Essay Mind Map

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The Criminal Mind: A Case Study


In this research proposal I want to look on the psychological maltreatments of the criminal mind of the convicted people. The aim of dissertation is to explore whether new phenomena, contexts and processes such as new form of abuse occurs or new effect on personality, an application of either new theory or governmental policy can expand the possibilities for criminological engagement. It also should focus on general population as I would like to examine the different aspects of findings. The future criminals often experience a harsh treatment from their parents in a way that abusive tactics are used for the purpose of controlling children and victims in this case children perceive as an effective way to deal with problem. more content... Various forms of anti–social behavior can result in a range of victimization such as psychological victimization – verbal abuse, physical victimization – rape or battering, common victimization – vandalism and economic victimization – robbery. Raising children in a single family in socially deprived area and with an aggressive family member can have effects in a number of ways. Anti–social person can have feelings of hostility low self–esteem or depression that can bring damage to other person by inflicting an injury. When we want to assess a risk ofcrime then we need to know about background of criminals and environment and what possibilities and opportunities might lead to crime. My dissertation will address multiple aspects in the psychological abuse, for instance, PTSD – post–traumatic stress disorder, the personality of offender–aggressive or hyperactive behavior, physical and sexual maltreatment, bullying from relatives and friends in the living environment, impulsiveness, intimidation and domestic violence. The main reason why crime occurs in society perhaps lies in a range of negative aspects of life and then it is followed by opportunities to improve living standard for those affected and to gain an access to services that helps in well–being because those services such as dental care is charged with a higher fee. Those aspects are almost not removable in society that is why potentiality for crime is latent and later to attract more occasions than would relate to conformity with social rules. Hence, many scholars argue that living within psychological mistreatment during childhood will reflect in a higher crime rate in later life of people with anti–social personality. Interventions that can be made to prevent a crime rate of those individuals might be missing that led them to be involved with the criminal justice.

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Personal Philosophy Mind Map Florence Nightingale's vision of nursing in the mid–1800s began an evolution of nursing philosophies and theories that encouraged the progression and development of nursing knowledge, quality of care, and the advancement of nursing from a vocation to an academic discipline and profession (Alligood, 2013, pp. 3–7). As nursing knowledge and theory flourished, it became necessary to structure nursing theories into an integrated system. Jacqueline Fawcett's proposal of four global nursing concepts "as a nursing metaparadigm served as an organizing structure for existing nursing frame–works and introduced a way of organizing individual theoretical works in a meaningful structure" (Alligood, 2013, p. 4). The four concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing include: person, environment, health, and nursing. By understanding the history of nursing development and the metaparadigm of nursing, one can explore this author's personal philosophy of nursing in respect to the four concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing.

Four Concepts of the Nursing Metaparadigm Masters (2012) described that philosophies "set forth the general meaning of nursing and nursing phenomena through reasoning and the logical presentation of ideas" (p. 49). The mind–map provided presents the personal philosophy of this author's nursing practice in relation to the four concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing. The compatibility of this author's personal philosophy with existing Get

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The Categories Of Stress In Everyday Life

Stress involves the psychological and physical reaction to the demands of everyday life. A small amount of stress is good motivating an individual to perform well. Nevertheless, simple challenges in the daily life have the possibility of pushing one's ability to cope. Categories of stress most relevant to me According to the graph, the categories of stress most relevant to me are behavioral stress and emotional stress respectively. According to the graph, behavioral stress has a rating of 4.0, and emotional stress has a rating of 4.5. The aspect of behavioral stress focuses on how my thoughts as an individual affect my emotions together with behaviors. It attempts to influence other people's irrational thoughts. Emotional stress which has a very high rating is related to things which are very common which include social life, financial life together with health changes. It is caused by changes in moods as well as the death of loved ones. Any single negative change in normal life might lead to emotional stress. Do you think cognitive stress has the most influence (or impact) on the other categories (physical, behavioral, and emotional)? Why or why not? I think cognitive stress has the most influence on the other categories. Cognitive stress focuses on the way individuals are affected by thoughts together with emotions. Behavior also tends to play an important role in the general effects of the cognitive behavior. Changes have been found to be common in the individuals who

