks on, jeans, two jackets, and my muddy sneakers. I put my hood up and my head down. I walked along the cracked sidewalk with cars rushing by adding wind to my shivering body. I stared at my feet as each footstep had to have its own block of the sidewalk. I attempted to avoid stepping on any of the cracks just out of boredom, not out of superstition. I talked in my head about last night's game, the blown calls and the bandwagon fans, and how my dad was going for the other team, as usual. After a while, I ended up thinking about why I chose to wear my red shirt. It's weird how the mind can wander between two things that seemingly have no relation. Anyway, I eventually stopped thinking and looked up to observe my surrounding. Trees from both sides of the road seemed to be stretching out their limbs over the road, reaching across to the trees on the other side like lovers separated. The gray clouds visible through the branches of the arch of trees casted a shadow of death over the entire town. The dead leaves just lay there helpless, and the leaves that remained on the trees held on loosely. And then the wind blew, and leaves detached, floating down to join the dead. The leaves, once held up by the trees to be revered by all of nature, now had disappeared into the degradation of the Get

A Piece Of Work

Original Writing: Short Story

It was the night of the year that few children can sleep. The night when everyone hopes that snow will fall and they will wake up to a garden of glistening diamonds grown by the morning sun. It was Christmas Eve.

As many had hoped, snow was falling. It slowly covered the houses and streets in a thick blanket. The moon shone her silver light down on the white world, and but for one, there was nobody to view the kind of beauty that things such as love and dreams are made of. The only one there to see the spectacle was a small boy of five, or six years.

This little boy possessed a beauty not of this earth, a beauty that surpassed even all that surrounded him. His...show more content... On the night that every other child wished for toys, and puppies, this little boy wished for love. And nothing more. Finally, the little boy came to a stop, not wanting to ever take another step again. He raised his downcast eyes, and in front of him stood a church. He remembered that he had been to church before, and the building that loomed above him stirred vague memories. The boy made himself stumble a few more steps, and pressed his face to the glass door he had arrived at. He looked in, and saw the church was lit up inside. There was light coming from behind a man on a big cross, and two huge Christmas trees shone in heavenly splendor. Looking at the man on the cross, he had a faint recollection. He half–remembered, a long time ago, that someone reading from a big book had said that the man on the cross would come on Christmas. That he came every Christmas.

The little boy supposed that if anyone would help him, it would be the man inside. He loved everyone. So, the little boy laid down in front of the church, and as he slipped off into sleep, a glimmer of hope, that the man would come and save him from the cold and loneliness, warmed his heart. The snow continued to fall, and bells jingled far in the distance. Presents were laid under trees, and visions of sugar plums danced in most children's heads. But not the little boy who slept on the church steps under the winter

Essay on Original Writing: Short Story
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I was given the name Julie when I came into the world; my mom told me it was given by my eldest brother (Tea). My full name is Julie Tea. Julie is a name that originates from France, while Tea is a translation of a Cambodian surname. In addition, I was unaware of the meaning of the name, Julie, until I decided to search it up. It can mean several adjectives, such as soft–haired, vivacious, youthful, and beautiful. However, I disagree with much of those adjectives, as I do not truly identify myself with any one of them. On the contrary, I do understand that the choosing of names can be based on arbitrary factors, such as picking a name simply because it is nice on the ears. However, I admit that I am somewhat youthful at this period. Presently, I am only sixteen years old and will turn seventeen this month. I go to 'Early College Academy at Southridge ', where we are placed in portables, yet also with the opportunities to take college classes. I was born in Texas, USA but my parents came here as refugees, because of the genocide in Cambodia (Tea). In the rest of my paper, I will introduce more of myself, such as matters of what is significant to me and where I would hope to be in future years. In my life, there are very few things that are important to me, but whatever is of significance is something I cherish greatly. I identify with the belief that the less you need, the more humbled you are and content with your life. I think many people have items that are 'important '

