Vijnana Bhairava Tantra

Page 59

् िवानभ ैरव तम Vijnana Bhairava Tantra How can there be knowledge or activity of the changeless atman, or self? All external objects are under the control of knowledge. Therefore, this world is void.

न मे बो न मोो मे भीत ैता िवभीिषकाः ।  ेिव िववतः ॥ १३५ ॥ े ल ितिबिमदम ब् ु ज There is neither bondage nor liberation for me. These scare cowards and are the reflections (projections) of the intellect, just as the sun is reflected in water.

ु इियारकं सव सखःखािदसगमम ।् इतीियािण स ः ािन वतत े ॥ १३६ ॥ All the doors of perception produce pain and pleasure through contact with the senses. Thus, casting aside (the sensory objects) and withdrawing (the senses) within, one abides in one's own self.


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