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Nazi Ideology And The Nazi Party Essay

The leaders of the Nazi party made it one of the most infamous groups to lead a nation in history. The horrible things done under their rule and with their stamp of approval has made the term Nazi one of the worst possible. The amazing thing about the Nazi party is that many of the main aspects of their ideology existed in Germany even before they formed or came to power. Some of the major aspects of Nazi ideology such as antisemitism, the desire to expand the German empire, and the belief in the strength of the Aryan race existed in Germany years beforeAdolf Hitler was a name anyone in Germany would recognize. The most widely known aspects of Nazi ideology are their hatred of Jewish people and their tireless efforts to exterminate the entire race during their rule. This distinctly Nazi belief of antisemitism is not one that the Nazis created. It instead had existed for several thousand years throughout Germany and all of Europe. As Stackelberg and Winkle explain, "The origins of the stereotype of Jews as immoral materialists can be traced to the unwillingness of Jews to give up their religion in favor of world–renouncing Christianity" (Stackelberg and Winkle, Anti–Semitism, p. 2). This feeling of hatred towards Jews persisted for centuries, especially in countries that had a majority of Christian citizens. There were a number of people that continually perpetuated these anti–Semitic views with the works that they published and their actions towards Jews. A great

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Mind Map: Basics Of The Criminal Justice System

The difference between my first mind map and my conclusion mind map is that my first mind map touched upon the basics of law, such as the parties or people involved in a court, a few different sentences, the duties of the police, the different criminal offences, and some of the major or key legal documents. My conclusion mind map looks more of a mess compared to my first mind and the reason being is because I have gained that much knowledge and then some through the readings, videos, and discussion posts from my peers. My second mind map consists of additional information from my first mind map. Based on my second mind map and by going to court, I now have a better understanding of how the Criminal Justice System works, the different cases

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Questions On The Mind Mapping






Graduate School of Business and Law


Melbourne, Victoria Table of Contents





1.3.1Engage collaborators4

1.3.2Make it visual4

1.3.3Look for patterns in the data4

1.3.4Extract design criteria4


1.4.1List the assumptions.5

1.4.2Present the data5

1.4.3Compare and cluster5

1.4.4Translate connections and insights into design criteria5

1.4.5Create common design criteria.6



1Mind Mapping


If you more content...

Armed with these new creative discoveries you can transition to the next stage, the "What if" stage (Liedtka, J. & Ogilvie 2011).


As quoted directly from the website (How to teach mind mapping and how to make a mind map) the authors have listed the following as key benefits when using Mind mapping in the educational environment.

Mind mapping can

"Help students brainstorm and explore any idea, concept, or problem"

"Facilitate better understanding of relationships and connections between ideas and concepts"

"Make it easy to communicate new ideas and thought processes"

"Allow students to easily recall information"

"Help students take notes and plan tasks"

"Make it easy to organize ideas and concepts"

David Kelly who is the founder of IDEO explains that mind maps allow him to associate freely and that it is an excellent tool to prompt you to ask questions, exposing relationships between previously unforseen concepts (Kelley 2006).

Quoted directly from (Kelley 2006) David also goes on to say, "The cool thing is that you allow yourself to follow your inner thoughts, which is different than making a list where you are trying to be complete and deal with data."

1.2.1Removes friction

People have different views of reality, but by focusing deep into the core insights using a collaborative Mind map built from the "what is" analysis and then converting the results into key

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ACCA (ENG) (F4) Corporate and Business Law Mind Maps © OneStudy Training Limited Every chapter is summarised– easy to digest for revision; Ideal to test your knowledge; Colour and shape to stimulate your brain; Produced using MindGenius software. Mind Map Benefits

According to MindGenius and Tony Buzan: Gives you an overview of a large subject; Enables you to plan a course of action and make decisions; Gathers and holds large amounts of data and information for you; Enables you to be extremely efficient and effective at what you are doing; Helps with memory recall; Attracts and holds your attention; Lets you see the whole picture and the details at the same time. All rights reserved. No part of more content...

