Humble Pie X

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COLIN ANDERSEN is a self-proclaimed “art wizard,” originally from the Northwest United States. Now in Oakland, Colin enjoys cartoons, tea, comics, sweaters, and metal. Currently, he is practicing his two favorite mystical arts: freelance illustration and comics. If you brew a cup of Earl Grey and play a Motorhead song backwards you will summon Colin from his dimension to your doorstep. CAMERON PRICE is a senior in Goddard College’s BFA in Writing program. He currently resides in San Jose, CA where he works at a Vietnamese restaurant. Besides being able to make a mean banh mi, he is the design editor of Duende, a national online journal of literature and visual art. ALLISON CHALCO is a printmaker based in Oakland California. 68

BONNY NAHMIAS is a human being fueled by the sun. She was born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel and spent five years of her life living in Brooklyn, New York. She moved to San Francisco after she found a loving community which she now calls family. She is a Sculpture major, currently exploring her first semester at CCA. In her free time she likes to listen to music and dance or quickly make up songs. She gets nostalgic at times over a past that she never had, and with that her imagination travels through the present and into the future with new ideas and thoughts. KYLE PRUSA is a 21 year-old Illustration major, currently a junior moving on to senior year. He is interested in not only Illustration and Drawing, but also Writing (both stories and poetry), Photography, and the Dark Arts. He loves his video

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