Humps N Horns Bull Riding Magazine - Jul 2024

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Humps N Horns

July 2024

On the Cover - The PBR Teams Series, including two new teams in Oklahoma and New York, is set to kick off the 2024 season on July 12 in Oklahoma City, OK.

Photo courtesy of BullStock Media


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Letter from the Editor

Welcome to Summer! I know it has been hot for some time for most of us but the “official” start to summer just happened on June 20.

For bull riding fans, it is a tale of two seasons. First, the PBR crowned their World Champion in May and have had a lighter schedule on the Challenger Series until the PBR Teams Series kicks off this month. That has left many fans going through withdrawal symptoms and itching for more.

The PRCA, on the other hand, has hit one of the busiest stretches of the season known as Cowboy Christmas. The stories from the road at Cowboy Christmas are legendary and can take on a life of its own.

As a fan of the sport, I enjoy it all! I hope you are able to get out and support some of the local events in your neck of the woods.

Many of these events rely on the work of volunteers and provide many benefits for charities and the local communities. We should all do our part to Make America Cowboy Again!

Until next time,


Dayton Spiel got his start in rodeo as a bull rider but quickly found his niche as a ProRodeo bullfighter.

The Parade, S.D., native’s efforts earned him a spot at the RAM Badlands Circuit Finals Rodeo twice before an unfortunate accident halted his budding career.

The events leading up to the second performance of last year’s Sitting Bull Stampede on July 3 in Mobridge, S.D., unfolded like any other day at the rodeo arena for Spiel. He watched film of the previous night’s action with his friend and partner, Weston Rutkowski, and then the duo geared up for another night in the dirt.

Everything changed when the first bull came out of the chutes, tossed its rider and kicked the bull bell into the air, striking Spiel and blinding him in one eye.

“I’ve watched the video twice, and I don’t like watching it,” Spiel said. “I watched the video the first time to see what I did wrong and the second time to fix it…When he kicked his feet out, it was like a slingshot, and I was just in the way. And the bell came back and hit me right square in the eye.”

Over the last few years, Spiel has become a fixture at the Sitting Bull Stampede. He’s a South Dakota lifer who lives about an hour west of Mobridge.

Sitting Bull Stampede chairman John Dady and other members of the board sprung into action when they realized one of their own needed help.

“This poor guy is losing sight in his eye and has two kids at home,” Dady said.

Thanks to the generosity of sponsors and community members, the Sitting Bull Stampede will provide each bull rider at this year’s rodeo with a Licabell — a pliable rubber alternative to a traditional metal bull bell — from July 2-4. A portion of the proceeds from the order will go back to Spiel and his family.

The Licabell was created by former bull rider Nic Lica, a friend of Spiel, to make an already dangerous event a little safer.

“I reached out to Nic, and I thought, how cool would it be for us to give all these bull riders in Mobridge a bell?” Sitting Bull Stampede committee member John Anderson said. “And we can push for some of these other guys to help everyone out. Nic thought it was great and said he wanted to give some (money) back to Dayton too.”

Back in the day, cowboys thought the bell made bulls buck harder, but the functional purpose is to add weight, making it easier to put on and take off the bull rope.

Unfortunately, the bulls may step on the metal bells, creating sharp edges that can, on occasion, harm people in and around the arena.

In the past, Lica considered crafting a solution to solve the bull bell safety issue, but he didn’t have the time or resources. After retiring from bull riding, and working in rodeo equipment for a few years, he heard Spiel’s story and decided to get to work on the Licabell.

“They came to me last year and explained that Dayton Spiel had gotten hit in the eye. And he was a friend of mine that I’d known forever and fought bulls for me for years when I’d go up to the Dakotas,” Lica recalled. “Then I really sat and thought that this was a real issue, and I should figure out a way to solve this.”

Spiel said he’ll be in attendance for the upcoming edition of the Sitting Bull Stampede to see the new technology in use and take in the action on the same dirt where his life changed.

“Ever since this happened, the Sitting Bull Stampede has been right by my side,” Spiel said. “They’ve done things that I can’t even explain. They’ve given things to my family, helped me through the struggles for the first three or four months and I can’t say enough good things about that community and the committee in Mobridge.”

Article provided courtesy of PRCA Media. PRCA ProRodeo photo by Clay Guardipee.



Anyone who wishes to up the ante’ on his riding needs some outside influence to help. The most important thing is for you to pick the right outside help. There are a lot of voices out there that want to be heard.

Some have proven themselves in the arena, others not so much. Just because someone rode or rides good doesn’t mean they are able to impart to others what it takes to have success. With talk of coaching in the bull riding world there are hundreds of unqualified “want a be coaches” out there.

In order for the coach to have a profound effect on your riding you must buy into his philosophy and his program. His philosophy and program must prove to show you how and why it works. It’s your choice so choose wisely who you will let be the outside voices in your riding career as well as your life overall.

At a top level Event a few years ago, I overheard one rider giving encouragement to another who had just been bucked off. He told the disappointed rider that he was doing everything correct but that his feet had just come up.

Encouragement is great but what that guy needed was help from an outside person with knowledge of what works and what doesn’t to help with the structure of his riding. He is a very talented rider who was relying on his talent and an unqualified influence to help him achieve success rather than having a qualified influence to help his understanding of what he does right when he stays on and wrong when he doesn’t.

Cody Custer

A coach with an eye to help

July 5-6-7

Powell, Wyoming

Call Greg Cheney for info (307) 250-3474

July 8-12

Cody ,WY Nite Rodeo

Camp with morning sessions and help at the night rodeos.

Contact Maury Tate (580) 512-1791

July 28-29-30


Youth School 9-16 years old.

