Huffle-Quibbler October 2015

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HUFFLE-QUIBBLER Volume 1, Issue 3

Huffle-Quibbler Moving to New Home, Expanding u/readlovegrow

The Huffle-Quibbler was introduced to the basement as an Externship Program in August 2015. After the first issue was

October 2015

Opinion Piece: Do We Still Need The International Statute Of Wizarding Secrecy?

published, interest and participation in


the program skyrocketed.

Often laws are made to protect the members of a community. As many of us already

The Huffle-Quibbler’s popularity

know about, the historical International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy came into effect

eventually led it to becoming the next

in 1692 to protect wizarding communities from the anti-magical fervor of the time

House Challenge. Inquiries about a

period. While often witches and wizards offered magical aid and support to their

possible all-inclusive Hogwarts

muggle neighbors, those neighbors feared the power disparity and often attacked

Quibbler were met with positive

magical people.

responses from all Houses.

After the passing of the Statue of Wizarding Secrecy, it was often seen as a way of

THEREFORE -- This will be the last

protecting muggles from what their minds couldn't handle. However, now Muggles

issue of the Huffle-Quibbler, as we will

seem to be their own type of technological wizards. To the extent that the savvy

be moving future operations over to

magical user has started to adapt to these new age muggle technologies. The most

r/TheQuibbler for the creation of the

popular muggle-to-magical invention was the wizarding wireless, which is based off of

first ever Hogwarts Quibbler. 

the muggle radio technology. However, we are seeing other muggle technologies make their way into wizarding life including the mobile phone, the tablet and most


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Mirgy’s Musings Special Report: Dueling

impressively the internet. This has led to many magical folks asking, what is the point of the statue of secrecy? Who is it protecting and who is it hurting? At this point we seem to be hurting ourselves more but keeping our secret then not. There has already been ground breaking research by Dr. Vangotts is busy searching for the "magical" genome in human DNA. Dr. Vangotts' research has been received with mixed reviews as some

Crafts, Brews, & Hobbies

magical folks feel that we shouldn't be combining magical research with muggle research. However Dr. Vangotts has stated that only the closed mind individuals

Classifieds/Ask Olive Hufflepuff Horoscopes Bulletin Board

would reject his research based on fear alone. Several prominent magical journals will not publish Dr. Vangotts research stating, after a double blind review, that "too many reviewers are confused about what DNA is, and why would anyone actually care. Please do not resubmit."

continued on page 4

Huffle-Quibbler 1

Mirgy’s Musings From the Desk of the Head of Hufflepuff

Dear Students, This has been a month of transformation. We’ve had a lot of changes, hardships, and newness thrust upon us. This month, I want to hold trust in high regard. Trust in the future, trust in yourselves, and trust in things working out. I know that sometimes life takes us in new directions. Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like we’re at the wheel of our own destiny and, to be completely honest, sometimes we aren’t at the wheel of our own destiny. Sometimes, the world just happens to us and we have to figure out how to make things work out… how to best play the hand you were dealt and how to push through things that seem impossible. I have seen many badgers this month not give up even though they may have wanted to. People who put trust in themselves and changed the course of their lives. I’ve also seen people put trust in others, realizing that sometimes you need a helping hand. For almost 4 years, I have put my trust in you, badgers. I have organized exchanges where you have sent amazing tangible things to make each other smile. I have spent a lot of time focusing on what could make your lives better; sometimes sending a random post card to a badger in need, other times helping by talking through the hard times. I am thankful for you, badgers, for never leading me astray and for always proving to me that you are worth my trust. Over the next few months, I will be transitioning into a new role in the r/harrypotter community. I hope that you all will be able to trust in me to do good by the community. I cherish the thought that you can always come back to Hogwarts and you can always come back to the basement. I look forward to continue being a part of this amazing little corner of the internet. XoXo ♥

