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Friday, October 14, 2011

2 Weekly Record Herald-www.weeklyrecordherald.com

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evaluated. There were three different measures taken. The first was a “basic return on investment� index rating, which rated districts on how much academic achievement they get for each dollar spent, relative to other districts in their state. It adjusts data for students in special programs, such as free and reduced lunches or individualized education plans. The second was the “adjusted return on investment� index rating. It used a different statistical method to account for factors outside a district’s control, like the added costs of educating low-income, non-English speaking and special education students. The third was a “predicted efficiency� index rating. This is like a control group, not looking at the spending, but focusing on the expected or projected academic achievement based on the average for similar districts and the type of students within the district. In all three of these ratings, set in a matrix of lowest, medium, and highest cost with lowest, medium and highest achievement, Milton-Union had the lowest cost and the highest achievement every time. According to superintendent Ginny Rammel, in Miami, Montgomery and Darke counties, only the Milton-Union and Northmont districts have that claim to fame. Rammel also pointed out that the 2010-2011 ACT college entrance exam math and science scores are the highest they’ve been in the past two decades — as long as Milton students have been taking the test. Plus, the graduation rate has increased almost 15 percent from five years ago. This past year the rate was 95.8 percent, and currently there are no dropouts from this year’s senior class. “I credit our Freshmen Focus classes with our higher graduation rate,� said Rammel, noting the program that teams freshmen up with junior and senior mentors to help encourage them in their studies freshmen year and beyond. The high school has also started working with the online software program Odysseyware and an Alternative Center to provide class credit recovery and extra help. New initiatives Milton-Union is continuing to strive for excellence. This year, 34 kids are in a new Head Start program. The program is designed for 3to 5-year olds to get them ready to learn when they reach full-time school. Kindergarten is now all day, every day, which Rammel said the first grade teachers are really seeing the benefit from. She said teachers are also seeing benefits from the fifth and sixth grade loop for math and language arts. With that connection between the middle and elementary school, students can now have the same teachers two years in a row in what can be a rough transition. In finances, Milton-Union currently has the lowest per pupil expenditure in Miami County, and the second lowest tax revenue from its residents. Although there is a levy on the upcoming ballot, it is a renewal only.

Water rate at the time.� What was voted on by council was an environmental covenant with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The dam is being removed, with no more debate. However, the village has agreed to keep a certain area around the former dam a natural

Despite the state cut of $900,000, or 1/13 of the total state funding for this district, Milton-Union did not try to increase local revenue. Instead, they made significant staffing changes to account for this loss of funds. In administration, the business manager and high school assistant principal positions were not replaced. All the classroom aides joined the Miami County Consortium, so that cost is shared with all schools within the consortium. “They don’t always still have benefits,â€? said Rammel of the paraprofessionals, “But they all have jobs.â€? All other staff, teaching and nonteaching, have signed three-year contracts with no step increases, no salary increases, and insurance concessions. There also was cutting and maneuvering done in the elementary and middle school teaching positions. This past April, 11 staff positions were eliminated by the board of education. The physical education position was cut down to 80 percent, a paraprofessional cut down to three hours of time, and a special education teacher eliminated. A library clerk and nurses’ clinic aide also were put on the chopping block. Another scheduling change, in the middle school only, was the canceling of a double math block for eighth grade. Math was scaled back for eighth grade to one period, reducing the need for another math teacher and giving the students an opportunity to be involved in activities such as band or choir. The other positions cut were a second and a third grade teacher, both added last year to keep class size from becoming too large. The class size increased due to too many open enrolled students. Rammel showed great pride in the faculty and staff for working together to put and keep Milton where it is achievement-wise. “We really do work our tails off for what we get,â€? she grinned. Any questions can be sent to Rammel at rammelv@miltonunion.k12.oh.us or by calling 8847910. For more information about the study or to see Milton-Union’s specific results, visit www.americanprogress.org/ROI. • BETHEL TOWNSHIP — Bethel Local Schools met 25 out of 26 state indicators, giving them an “Excellentâ€? on the Ohio Department of Education’s report card. The indicators measure reading, mathematics and other subjects for third through 11th graders. The only subject Bethel acheived less than the state standard was in their seventh grade mathematics test. Otherwise, their percentage of student scores were between two to 20 percent higher than the state standard. Their attendance rate was 95.7 percent, and graduate rate was at 96.5 percent. Both of these are above the state standard. On a scale of 1 to 120, the performance index was 100.2, which is in the above average range.

Where’s Milty?

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Planning board code, they would either have to use a more “oldfashioned� manual changeable sign — individual black letters fitted by hand onto an illuminated white board. The church also could go with the much more expensive LCD screen, which allows for a full spectrum of color, although they would be restricted to only using black and white. “I certainly understand

Halloween Party from 4-6 p.m., before the trick or treaters start making the rounds from 6-8 p.m. Interim municipal manager Ben Herron also encouraged those interested to contact him about Habitat for Humanity’s new program “A Brush with Kindness.�

for Tipp City Council


uses a green/black LED sign, which does not comply with either the former or current sign code. The board discussed various changes that could be made to the sign code, but a motion to recommend a specific change to Tipp City Council was defeated 3-2. The council may still hear and make a decision on the issue, but no recommendations were made by the board.

cont. from pg. 1 countrysides. “You really feel like you’ve been there when you run a marathon in a city,� Terry, who has run through famous places like Mount Rushmore, Deadwood and Woodstock, stated. This marathon addict loves the rush, especially after he crosses the finish line. “You feel like you’ve accomplished something. Your confidence goes through the roof,� he said. Terry is always ready to run a marathon with anyone looking for a running buddy. He can often be found at Charleston Falls and along the newly completed recreational trail in Tipp on a short jog between his extended treks across the country.


Lamps Habitat for Humanity is trying to get into Union Township to offer assistance to families in need of repairs — not just entire homes. Herron can be reached at the Municipal Office at 698-1500.

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Paid for by Gillis for Council, Georgia Heisey, Treasurer, 546 Michael Pl., Tipp City, OH 45371.

Contact the Weekly Record Herald at jnevins@tcnewsnet.com

your frustration with the process, but my frustration is we’re trying to fix here tonight something for one applicant when we’re writing code for anybody who wants to apply,� said board member Stacy Wall. Red/black and amber/black LED signs can be seen in Tipp City. These signs were installed before the current sign code was put in place. The BP gas station

they just have to believe in themselves. “If you don’t think you’re going to do it, you’re not going to. It’s a mental strain more than a physical strain,� Terry commented. He admits that he certainly doesn’t look like a runner, but he believes in himself and dives in. He admits there is a secret weapon, too — Tipp City Medical Massage before and/or after each race. “If it wasn’t for (therapist and owner Kathy Siegfried) I wouldn’t be able to do half the things I do. She works wonders,� Terry said. Because of all the marathons in which he has participated, Terry has gotten to see the country, touring cities by zig-zagging through their streets and


Dolores (Dee) Gillis

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zone. That means they cannot add any man-made structures. The council vote was a unanimous yes. In other action, Beggar’s Night was set for Oct. 31 following Miami County’s precedent. The chamber will be hosting a Downtown

Where do you suppose he shops when he’s looking for a snack?

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