Dissertation Participant Information

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Participant Information Sheet Examining the effect of gender and physical vs psychological IPV on mock juror decision making in cases of Intimate Partner Homicide.

Invitation to research My name is Harriet Walton, and I am a student with Manchester Metropolitan University. This research represents the dissertation project required to be awarded a master’s degree in forensic psychology. This research will be overseen by the Department of Health and Education within the university.

Why have I been invited? You have been invited to participate in this research as you are eligible for Jury duty in the United Kingdom.

Do I have to take part? Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary.

What will I be asked to do? During your participation in this research, you will be asked to act as a juror in a case of intimate partner homicide. Participants will be asked to read a short trial report detailing the case of the murder of a perpetrator of intimate partner violence (IPV), for which the victim of the IPV is the defendant. After reading this trial report, participants will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to provide their verdict (guilty or not guilty), a blameworthiness rating and a sentence leniency rating.

Are there any risks if I participate? The trial report provided to participants will include details of the history of the IPV between the victim and the defendant. There is a risk of psychological distress to participants as a result of reading the information contained in the trial report; this risk is elevated in those who have experienced IPV.

Are there any advantages if I participate? There are no rewards or recompense for your participation in this project, but MMU Psychology students can receive SONA credits for taking part if they sign up via the SONA system.

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Informed consent After reading this information sheet, participants will be asked to sign a consent form to show you agree to take part in this research project. Participants can email the principal investigator with any questions and can withdraw at any time whilst taking part, or up to two weeks after.

What information about me will you collect and why? It is essential that participants specify their gender in the initial stages of the research as the nature of this research requires participants data to be split into categories based on their gender. Please note we are only looking to recruit those who identify as male or female for this research. Upon providing your consent to participate, we will also ask you to provide the day of the month of your birth, the last two letters of your post code and the last two digits of your mobile telephone number to allow a participants identification code to be created.

How will my information be stored and how will you look after it? Once the data has been collected, the primary data file will be anonymised by names being replaced with a participant identification number created in the final stage of your participation. This data file will be stored on the principal investigators Manchester Metropolitan University OneDrive account as a password protected file.

How will you use my information? The data collected in this research will be processed via the Statistical package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), which is a statistical software suite developed by IBM. All participants will be anonymous in the outputs of this research.

Will my data be sent anywhere else, or shared with other people or organisations? It is important to note the primary data file, which will be anonymised, will be submitted to Manchester Metropolitan University via Turnitin as supporting evidence of the research as a part of the master’s degree program being undertaken by the principal investigator. Turnitin ensure the privacy of all documents submitted to their services and their privacy policy is viewable here: https://help.turnitin.com/Privacy_and_Security/Privacy_and_Security.htm#Privacy_Policy.

When will you destroy my information? Anonymised research data and research records will be kept for the time needed to reach the aims of the study. It will be deleted 1 year after the end of the study if not being used for publication, and 5 years if submitted for publication.

Data Protection Law Data protection legislation requires that we state the ‘legal basis’ for processing information about you. In the case of research, this is ‘a task in the public interest.’ If we use more Page 2 / 5 Version: 3.0 Date: 29/03/2022 Ethical approval number (EthOS):


sensitive information about you, such as information about your health, religion, or ethnicity (called ‘special category’ information), our basis lies in research in the public interest. Manchester Metropolitan is the Controller for this information and is responsible for looking after your data and using it in line with the requirements of the data protection legislation applicable in the UK. You have the right to make choices about your information under the data protection legislation, such as the right of access and the right to object, although in some circumstances these rights are not absolute. If you have any questions, or would like to exercise these rights, please contact the researcher or the University Data Protection Officer using the details below. You can stop being a part of the study at any time, without giving a reason. You can ask us to delete your data at any time, but it might not always be possible. If you ask us to delete information before [insert start date for analysis], we will make sure this is done. If you ask us to delete data after this point, we might not be able to.

What will happen to the results of the research study? The results of this study will be submitted to Manchester Metropolitan University as a contribution to the award of a master’s degree to the principal investigator, Harriet Walton.

Who has reviewed this research project? This research has been approved by the Manchester Metropolitan University Ethics Committee.

Who do I contact if I have concerns about this study or I wish to complain? Harriet Walton, Principal investigator, MSc Forensic Psychology student, Manchester Metropolitan University, email address: harriet.walton@stu.mmu.ac.uk Dr Julia Wolska, Lecturer, Faculty of Health and Education, Department of Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University, email address: j.wolska@mmu.ac.uk Dr Claire Fox, Head of Research Ethics and Governance, Faculty of Health and Education, Manchester Metropolitan University. Email address: FOHE-Ethics@mmu.ac.uk. If you wish to make a complaint about the way which your personal data is being or has been processed, or you believe a personal data breach incident has occurred, please contact our Data Protection Officer, who will investigate: The Data Protection Officer Legal Services All Saints Building Grosvenor Square Page 3 / 5 Version: 3.0 Date: 29/03/2022 Ethical approval number (EthOS):


Manchester M15 6BH E-mail: dataprotection@mmu.ac.uk Telephone: +44 (0)161 247 3884” You also have a right to complain to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) about the way in which we process your personal data. You can make a complaint using the ICO’s website. However, we do encourage you to expend our internal complaints processes via our Data Protection Officer prior to making contact with the ICO. Additional support may also be available from the services listed below: Victim Support: 

0808 168 9111 (Free support line)

Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 

0808 2000 247

www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/ (run by Refuge)

The Suzy Lamplugh trust: 

02070 910 014


The Mix: free information and support for under 25s in the UK 

0808 808 4994

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 

0800 999 5428 (run by Galop)

Samaritans (24/7 service) 

116 123

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Manchester Metropolitan Data Protection Officer dataprotection@mmu.ac.uk Tel: 0161 247 3331 Legal Services, All Saints Building, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, M15 6BH UK Information Commissioner’s Office You have the right to complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you would like to complain about how we process your personal data: https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/ THANK YOU FOR CONSIDERING PARTICIPATING IN THIS PROJECT

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