Informal Essay Example

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Difference Between Formal And Informal Resources

MS K A ITHUTENG 201302925

BSW 200



Informal resources are the services that are available in the society in a free and easily accessible manner. These services can be utilized by anyone who is willing to use them with belief that they will benefit from them.These resources include family, friends, community members and the church.

Formal resources are those services which have to be paid for in order for people to utilize them. Payment may be done by the individuals themselves or by the government. Examples include schools, health services and security services. This essay seeks to discuss the informal and formal resources which are available to me.



A family is a group a group of people related by blood, adoption or assimilation. Nobody can deny the fact that nothing as important as a family. Family is a bond, a long lasting relationship between individuals. A close family bond is like a safe harbor where one feels secure and assured that there is always someone who they can lean on when they need them the most. Families instill morals and beliefs from generation more content...

It also safeguards the life, freedom and property of the people. Crime is increasing on daily basis therefore the role of the protection has become more important than before. Absence of security services would mean there would be chaos in the society .Thus, the security services though the personnel who are the police officers and the soldiers maintain law and order and order. It provides the necessary check against the ambivalence of the human nature. Another important role is the administration of justice. In other words one's safety and freedom depends upon the law and constitution but in practice the laws and judicial decisions are enforced by the security

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Informal Learning Experience

Informal Learning Experience


The objective of this study is to examine an informal learning experience such as how someone might have a fear of height or how a particular food or smell moves the individual emotionally or why someone develops the fear of elevators. For the purpose of this study the reason an individual would fear public speaking is examined and the importance of informal learning for gaining experience and confidence in public speaking.

Informal Learning

I. The informal learning experience was examined by the late Urie Brofenbrenner who was one of the "most influential developmental social scientists in the last century. According to Brofenbrenner's biological systems theory, in what is a combination of sociology and developmental psychology with individuals and environments shaping each other" children's development takes place "within several interlocking systems" which are reported to include the following:

(1) The micro–system: the family and others as children develop and increase the number of enduring reciprocal relationships;

(2)The meso–system: interrelationships among settings, such as the home, school, and church. Parents play a role in mediation these interrelationships, which determine the richness and quality of the children's experiences with these settings.

(3)The exo–system: forces that affect children indirectly via parents and other adults who relate directly with children; and

(4) The macro–system: culture,

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Informal Reference Groups

A reference group is people who we want to resemble. When I was a freshman in college I dressed very plain such as a pair of jeans with a basic t–shirt. As the months, went by I started dressing differently such as wearing lipstick, color jeans, nice shirts, etc. Also, I act differently more of a preppy attitude. I was surrounded by a group of people who dress nicely and act preppy. This reference group molded me because I admire their appearances and attitudes. There are different reference groups that can be identify such as informal, formal membership and disclaimant. Informal reference groups have interests and goals in common. For example, relatives, mothers in the community and peers. A formal reference would be have one main goal in

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Difference Between Casual And Informal Language

Compare/Contrast Essay

With social media being one of the society's primary ways of communicating, individuals tend to forget just how to communicate grammatically when necessary. This can lead to a drastic change in our language. Young adults live their lives on social media, where they interact with one another and don't worry about how others see their grammar and punctuation. It is becoming so normal in society that when they enter a class, their writing is not properly written and many students now don't realize or notice the difference from proper and improper language. Students who don't spell correctly, who don't use the right punctuation, and who use slang, these individuals forget the way of writing properly and speaking the way it's suppose to be. Casual and formal language will be explained and how they vary in differences as well as similarities. Causal language is also called slang, colloquial language, or informal language. These are the different ways to describe this type of language and many people including young adults are becoming used to writing and speaking in "slang" that they don't even realize. Many people use different forms to shorten sentences or phrases. For example, "Cyber slang is a term used to describe shortcuts, alternative words, or even symbols used to convey thoughts in an electronic document"... "Common cyber–slang terms that have made their way into popular speech include BFF (best friends forever), LOL (laugh out loud) and WTF