Cisco, TX

Shaina Dominguez (254) 485-1806

August 9-10-11

Huron, SD

Call Bubba Riddings (605) 941-4702

August 23-24-25

Senitobia, MS

Call Jud Moore (662) 292-3390

October 4-5-6

Bunnell, FL

Call Austin Cody (386) 585-0784

RIDER RUNDOWN with... Brayden Brown

This month I had the chance to catch up with someone that readers might remember because he used to have his own feature in the magazine. Brayden “Hollywood” Brown worked for the magazine for four years and while he hasn’t had time to write in a while, he is still riding bulls and making a name for himself across the state of Texas. Here’s more.

KT: Hey, Brayden. Thanks for sitting down and chatting with me today. To start with, can you tell us how old you are and where you live?

BB: Yeah, sure. I am 16 and I am from Whitney, Texas.

KT: What grade are you in?

BB: I am actually about to graduate because I am really far ahead from being homeschooled.

KT: That is good, what are your plans after high school?

BB: I plan on hitting the rodeo trail. Hopefully that will all work out. I have been practicing quite a bit and when I am not doing rodeo, I help my dad with his heavy equipment business, and that is how I make my money right now to be able to ride bulls.

KT: I bet. What does your practice look like?

BB: Riding in the practice pens helps, and I travel with my buddies. There are lots of good bulls around me. I like to go to the Stockyards and Billy Bobs and get on bulls up there. Knapps have bull riding on Wednesdays and Sundays to practice. Some of my friends have really nice bulls, and I get to practice on them quite a bit.

KT: How has your season been so far?

BB: Ups and downs as always. I have had some injuries, minor

stuff, but it plays into everything. I haven’t had anything major which is good. I have really been blessed this season actually.

KT: What is your approach moving forward this season?

BB: There are several associations that I like to follow and do. Qualifying for associations like the UPRA (United Professional Rodeo Association), is what I like to do right now. It is basically like the PRCA in terms of the whole money and standings thing. Whoever makes the most amount of money is on top sort of thing. Right now, I am not too high in the

standings but the season just started, but I am sitting pretty high in the standings at Billy Bob’s, which is where I ride on Fridays and Saturdays.

KT: So, some of our readers might remember you because you used to write for the magazine. talk about how you got started with that.

BB: Way back when I started riding for the Miniature Bull Riders association, I was at the Junior World Finals out in Las Vegas. I met Terry (Blake) and we got to talking. He told me he was in need of a writer and I was super excited for the opportunity. I have done broadcasting for Ride Pass, the PBR, and the MBR, as well. In 2019 I even had the chance to work at the Iron Cowboy in Los Angeles. I had a whole lot of fun with that. I really enjoyed all the experiences that came from it and fell in love with writing. I have just been really busy, that’s why I have sorta slowed down now.

KT: How has it helped you promote riding and the work you did?

BB: It gave me tons of opportunities to do broadcasting at certain events and I was super grateful for the opportunities, and to be able to write for the magazine and the broadcasting and I can’t

thank Terry enough. It gave me so many opportunities.

KT: What are some cool experiences you got from announcing and interviewing?

BB: Probably the coolest interview or one I really enjoyed was for the PBR and it was the Koben Puckett Invitational. I grew up with Daniel Keeping. I would go to his house and he taught me so much, I was able to interview him and reconnect, which was a lot of fun.

KT: Do you still work with your brother, with your marketing business?

BB: We still do a little work, it is busy with my dad’s business, so not as much but we still run the “Everything Bull Riding” page on Facebook and we promote a bunch of rodeos over there.

KT: How does your family help you with the opportunities you have within bull riding?

BB: My dad put me on my first sheep when I was two. I fell in love with it that day, and I have progressed up to calves and then junior steers, and now to bulls. My mom is my biggest

supporter in the stands, she is always videoing and cheering me on, and my brother Brock has helped me through a lot as well, especially when I got into a slump and stuff.

KT: Do you consider your dad your role model in bull riding?

BB: Oh definitely! He is the one who first got me into it. He paved the way for me to go to all those rodeos and doing all the cool opportunities that I had. He made it possible for me to do things like going to Vegas and there is no amount of me saying thank you for everything he has done for me.

KT: Did your dad ride himself?

BB: Yeah, he did. It was a long time ago. He never really had the chance to ride on the same level as us but he struggled a lot with injuries.

KT: What are your future plans?

BB: Bull riding has become the biggest part of my life, and I want it to be a part of my life for as long as I can. There are a lot of guys doing the PBR Teams deal and I have thought about that in the future. I don’t know yet if I will do the PBR Teams or do the actual rodeo circuit. I think right now my chances of going and getting my pro card through the PRCA is a whole lot higher than declaring for the draft.

KT: Well we wish you the best with that. It was certainly fun to keep up with the draft this year.

Alright we will move into some of our fun questions.

KT: My first question is what is up with the Hollywood you use in your name?

BB: Way back when I started getting on sheep, I got these aviator sunglasses at Walmart and I wore them everyday, I absolutely loved these things. I was never without them. When the first pair broke, I got another pair. One of my buddies’ dad said I looked just exactly like Hollywood, like you were from Hollywood. I used to wear a turquoise hat and shiny stuff then another guy said it and it stuck. I got called it more when I was younger but people still know me by it today.

KT: So if you call your style shiny, I am curious to know what color your chaps are?

BB: They are cream and turquoise, with gold fringe. They have always been my favorite colors.

KT: What do you do outside of rodeo?

BB: Hanging with my buddies, hunting and going fishing

and we have a lot of fun doing that. I also like to work on heavy equipment and build fun cars and toys. I have a 2008 Mini Cooper that I built and it is lifted off the ground. It has a custom lift kit, custom front and rear end and we do a lot of fab and welding.

KT: What is your favorite movie?

BB: Let me think. Growing up my brother and I used to watch a lot of the Bad Boy movies. I guess I would say Star Wars.