Mirgy Huffle-Quibbler 2

An Uprise in Wizards Dueling! u/K9centipede

The occurrence of Wizards Dueling has been on the rise this past year, as wellread Harry Potter fans duke it out in the IRC Chatroom #WizardsDuel to compete for the rank of Trivia Badger! This rise in interest has resulted in the acquisition and developing of r/Dueling, a place for Harry Potter fans to engage in Literal Wizarding Duels! Weekly games have been occurring, engaging fans to recall obscure information such as How Many Times was Nearly Headless Nick Hit in the Neck before he died? (45) and Where did Fleur get a job at after the Triwizard Tournament? (Gringotts). New terms have also been developed through the duration of these games, such as 'pulling a kira' (to submit answers in the wrong window). Each week's trivia games consist of 15 questions plus a bonus. The questions include focuses such as 'Names and Faces' 'Definitions of Terms' 'Food and Drinks' 'Identifying Quotes' 'Time and Dates' and the crowd favorite 'Colors and Shades'. There is also a bonus question, asking players to pull from their knowledge of the extended canon to list all of the 'blank' that they can. A vague theme is used for each game when collecting the questions to be asked, such as 'Quidditch' 'The Elderly' or 'Drinking'.

If you're interested in seeing how you match up with fellow Harry Potter fans on your knowledge of the books, check out r/Dueling for more information! ď ś

Huffle-Quibbler 3

Place Your Bets! u/k9centipede

be eliminated next! These bets convert to House Points! Then the Booking Office closes and we get to watch the bloodbath begin. 

It's a dangerous time to be a Harry Potter character as the 8 rankers in r/HPRankDown continue to meticulously eliminate characters, one by one. HP Rank Down is a 9 month long project where 8 rankers (2 from each house) work on creating the ultimate count down of 'Best Harry Potter Characters', starting from #200. Each month around 24 characters will be eliminated as the Rankers take turns explaining why their selection is the worst character of those left over. The Rankers also have the use of the 3 Deathly Hallows to help them decide where they think characters should end up. Each Ranker was given an Elder Wand (as well as 1 to share with their house mate) to eliminate 2 characters in a single turn. Each Ranker was given a Resurrection Stone (as well as 1 to share with their house mate) to revive a previously eliminated character. Each Ranker was given a month they will be able to use the Invisibiltiy Cloak to protect a single character from eliminations.

continued from page 1 – Statute of Secrecy

We magical folk are now holding ourselves back, by keeping ourselves hidden. Muggles can now fly farther then even wizards can, and we can't even come to terms with the concept of DNA. When I asked fellow Wizard CustardFactory_, Healer at St. Mungos, about how he felt about the statute of secrecy he stated "It made sense at the time at least, though I think muggles now might be more accepting of wizards, but it's a lot of stuff to take in given the current sociopolitical climate." It is this humble writer’s opinion that we need to pull back the veil that has kept us hidden from the muggle world and embrace the future. I believe that the muggles would embrace us back. In recent years since the great Hogwarts leak (when muggles learned of Hogwarts through the "fictional" series of books published by renegade Witch J.K. Rowling) the school has

As they eliminate characters some rankers just focus on

been flooded with letters of students asking to attend the

what the characters bring to the books, eliminating those

school. Muggle children are told these letters go to the "dead

that lack any real presence. Other rankers focus on other

letter" office, however each letter has been read and filed by

things, such as how well thought out the

the school's caretaker. However, it appears that muggles are

characterizations are.

seeking a more magical life, and some believe that allowing

They have just finished up their 3rd month of ranking,

muggles to know, instead of just believe, would be the best

and aren't pulling any punches. Characters such as

route for everyone.

Controversial eliminations include Voldemort (revived

We are no longer protecting ourselves, nor are we protecting

with the stone) and Dolores Umbridge (#199), while

Muggles. We have grown comfortable and lazy with the

other eliminations were much expected such as

current state of affairs and I believe it's time for a change.

Professor Tofty (#195) and James Sirius Potter (#154).

Warm Regards,

Now the fun of the Rank Down isn't just limited for the

BooksOnTheShelf , Master of Arts in Magical History

Rankers themselves!

President of the Society for Magical integration in Muggle

The first 4 days of each month, students from all the

Education Great Lakes Region

houses are invited to place bets on who they think will

 Huffle-Quibbler 4

TOP BODY: Ch 2, work 6 sc in second ch from hook, RND 2: *Sc in 1 sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat (9) RND 3: *Sc in each of 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat (12) RND 4: Repeat last rnd (16). RND 5: Even. RND 6: Repeat rnd 2 (24). RNDS 7 & 8: Even. End. TOP HEAD: Repeat body through rnd 3, then work 1 rnd even. End.