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Learning is the process of gaining knowledge about various issues that affects our lives and wellbeing. The learning takes place each and every day of our lives at any place and time. There are two ways in which learning takes place. There is the formal learning and informal learning. In most cases, the formal learning is got from various learning institutions which indeed have set rules and regulations on how the running takes place. Various tests are set to help in gauging whether the student is ready for the next learning sequence or not. Institutions therefore has a bigger influence on formal learning and development of these students. On the account of the informal learning, this takes place within our social context. This form of learning is based on the societal norms and beliefs of various communities across the world. The teaching of the culture and norms that any society holds dear are indeed made possible through informal learning. Here, there is no need for a classroom which would mean that they can be done any place either a house, under a tree or as people interact in the societal setting. This paper looks into the impacts that the societal and institution constraints have on learning processes of various individuals. It gives much attention to the factual connotations of how these two sets of learning have impacted on the growth and development of various students across the world. Notably, this research uses the connotations from two articles that dwells on

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Formal Learning And Informal Learning Essay

Discuss the functions of the formal and informal groups, how can each type of group contribute to the achievement of organisational goals. Provide examples to illustrate your answer. "Groups are formed as a consequence of the pattern of organisation structure and arrangements for the division of work." Mullins, L. (2007). Management And Organisational Behaviour. Harlow; Prentice Hall. A group is seen as a number of people, who are socially and psychologically aware of each other. It is a vital feature of a group that a member perceives themselves as members of the group, while a group has no exact definition, it varies upon people's perceptions and therefore sometimes difficult to identify. Groups are a prominent feature more content...

With the ability to now influence the work a member does, and the outcome of a task, gives the member a sense of satisfaction, generally resulting in an increase in motivation, followed by an increase in productivity. Although this shows a positive aspect to informal groups, they can also be heavily detrimental to a member's motivation and attitude. An example of this is that, if an informal group gathers to discuss and form ideas, but the ideas formed by the group are not shared by the organisation, members might become unhappy with the organisation, creating unrest, lack of motivation and even descent towards fellow staff. Another factor is that, the creation of personal relationships within informal groups within an organisation by socialising is usually done within work hours, although this can improve the working environment for an employee, from an organisational point of view, it is counterproductive as it is time consuming activity and rarely follows anything constructive towards organisational goals therefore decreasing performance. Work environment; the nature of the task here workers are involved in similar work, share a common task, or face the same problems, this may assist cohesiveness. The nature of the task may serve to bring people together._ Physical setting, where members of a group work in the same location or in close physical proximity to each other, this will generally help cohesiveness. Communications;

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Accommodating Informal Letter

Good Evening Alex, Thank you so much for accommodating. I will be in Vancouver from Wednesday the 29th until Monday the 4th. Kirsten said she would be able to cover me for Thursday the 30th and for Friday the 1st. I am also scheduled to work on the Wednesday and the Monday aforementioned, which I will be unable to do. Regards, Jessica Chiu

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An example of informal fallacy in our way of thinking is how people view their validation of others through social media; especially among youth. People say they have a lot of supports because they have a lot of social media supports. The amount of social media supports is a form of allowing one to emotionally be persuaded to thinking they have support and friends. Logic says that it is easy to hit a follow button and not really care about a person because there is no real human interaction. Informal fallacy occurs all the time in politics. In order for one politician to get the upper hand, any one of the grab bag of thirteen informal fallacies can be used. From name calling (abusive) to saying what the people want (popular appeal) politicians

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Examples Of Informal Fallacy

The use of informal language has become a widespread problem today due to the use of text messaging among one another. Many people engage in conversations and do not even realize that they are using improper grammar majority of the time, along with informal speaking. This also has become very popular in society because of the improper language being used, also known as "slang." Having a conversation with a professor, nurse, or a judge would not be the same as having a conversation with your best friend, cousin, or maybe a classmate. Along with even a less personal conversation, such as text messaging, can take place in using informal language, the main communication problem that may be influencing the way we conversate. The idea of text message is to have a quick conversation with someone, possibly at a time when the recipient cannot talk on the phone or face to face. People tend to use the most improper grammar when communicating through text messaging because you use more and more acronyms instead of tying the whole word or phrase out. Basically, people are trying to find the effortless way to explain their self, which in some cases is not a clever idea. However, some acronyms are made up by different people, which leads to having more improper grammar that then forms into informal language. For example, a common acronym while texting would be "Lol" which is known to be "laugh out loud." (Craig, 2003, 120–121) Another example is, if someone wanted to say, "I'm Get

Informal Communication Essay
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Informal Language is Dependent on Context

Many of us switch between formal and informal language without much thought. It has become almost instinctual to adapt the appropriate language to the purpose, audience and the social setting of the discourse. Informal language includes the use of discourse particles, hypertaxis and non–standard syntax which are used to increase social proximity, promote in group membership and reinforce the exclusivity of the group. The use of informal language largely depends on context: where the conversation is upheld, what text type and mode it is in and the audience to which it is directed to.