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Sample Essay

Her (my girlfriend) being new to the school, catching my attention, as she gracefully passed me by, not knowing how pretty she is, and me not knowing her name. She kept recurring, I never spoke to her, not even sure if she had even noticed my existence, completing if I even had a chance with her, or if I was just wasting my time. As she walked into my class, that when her eyes met mine, as she looked away shyly, almost like she was blushing, not knowing how her big beautiful brown eyes, captured my attention. As thoughts ran through my mind, I noticed something that was different about her, she wasn't your average girl, she carried herself with such poise and confidence. Have you ever wanted to win a trophy, but not any kind of trophy, this was a trophy that people couldn't claim they had, you would be the only one with this trophy, and that thought made you happy. I felt like I was in a competition for this trophy, unaware of how big the playing field was, or who were the players involved, I just knew I was one of them, and I had a chance to win. What is the significance of a trophy, and why did she remind me so much of one, a prize, trophy, medal, she was the award, and I wanted to win. How could you not see her as a prize, she was almost like a drug, and I was addicted to it, and I didn't understand why, I didn't know her name, or who she was, but I was destine to find out. Have you ever heard of the drug Marijuana, it gets you high, increase

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From prep school to boot camp, from college boy to infantryman, twentieth century philosopher John Rawls lived both a privileged and challenging life that eventually led him to questioning society's take on justice. Educated at Princeton University for his undergraduate and graduate degrees, Rawls became a philosophy professor teaching at Cornell University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard University. His first book, A Theory ofJustice, published in 1971 addressed the relationship between the values of freedom and equality. Focusing on "justice as fairness", Rawls states that instead of competing against each other, freedom and equality can be balanced. Introducing the concept of the 'Original Position' Rawls argues that...show more content...

Research done by Nicholas Carnes and John Holbein from Duke University found that the U.S. Government is far more responsive to affluent Americans than to low–income or working–class citizens. "When politicians make policy decisions on a wide range of issues, the outcomes tend to line up closely with the preferences of rich constituents, and meet the preferences of the poor only by chance."

One in three Black males will go to prison in their lifetime . That horrendous fact, isn't because black men are more dangerous or more risk averse, it is because of the society we live in. In his article "White Racism, Black Crime, and American Justice," criminologist Robert Staples argues that the legal system was made by white men to protect white interests and keep blacks down. Staples goes further to say that the system was characterized by second–rate legal help for black defendants, biased jurors, and judges who discriminate in sentencing . These examples prove that social status and unearned privileges prevent us from protecting freedom and promoting equality. If we didn't have such a gap between races, social classes, gender, and other factors of identity, people would be more open to helping each. Thereby, a concept like the Original Position is the only way justice could

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Original Position Essay

Original Conclusion Paragraph: Because most traffic accidents and corresponding fatalities can be reduced through effective program development, monitoring, and evaluation, a comprehensive public policy can save lives. The difference in fatalities between developing nations and wealthy nations is the clearest indicator that road safety measures and programs do reduce traffic fatalities. Although expensive to implement initially, road safety improvements go a long way toward reducing the burden on the medical care system, which is overburdened by dealing with traffic–related accidents and deaths. Through simply assessing local problems such as unsafe roads; implementing laws related to bicycle and pedestrian safety or driver education; and providing ongoing program evaluation, it will be possible to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities in communities around the world. Revised Conclusion Paragraph: Research shows the number of traffic accidents and corresponding fatalities can be reduced through effective program development, monitoring and evaluation. A comprehensive public policy can save lives. There is a significant difference in the numbers of fatalities in wealthy nations versus those in the developing world. The difference in the numbers is the clearest indicator that road safety measures and programs are effective in reducing traffic fatalities. Road safety improvements are expensive to implement initially, but they are cost–effective in the long run. Fewer