Magical Crochet: Black Spider! u/rebelkitty

Despite the image of crochet as a humble domestic pastime, crochet charms can be quite difficult to cast correctly. You will require both a steady application of will, and a very clear understanding of exactly what you intend to accomplish, in order to correctly enchant your hooks. Regardless what certain companies may claim about their charmed hooks, it is never enough to simply wave your wand and walk away. Magically, the spiraling patterns of crochet mirror the cycles of the natural world, the ever-turning seasons, birth and death and rebirth, all connected in one long strand. And yet, unlike the looser flow of knitting (particularly lace knitting), the solidity of the crocheted fabric evokes stability and order. One missed stitch is no threat to the integrity of the work, as in crochet the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.

Sew head to body, sewing 5 sc of each together. Work 1 rnd sc around entire top of spider. BOTTOM BODY: Ch 2, work 6 sc in second ch from hook. RND 2: 2 sc in each sc. RND 3: *Sc in 1 sc, 2 sc in next sc, repeat (18). RND 4: *2 sc in 1 sc, 1 sc in each of 2 sc, repeat (24). RND 5: Even. BOTTOM HEAD: Work as bottom body through rnd 2. Sew head and body together same as top. Cut 1 ¼’’ off each chenille stick. Wind tip with black yarn, bend tip over, wind yarn over tip and down to end of chenille stick, bend tip over, and wind yarn over again. Split yarn into 2 parts and tie; cut off ends. Put legs in place; put bottom of spider in place; sew bottom to spider, adding stuffing as needed. Bend chenille sticks to look like legs. Glue eyes on. Hang spider from a piece of yarn, if desired, and use as a Halloween decoration.

Always read your patterns carefully, and in their entirety, before beginning any new project. Enchant each section (top body, top head, bottom body, etc) separately for best results. Maintain a consistent focus. The skill of the witch or wizard counts for far more than the particular brand of enchanted hook. Even muggle hooks can be used with success! This month, we’ll be making that most talented of fiber artists, the spider! Crocheted Black Spider (by Jane Slovachek, Crochet World, Oct 1979) MATERIALS: less than 1 oz. black knitting worsted; four 12’’ chenille sticks, black preferred; tacky type craft glue; polyester stuffing; crochet hook size “E”; yarn needle; scraps of black and white felt.


Huffle-Quibbler 5

Season Two of The Quidditch Word Cup! u/k9centipede

Season 2 of the Quidditch World Cup, has gotten off to a bit of a slow start. The first game, Barrenheim Behr vs Quiberon Quafflepunchers, was stopped due to technical difficulties. It seems the snitch managed to escape the charm keeping it in the pitch! The second game, Holyhead Harpies vs Moose Jaw Meteorites, went really well! All 3 rounds were played, with final totals being 910 and 590 points respectively. The Meteorites' new seeker seemed


OCT 1 11:09 PM: Received OWL reporting a disturbance in downtown Diagon Alley. Inebriated wizard splinched himself on way home. Fined for public intoxication. OCT 2 2:13AM: Contact in Muggle Auror force owled in a serious code 435. Apprehended individual selling cursed magic amulets to muggles at a “Rennaissance Faire”. Suspect was taken in for questioning. OCT 10 9:05AM: Rogue dragon spotted in downtown Carlisle. Muggles were confunded. Dragon was captured and taken to local dragon Sanctuary. OCT 15 3:00PM: House caught on fire. Owner had been crossbreeding “Blast ended Skrewts” in attic.

like they were hit with a Fumbling Hex as they managed to drop the snitch right after they caught it, but it didn't get far and the seeker grabbed it tight! The third game, Chudley Cannons vs Puddlemere United, got rained out and no one was able to make it. Both the Barrenheim Behrs vs Quiberon Quafflepunchers and the Chudley Cannons vs Puddlemere United games have been rescheduled for March. If you're interested in joining this exciting sport, please visit r/Quidditch_World_Cup!