Held – Intention to create legal relations if there is mutuality in the arrangements between the parties Case – Pools vendor stole money. Held–Disclaimer on back was enough to protect Vernon's. Stilk–Some Seamen, captain offer extra wages if remaining men completed voyage. Held –An undertaking to perform a contract is not consideration for a new contract Hartley – Significant number of seamen deserted, captain offer extra wages if remaining men completed voyage. Held – Entitled to payment as changed their duties to an extent that they would not be bound to continue under the existing contract Case – Extra money offered to ensure work completed on time to avoid the Plaintiff suffering a penalty clause. Held – Even though defendant was in effect doing nothing over and above the original agreement, there was a new contract as penalty clause were avoided as was cost of employing new contractors. Also, promise to pay extra had not been extracted by fraud or pressure Intention (commercial, assumption is binding) Consideration. New contracts require new consideration Jones v Vernons pools Stilk v Myrik And Hartley v Ponsonby The performance of an existing contractual duty may be sufficient if it confers some benefit of a practical nature on the other party

Williams v Roffey © OneStudy Training Limited Cases– Valid

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Acca F4 Mind
Maps Notes

Complete a mindmap on the importance of business to the Australian economy. In workbook

Discuss the main roles of business.

The main role of a business is to produce goods and services to satisfy consumers demand in order to make a profit. Construct a series of flowcharts to show the interrelationship between producers and consumers.

Explain how business has an economic and social importance in Australia. In your answer refer to innovation, quality of life, employment, incomes, entrepreneurship, choice, and wealth creation. Without entrepreneurship businesses that provide choice and create innovation as well as wealth creation would not exist. Businesses create employment for workers to earn incomes and purchase products that more content...

Therefore we begin the recession or downswing phase of the business cycle leading to a depression which results in High unemployment and people not spending money that contributes to the expansion phase of the business cycle. People won 't have jobs or money to spend leaving people without homes and little food.

Expansion Boom



GDP – Growing

GDP –High

GDP – Declining

GDP – Low

Consumer spending – Growing

Consumer spending – High

Consumer spending – Declining

Consumer spending – Low

Employment – Growing

Employment – High

Employment – Declining

Employment – Low

Unemployment – Declining

Unemployment – Low

Unemployment – Growing

Unemployment – High

Inflation – Growing

Inflation – High

Inflation – Declining

Inflation – Low

Investment – Growing

Investment – High

Investment – Declining

Investment – Low

Analyse the personal characteristics you believe are important for the operating of a business. In order to run a business you need to do the following:

Do what you enjoy – If you enjoy what you 're doing you will put in 100% effort to your business resulting in success and profit. If you don 't enjoy what you do it will be shown in your lack of success.

Take what you do seriously– If you take what you do seriously then you will believe in the goods and services you are providing and you will be effective and successful.

Plan everything – Business planning is important because it requires

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Sigmund Freud developed a topographical model of the human mind, in which he described the mind as being composed of three parts; the conscious, the pre conscious and the unconscious. The conscious mind consists of mental processes of which a subject is immediately aware, the pre–conscious mind consists of thoughts or feelings which the subject may not be immediately aware of but can access, as required, and the unconscious is composed of mental processes which cannot be directly accessed but which exert a large effect on one's feelings or behaviour. Freud applied this model to his structure of the psyche (id, ego and super ego). He believed that id was to be considered entirely unconscious while ego and super ego have unconscious, conscious and pre conscious aspects (McLeod, S. 2015).