KT: That is the first time we have heard that for an answer.

BB: Well, I don’t like to be basic.

KT: What do you like to put on your pizza?

BB: Pepperoni and Cheese

KT: From the kid that says he doesn’t like to be basic, you only eat pepperoni on your pizza?

BB: Okay, with food I am pretty basic, but not with anything else.

KT: Alright, last question. What is one place you want to visit outside of rodeo, and what would you do there?

BB: We have been all over for vacation but I want to go to Cozumel, Mexico and hang out on the beach. It would be fun to go down there and fish the Gulf and hang with friends.

KT: Well for a Texas kid, that doesn’t seem like it would be too tough to accomplish. Alright, thank you Brayden for talking with us and good luck with your summer run.

BB: Yes, ma’am. Thank you.

KT: For more information about junior bull riding, you can check out the National High School Finals Rodeo page or the Yeti Junior World Finals on Facebook. Be sure to look for a new rider featured in our Rider Rundown next month.

Katlin Truelsen is a member of the CAC Media Group and specializes in digital and print media. She is currently a high school junior and lives with her family on a diversified grain and livestock farm in Eastern Iowa.

8x PRCA World Champion Stetson Wright nearing comeback after 6-month absence

Eight-time world champion Stetson Wright entered last year’s Wrangler National Finals Rodeo with a six-figure lead in the all-around world standings but set his sights on capturing a triple crown.

Wright burst onto the PRORODEO scene in 2019 becoming the first Resistol Rookie to win an all-around world championship.

Since then, he’s won five straight all-around titles (2019-23), two bull-riding championships (2020, 2022) and a saddle bronc title (2021).

The 24-year-old from Beaver, Utah’s, run of dominance garnered him the nickname ‘Superman.’

But in Round 2 of last year’s Finals, Wright bowed out of the competition with a hamstring injury. Three days later, he underwent surgery, and for the last six months, he’s been rehabbing to get back in rodeo shape.

“I got the nickname Superman, and everybody knows that you’re not invincible. But after five years of running away with everything, I’m not going to lie, I started to believe I might have a little bit of Superman in me,” Wright told the ProRodeo Sports News during World Champion Media Day on June 4.

“That was a tough pill to swallow. I’m just like everybody else, and I can get hurt.”

After his surgery, doctors ordered Wright to stay in bed for six weeks before moving him to crutches for 12 weeks.

Then he started to rehab and train to begin gearing up for his return to rodeo.

“Now I’m at the point of breaking scar tissue, getting my full range of motion back and getting back in the saddle,” Wright said. “I’ve been on a bull and a horse. Everything is looking up at this point, and we’re set to return here in maybe a week or two.

“On paper, everything is looking good, and hopefully, well not hopefully, we will be back (in Las Vegas) in December.”

Wright said missing his shot at a triple-crown stung but that there was too much to be grateful for to dwell on disappointment.

“Yeah, I had my days where I was like, ‘Why would this happen to me?’,” he recalled. “But it was all pretty short-lived. As soon as I went into surgery and came out, all I could think about was a triple crown in 2024.”

Until this past season, Wright remained relatively healthy in his rodeo career.

His run of success and perceived invincibility translated into confidence in the arena but let him down this past December.

“It’s good to have the mindset that you can’t because it does make you pretty tough to beat when feel like you have the upper hand,” he said. “That was a tough pill to swallow when Round 2 came, and I realized that the triple crown wasn’t in the cards that year. I just watched everything slip away round by round after that.”

Between bull riding and saddle bronc riding, Wright got used to hopping on multiple stock per day, but the hamstring injury hampered him in Las Vegas.

“You guys have seen it, I can get on four, five or six in a day and be fine,” Wright said. “When I got off that bull I was fatigued. I had lost all of my rodeo muscles.”

The months of sitting around and rehab are now in Wright’s rear-view mirror. He said as of right now he’s eyeing late June to climb back on at PRCA rodeos.

“There are many things you can change, but the great part of life is that you never know what tomorrow brings,” Wright said. “I’m just having fun, and we’re about back to me being able to do what I love, and I’m pretty excited about it.”

Article provided courtesy of PRCA Media. PRCA ProRodeo photo by Clay Guardipee.

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Inspiration Point

Leading by Example

I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. (Psalm 121:1-2)

When it comes to the generality of friendships, I often think of the phrase: “Birds of a feather flock together.”

Whether it’s at work, in a relationship, in marriage or in the random facets of our everyday life, the leader is to set the example and shouldn’t expect to be the exception.

As the exception, we make excuses. As the exception, we grow tired and lazy. As the exception, we have the right to pick and choose moments of integrity. As the exception, we place ourselves and our agendas before the people around us.

Philippians 2 is a beautiful depiction of the way Jesus calls us to model humility in the same way He did. If anyone “earned” the right to be put on a pedestal, it was Jesus. Yet, verse 7 points out “He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.”

Jesus’ example of leadership was demonstrated through humility and a servant attitude. These two attributes are at the core of living out the Greatest Commandments and can be one of the most challenging things to translate over into dating relationships.

We all want to protect ourselves, defend our actions, be known and be valued. If we’re not careful, we quickly make it all about us and what we view as proper leadership according to the world’s standards. Being the example, instead of the exception, means being like Jesus.

Being like Jesus means pushing the ‘me’ to the side (John 3:30). Being like Jesus means being last and not first (Matt 20:16). Being like Jesus means we love sacrificially above all else (1 Peter 4:8).

It’s interesting to think about what our relationship with a significant other would look like if we could just be a little bit more like Him and a little less like us. Jesus’ example pushes us to always work for the best of others, even if that may mean a hard choice has to be made. Jesus was willing to give His life for the world. Are you willing to put yourself aside to see another person thrive?

Go and be more like Jesus.