OCT 17 2:35 AM: Commotion in downtown London. Party out of control. Talking toilets and dancing lamps. Muggles were obliviated. OCT 22 3:45AM: Wizard attempted to summon spirits. Summoned a malicious “unknown”. Unspeakables were called in and Wizard was taken to St. Mungos. OCT 25 5:00PM: Couple reported their child missing. Child is found in nearby field on a joyride with couple’s illegal flying carpet. Carpet was confiscated. OCT 25 7:56PM: Commotion in local wizarding community. Domestic disturbance. Everyone given calming draughts. OCT 26 8:35AM: Disturbance in Diagon Alley. UNKNOWN

set off Whizbangs near Fortescue’s. No one was hurt. OCT 27 9:25PM: Suspect in Knockturn Alley apprehended in regards to underground “Creature fights”. OCT 27 10:15PM: Knockturn Alley home found with various illegal artifacts and category:XXXX creatures. OCT 28 2:15AM: Splinching accident near London results in death. OCT 29 2:30PM: Public disturbance in sector 2. Muggles were obliviated. Flying carpets, animagus transformations, various displays of magic. OCT 30 11:59PM: Group of DARK wizards apprehended in illegal ritual. Possession of various illegal substances.

Huffle-Quibbler 6

CLASSIFIEDS Lost, Found, and For Sale

FOR SALE Niffler Baby Niffler, to good home only. Please contact Faedra May by owl if interested.

MISSING: Leprechaun Foolish Irish cousin brought leprechaun with him to the pub crawl in Bulgaria. "Lucky" escaped his bonds, drank all the Firewhiskey, and ran off. Chaos ensued, involving Veela, misfired Memory Charms, and false gold avalanches. If you find this leprechaun, keep him.

Personal Ads Antique Muggle Hat Rack Muggle artifact. Age unknown-so primitive that technology could hold only one hat. Curious bottom storage. In good condition with minor scuffs. Asking price 1 Galleon, 7 Sickles. Owl Boreus Krump for details.

FOUND Rat Found a rat familiar. Appears rather portly with an exotic coloration. No familiar abilities or characterizations. Fur clippings do not produce a working Dimple Draught. Responds to Edgar. Free to a good home. Owl Cully Pilkington with inquiries.

Will you beWITCH my heart? Single wizard looking for a strong, smart and slightly dangerous witch for adventures, magic and maybe some fireside snuggles. I can't discuss the nature of work, but would love to have someone to accompany me on work trips. Will need to be open-minded, enjoy candle lit meals and be a hex first, ask questions later kind of woman. Skilled at wand work is a plus. Let me stir your cauldron 78 year old wizard seeks a similar aged witch. Must love long midnight broom rides, picnicking in the Forbidden Forest, mushroom foraging, rehoming garden gnomes, and brewing experimental potions on the weekends. Not interested in witches concerned only with Celestina Warbeck and the latest from Madam Malkin's. Those with TURTLE FAMILIARS need NOT apply. Owl Nebbit Tank to set up a correspondence.

singing to my Kneazle, rare fungi collection and myself for the past week and a half. Your singing is starting to kill my fungi. Please leave us alone or I will contact the ministry. P.S. I think if you used an electric ukulele on "Janet, my heart's in flames for you" it would be a richer and poppier tune, however PLEASE don't play it again at my window.

Jobs Desperately seeking Salespeople. The holiday season is right around the corner and HoneyDukes is looking for seasonal sales people at its Hogsmead location. Must be of age, out of school and enjoy tasting experimental candies and sweets. Weekend hours are required!!

(Dentists need not apply.)

Ministry of Magic Chauffeur Now seeking witch or wizard with a good head for direction charms and able to keep their mouth shut about important visitors to the Ministry. May on occasion need to drive an unmodified by magic car so must be in possession of a muggle driver’s license.

Desperate Plea to the wizard serenading upper flat windows of the Kitchen Witchery Store STOP! PLEASE! Janet moved away 3 weeks ago. She didn't leave a forwarding owl address and you have been Huffle-Quibbler 7

