Humble Pie 13

Page 23





Kalyn Diaz

“Dicen que los hombres somos perros Y jugamos al amor. Pero nunca dicen cuando las mujeres hieren a los hombres como yo.”* Taking a guy’s virginity is not exactly one of the memories that I choose to remember. Most people may think it’s because taking someone’s virginity is an awkward experience and no one wants to remember it. Other people may think it’s because at the time I had sex with a guy, I was still in denial about being gay, but that’s not it either. The real reason why I choose not to remember is because, in all honesty, I was an asshole. He called me the day after it happened. After ignoring the call the first two times, saying that I was busy babysitting, I decided on his third call, I would talk to him. I decided to text him, not call him back because that was too intimate. The text was short, it was a simple explanation as to why I didn’t pick up. He began asking about the night before. “Are you okay? Was it bad? Can we hang out tonight?” "Yes. No, and no, Mami won’t let me,” I replied.


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