The best way to lead in any relationship is by example. Where we find our examples will largely affect the type of leader we are in the relationship.

Service, sacrifice and submission flow throughout the Bible. Hopefully, those we choose to mimic and “flock with” are biblically minded and not afraid to ruffle feathers when it comes to speaking truth.

Corn Salad


• Ears of Corn (canned corn will also work)

• Cherry Tomatoes

• Cucumber

• Bell Pepper

• Red Onion

• Olive Oil

• Lime Juice

• Salt & Pepper

Send us your favorite recipe to


1. Mix ingredients in bowl. Amounts vary according to your personal preference. 2. Chill until serving.

Submitted by Madaline H. - Woodward, OK

Keith Ryan Cartwright

A Storied Career from the Typewriter to the Front Office

Keith Ryan Cartwright is a writer, a very good professional writer, who has spent quite a few years around the bull riding game. He has a degree in journalism from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro Tennessee, and a master’s degree in journalism from Harvard. He was the full time beat writer for the PBR from 2008 until 2014.

“Right out of college, I wrote about the Rock and Roll music scene,” Keith revealed. “I was writing articles about the Rolling Stones, Guns N’ Roses, and The Grateful Dead. My cousin was

in a band, and I went on tour with them and started writing for some national magazines. Eventually I was writing for 1217 publications. I spent half of my time in L.A. and half of my time in Nashville, and I was writing about rock and roll and country music.”

“I then met a guy who was producing and directing TV shows,” Keith continued. “I hooked up with him and began writing and producing TV shows for the next five to seven years. After that, I decided I wanted to write about Major League baseball. I had another friend who worked for a Major League baseball magazine. I asked him how I could write for Major League baseball. He told me that I needed to cover a major sport for a season and see if I could hold up to the travel and stress. If I could do that, he assured me that would impress his people.”

“He called me back a little later and told me the PBR was looking for a beat writer. He said he thought that if I called them, they would probably offer me a job. I called them, did an interview and got the job in 2008. I was the senior writer for and a production director until 2014. I also fed the broadcasters and producers little info nuggets to keep the programs interesting and informative.”

While working with the PBR, Keith co-authored the book “Professional Bull Riders: The Official Guide” with Jeffrey Johnstone. He also began work on a second book, “Black Cowboys of Rodeo, Unsung Heroes from Harlem to Hollywood and the American West”, which was published in 2021.

The foreword for “Black Cowboys of Rodeo” was written by well-known actor Danny Glover and was a 2023 Best Book Awards Winner in Non-fiction sponsored by American Book Fest.

“I’m a feature writer,” Keith explained. “My true passion is working on longer stories and pieces. The PBR guidebook was popular, and I was elated with that. But it was a learning experience for me. That really helped me and influenced my writing and decisions for Black Cowboys of Rodeo.”

Keith was inducted into his High School Hall of Fame and the Middle Tennessee State University College of Media and Entertainment Hall of Fame in 2012. The journalism professor that really influenced Keith and helped launch his career offered him a job as an adjunct professor of journalism, to teach the students from his experience.

They both realized that Keith would need to have a master’s degree in journalism to teach at the University. In 2014, Keith resigned from the PBR and earned his master’s degree in journalism from Harvard. He then became an occasional adjunct professor at the College of Media and Entertainment at Middle Tennessee State University.

He also continued to work on his Black Cowboys book. “I love the writing and the finished product,” shared Keith, “but I fell in love with the research! I drove around the country and interviewed folks for the book. I have over 800 hours of interviews for the Black Cowboys. But then the pandemic shut down the world and halted my driving around the country doing interviews. Honestly, if it weren’t for the pandemic, I would probably still be interviewing folks for the book. Instead, I got the book written and published it in 2021.”

Having been intimately involved with the PBR, Keith had heard talk about “bull riding teams” for years. Then in the fall of 2021, he got a call from Justin McBride. “Hey Diablo”, Justin said. “I have made a decision to coach a PBR Bull Riding Team. I need your help to do it with me.”

“My first question to Justin was if this was a volunteer position or a paid position. He assured me it was a paid position, and

Keith with Silvano Alves

I immediately told him I was in. At Justin’s interview with the Nashville Stampede’s General Manager Tina Battock, she asked him what he needed. He told her he needed her to hire me.”

“I did an interview with Tina, and a little later she emailed

Justin and I and said she wanted to hire us and to look for a proposal in the mail. That’s how I became the Assistant General Manager of the Nashville Stampede.”

I asked Keith what responsibilities he has as an Assistant General Manager. “I do a little bit of everything,” he replied. “I do rider development and scouting, as well as help make roster and bull riding decisions. We’re still at a point in the league’s history where sometimes you wear a lot of hats. I am a liaison between the riders and Justin and Tina. There are questions and wants and needs that these young bull riders have, and they come to me with those things. I help them with what they need and include Justin or Tina when necessary. I facilitate a lot.”

“This year three-time PBR World Champion Silvano Alves is officially an assistant coach with the team,” Keith added. “The four of us, Tina, Justin, Silvano and I, are in complete alignment, working together to make roster decisions and bull riding decisions. Tina primarily handles the business end of things.”

Keith now lives in Denton, Texas, and the team and coaches live in that area as well. There they practice and work together to be the best they can be. They make occasional trips to Nashville to do some promotional events and community service. The cowboys enjoy the camaraderie of the bull teams, even during the Unleash the Beast season.

“Teams are the future of the PBR,” Keith predicted. “There are a lot of cool things that we know are forthcoming. This year they expanded to ten teams. In a couple of years, they will add a couple more, and so on. It’s the way of the future.”

Above (L to R) - Frankie Banali, Keith, Kevin DuBrow, and Keith’s cousin Stevie Rachelle during Keith’s time covering the music scene.