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The Deserted House

I walked that road every day on my way to school, and had often glanced at the house but that day I actually stopped to look at it properly. I'm not sure what drew my attention to it, maybe it was the creaking gate or the banging of the door at the end of the path as the wind whistled through it into the house. Something drew me from the pavement towards the overgrown privet hedge, which partially obscured the rotting wooden gate, with the paint peeling from it. As I stepped insidethe gate I was astounded by just how unkept it was. The long grass was a wilderness, filled with crisp packets and cans, and any other rubbish that people felt like hurling over...show more content... The windowsills were rotting as well, like the gate; the varnish obviously had not been replaced in a long time, so the wood had been exposed to the elements. The one remaining window at the front of the house was filthy and cracked; it looked as if the slightest movement would send it shattering to the ground. I moved cautiously away from that window and looked up at the roof from a few steps back. It had lost a few tiles, the remnants of which could be seen in the grass. The television aerial, which was hanging off the chimney precariously, did not look like it would last very much longer. The guttering was blocked, full of dead leaves, which had started to decompose because they had been there so long. All of the other first floor windows were boarded up from the inside after being broken by vandals or such–like. I wondered who had made the effort. The house was so derelict it was a prime target for vandals.

I moved back closer to the exterior; the door was still swinging on its hinges, banging gently every time. I dreaded to think what it would be like at night when the wind really picked up. Some one had obviously kicked it in. I hesitantly pushed it ajar and poked my head around it into the house. The first thing to hit me was the stench, a mixture of a horrible animal smell and a musty damp smell. I jerked back not sure

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The Deserted House – Original Essay

The Importance of Being Original

High school society has a reputation for being exclusive and forcing its members to conform to the rigorous standards of teenage popularity. Although there are many benefits toward being part of such a young, bustling community, high school has a tendency to stifle the individuality of students who are different to the status quo. It can be difficult for students to maintain their originality as well as keeping good relationships with their peers. Fortunately, there are many wayshigh school students can stay unique and still be a part of the community.

Penn High School has a variety of different extracurricular clubs that serve all interests, which can help students retain their individuality. Lacrosse lovers, anime enthusiasts, and everyone in between all have the opportunity to participate in activities they enjoy, as well as meeting people who share their hobbies. Participation in extracurricular activities can also help students do well in their academics. The National Center for Education Statistics says, "Students who participated [in extracurricular activites] were three times as likely to perform in the top quartile on a composite math and reading assessment compared with nonparticipants" (NCES.ed.gov). This shows that in addition to maintaining their interests and meeting new friends, extracurricular activities can actually help students' intelligence....show more content... This way, students can continue to be unique, but also play a part in the high school community. In the movie Mean Girls, directed by Mark Waters, Cady Heron accidentally becomes friends with a group of popular girls who harass her and force her to submit to their standards. Unlike Cady, students should be sure to become friends with people who support them and are positive about their

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Being Original Essay

People have imitated another person to be a one of a kind. People have modeled themselves on someone, doing every action they do. Bullying a person physically with fists or verbally by hurting emotions when they see someone else do it. Vandalize a property by throwing eggs and liter at someones home or business because they saw a popular person do it. Is it necessary to imitate others before they can become original and creative? To some people, they think copying someone else will make them trendy, prominent, etc. However, you don't have to follow someone's footsteps to become an unique individual, but to be yourself. People have become successful by coming up with their own theories, rules, and ideas. Such as Isaac Newton and his Three Laws of Motion, or Albert Einstein and his Theory of Relativity along with his equation E=mc2. While some people are seeing that hiding under someone's shadow will help them become creative and original in a way, others have chosen their own path, leading them to success with their distinctive ideas, separating them from others, sticking out and having a vast mind. Imitating someone else before becoming original and creative is wrong and that it isn't necessary to imitate others

Duplicating another person's personality and traits can have a negative influence on the imitator. For example, when a boy sees a popular person at his school and he wants to be popular, he'll try to do what the other individual is doing. Probably because he thinks

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The original and very popular chicken sandwich, made only at Chick–fil–A, does not require any elaborate ingredients; however, it does require the right ingredients and a precise process. Almost every time I tell someone that I work at Chick–fil–A I hear in response "I love that place." That to me is very reassuring that they are doing something right. The Chick–fil–A sandwich has been made the same way for the last forty–six years. Although it only consists of a few steps, if one is not done properly it can change the whole outcome. Three years ago I was introduced to the process of how this one of a kind sandwich is made. Now I would like to share this process with you. The Chick–fil–A sandwich was first invented by Truett Cathy...show more content...