The unconscious mind acts as a storage area for primitive wishes, desires or feelings which were potentially damaging and were thus hidden from the conscious mind and mediated by the pre conscious mind. The unconscious contains biologically based impulses and instincts, primarily for sex and aggression, which are deemed offensive by the conscious mind and thus repressed into the unconscious (or sent there via other similar defence mechanisms). The belief more content...

S takes the place of S'. Originally, S was only a possible signified of S'; now, it becomes the actual signifier instead of S'. The positive difference between S and S' founds a new signification, in the formula '( + ) B '. The metaphor realizes the crossing of the bar between signifiers and signified (that is also from the order of the signifier) and so forms a momentary stop in the incessant sliding of signifiers. It is this crossing of the bar and fixing of signifiers in the signifying chain that allows for a creation of meaning. The signifying movement gets a rest and the emptiness the horizontal expansion tried to overmaster in vain gets a preliminary

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Topographical Model Of The Mind

The family crisis that I did my Eco Map on was, when my mom was in the hospital, where they did not know if she was going to pull through or not. She went into the hospital because she was having trouble breathing and was really sick. When she went there the tests found that she had a lung abscess, she was rushed into major surgery right away. She was in the hospital for more than a week; after she was released she had to be at home resting for a month. While, my mom was in the hospital and at home she was not able to work at all which was stressful for my mom and also, brought conflict along with it because, she was worried about if she was able to keep her job and how much work would be waiting for her when she got back. Going along with missing work is the money that she was losing not working, she was able to get some paid time and sick leave which was nice more content...

My dad was not around during this time when my mom was in the hospital which caused conflict, stress for me because when my mom wasn't there I didn't really have another parent because my dad wasn't there as well, which was stressful and upsetting to me. Also, it led to a weak relationship more than it usually was between my dad and I. My mom and my dads relationship is also conflicted because of their divorce and my mom frustration with him not being involved in my life which also leads to a weak relationship between them. While my dad was not there for my mom or I during this time of crisis my grandma was there the entire time. I stayed with her and she took care of me when my mom couldn't, which lead to a very strong relationship between my grandma and I and my mom and my grandma. Since my mom was in the hospital her health/ wellness was weak and that's the reason why she was in the hospital in the first place and it was also stressful for health because my mom could not seem to get

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Personal Narrative: My Eco Map

Mind Maps For Kids Summary

Review of Mind Maps for Kids: An Introduction by Tony Buzan Since 1974, Tony Buzan, a psychology author and educational consultant, has been developing and promoting the concept of using diagram which representing ideas in colorful branches, keywords, and images. Mind Maps for Kids: An Introduction, first published in 2003, is Tony Buzan's first book written especially for younger readers aged 7 to 14 years old. Despite writing the book as a guide for parents to help their children, Buzan writes this colorful workbook with step–by–step guidelines and examples for children to help them in learning school subjects, remembering things, and unlocking imaginations which can be done by themselves. Tony Buzan introduces the concept of Mind Maps in the first chapter of more content...

Tony Buzan also shows that the Mind Maps can be used for future planning in "Your Dream Shop" section. In the end of the book, Buzan emphasize to the readers that the Mind Maps can be used for everything, anytime, anywhere. He also encourages the readers to share their Mind Maps and the stories of their success with him. This can be a motivation for children to explore the ideas in their minds and be as creative as they can. Mind Maps for Kids: An Introduction is a simply useful book for students. The easy language Tony Buzan uses in the book makes it easier for young readers to understand his explanation. The colorful pictures attracts them to take interest in the contents. I remember reading this book when I was about 10 and I was very excited, not only because of the pictures, but also because of the "motivational words" Tony Buzan uses to encourage the readers. For the younger me, who had a lack of self–confidence, this book is a good self–helper as it shows that even I could do something amazing if I used this "magic

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Mind Map Analysis

The notion of coping with stress consists of a number of techniques that may or may not help a particular individual in areas moreso than others. The mind map primarily demonstrates different ways to relieve stress. Each category in the map outlines methods to cope with stress and is ranked by levels from most to least significance. The first section of the map is classified as knowledge because in order to manage stress, the individual requires a positive mindset. Positive thinking is associated with the category of knowledge and is proved throughout the journal article, A Resilience Program for Clinical PlacementLearning. The authors analyse a study that is conducted by Martin and Marsh using positive psychology. The researchers ask more content...