Below - Keith got his first typewriter for Christmas when he was eight years old. He’s been writing ever since.

Above - Keith Ryan Cartwright interviews L.J. Jenkins for CBS Sports Network.
Right - The cover of Keith’s book, Black Cowboys of Rodeo. Below - Keith writing for at an event.

Previewing the PBR Teams Series 2024 Season

The PBR Teams Series enters its highly anticipated 2024 season with a wave of excitement and intrigue, bolstered by the addition of two new teams: the New York Mavericks and the Oklahoma Wildcatters. As fans gear up for another thrilling season of bull riding excellence, they can expect a blend of tradition and innovation as the sport continues to evolve.

Evolution of the PBR Teams Series

Since its inception, the PBR Teams Series has transformed the landscape of professional bull riding. What began as a showcase of individual skill and bravery has evolved into a team-based competition that adds a layer of strategy and camaraderie. Each team is comprised of top riders, bringing together their talents to compete not just for personal glory, but for the collective success of their team.

The New York Mavericks: A Big Apple Twist on Bull Riding

The addition of the New York Mavericks injects a dose of urban flair into the rugged world of bull riding. Representing one of the most iconic cities in the world, the Mavericks

are poised to capture the imagination of both local fans and those tuning in from around the globe. Led by seasoned veterans and promising newcomers, the Mavericks aim to make a bold statement in their inaugural season.

Located at the crossroads of culture and commerce, New York City provides a unique backdrop for the Mavericks. Their presence in such a bustling metropolis not only expands the PBR’s reach but also underscores the sport’s universal appeal. As the Mavericks prepare to make their debut, all eyes will be on how they adapt to the challenges of the PBR Teams Series and carve out their place in bull riding history.

Oklahoma Wildcatters: Embracing Tradition in the Heartland

In contrast to the Mavericks’ urban allure, the Oklahoma Wildcatters celebrate the rich heritage of bull riding in America’s heartland. Oklahoma has long been a hotbed for cowboy culture, and the Wildcatters embody the grit and determination that define this region. With a roster stacked with local talent and global contenders, the Wildcatters

2024 PBR Camping World Team Series Schedule

Jul 12-14 Oklahoma City, OK Paycom Center

Jul 26-28 Duluth, GA Gas South Arena

Oklahoma Wildcatters

Neutral Site

Aug 2-4 Sunrise, FL Amerant Bank Arena Florida Freedom

Aug 9-10 New York, NY Barclays Center

Aug 16-18 Nashville, TN Bridgestone Arena

Aug 23-25 Austin, TX Moody Center

Aug 30-Sep 1 Springfield, MO Great Southern Bank Arena

Sep 6-8 Kansas City, MO T-Mobile Center

Sep 13-15 Anaheim, CA Honda Center

New York Mavericks

Nashville Stampede

Austin Gamblers

Missouri Thunder

Kansas City Outlaws

Neutral Site

Sep 20-22 Greensboro, NC Greensboro Coliseum Carolina Cowboys

Sep 26-28 Fort Worth, TX Dickies Arena Texas Rattlers

Oct 4-6 Glendale, AZ Desert Diamond Arena

Arizona Ridge Riders

Oct 17 Las Vegas, NV SouthPoint Ride-in-Round

Oct 18-20 LasVegas, NV T-Mobile Arena Championship

are ready to showcase their skills on the national stage.

For Oklahoma fans, the arrival of the Wildcatters represents a homecoming of sorts—a chance to cheer for their own as they compete against the best in the world. The team’s commitment to excellence and their deep roots in cowboy tradition make them a formidable force in the PBR Teams Series. As they prepare to defend their turf and honor their legacy, the Wildcatters are poised to win over hearts and minds across the country.

Key Storylines and Contenders for the 2024 Season

As the PBR Teams Series gears up for another thrilling season, several key storylines and contenders emerge:

Defending Champions:

Can the reigning champions, Texas Rattlers, defend their title, or will new challengers rise to the occasion?

Rookie Sensations:

Which rookies will make a splash in their debut season, and how will they impact their respective teams?

Veteran Leadership:

How will seasoned riders mentor and guide their teammates to success throughout the season?

Team Dynamics:

The interplay between team members— both on and off the arena floor—will be crucial to each team’s success.

The Road to the PBR Teams Series Championship

Throughout the season, teams will compete in a series of events leading up to the ultimate prize: the PBR

Teams Series Championship. This culminating event promises high stakes and intense competition as teams vie for glory and the chance to etch their names into bull riding lore.

Fans can follow the action closely through live broadcasts, social media updates, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content. The PBR’s commitment to fan engagement ensures that supporters are not just spectators but active participants in the excitement and drama of each event.

A Season of Promise and Possibility

As the PBR Teams Series 2024 season kicks off, anticipation runs high for what promises to be another unforgettable journey into the world of bull riding. With the addition of the New York Mavericks and the Oklahoma Wildcatters, the league expands its footprint while staying true to its roots of athleticism, courage, and teamwork.

Whether you’re a lifelong fan or new to the sport, the PBR Teams Series offers something for everyone: thrilling competition, compelling narratives, and the timeless spirit of the American West. As teams prepare to embark on this season of promise and possibility, one thing is certain—the road to the championship will be paved with grit, determination, and the unyielding spirit of the riders who dare to tame the untamable.

So, saddle up, hold on tight, and join us as we witness history in the making. The PBR Teams Series 2024 season is about to begin, and the ride promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.

Photo provided courtesy of BullStock Media.

The American Rodeo Championship Weekend to be aired LIVE on Fox Sports Family of Networks

The 12th Annual ‘The American Rodeo Championship Weekend,’ owned and produced by Teton Ridge, returns to the home of the Texas Rangers, Globe Life Field, on April 11-12, 2025, moving from its traditional early March dates. The highly anticipated weekend, will be televised live, exclusively across the FOX Sports family of networks, with the Championship Round aired live on FOX.

