Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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True Humaniversity Foundation True Humaniversity Foundation • Survey No.7, Ashram Road, Yeoor Hills, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400610 India. • +91-8693092000 +91-9167943134 • • Survey No.7, Ashram Road, Yeoor Hills, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400610 India. • +91-8693092000 +91-9167943134 •

Typical Day in a Drug Rehabilitation Center in India Typical Day in a Drug Rehabilitation Center in India

• When you are considering a drug addiction treatment process, you may wonder about the expected standard day in a rehab and the activities processed there. Now, there are many types of drug abuse treatments, and accordingly there are many types of drug rehabilitation center in India.

• Following the framework of therapies, these drug rehabilitation center in India are highly organized and structured with similar types of activities and therapies organized in most of the drug rehabilitation center in India. This also minimizes the stress and uncertainty among the residents and families, allowing the addict to grow and move towards the steps of happiness in a supportive and safe environment. However, the setting amenities and daily activities may vary in each of the drug rehabilitation center in India.

• Routine of a typical day at a Drug Rehabilitation Center India:

• Mornings: Starting the day with a healthy breakfast and an early meeting schedule, waking up late is not a part of the program. Some programs also offer morning sessions of yoga and meditation which helps the patient start a relaxed state of mind. Also, part of the treatment and recovery process centers on the belief of developing new and healthy healthy habits, intending to become a routine of the patients post-discharging life.

• Afternoon-Daily Therapy: The middle of the day mainly provides the most intensive treatment sessions which is started after a healthy lunch. A series of therapeutic sessions are started. Also, in various drug rehabilitation center in India, a host speaker is also welcomed, offering to share their own hopes about their own future. At times, the speakers delve into practical issues such as rebuilding careers post treatments and therefore, simply offer to provide inspirational speeches to uplift the aspirations of these people. Some of the therapy sessions are:

• Individual Behavioral Therapy

• Group Therapy

• Specialized Sessions

• Family Therapy

• Many drug rehabilitation center in India have several supplemental therapies also available, such as:

• Art or music therapy

• Dance therapy

• Neurofeedback

• Biofeedback

• Exercise Program

• Evenings-12-Step Meetings: After consuming a healthy dinner, there are usually short group sessions, which are typically around a 12-step program, which is available in the evening which is highly recommended and useful. The meetings do provide a respectful, anonymous and secure environment in which primarily fellowship is fostered, serving an important element for a long-term sobriety.

• However, bedtime is always encouraged to be fixed at a reasonable hour, as a complete health schedule habits are cultivated during the program process. By receiving enough sleep, the patients have a more alert and energetic peak hour participation in all their day activities.

• Spending leisure time: There are only a couple of hours free around the afternoon hours; however, it also depends upon the patient’s activity hours as well as on the resident choice. Activities such as basketball, soccer, pingpong, volleyball, swimming at times are also offered. However, some individual’s do opt for free time journaling or reading, or some use their free time for medication and prayer.

In Depth Realizations of an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in India In Depth Realizations of an Alcohol Rehabilitation Center in India

• The all-inclusive alcohol rehabilitation center in India has been on a serious rise in the past decade, aiming to heal the mind and body simultaneously. Elevating with a purpose to provide world-class treatment processes with the help of highly qualified counselors with an unique set of treatment programs, many alcohol rehabilitation center in India, provide an effective and a long-term recovery treatment plan for the individuals struggling with the issues of excessive alcohol consumption.

• Known for its absolute one of a kind rehabilitation centers, some of the best Drug rehabilitation center in India, are known to be located in Mumbai and in the state of Gujarat. Most of the centers integrate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the 12 step facilitation mindfulness meditation, which indeed has a strong evidence base of being one the most effective treatment for the alcohol addicts and also for various related disorders. Many of the centers also focus on the individual’s physical fitness, helping the patient with a full recovery yoga session.

• Moreover, the kind of treatment an individual should be rendered with mainly depends on the types of addiction he/she is mainly suffering from, that is if the patient is facing the problem of alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence. Primarily, the several alcohol rehabilitation centers in India, undermines and detects the alcohol addictions right from their roots and therefore, it is said that the Indian alcohol rehabilitation centers are absolutely unique and different from the other recovery treatments centers located across the globe.

• People most of the time, tend to confuse the alcohol addiction and alcohol dependence from one another, as the alcohol addiction is majorly a physiological issue, where inside the brain reward system, there is an alteration done into a state in which it is almost ceaselessly cravings for alcohol. However, alcohol dependence is a bigger concern as in such cases an individual mainly experiences cravings and also has a physical dependence on alcohol. Thus, in such cases, the process requires a complete detoxification procedure before the initial commencement of the complete treatment. Many of the alcohol rehabilitation center in India, hence have separate staffs and administration for both the circumstances, inculcated with perfect assessment, a great hospitality and providing encouragement to be healed.

• These centers in India, understand that every individual contemplates and suffers their own journey, which is absolutely painful and unique, therefore the treatment plan and research is also done in the similar manner. As most of the alcohol addicts do not even realize their sufferings and problems, they do not accept it as a sincere problem. Thus, the best way to help someone is to directly seek them with professional help. Following is the procedure one can do:

• Researching about the addiction details and discussing the matter from a keen point of knowledge.

• Practice the approaching topic technique, however ignore being presumptuous, hurtful or mad.

• Opt for the accurate time and place.

• Assure the patient with your genuine and honest support

• Stage an intervention, such as one that can involve other people who have the patient’s confidence and have a certain convincing power.

• Advise them on where and how to get the help of a professional

• Explain in details the availability of Science-based treatment options

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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Alcohol Rehabilitation Centres in Mumbai

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