The situation plays an imperative role into the degree in which informal language is used. Teenage conversations more content... The spoken mode, in general, is much more personal and informal than the written with slimmer chances of misunderstandings and responses tend to be instantaneous rather than delayed. While the written mode is more scripted and usually appears without non–fluency features, the spoken mode involves many prosodic and paralinguistic features could be used including stress, large range of volume (from whispering secrets to exclamations) and a rising intonation can help the speaker hand over the floor. Fast pace can sometimes be understood as informal because the information may not necessarily be viewed as important and a slower–to–medium pace may be used to ensure the audience is comprehending what is said, this speed is more often used in formal language. Informal body language may also be used such as waving of hands or excitedly jumping whilst formal, in comparison, would include standing still and without the blatant display of emotion. By reviewing the previous Ja'mie example, we can see that not only does her situation change, but her audience also changes from close friends to her peers, their parents, and her teachers. Ja'mie shows how informal language builds the private identity of her friendship group and how formal language distances herself from her public audience. Audience predetermines whether informal language should be used depending on the relationship between speaker and listener, private or public, and if the

Informal And Informal Language
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Informal (speech) discourse markers include, but, like, still, well and because, the formal (written) equivalents that I often overuse include although, however, and. whereas. Recently, I have noticed a desire to use "so." "So," when reading Giridharadas (2010) article on "Follow my Logic" made me examine recent conversations. It seemed to be most often used in work settings during project team meetings. The following are two examples, "so, let me repeat what you said to check my understanding" another instant, "so to add to what ... was saying". Both examples align with Dr. Bolden statement, "suggests that we are concerned with displaying interest for others and downplaying our interest in our own affairs." I wonder do women use "so" more than men do? Previous research between sexes determined that women prefer to come to consensus more content...

I was able to quickly eliminated all of the "you know", and "um" along with all the "so" with the exception of the second "so" in line 19. Next, approximately every other "and" in the beginning of each line can be removed, and the piece will still have clear meaning and humor. However, the words "before" and "because" are important connectors. The repeating of phrases within the context was used to establish an expression of excitement and humor into the written piece. I was unsure of the phrase "all this" in line 15 and 22 although these statements did not add clarity they did add as a means of measurement (amount–a lot of candy). Lastly, in this except "like" seems to change to replace different parts of speech and its meaning in each line. In line 26 "they're like all of these teenagers" replaces "were" or "are" however, in line 20 "she's like" replaces "she said". The choice of discourse markers in this story make it easily recognizable as informal conversation connecting to a segment of the population most often overusing the discourse markers "like", "so",

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Informal Discourse

Example Of Informal Language

Hi everyone, Dana here and today we're going to talk about casual register. This is informal language used by peers and friends. Slang, vulgarities and colloquialisms are normal. If you're like most people, you modify either your writing or speaking style depending on the audience and the situation. For example, a text message to your best friend would read quite differently than an email to your boss. The language in your text message could be labeled as 'informal' and the language in the email to your boss would be 'formal'. So I am here today to help you sound more casual with informal language. 1 Use informal greetings and phrases You probably already know "hello" and "how are you?" however English speakers don't always say "hello" and "how are you?" They also use many other English more content... Contraction basically means to squeeze things together. You take two words and squeeze them together to form one word like hafta which means have to. You can either place them with an apostrophe or some letters are deleted and two words are made short. Don't mix up with the contractions like: I'm, isn't, he'd! These types of contractions are also informal but are used with an apostrophe. – Gonna –> this is the informal contraction for going to. If someone says, "I'm gonna go to the airport." They mean that they are going to the airport. If someone says, "You gotta go to work today." They mean that you have to go to work today.– Gotta –> this is the informal contraction for have to. If someone says, "I gotta get to work on time." They mean that they have to get to work on time. Another one is if someone says, "I gotta hat on my head. That person means that she has a hat on her head. Wanna–> this is the informal contraction for want to. For example, I wanna be rich, I get home before evening, I wanna be cool. Another way to mean wanna is want a. I wanna hat like yours or I wanna ice cream for

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1. What is research, and how do informal and formal research methods differ? Research is a process of collecting data and information on a specific topic. The purpose is to use the data and information to prove that the findings may or not agree with the claims. The difference between informal and formal research is the type of information collected. Informal research methods use nonscientific method to conduct their data, such as searching through company's files, seeking colleagues' opinion, interviewing the target audience, and conducting a survey. On the other hand, formal research uses scientific methods to conduct their data and it uses up–to–date sources, such as journals, magazines, newspapers, and other online sources. These shows multiple perceptive of the given topic and acknowledging difference problem that needed to be address. Moreover, it also investigates primary sources and search public information manually, which allows it to develop an unbiased understanding of the topic.