The expanded programming schedule, inclusive of The American Rodeo Regional Finals, which for the first time will be televised live, and new Contender events, will be announced in the coming months.

“Our mission at Teton Ridge is to build upon the foundation of these time-honored sports and grow their audience and impact on a much wider and global scale,” said Deirdre Lester, Chief Executive Officer of Teton Ridge.

“Accelerating our multi-year agreement with FOX Sports means we can bring even greater viewing opportunities to our fans in real-time. Since acquiring The American Rodeo in late 2021, Teton Ridge has been focused on elevating the industry and showcasing the immense talents in Western and performance sports.”

The American Rodeo features competitors in all eight traditional rodeo disciplines. Fans can root for the underdog “Contenders” chasing a cash bonus and the professional athletes chasing their championship crown. This past year marked a record breaking payout of $4.6 million to Western sports athletes.

Ticketing information for The American Rodeo 2025, headlining music talent lineup, and ticket on-sale dates for April 11-12, 2025, will be announced later in 2024. Fans can subscribe to Teton Ridge Plus for alerts, advance ticketing offers, and exclusive presales. For more information, visit

frost’s winning ways continue at cody

Josh Frost has his sights set on winning and that is just what he did at the Cody/Yellowstone Xtreme Bulls.

Frost showed up at Stampede Park third in the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association world standings. He scored 89 points on Frontier Rodeo’s bull named Stranger Danger in front of a sold-out crowd. That added $12,902 to his season earnings and should help him in the standings.

The Randlett, Utah, resident is on track to qualify for his sixth Wrangler National Finals Rodeo (NFR). He made his first appearance in Las Vegas in 2019 and after failing to have a qualified ride on a bull in the Thomas and Mack Center, he was ready for redemption.

The next year saw rodeo’s cancel because of Covid and he finished outside of the top 15. He kept getting on practice bulls and working towards 2021. That year, he won the NFR championship by riding seven out of ten bulls. He finished second in the race for a world title. He did that again in 2022 and 2023. The talented cowboy will be back here later this week to compete as part of the Cody Stampede Rodeo.

“This is a great way to start Cowboy Christmas,” he said as he was leaving the arena. “I’ve got a really busy schedule through the Fourth of July and just hope I can keep the momentum going.”

He has some extra motivation to keep adding to his earnings. He and his wife, Erika, are expecting their first child, a girl in August.

There was a total of $43,005 paid at this year’s Xtreme Bulls to eight bull riders. Most of them will be back here to compete at the rodeo which starts at 8 p.m. opn Monday, July 1. Gates open at 6 and fans are encouraged to arrive early and enjoy live music and entertainment on the Rodeo Plaza.

The following are results from the Cody/Yellowstone Xtreme Bulls competition, June 30, 202 4.

Josh Frost is at it again. The Randlett, Utah, cowboy won the Cody/Yellowstone Xtreme Bulls at Stampede Park on Sunday, June 30, 2024. He scored 89 points on Frontier Rodeo’s bull named Stranger Danger to add $12,901 to his earnings. Photo by Susan Kanode

1, Josh Frost, Randlett, Utah, 89 points on Stranger Danger, $12,901. 2, Trey Kimzey, Strong City, Okla., 86, $9,891. 3, Brady Portenier, Caldwell, Idaho, 84, $7,311. 4, (tie) Clayton Sellars, Wildwood, Fla.; Chase Dougherty, Canby, Ore.; and Jax Mills, Montgomery, Texas, 81 and $3,297 each. 7, Luke Mast, Hutchinson, Kan., 78.5, $1,720. 8, Parker Breding, Edgar, Mont., 77, $1,290.


*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice


Jul 1 Red Lodge, MT $15,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 3 Imperial, NE $5,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 4 Park Rapids, MN $21,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 6 Lincoln, AR 7/1 6pm 918-605-6265 Bull Riders, Inc.

Jul 6 Grinnell, IA

712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 8 Oakley City, UT $35,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 9-13 Colorado Springs, CO $682,400 PRCA - NFR Open

Jul 9 Donnellson, IA $4,500 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 10 Nephi, UT $20,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 10 Clay Center, NE $4,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 10 Waseca, MN $3,000 7/1 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 11 Cortez, CO PBR Challenger Series

Jul 11 Adel, IA $2,500 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 11 Madison, IN

$7,500 7/1 6-9pm 608-412-0799 NFPB

Jul 11 Laramie, WY $15,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 12 Edgerton, MN $6,000 7/1 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 12 Harlan, IA

Jul 12-13 Gallup, NM

$4,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

$30k purse 6/26; 6/27 9-12/9-10 505-863-5402 WildThing Championship Bullriding

Jul 12-14 Oklahoma City, OK PBR Teams Series

Jul 13 Manchester, WI

$4,000 7/1 6-9pm 608-413-0799 NFPB

Jul 13 Amarillo, TX PBR Challenger Series

Jul 13 Marshalltown, IA

$3,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 13 Livingston, MT PBR Challenger Series

Jul 14 Alta, IA

$5,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 15-16 New Harmony, IN $2,000 7/8 5-10pm 618-267-1782 NFPB

Jul 16 Sioux Center, NE

$4,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America


Jul 17 Monroe, WI


*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice

$3,000 7/8 6-9pm 608-412-0799 NFPB

Jul 18 Mitchell, SD PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 18 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series

Jul 18 Redwood Falls, MN $4,000 7/8 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 18-20 Big Sky, MT PBR Challenger Series

Jul 19 Red Oak, IA $3,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 19 Wabasha, MN $3,500 7/8 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 19 Flora, IL $1,500 7/8 5-10pm 618-267-1782 NFPB

