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TOP 5 BEST PRACTICES WHEN DESIGNING YOUR WEBSITE Web Design and the Playground – the Rules Aren’t That Different BY COLLEEN SQUIRES


ith all the digital business platforms out there, is it still important to have a business website?

Today, a company website may seem less important than it did only five years ago, especially with the rise of third parties like Facebook Business Pages and Google My Business listings. However, your website is still a huge part of your company's brand first impression. Take a minute to think about how you, yourself, as a consumer use the web to find a new company or service. Google My Business certainly cannibalizes a lot of website traffic, but the user still checks to see if a business has a website listed. Businesses with their own websites have a more well-rounded, professional presence. Today, websites are a huge indicator of how active and established a business is. Your business's website is your chance to tell your company’s brand story and mission. If you aren’t online, you aren’t in the game – not unlike the rules of the playground. You can’t make new friends, or win a game, or check out your competitors, unless and until you show up to play. As cliché as it sounds, your website is as



Your business's website is your chance to tell your company’s brand story. If you aren’t online, you aren’t in the game – not unlike the rules of the playground. important as you decide to make it. One thing every web company can agree on when it comes to your website, is that it's not a “Field of Dreams” (just because you build it, does not mean they will come). However, there are several things you can do and include when you design your site, which will not only increase Google’s interest in visiting your site, but also encourage your customers to do the same. So… you’ve decided to build your first company website, or it’s time for a website ‘make-over’…now what? Planning a new website can be a grueling task filled with a lot of options and too many opinions from other people. In this article, we tackle the Top 5 best practices to use when designing your site along with some lists of items to include in the process.

1. Finding a balance: User-friendly -vs- Searchengine-friendly. Content is King. Too often, we find that contractors sacrifice searchability and usability for design. This happens ALL the time. While design is definitely very important, none of it matters if Google can't index your site properly and your customers cannot easily navigate between pages. Content is king when it comes to web design. So, before all the pretty pictures and colorful branding, you must make sure you clearly lay out what it is your company does, where you service customers (your geolocation), and what differentiates you from competitors. Use clear paragraphs, value statements, separate sections, and bullet points to clearly organize your content, and make it easy for customers to find, follow, and read.

2. Prioritize your Who, What, When, Where, and Why “Above the Fold”! “Above the Fold” refers to that top section of your website the user sees before scrolling down the page. Not only is this the first place a customer looks, it's also the first place Google prioritizes when indexing your page. Have a clear call to action, a schedule service button, and a click to dial phone number – these are no-brainers. Clearly list the top services you offer and identify the area you service. All of this should be prioritized in the mobile view of your site as well.

3. Design is Queen. Be professional, but don't be boring. Web design today is constantly evolving. Like fashion, elements are continuously going in and out of style. An example of some dated design elements, include the use of picture sliders to display content or sidebar menus instead of top menus. Many of these changing elements are due to the mobile friendly revolution. Your design is the framework that enhances your content and directs the user's journey through your site. Primarily, your

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