Believe it or not if a customer on a visit gets a large filet and then on their next visit they receive the correct size filet which is a little smaller they typically feel that they are being cheated and not receiving what they paid for. This phase of the process is the most time consuming but truly is the foundation of the sandwich. If you have a filet that is too small then you won't have enough breading, and this will result in a dry rough flavorless sandwich. Too large of a filet and you will have too much breading, which could cause the fillet to be undercooked and soggy. I personally have never had this happen, though you should always be aware of all the possibilities and the importance of following the process exactly. When preparing the one of a kind Chick–fil–A sandwich this step is the most important because the breading is what makes the Chick–fil–A sandwich unlike any other chicken sandwich. The entire breading process is done on a giant refrigerated table. After you have fileted the chicken breast, you then submerge it in a special milk and egg wash. Just like regular milk this flavoring can change if the temperature gets too high. That is why the milk wash must be maintained at exactly thirty–four degrees. The reason this is done is to enhance the flavoring as well as to ensure that there is enough breading on the filet. Once the filet is submerged, you then spread the filet out and place it in the season coater. The Get more

What makes it Original? Essay

Lauren Willcox ,a famous writer, once said, "Being original is more important than fitting in, especially if you have to change to fit in." This quote demonstrates how fitting in and being original is a daily struggle amongst people. Along with fitting in many people judge others before looking at their point of view or learning the struggles they may be facing. Taking a walk in someone's else's shoes or seeing their point of view may turn a negative situation into a positive one. A past experience of mine has resurfaced in my head and allowed me to realize the other person's perspective on the situation.

It all started on a sunny day in August three days before my freshman year in high school. The pure fear and anxiousness of high school had kept me up all night. A transition from middle school to high school is no joke and the thought of 1,000 plus students tore me apart. My parents have always taught me to work hard for what you want because things aren't going to come free. I was unlike most students my age, because I didn't have the newest technology and that scared me even more. I wanted so bad to be like other kids and get the latest Iphone. However Christmas prior I did receive an Ipod Touch6 which I was blessed to obtain from my mom. The Ipod touch is an incredible device,...show more content...

Well, going behind my mom's back ultimately taught me valuable lessons for future reference. For an example, I learned that fitting in doesn't matter because being yourself will cause you to gain way more friends than being fake will. I also learned that putting your parents up against each other causes family tension and makes you the bad person. I gained a new understanding of how hard parents work to provide for their children and always tell your mom even if you may not get the answer you want. At the end of the day I still have my Iphone today but if I waited a few more months I could've had an Iphone and my Ipod

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Since this is an opinionated examination, I group myself as an Originalist. I trust that we ought to translate the Constitution indistinguishable today from when it was first composed. Originalism is championed for various principal reasons. To start with, it comports with the way of a constitution, which ties and restrains any one era from decision as indicated by the enthusiasm of the times. The Framers of the Constitution of 1787 recognized what they were about, shaping an edge of government for "ourselves and our Posterity." They didn't comprehend "We the general population" to be only a collection of people at any one point in time however a "people" as an affiliation, in reality various covering relationship, through the span of numerous...show more content...

It keeps the Supreme Court from attesting its will over the watchful blend of institutional game plans that are accused of making arrangement, each responsible in different approaches to the people.Fifth, bolstered by late research, originalism comports with the comprehension of what our Constitution was to be by the general population who framed and sanctioned that record. It avows that the Constitution is a sound and interrelated archive, with unpretentious equalizations fused all through. 6th, originalism, legitimately sought after, is not come about arranged, though much nonoriginalist composing is patently so. On the off chance that proof exhibits that the Framers comprehended the business control, for instance, to be more extensive than we may wish, then the originalist morally should acknowledge the

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Originalism Essay

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