Ask Olive Olive Hornby, ghost expert, takes your spiritual questions Dear Olive, My fiancee died before the wedding and chose to remain as a ghost so she can marry me anyway. We've set out rules allowing me to sate my carnal love with other women, but I've since started fantasizing about a silver-haired beauty with an aversion to ghosts. Madam Starflashfairy's horoscopes have given me hope that the new relationship could work, what do I do? Olive says: Oh my poor man, that sounds like a dreadful predicament to be in. Is your ex bound to the house or to you? If she's bound to the house then you could conduct your affair elsewhere but if she's bound to you then I know the pain of having a ghost appear in the bedchamber at the exact moment that... well, never mind about that! Changing the terms of a haunting can be done quickly and easily by writing a letter to the minister for the paranormal. I wish you all the luck in the world! Our consultant from beyond the grave this month is Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington: Alas, I will never understand the aversion to us ghosts that some living people have. I have been dead over 500 years and it still amazes me. If your silver-haired beauty would like some shock therapy, we house ghosts at Hogwarts conduct courses in the summer holidays to help people get over their fears of ghosts. She would begin by encountering Prof. Binns, who is the least ghostly of all of us, and work her way up to being shut in a dark room with the Baron. Our details are in the Wizarding pages if you wish to solicit our help. Olive is a legal expert in all things paranormal. If you have a question for her next month, please address your Owl to "Ask Olive"

SPHINX'S SONNET (riddle) Listen to me Hear what I sing It's not just some It's everything ... What The earth be Without the art. You still not sure? Then check the start. ... It's an old word To say carefree It's still a fine Way you can be ... Holes in your robes Papers to shred Here's what you've done Damaged this thread ... See this creature And you will cry As he swims past Greets you good bye

Huffle-Quibbler 8

Huffle-Quibbler 9

Hufflepuff House Horoscope Madam Starflash sees what (mis)fortunes will befall you this month

Scorpio The Vampire (October 23rd—November 21st) Ah, Scorpio Hufflepuffs, it is October, and the moon has fallen into your House just in time for All Hallows Eve. Coincidentally, so has a nasty case of Dragon Pox. Have your cauldron ready. Pouring two teaspoons of Muggle baking soda into your homebrewed Pepper-Up Potion will help with the itching. Sagittarius The Centaur (November 22nd—December 21st) Sagittarians! We must be wary of door-to-door beggars dressed in insulting mockery. Leave the porch light off and surround your home with as many Anti-Intruder jinxes as possible on the 31st, because when you forget the candy, they won’t take it kindly. Have mayonnaise on hand for the eggs they will throw. Capricorn The Thestral (December 22nd—January 19th) Dear, sweet Capricorn ‘Puffs. Rain on the 2nd means your garden is going to flourish! You’re in luck. Make sure you’re growing fluxweed and

knotgrass, because you will need to stock your potion supply cabinet. Expect a large amount of visitors and an influx of gold on the 17th. Aquarius The Kelpie (January 20th—February 18th) Aquarius, you’d better keep an eye on the Taurus next door. When you start to hear screams and explosions, run out and buy as many of Dr. Filibuster’s Wet-Start No-Heat Fireworks as you can get your hands on. Stop by a Muggle bookstore on the way home for a new copy of Harry Potter’s biography, part 4, and start taking detailed notes. Pisces The Merperson (February 19th—March 20th) Pisces Hufflepuffs, this is the month to make a major job decision. Your applications to scoop ingredients at the Apothecary, sort scrap cloth for Madam Malkin, clean cages at the Menagerie, and stock shelves at Flourish and Blotts haveall been accepted! Each choice leads to a lifetime career. Choose wisely; but hurry! Huffle-Quibbler 10

Aries The Hippogriff (March 21st—April 19th) Aries, you must try harder! Go, and use the new resources you have discovered to communicate as you know you need to. It’s important to exorcise the past and move forward. Silver is the color of your new destiny! Taurus The Werewolf (April 20th—May 20th) Taurus Hufflepuffs, magical creature breeding is not always a good idea, but the two beasts that will fall into your hands (literally!) on the 22nd were thought to be extinct. Finding a male and a female proves that it’s destiny to mate them. Just be careful of their back ends. Wear oven mitts and close the shades. Gemini The Veela (May 21st—June 20th) Gemini, you are on the right path towards love! Keep reaching out, you will find a new way to speak to the one your heart seeks. I See that you will be very happy soon, but there will first be great suffering. Let go of some of your fear, it is the only way to make this work. Cancer The Firecrab (June 21st—July 22nd) I foresee you will need to go into hiding, Cancer ‘Puffs. On the 17th, go and see a Capricorn for the ingredients for Polyjuice Potion. Take plenty of extra gold, they will charge you double for the lacewings. Force the Virgo you will change into brew the potion for you. Then knock them out and take their hair. Leo The Sphinx (July 23rd—August 22nd) Oh, Leo. The fallout from last month’s leprechaun fiasco has fallen completely on your shoulders to clean up and erase. You will be forced to modify memories left and right. All the running around will cause extreme exhaustion. Be careful; the more tired you are, the worse your aim will get.