Jul 19-20 Thief River Falls, MN PBR Challenger Series

Jul 19-20 Springdale, AR PBR Challenger Series

Jul 19-20 Pilot Grove, MO $1,000* 7/8 6-10pm 618-615-8542 NFPB

Jul 20 La Valle, WI $10,000 7/8 6-9pm 608-412-0799 NFPB

Jul 20 Spanish Fork, UT $40,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 20 Sacred Heart, MN $4,000 7/8 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 21 Monticello, IA 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 22-23 Cheyenne, WY PBR Challenger Series

Jul 24 Rifle, CO PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 24 Owensville, MO

Jul 24 Anoka, MN

$1,000 7/15 5pm 573-823-2569 NFPB

$4,000 7/15 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 25 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series

Jul 25 Clarinda, IA $2,500 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 25 Garden City, MN 7/15 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 25 Albia, IA

Jul 26 Atlantic, IA

Jul 26 Mendon, IL

Jul 26-27 Rose City, MN

$3,000 7/14 7pm 515-681-4626 NFPB

$3,500 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

$3,000 7/17 6-10pm 573-470-5888 NFPB

$4,000 7/15 6-9pm 320-226-0949 NFPB

Jul 26-28 Duluth, GA PBR Teams Series

Jul 27 Pierce, NE

Jul 27 Palmyra, MO

$4,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

$2,000 7/15 6-10pm 618-615-8542 NFPB

Jul 27 Parkers Prairie, MN $7,500 7/21 5-9pm 320-226-1487 NFPB

Jul 30 Central City, NE $2,500 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Jul 30 Dodge City, KS $15,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls

Jul 31 Springfield, NE $5,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America


Aug 1 Brighton, CO PBR Challenger Series

Aug 1 Fort Worth, TX PBR Challenger Series

Aug 1-2 Neligh, NE $3,000 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Aug 2-3 Pilesgrove, NJ PBR Challenger Series

Aug 2-3 Dickinson, ND PBR Challenger Series

Aug 2-4 Sunrise, FL PBR Teams Series

Aug 3 South Sioux City, NE $5,500 712-374-6053 Bull Riders of America

Aug 6

Aug 6

Aug 7

Aug 8

Aug 8

Aug 9-10

Aug 9-10

Aug 10

Aug 12-13

Aug 15



Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice


Aug 29

Aug 30-Sep 1

Aug 31-Sep 1

Aug 31



Jul 5

Jul 5-6

Jul 6 Thomasville, MO

Jul 10 Laramie, WY

Jul 12

Jul 13

Jul 14

Jul 20 Mountain Grove, MO

Jul 20 Keenesburg (Wooley’s)

Jul 27 Lakeland, FL

/ Ozark Family Rodeo

/ Bijou Buckers Mini Bulls

Aug 2 West Plains, MO

Aug 3 Thayer, MO

Aug 10 Licking, MO

Aug 24 Thayer, MO

Aug 24 Lakeland, FL

Aug 31


/ Ozark Family Rodeo

/ Ozark Family Rodeo

/ Ozark Family Rodeo

/ Ozark Family Rodeo Finals


Jul 6 Lincoln, AR

Jul 6 Duncan, OK ABBI / Claim A Bull

Jul 10 Erick, OK

Jul 12 Diamond City, AB

Jul 12 Porum, OK

/ NBTR Derby / Classic

/ Voltage Productions Futurity

/ Jenkins Series Yearling Futurity

Jul 13 Porum, OK ABBI / BYOR Derby

Jul 13 Mt. Orab, OH ABBI / K Bar C

Jul 14 Grandview, TX $3,000 added to riders ABBI / Wyloh Ranch BYOR Derby

Jul 20 Sisters, OR ABBI / HDBBA

Jul 20 Tunica, MS ABBI

Jul 24 Erick, OK ABBI / NBTR

Jul 27 Baldwin, ND ABBI / NBA Bull Team & Futurity

Jul 27 Newton Falls, OH



Aug 2-3 Buchanan, TN 7/20-27 ABBI / K Bar C Beast of the East

Aug 3 Duncan, OK 8/2 ABBI / Claim A Bull

Aug 7 Erick, OK 8/6 ABBI / NBTR Derby / Classic

Aug 9 West Monroe, LA

Aug 16 Halfway River First Nation, AB 8/5-6

Aug 17 Porum, OK 8/5-10

Aug 17 Binford, ND 8/16

Aug 17 Newton Falls, OH 8/16

ABBIC / Halfway River Valley

ABBI / Jenkins Series



Aug 21 Erick, OK 8/20 ABBI / NBTR

Aug 22-24

Aug 24 Idaho Falls, ID

Aug 24 Green River, WY


Aug 31 Dickinson, ND 8/30 ABBI / NBA

Aug 31-Sep 1 Ft Lupton, CO 8/10-18


Do You Have a Livestock Layover or Practice Pen?

List it for FREE in the Classifieds. Call our office at 325-500-BULL (2855)

For More Information on listing your facilities


Practice Pens


NEW MARKET, AL - EC Hunt, 5:30pm Sun., 256-683-8169

BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, Anytime, Call First, 870-307-9923

CONWAY, AR - Mark Lindsey, Ride & Shine Cattle Company, Anytime, Call First, 501-730-4557

ELFRIDA, AZ - D Davis Bucking Bulls, 4pm Sat., Call First, 520-642-3737

LINCOLN, CA - B Bar Ranch, B Bar Indoor Arena, Rain or Shine, All Rough Stock, 916-206-4059

MARYSVILLE, CA - PacWest, 5pm Wed., Steers & Bulls, Call First, 530-751-6643

FRESNO, CA - Toro Bravo Arena, Thur. by appt., Call First, 559-577-2445

ELIZABETH, CO - Tuff Garcia, Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Mon., Rain or Shine, 970-846-0788