2. Before drafting a message, what questions should writers ask as they collect information? The questions writers should ask before they collect the information are what do you want the receiver to do or believe? What does the audience already know? How will it receive this message? What techniques should I use to present this message effectively? How to elicit some feedback?

6. What is the relationship between sentence length and comprehension? The relationship between sentence

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Formal and informal institutions' lending policies and access to credit by small–scale enterprises in Kenya: An empirical assessment

AERC Research Paper 111 African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi November 2001 © 2001, African Economic Research Consortium.

Published by: The African Economic Research Consortium P.O. Box 62882 Nairobi, Kenya

Printed by: The Regal Press Kenya, Ltd. P.O. Box 46116 Nairobi, Kenya

ISBN 9966–944–52–4


List of abbreviations List of tables Acknowledgements Abstract 1.

8. Introduction Problem statement Objectives and hypothesis of the study Literature review Structure and performance of the financial sector more content...

The generation of self–employment in non–farm activities requires investment in working capital. However, at low levels of income, the accumulation of such capital may be difficult. Under such circumstances, loans, by increasing family income, can help the poor to accumulate

Formal and Informal Institutions
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

their own capital and invest in employment–generating activities (Hossain, 1988). Commercial banks and other formal institutions fail to cater for the credit needs of smallholders, however, mainly due to their lending terms and conditions. It is generally the rules and regulations of the formal financial institutions that have created the myth that the poor are not bankable, and since they can't afford the required collateral, they are considered uncreditworthy (Adera, 1995). Hence despite efforts to overcome the widespread lack of financial services, especially among smallholders in developing countries, and the expansion of credit in the rural areas of these countries, the majority still have only limited access to bank services to support their private initiatives (Braverman and Guasch, 1986). In the recent past, there has been an increased tendency to fund credit programmes in the developing countries aimed at small–scale enterprises. In Kenya, despite emphasis on increasing the availability of credit to small and microenterprises (SMEs), access to credit by such enterprises remains one of the major constraints they face. A 1995 survey of small and

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Examples Of Informal Powers

Informal powers are those not stated in the constitution but include persuasion, make agreements,issue executive orders,and more.Formal powers are found in Article II of the constitution, those powers include the ability to veto a bill, command the government military, make treaties and more. The powers that are considered "necessary and proper". They are the powers that are inherited when the role of President is achieved. One example of implied power that was used recently by The president of The United States was the speech given from Poland sending his condolences to the victims and families affected by the Dallas Shooting recently. As the leader of TheUnited States,it is necessary and proper for him to address major incidents that occur

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30th Decision To Informal Counseling

Given that the 30th day of the counseling period ends on February 10, 2016 with the AP signing the mediation agreement on February 9, 2016 and after talking to AP who indicated strong interest in participating in the ADR Program, I will go ahead and upload the signed agreement to mediate, change the status of the case to Informal Counseling – ADR Elected and notify the facility of the election to include a request for assistance in scheduling the mediation

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Example Of A Informal Interview

Informal Interview Essay

The interview I had was with a professional who graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in Supply Chain Management. The individual I interviewed was Sanel Thomas, alumni of Alpha Kappa Psi, in which, I am currently in the pledging process of. This interview I had with Sanel was straightforward, we met on campus, just because his daily field op varies from time to time. Sanel is currently the Senior Director of Chick–fil–A, in which he works with the fifth largest grossing CFA in the nation. Although what Sanel currently does has nothing to do with his degree in Supply Chain, Sanel is a business professional who learns new things on the job and develops skills on his journey. After conducting this interview, I have learned quite a bit about living the cooperate life, and just the skills needed to be successful in the business field, or any field in general.

The first thing I learned from Sanel was that he was very open– more content...