Virgo The Unicorn (August 23rd—September 22nd) Virgo! Do not go anywhere alone. This is of vital importance this month. Sleep under your bed. You are in grave danger. CONSTANT VIGILANCE! Also, be mindful of the doxies in the curtains, they’re getting out of hand again. Doxycide can cause human paranoia when sprayed in massive amounts in unventilated areas. Crack a window. Libra The Dragon (September 23rd—October 22nd) Libras of Hufflepuff, butterbeer and pumpkin juice are all well and good, but a stroke of brilliance will hit you on the 6th. You will create a drink that will become the next big thing! And then on the 7th, you will be hit by a Memory Charm the likes of which has not been seen since Lockhart was admitted to St. Mungo’s, wiping the recipe away forever. The birthstone for October is the Opal. A unique gem in its multicolored look, similar to how those born in this month can easily adapt and show a different face as the situation requires. They are practical yet beautiful. The Opal is a stone of creativity and resourcefulness. Check out these famous witches and wizards also born in October:  Armando Dippet.  Angelina Johnson.  Molly Weasley.  Minerva McGonagall.  Filius Flitwick.  /u/brookempaw  /u/WoodsWanderer  /u/kram95  /u/syuvial  /u/rip2my  /u/flowercrownsunshine

Huffle-Quibbler 11

Ask Madam StarFlash Resident Seer, I have fallen desperately in love with a certain man I met through the classifieds. He is dark and handsome and absolutely broody. He has this rather pungent odor but he is such a gentleman. It is as if he were born in a different century! Oh, but he looks at me with such beautiful red eyes! He never bothers to stare below my neck. Actually, He says I have the most captivating neck. But my question Madame, is do you see him feeling the same way as I do? Sometimes he gets so moody and will not talk to me that I fear he has somebody else in his life. But he always comes back after a few days with fresher face and a killer smile. I simply do not know what to do! Please help! Sincerely, Lovestruck Lady

way to assuage your fears and find out if the love is eternal is to test it. The way you must go about it is simple. I See that you are Italian, my darling. This is important. You will put your beloved to the test upon the next new moon. You will take him home to meet your family. You must sit down for supper with them, and all will be revealed by the food. The final outcome is unclear as of yet, as your mother’s choice of entrée is vital. If she eats the garlic shrimp, you and your love are not to be. If she opts for the eggplant parmesan, you must wash your neck carefully and sit by the fire after midnight. However, I issue a word of caution. If you try and influence the choice of your mother’s meal in any way, it will backfire on you and consequences will include, but not be limited to, flaming torches and pitchforks. May fortune smile upon you! ~***~ Madam Starflash, Should I harvest my glumweed considering Cassiopeia at its zenith or by the Arithmancy of the Gulf Stream? It's true that my mother was born in winter, but my favorite fruit are plums. I want to make pickled glumweed that will win at next summer's Harvest Festival. PS: Can you include a recipe for pickled glumweed? I don't have one. Also, when is the festival? Sincerely,

My dear Lady, Ah, such love can be so difficult. I once read tea leaves for a teenage girl who had met a similar man, although he was not so red in the eyes. She chose not to heed my warnings to take the warmer path, selecting sparkly things instead. Oh, that girl should have listened to me. Eighteen forever is bad enough, but with a child? And all those relatives…but I digress. I can promise your man has not been unfaithful. But, I know you still have your doubts. The only

Hank G. Hapless Dearest Hank, Glumweed was not a good choice for you at all, my darling! The glumweed harvest was on the Summer Solstice at dusk. Any that was not reaped at that time retreated into the soil. What is in your garden now is poisonous gloomgrass. Under no circumstances are you to go near that patch of earth for six days past the Autumnal Equinox. Huffle-Quibbler 12

Also, while Cassiopeia is at its zenith, the Arithmancy of the Gulf Stream cannot be calculated. Io and Orion cross paths in the House of Mars and there is only one body of water whose Arithmancy can be determined, and that is the Arctic Ocean. But that’s a far more “precise” branch of Divination, and it clouds the Inner Eye. If your mother was born in winter and your favorite fruit is the plum, then I am correct in saying you are a Pisces, and you are not quite as adept with Herbology as you would like to be. Dear, you were so good with your cooking Charms. Try making that pizza that won’t burn the roof of the mouth again. Success will come to you on the fourth try this time. The festival was last Tuesday, and since you’ve got no glumweed to pickle, you’ll need no recipe for it. I find that excellent, because I’m highly allergic to pickled glumweed, and so have no need for the recipe myself. May fortune smile upon you!