The reason for this is because being organized provides people with a sense of security as well aids people to organize how they structure their everyday life. Time management is a central factor that can relieve stress. An organized schedule allows preparation time for the individual to plan and have enough time to achieve what they need to accomplish. For instance, in football there is a total of four quarters and during this period the players have time to complete the game as well incorporate additional advertisements and commercials. The concept of the four quarters demonstrates time management as it provides a structure of what needs to be done within that given time. Furthermore, structure and time management are extremely important when it comes to trying to relieve stress. This can be displayed through the article, Decreasing Students' Stress through Time Management Training: An Intervention Study as the study involved undergraduate students that are analysed before and after a training class that they are told to attend. It is measured through various studies, one being a scale that see the sights of time management behaviours and how it corresponds to the perceived stress scale. The test also focuses on procrastination and how it is detrimental to one ability to learn effectively. It revealed that time management reduces stress as it allows the individual to

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Mind Mapping Artifact

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize all types of information. The idea been thought of is written down and then linked by curves to its major idea or fact, this will then create a web of relationships (Business Dictionary 2016). The purpose of mind mapping is that it can improve my knowledge, memory and ideas to further extents.

Commonly, mind mapping can be used in a variety of ways such as note taking, problem solving and brainstorming. This artifact can impact on my learning positively as it can enhance my understanding better. With mind mapping I would be able to organize my time effectively which can keep me ahead of my studies.

Mind Mapping can enhance my confidence, focus, memory and understanding skills. Throughout this

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Mind Map Analysis

I found this activity very interesting because it was more creative than some of our other discussion board assignments. The mind map expanded significantly just from one idea, which shows the strength of the word "Terrorism" and the problems that have occurred because of it. It was interesting to see a collective train of thought amongst many people. I noticed that a lot of people mentioned the countless shootings that have been reported recently in the news. While there were many shootings before this school year, I thought of Parkland while looking at the mind map. One of my classmates graduated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and is friends with many of the older siblings of the students that died in the shooting. His mother also works at the school, and while she survived without any injuries, it must be terrifying knowing that she was there. This was unfortunately the first time I had a connection to a school shooting – I could not imagine the stress and fear that my peer must have endured. I also saw a bubble with "KKK" written inside of it. This stood out to me because I go to school in Charlottesville, which is now famously more content...

A bubble that stood out to me was "Middle East." While many people may think of the Middle East when the word terrorism is in mind, it puts a negative connotation on the entire region. This goes for other places that have had shootings and traumatic events. No one will ever hear the words Columbine, Parkland or Charlottesville without thinking about violence and crime. Going back to the events in Charlottesville, the riots made it slightly difficult to go back to school. I had already completed one year of school and had an overall positive opinion of the city. The current reputation is racist and violent; while I don't agree with this, it has made me question where I am, if I am safe, and what kind of people are around

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"Living your life surrounded by unnecessary items is "undisciplined," while a well–tidied house filled with only the barest essential is the ultimate sign of personal fulfillment." Minimalizing one's life can ensure wholeness filled with happiness from attaining the barest necessities. For an individual to become coherent of the KonMari lifestyle one must be willing to sacrifice mementos and rely on precious memories. Americans lack the ability to dispose of items that have symbolic value towards their lives causing characteristics of a hoarder.

The possessions we have accumulated in our lives does not define true happiness, one's self–worth, or love. Simplicity is a key factor in implementing an act of trust in a KonMari minimalistic lifestyle. Allowing insignificant objects to dictate our more content...

