Hue Winter 2012

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An editorial for Depeche Mode, 1973, featuring Paul Caranicas and Juan Ramos ’62, who painted the yellow background.

being renovated. She made him her daughter’s

one wanted to be close to him,” she says, in her

in everybody—all the important people as well

godfather, and has tender memories of the two

patient, soft-spoken way. “He was always at the

as the not-so-important people—the cook, the

playing together. “One New Year’s Eve, Vanessa

center of things. He knew how to put people

fireman, break dancers, models, teachers, celebri-

wanted us to celebrate with her, but Antonio and

together. He would say, ‘You two are going to be

ties. Everyone had something for him—their vibe,

I wanted to go out,” she says. “We turned the clocks

like sisters,’ and you would. He introduced me

their energy.”

ahead so Vanessa thought it was midnight, and we

to Anna Piaggi, who published my pictures in

put on hats and blew noisemakers. Then, when she

her magazine, Vanity. [Piaggi, the storied Italian

The painter and illustrator Alvaro is an exuber-

was asleep…..”

editor, died in August.] He introduced me to my

ant character bursting with infectious enthusiasm.

husband, and [the late fashion model and muse]

He grew up in the ’70s besotted with Antonio’s work.

Tina Chow to her husband. He was interested

“I was a kid from the South Bronx, a Puerto Rican

Lowit says Antonio’s immense charisma magnified his ability to interpret fashion. “Every-


hue | fall/winter 2012

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