Martha Ladly Slides

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Mobile Communi,es at Work and Play Martha Ladly OCAD University

Narra,on in Hybrid Environments

Narra$on in Hybrid Mobile Environments “Every individual life can eventually be told as a story with a beginning, and end. This is the prepoli,cal and prehistorical condi,on of history. Narra,ve reveals meaning in one’s life, which would otherwise be perceived as merely an intolerable sequence of events.” Hannah Arendt, in Isak Dinesen 1885‐1962 (2001) on the life of author Karen Blixen

Narra,on offers both the the narrator and the existant a quest that is “always an education, both into the character of events and participants, and in self-knowledge”. Alasdair MacIntyre (1981)

“The self desires and is open to the tale of a life story that unfolds in his or her life,me in a way that uniquely reveals who that person is. The plural and interac,ve space of exhibi,on—the scene of narra,on— in which we tell each other our stories, suggests a poli,cal‐rela,onal interac,on that is aWen,ve to who rather than what we are.” Adriana Cavarero (2005)

Loca,ve Media Predecessors: In 1991 Janet Cardiff created Forest Walk her first located mul,media audio walk, at the Banff Centre, in Alberta, Canada. Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller: hWp://

In 1999 ar,st Teri Rueb launched Trace, one of the first geo‐annotated mobile narra,ve projects, based on poe,c memory and narra,ve, using GPS co‐ordinates embedded in the Burgess Shale fossil beds in Yoho Na,onal Park, B.C, Canada. hWp://

Also in 2003…. RIXC media art collec,ve held their first loca,on‐based workshops at K@2 Media Workshops on the decommissioned site of the former Soviet military naval base of Karosta, on the west coast of Latvia. RIXC media art: hWp:// Karosta report: hWp://loca,ve.x‐

This was the loca,on of the first Transcultural Mapping Workshops, which were also the site of the former Soviet RT:32 Radio Telescope, home of the Acous,c Space Lab. hWp://acous,‐

At the workshops, Karlis Kalnins provides the term loca,ve media as a test‐category for processes that annotate physical space, by combining mobile data and mobile compu,ng with GPS.

2003: [murmur] starts an urban community narra,ve mobile movement offering an evoca,ve portrait of the past and current life of the city, to its residents, and visitors. hWp://

Mobile art project [murmur] starts an urban community storytelling movement, launched in Toronto, in 2003.

message aggregation, and illustrated ways in which cultural in SMS use have been manifested in games in Berlin ore. Theory created Day of the Figurines with collaborators in the Project for Pervasive Gaming, a three-year research project he European Union.


In 2007, Rider Spoke, a mobile game for urban cyclists combining narra,ve, reportage and theatre with cycling and mobile game play, is deployed by the Bri,sh mobile art collec,ve, Blast Theory. In 2008 they follow up with Day of the Figurines, a strategic urban community building and inter‐rela,onal narra,ve ‘serious’ game. hWp://

You Get Me (2008), is a documentary narra,ve game, developed by Blast Theory played between par,cipants in Mile End Park and the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London.

Tac$cal Sound Garden Toolkit, developed by Mark Shepard in 2007, draws on the paradigm of urban guerilla gardening to create par,cipatory sound environments. TSG: hWp://www.tac,

Cherry Blossoms: Using mobile media to recreate an empathe,c experience of the wrenching surprise of urban bombing in Iraq during war,me.

Each piece of confeo is inscribed with the name of a civilian who died in the war, and the circumstances of their death.


Park Walk a mobile community narra,ve project hWp://

GAMEFIT Take Me with You:

A mobile fitness and storytelling narra,ve game for grandparents & grandchildren Mo4va4on Encouraging posi,ve, lifelong habits plays a key part in staying fit and engaged in life. Regular walking can be a protec,ve factor against countless diseases including diabetes, Alzheimer s, anxiety, and depression. Shared ac,vi,es with family can provide valuable inspira,on for those who are not otherwise inclined to exercise and/or tend to self‐isolate. This project explores mobile fitness games designed specifically to enable seniors and children to play together (or with others), with their par,cular needs in mind. The shared adventure game Take Me with You is intended to encourage physical ac,vity, cogni,ve s,mula,on, and social engagement, by using these elements to move the narra,ve of the game forward.

To Encourage

• Physical Exercise • Cogni,ve S,mula,on • Social Engagement To Enable

• Eyes Free Walking • Shared Experiences • Needs of Seniors & Children Considered

Deborah Ptak Project Lead TAGlab, University of Toronto Ronald M. Baecker Bell Chair in HCI TAGlab, University of Toronto In collaboration with Nermin Moufti Graduate Student OCAD University Contributing Network Investigators: Martha Ladly Greg Van Alstyne.


GAMEFIT : Take Me With You

How it works

• Mini‐games will challenge the

player at each place reached on the map

• Co‐opera,ve games are available when both partners are playing

• Players create/collect digital treasures and stories together through interac,on, and collabora,ve gameplay

• Receive digital treasures and

encouragement from other partner even if not playing

GAMEFIT : Take Me With You

How it works

• Mini‐games will challenge the

player at each place reached on the map

• Co‐opera,ve games are available when both partners are playing

• Players create/collect digital treasures and stories together through interac,on, and collabora,ve gameplay

• Receive digital treasures and

encouragement from other partner even if not playing

Rupture: an autobiography in earthquakes Researcher: David Green Supervisor: Martha Ladly Â


Rupture: an autobiography in earthquakes Researcher: David Green Supervisor: Martha Ladly Â


Recent research

Some of the artists, entertainers, designers, scholars, thinkers, and other extremely smart people who I have had the pleasure to work with in music, design, interactive and mobile media: Matt Adams, Paul Allen, Julie Andreyev, Nick Bantock, Joanna Berzowska, Marc Bessant, Nichola Bruce, Myron Campbell, Athena Connal, Barbara Crow, Michael Coulson, Patricio Davilla, Marc Davis, Steve Davis, Sara Diamond, Tom Donaldson, Judith Doyle, Bryan Ferry, Peter Gabriel, Anne Galloway, Paula Gardner, David Gauthier, Judy Gladstone, David Green, Nathon Gunn, Drew Hemment, Bruce Hinds, Gary Ing, Hana Iverson, James Katz, Trevor Key, Raja Khanna, Mike Large, Angus Leach, Ken Leung, Bryn Ludlow, Amanda Jones, Jason Lewis, Michael Longford, Tristan Manco, Alex Mayhew, David Mcintosh, Shawn Micallef, Nermin Moufti, Tek-Jin Nam, Nevena Niagolova, Siobhan O’Flynn, Nick Robertson, Peter Saville, Gabe Sawhney, Kim Sawchuck, Thecla Schiphorst, Leslie Sharpe, Geoffrey Shea, Rob Shields, Suzanne Stein, Maria Stukoff, Ana Serrano, Parmesh Shahani, Mimi Sheller, Jagmit Singh, Ana-Karin Sundin, Minna Tarka, Nigel Thrift, York Tillyer, Vincent John Vincent, David Vogt, Nina Wakeford, Ron Wakkary, Eric Zimmerman, Jan-Christoph Zoels

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