Priceless mementos are items we cherish in the future and keep dear to our heart. Objects that define our accomplishments or our struggles are irreplaceable. Discarding items to live in the moment is not humane since we ignore vital truths. The constant disposal of items causes Americans to become wasteful while lacking joy and a sense of happiness resulting in humans becoming cold. We are cold because we lose values and importance due to the fact we surround ourselves with only air. The KonMari lifestyle bring unhappiness and emptiness with a sense of regret. Once one of our possessions are gone there is no way of getting it back. "A full pantry, a house stocked with usable objects, is the ultimate expression of love." We give to one another to highlight the amount of love we have for each other. We can never have enough, there is something that will always be of importance or have symbolic value. Deciding to keep mementos is not a sign of a hoarder lifestyle but, a sign of independence and satisfaction. The embodiment of the American culture resembles the inhumane KonMari Get

Minimalizing One's Life
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There are four parts in my mind map and every part represents different mark of the early Church which I want the reader comes away with. In other words, my mind map focus on the illustrations of early Church's four marks. Early Church has four marks: One, Holy, Catholic and apostolic. Those marks indicated four major distinctive marks or distinguishing characteristics of the Christian Church. For example, although people built thousands of churches around the world, there is still only "one" Church for the Christian religion. As the description of "Body of Christ" in the model of Church, Church is basically the union of Jesus' followers and believers, though many, still one organism with Jesus Christ. And the mark "One" leads to the more content...

For the contagion of this superstition has spread not only to the cities but also to the villages and farms"(Letters between Trajan and Pliny the Younger). Jesus told His apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of "all nations" (Matthew 28:19~20) as the gift from Jesus which could provide people a way to purify their soul and save them from the sins. As a result, various people are making the connection with the Church for their religion beliefs and appreciation to Jesus. And the Church is still processing missionaries to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). In addition, it would be very hard for the Church to accomplish the universal without the essential mark "Apostolic". After Jesus established the Church, He appointed His Apostles who succeed Jesus' thought as the leader of the Church. They communicated with disciples around the world for Jesus, and help them to connect the Holy Church. The Didache is a perfect fact to express that idea. It includes the tutor of Christian traditions from Jesus convey by His

Early Church Mind Map
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Disadvantages Of Mind Maps

1)Mind Map – A mind map is an outline used to visually sort out data. A mind map is mostly made around a single theory, drawn as a picture in the focal point of a clear scene page, to which related representations of plans. Mind maps might be drawn by hand, either as "harsh notes" throughout an address, gathering or arranging session, for instance, or as higher quality pictures when more of a chance is accessible. Mind mapping is a straightforward strategy for attracting data charts, as opposed to keeping in touch with it in sentences. The charts dependably take the same essential organization of a tree, with a single beginning stage in the center that splits out, and divide over and over to get the complicated data. The tree is made up more content...

In the meantime, it stimulates he right mind by urging you to utilize shades and pictures. Disadvantages: –Lack of non linear associations. Numerous duplicates of the same documents consume up space yet you require certain records in various catalogs. Therefore we have typical connections. Mind maps need such limit. As of now they have a tendency to depend on labels, names, necessity colors and so on. Each of which overlook what's really important of the visual representation of data to some degree. I would not have any desire to be without labels and so forth however on their own they are inquisitively inadequate for separating information in a guide. –Not able to make weighted associations. The capability to allocate quality or imperativeness to things in courses other than their progressive position is not a typical characteristic of brain maps. Clearly you can style your ways and hubs to speak to the quality or significance of an association however this has no backend esteem so to talk. I would love having away from public view properties material to components in maps. One of which would absolutely be