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO - Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Wed., Apr-Nov., 970-846-6828/3354

ALDEN, IA - Circle C Rodeo, 6pm Wed., Rain or Shine, Call for alternate dates 641-373-3625

WOODBINE, IA - Tom & Kristina Kelley, every Sun. (weather permitting). Beginner - rank bulls. Call 712-5922493

KENDALLVILLE, IN - B Bar A Bucking Bulls, Heidi Speicher, 7pm Every Thur, Call First, 260-564-5864/Troy

JACKSONVILLE, IL - Lazy C Rodeo, 10am-3pm Sun., Rain or shine, Call First, 217-245-8280

Practice Pens

JACKSONVILLE, NC - Aleck Barnard, Elite Cowboy Rodeo Assoc., Onslow Rodeo Arena, 6pm Every Other Sunday, Call First, 910-381-8597

CHANDLER, OK - JAM Bulls, 2pm Sun., 7pm Wed., Call First, 405-570-9010

SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hour notice, Rain or Shine, 307-461-1741

EAGLEVILLE, TN - BF Cattle Company, 2pm Sun., Jackpot, Call First, 615-336-4313

EMORY, TX - Oakes & Greene’s, 7pm Wed., 903-348-8630

LORENA, TX - Rocking S Ranch, Tue., Jackpot, Call First, 254-716-0779

MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, 4pm Sun/6pm Wed., $5 at the gate to ride as many as you want, 817-223-3692

SIMMS, TX - Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 7pm Every Other Thur., 903-543-3025

PETROLIA, TX - Norris Dalton, 7pm Wed., 940-733-3020

DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, Call First, 940-393-3730

NOCONA, TX - 4x Arena, Call First, 501-944-1907

NOCONA, TX - Locke Bucking Bulls, Call First, 940-872-0733

WILLS POINT, TX - Austin Arena Bulls, Barrels, & Poles. $10 per ride/run or $25 for all you can ride. Bulls for all ages. 214-7265799

Livestock Layovers

BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, White River Rodeo, 870-307-9923

RAYMOND, IL - Randy Littrell, Shop Creek Cattle, 217-556-0551

Livestock Layovers

MARYSVILLE, KS - Gary Hershey, 4H Bucking Bulls and Marysville Sale Barn, Call First, 785-292-4952

LAKE CHARLES, LA - Keith Strickland, Deep South Rodeo Genetics, 337-304-1493

SALEM, MO - Hwy 32 & 72, Salem Livestock Auction, 573-729-8880

HELENA, MT - Jim Horne, Bull Horne Ranch, 406-459-5706

FERNLEY, NV - Nathan Pudsey, Circle P Bucking Bulls, 775-750-2168


Livestock Layovers

CLAYTON, NM - Justin Keeth, Lazy J 3 Bucking Bulls, 575-447-0877

BETHESDA, OH - 15 Miles off I-70, TCB Ranch, 304-281-4530

SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime w/ 4-6 hours notice, 307-461-1741

BOX ELDER, SD - Gus “Duane” Aus, Lazy Heart O Ranch, 605-923-3426

BUCHANAN, TN - Parsons & Milam 731-642-8346

CLARKSVILLE, TX - Brian Agnew, BA Livestock, 903-669-9189

Your Ad Could Be Here! Call 325-500-2855 for more details

Livestock Layovers

DUBLIN, TX - Mike Godfrey, Godfrey 4X Cattle, 817-235-2852

MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, JC Knapp Rodeo, 817-223-3692

MIDLAND, TX - Ted Norton, Norton Bucking Bulls, 432-413-8433

DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, 940-393-3730

SIMMS, TX - Near I-30 Texarkana, Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 863-381-2799

CHEYENNE, WY - Floyd & Ann Thomas, TTnT Ranch, 307-778-8806


WINNERS RODEO SUPPLY - Gary Leffews Dare to Be Great DVD $45.00 or I am Hot DVD $35.00-free shipping. Also some remaining Hotman and Lostroh bullropes plus all other bullriding gear. Gold Buckle Rodeo Supply 320-328-4000 Dealers wanted !!

RENOWNED HIGH QUALITY BULL ROPE, PO Box 18, Elk City, OK. 73648, 1-580-225-3208, Be Blessed.


Raymond Branch, Custom Braider Maker of World, NFR, & PBR Champion Bullropes Strictly custom-braided to your specifications. (928) 289-9611

Western Wanderings

a cowboy’s biscuits

Cookie lifts the lid up off the pot

And you gaze at what lies within

Your eyes take in the golden brown

And your face lights up in a grin

Your nose inhales the aroma

Of Cookie’s little hunks of delight

Your mouth begins to water

As you stare at the golden sight

The smell of the cowboy coffee

And bacon sizzling in the pan

Gets your tastebuds ready for breakfast

Made only as Cookie can

He rises up early each morning

When the stars still wink in the sky

He starts that coffee to boilin’

Before you open your eyes

Breakfast today is bacon and beans

And biscuits cooked just right

It’s just what you need to keep going

From this morning til supper tonight

It’s been said Cookies biscuits are talked about

By trail hands all over the state

His biscuit’s fame has spread far and wide

By cowboys who think they’re first rate

Cookie’s mastered that old Dutch oven

One thing can be said about him

When he “dabs a loop” around a pot

There’s magic that happens within

Because I get hungry around midday

I’ll grab me a biscuit to go

Then add me a piece of bacon

For a midday delight don’t you know

Illustrated by Mike Aemmer

For the second consecutive season, Alex Cerqueira (Iguatemi, Brazil) dominated in Ocean City, Maryland, going 3-for-4 just steps from the Atlantic Ocean to repeat as the event winner of the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) Challenger Series’ Ocean City Classic.

Photo provided courtesy of Andre Silva.

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