Humanitas Review 3

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Rímini XXXIII Meeting for the Friendship among Peoples The nearly one million of persons that visited the Rímini Fair, from 19 to 25 August, in the occasion of the annual Meeting convened by the Communion and Liberation (CL) movement, wielded ad inspirational phrase the words of Don Giussani that invite to live a life without fear of the mundane adverse currents: La natura dell’uomo è rapporto con l’infinito (“By nature, man is relation to the infinite”). In reference to the phrase of the founder of CL, S.S. Benedict XVI asserted in the inaugural message, addressed to the Bishop of Rímini, that: “Speaking of man and of his desire for the infinite means first of all recognizing his constitutive relationship with the Creator”. This aspiration towards the infinite “in the human heart is indelible”, the Pope highlighted, “even when God is rejected or denied, the thirst for the infinite that dwells in men and women is not slaked”. The problem arises in

what Benedict XVI “frantic, sterile search for false infinites”, which has established strong and largely spread ideals as drugs and a disordered sexuality through the mass media. “Even the good things which God has created, such as paths that lead to him, often risk being absolutized, and thereby becoming idols that replace the Creator”. The Pope that it is necessary to take “the route of purification from what we have called false infinites, a way of conversion of heart and mind,” uprooting “all the false promises of the infinite that seduce men and women and enslave people.” Hundreds of thousands of attendees were able to hear every day firstlevel speakers from different countries, testimonies of public figures. It was also possible to attend to music, dance and theater shows, as well as admire expositions of Dostoievsky and other themes. J. A. A.

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