Sanel has been with CFA with quite sometime and he loved what he did during college, and so worked his way up from being a normal employer to a senior director. That to me showed, that youneed to be dedicated in the employer you want to work with it, but also passionate for what you want to do in life. Along with being dedicated to the employer and job, it is almost equally important to know what you are getting your self into. From Sanel's experience it seems like Chick–Fil–A is not an easy job, but it can be rewarding. Sanel is currently taking a on a leadership program from Chick–Fil–A where he will be going across the United States to several restaurant locations for five to six weeks at a time where he will be making changes on how restaurants do daily operations to increase efficiency and

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Informal care is unpaid care that may be provided by family, friends or neighbours. (Brodsky, Habib and Hirschfield, 2003) state "Informal Care is by far the dominant form of care throughout the world." This essay will state how important informal care is in modern society and how this has affected current social policy. It will define what the differences are between informal and formal care, what exactly informal care consists of, what a carer is, include statistics about informal carers, explain what the mixed economy of care means and conclude the importance of informal care in society.

Informal care can be any type of unpaid care that a person receives. . Twigg (1992) states, "Informal care normally occurs in the context of the more content...

The Community Care and Health Act 2002 brought this about; the Act stipulates that local authorities must make available direct payment to those who utilise community care services. Riddell, Ahlgren, Pearson, Watson, MacFarlane, no date).This ismoney which is paid directly to a person in need of care to employ someone of their own choice to support them in their daily living (Age Concern, no date). The negative factor of this payment is that it is not regulated. It is difficult therefore to monitor and asses if the person is receiving the care they require (Somerset City Council, 2011).

The majority of carers are women (finch and groves 1983) and significant proportions are under the age of 18. This is known as a young carer, which is defined as 'someone, under the age of 18, who looks after, or helps to care for, afamily member who has a disability, mental ill health, a blood borne virus or a problematic use of drugs or alcohol. They may provide hands–on caring, and/or may be affected themselves by someone in their family who needs care' (Dundee Carers Centre, 2009). There are difficulties identifying young carers because many do not disclose their caring role for fear of being separated from their parents and family members, bullying and social exclusion. Also there is a large amount of emotional strain for younger carers who do not access the services they are entitled to.

According to (Jimenez–Martin/Vilaplana 2008)

Informal Care Essay
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Our lives revolve around money. The value of a dollar does not buy much anymore; everything comes with a price tag. The media likes to entice people with catchy slogans, celebrities or any other setup just so they can obtain our money. Once they grasp our attention we realize most of these attention grabbers had no relation to their argument or what they are trying to sell. Thus the correct term for the types of misleading ads and television commercials is called informal fallacies. The purpose of an informal fallacy can be to enact reactions from the audience, used to discredit a person or lastly appeal to a certain outlook. They mainly lack the validity in order to prove their argument. The media provides us with many scenarios using different forms of informal fallacies. I will provide three notable examples of informal fallacies by explaining the type of fallacy and why the media used this fallacy.

To start off, I should first differentiate between a formal and informal fallacy. A formal argument is when the argument lacks the correct structural form. The form of the fallacy will then be able to tell us if the fallacy is valid or invalid. The difference is in the way the argument is written, informal fallacies lack context in order to make the argument. For example, I came across a nationwide commercial that took a different approach in order to sell to the public. Rather than sell to their audience some reasons why they should chose to consult with the company they Get

Informal Fallacies Of An Informal Fallacy
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An important tool that assists teachers in gaining a better insight into what their students developments are called assessments. It is the best way for teachers to see whether the student is grasping the content or to see if the content needs to be retaught. There are two different types of assessments they are called formal and informal assessments. Although both of these assessments are different, they are equally important to teachers and educators. Formal assessments are a formal way to see what a student has learned or has improved on during an instructional period. These formal assessments include; exams, diagnostic tests, achievements, screening, and intelligence tests. Informal assessments are tools that judge and evaluate students' performance and skill levels without making them take the tests the standardized way. There are no standardized tools to measure this type of assessment. Examples of informal assessments are; projects, experiments, and presentations given by the students in the classroom and other platforms, peer teaching, have the student retell a lesson or story back to the class or teacher, observations, checklists, and portfolios. Some students become nervous or have test anxiety when having to take any type of test, so it would be a good idea for all teachers to add both formal and informal assessments into their curriculum. One of the pillars of the act of reading is called Reading Comprehension. Reading comprehension is the ability

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