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Collaboration alongside academic mind mapping are important skills in university studies and within the workplace. Exploring and combining these skills is an integral part of creative success within the film industry as it relies on both the imagination of new ideas and the scale of staff to achieve them. From the exploration of thoughts and ideas in a mind map to the collective of professionals that envisage them, these skills are first formed in an educational environment. From a young age we gain social team skills, eventually refining them through experience at a university level. On a personal level the flow of creativity and exchange of ideas are arts within themselves and will be relevant through my studies and well into the future. The skill of mind mapping allows students to informally collate ideas and thoughts on a visual level. A crucial point of this 'brainstorming' that helps develop further meaning is that of networking. Linking ideas creates further understanding between topics. This adds exponential depth to writing as it demonstrates not only a basic understanding of singular concepts or ideas, but the links between others. In this case we really do have infinite possibilities as there are new emerging topics to relate to constantly. Therefore it represents a higher level of intellect as it shows students can take various perspectives and see the bigger picture, eventually forming a more well–rounded, multi–layered opinion with the knowledge to back it up.

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Collaboration Alongside Academic Mind Mapping

Organizational Behavior Mind Map

In our Organization Behavior class we were asked to create a mind map incorporating all the important and relevant topics we have covered during the course, and how they relate with the other topics and fit in the bigger picture of organizational behavior as a subject.

Whilst drawing my mind map, I realized that most of the relevant topics of OB really fall under 4 main branches – Organizationalpsychology, development, theory and human resources. I believe that these are the 4 most important aspects of OB simply because business is about people. All organizations comprise people; and the organization's success (or lack of it) really depends on the interactions of the people within the organization, more content...

The social, political, technological, and economic environment around it and the community to which it belongs and affects also impact the organizational culture. These frames set the foundation for which the organization develops its own culture on. For a harmonious and smooth functioning organization, there needs to be congruence within this culture that is created. Hence, the values and beliefs, formal and informal systems, strategies, outcomes and thinking and characteristics of the organization need to be aligned, and to fit with each other to create any form of congruence. What I have come to realize during this OB course is that congruence is an absolute necessity in any type of team or organization. Congruence enables consistency in what the beliefs of the organization are and the resulting actions taken by the organization, enabling the members to understand what to expect from the organization and the people working in it and also what is expected of them.

The second main branch in my mind map is of organizational development. This branch has been included as every organization in today's age looks to be what is known as a "learning organization". A learning organization constantly looks for ways and means to improve itself. For improvement, very often change is necessary. A requirement for change can stem from fear, miscommunication, a lack of creativity or out–of–the–box thinking and a non–conducive work culture. However, a need for change can

Organizational Behavior Mind Map Essay
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The area in which I'll be using for this assignment is Rose Park. Rose Park is located in the Northwest area of Salt Lake City and is one of the most diverse areas in Utah. According to a staff at the local elementary in Rose Park, there are more than 100 languages spoken by the members of this community, which exemplifies the level of diversity which this area is comprised of. While the boundaries of Rose Park are often misunderstood and thought to be anything west of the 215 freeway and North of 600 North sharing boundaries with bountiful, they are much smaller. The actual boundaries of Rose Park are much smaller and only span from the 215 freeway to Redwood road, and from 600 North to the boundary of more content...

In considering what I thought to be needed, I considered what would change within and among the members of the community if such needs were addressed and what that would look like. As I continued my exploration of the community, I began talking with individuals at the local library, rec center, and school to see what other members of this community considered strengths and areas of need, in addition to reviewing community boards and positing's. As I continued my conversations with the members of this community, I not only gained a deeper understanding of what others considered strengths but found that the members of this community truly are the stakeholders. While I began this assignment with this bias in mind, I was truly unaware of how much the members of the Rose Park community contribute to making their area of Salt Lake City what it is. I found that many of the individual who reside in Rose Park work for the city of Salt Lake or other areas of government and serve vital roles in local school, comities, boards and various other community action groups. In addition to discovering the vast contributions the members / stakeholders of this community provide for its members, I also discovered talents and strengths that I would not have otherwise discovered if I had not been assigned this assignment. One of such talents that baffled me was a neighbor a few streets from mine who participated in a talent show of sorts and competed against another Utah Get

Essay On Asset Mapping
Asset mapping Rodolfo Bonilla
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