Darling Prefect, Fortunes are in your favor! Start your search properly on November second, for all restless spirits awoken over Halloween will have found their way back to their graves by then. Do try to avoid a realtor whose birthstone is emerald. Be certain to ask your realtor all of the following questions, as they are vital. “When were you issued your license? How often do tornadoes strike in this area? Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Lollipop Guild? How many satisfied homeowners have you sold homes to? Has this house ever fallen on a witch?” Go to the realtors who wear yellow coats, not red ones. And make sure to look into homeowner’s insurance before you purchase, especially if the answer to that last question is “yes.” May fortune smile upon you!

~***~ Madam Starflash, How does it look for me purchasing a new home? BeSeXe

Things To Come Greetings, dear seekers of fortune! As Hufflepuff’s Resident Seer, I, Madam Starflash, am looking to the future of The Quibbler. I See a great deal of changes coming very soon! Much chaos is to come, but great happiness will be the result. There will be new faces and names. The other Houses will be involved. The beginning will be difficult, and there will be whining about unfairness. We must keep our heads and remember our House values, or arguments will break out. Overall, however, I Foresee that this move will be a very positive experience for inter-house unity and the Quibbler as a whole! The horoscopes you all know and love will still happen every month, even in December when I take ill. They will be a part of my “Fountain of Fairy Fortune”. The Fates have informed me that I must share my knowledge of Divination, and so I am creating a twelve-lesson course for Dummies Dummies Beginners. And of course, everyone is very eager to know of the results of the poll and find out how their input will be used! You will be able to find the survey outcomes posted in the Common Room, and every month a chart will be revealed, showing you which path to follow. I will still take questions and make predictions at random, as well.

Silly Auror, you will lose that wager you made recently. You should know better than to put all your Galleons on the Chudley Cannons. To that Chaser who recently purchased a cauldron from Potage’s, take it back. Do not brew your Wit-Sharpening potion in that cauldron. Daily Prophet Editor, you are going to be run out of town if you run that article. Go with a different angle. Professor, your briefcase is in Madam Puddifoot’s. Huffle-Quibbler 13


Transfiguration Is Moving!

Your favorite Tranfiguration class is moving to r/Dobbyssock Classes will differ by having a maximum of 5 students per house accepted, at this time. There will be multiple classes running at once and of varying levels. There will be one 6-month long course alongside of 1 shorter course. The courses for the first 6 months will be announced in the Great Hall around December to give students time to sign up and get the needed supplies together. u/cheencheen

New Head of Ravenclaw

Please join us in welcoming u/Hermoines_Teaspoon as the new Head of Ravenclaw!!

CSS Contest

Are you a wizard with code? Want to earn your house a few extra points? Then give the Hufflepuff CSS Contest a whirl. See the thread in the common room for more details.

Hpotterfact: 35 years ago, on October 31, 1981, Voldemort entered Godic’s Hollow and murdered James and Lily Potter

Have you seen this Witch? >>>

Wizarding authorities were called in to deal with what Muggles assumed to be a mass breakout of animals at a local zoo. In actuality some unregistered animagus were simply out for a stroll, engaging in anti-muggle pranking. Wizarding Authorities were unable to apprehend the witches at the time, and advise all magical folk to be on the look out!

Huffle-Quibbler 14

NOTICE This is the last issue of the Huffle-Quibbler, as you know it. We are moving operations to r/TheQuibbler, starting next month. The doors are currently open to any walkins, but will soon be closed. If you are interested in contributing to the Quibbler, please head over and look at the positions posted in the Main Lobby. The Quibbler is now open to ALL HOUSES and anyone who wants to join this expanding publication. It has been a pleasure working for you, Badgers. Thank you for letting me be your Editor for the last few months. Onward and Upward! - RLG (readlovegrow)

Huffle-Quibbler 15

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