FYI November 2014

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New on board Thank you to the five new members who are volunteering their time and expertise on the NHBA executive committee.

Katheryn Chivers

Peter Jollands

Katheryn Chivers Solicitor (representing NHBID member Easy Forms)

Katheryn Chivers describes herself as extremely driven, with an outgoing personality and an ability to get things done. She has a task-orientated and structured work style. She has lived and worked on the Shore since moving to New Zealand from the UK 11 years ago. She was previously a member of NZ Police based at the North Shore policing centre − part of a team tasked with reducing crime in the NHBID. She says her most valuable asset on the NHBA committee would be her crime prevention experience. She has a general understanding of the types of crime most businesses are likely to experience and potentially has some practical skills to assist with the NHBA’s crime prevention agenda. She also brings to the team work experience with government agencies and understands how these organisations operate. Coupled with her legal skills, this means she has the ability to understand/negotiate and assist with drafting workable policies and complete draft submissions on behalf of the NHBA. According to Katheryn, the area’s most pressing needs include transport, roading and general infrastructure (parking facilities) which she says must be right in order to attract and sustain business growth in the area.

Peter Jollands

Partner Business Advisory Services, Jollands Callander Peter describes himself as extroverted, analytical and team-orientated. He’s a Non-Executive Director of Credit Union Auckland, a Founding Chairman of Ecoworks and on the board of trustees of The New Zealand Community Growth Trust. He’s a Sitting Justice (Ret.) Presiding on the Bench (ten years) at Manukau District Court relating to criminal matters. He’s also a 12 NOVEMBER 2014 FYI NHBA.ORG.NZ

Nicky Lukar

Steve Plummer

Visiting Justice (Ret.) Presiding on the Bench at Auckland Men’s Prison, Auckland Women’s Prison and Auckland Remand Prison. On top of that, he’s a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow Awarded for Services to Youth as Chairman of The Rotary Youth Suicide Prevention Foundation. He says the area’s most pressing needs are continued good communication, pedestrian safety, bus and road services, parking, continued good professional seminars and good governance.

Nicky Lukar

Auckland North Manager, Bank of New Zealand Nicky Lukar and her husband have been in New Zealand for three and a half years, and she says she just loves being here. She describes herself as a fun-loving person with a relaxed approach to life, says she’s passionate about the causes she supports and gives herself to these projects 110 percent. She tempers that with a common sense approach to life and business decisions. Nicky says her job with BNZ enables her to work in the two areas of the business that she feels most passionate about − people, and business networking and development. Her current projects span Massey University at Albany, financial literacy, diversity in the work place, internship programmes, a South African night and a business boot camp. She’s also part of the regional board for BNZ on the North Shore and can bring matters of local importance to the table. She says the North Shore’s most pressing areas of concern include job opportunities for young people, addressing traffic congestion and financial literacy – especially for young people.

Steve Plummer

CEO, Centurion Management Services Steve Plummer describes himself as a pragmatic and committed individual with a good

Vaughan Reed

sense of humour. He values honesty and integrity with transparency and is open to diverse views provided they are constructive and objective. Centurion Management represents a large number of commercial unit title properties within the BID area as well as being managers for the Interplex@Albany Association which became a part of the NHBID in 2013. Steve holds a Bachelor of Business in Business Management and International Business plus a Diploma in Policing. He has held previous executive and trustee roles in non-profit organisations and committees. He started his professional career as a Police Constable with the NZ Police, firstly in front line policing on the North Shore and then in several specialist investigation squads. He’s also worked in the UK as a company investigator and then as contract manager. He lists traffic control and the broadband rollout as some of the area’s most pressing needs.

Vaughan Reed Labyrinth Solutions

Vaughan Reed says he likes to be kept busy and is always looking to improve how things are done. He’s not one to procrastinate and once his mind is made up wants action to be taken straight away. He believes his experience in the digital space will help NHBA streamline certain aspects of its organisation by adopting smart technology. His 20+ years’ experience in the IT industry mean he understands the technical requirements for business and can translate these requirements into solutions that streamline operations and deliver a business asset. He says organisations in the region need to embrace technology to get, and stay, ahead within a global landscape. He says many organisations need help and direction in this area and NHBA can provide the platform for facilitating this need.

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