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Rockland County VOLUME XIY.-NO. 6.]






[WHOLE NO. 682.

LAWS OF NEW-YORK-By Authority. wi while people wonder What onn have changed wtraded his way to tho dcjxt, to take the [Rterj law. naless a different time ah.ll be DT*the gay pleitturo loving Rmwt Morton to tisirs for home. M MILIIanIVSKY tmiDlT, \u25a0oribod therein, shall ctmmeace and take effect " the gloomy misanthrope. Thurn are fbw to What he felt as again ho entered thnso fathroughoutthe BtaM, on and not before the twenFor the Rockland County Messenger By ROBERT SMITH, EARLY MENTAL CULTURE in whom his sccret is known, but among those miliar walks which led to his dwelling, of « JdrAt Waldoboro', Mo. hut week, Mr*. tieth day after the day ofits Anal passage, asmGditoe AMD PumiTOS, tiled bj the Secretary of State. Sec. UL title 4, th association* connected with every room, lame* Hurno* went to tho orchard near her The universal admission that success in few is his wife, from whom ho had hoped to tho THE BROKEN HEART. part 1. Revised Statutes.] chap. personal life and be to it. now I leave T, I consideration depend on in-n able conceal She sees him in I to the reader to imagine, lie had house* *nd hanged horself upon a tree, barMAW-BT. WARREN" VILLAQB, mo now, dour Susie, ami t«-mor[Beery law so published in the Btate Paper, , true light, but she 1* too wi so to rcproaeb been tellectual development anil extensivo know- " row"Leave b< at homo but a few dsvs when he was ing flr»t put on several Additional skirt* t» you may como again," said a young girl his aay be read in evidencefrom the paper in which IIIIUIIIT. has led him for his sorrow* si ledge, although perfidy, ske for summoned to the parlor to moet a gentleman. assist strangulation by their weight?caua* many, in their ignorance of phyit shall be contained, in all the courts of justice T* to the friend wlio sat at her side, >\ith the O opening the door ho was surprised to see tho continued illnes*of her husband. wrong she has unintentionally done a On in this State, and in all proceedings before any siologicnl principles to force mental labor on tears TERMS: friond unclasped hor in her her eyes, officer, per body annua or children. meantime board, whichjt yonng trusting thought But, Tm Dnttit in shall be heart. In tho he had a stranger awaiting him. As ho entered ho in most cases, both1,1 arms, and rising, moved towards the door, '. Six months necessary to refer thereto, Sntil three months the minds aud bodies of the «rr>. cf'rwy, for entering a smokeOn Dollai made inqnirim of a friend ami learned that rose rt to meet him, and although thoto was ? little sufferers looking thereper Single copy after the close of the session in which it became a wistfully, yet to sorrowfully towards Ellic was fading as a ton Cists sc familiar iu his voice and manner, house with a fidko koy, «nd stowing of her flower at the first breath somothing law. flee. 8, title 7, chap. 8, part 1, Revised havebeen enfeebled by an over-exertion of companion. from a pint of whisky, was recdntly sentencRms or An'mrmJii: of winter; and her friends feared she was he hi did not reoogniio him. Few would have the brain, when as yet imperfectly formed. "licavo me now I shall feci better Statutes, and laws of 1845. chap. 280.1 by tne Circuit Court of Calhoun county, she going into a decline, nnd worn makinghasty know alone," lf«r one squire, (Idlines or lex,) qnf time. DO c. ed being, blm, is ki before nothing painful There 1 more to witness than said tho thim emaciated Georgia, to tho iieuitoutinry for nix year*. without raising her eyes to the place of $1 ITor three insertions t unnatural disproportion which mental for a visit to Europe, with the as ai the Ernest Morton of happier davs. For the I'or three months.«... .....8 00 her friend. She spoke in a low voice, iin<l preparations Cnirrim 149. hope thai a change of scene mid association an moment thev stood silentlyregarding each introduces between physical and 6 00 precocity jßrMoses llolden, of Middlesex, Maatafereix months an air of sadness. touching speaker with The AN ACT to provide the means for tlie cn- intellectual i would bring back tho rosea to those pale other, of iPor one yesr life. So close is the immediate tlion tfio stranger draw a miniature ehnsott*,'who in over sixty yuan of Ago, carlargeinent ami completion of the canals of connection between mind and body, that the-10 was not beautiful according to the prescrib- cheeks, anil animation to tho dejected spirit fcfrom his pocket and handed R to Mr. S. ed rule of ried his tuba into hi* sumr orchard, tapped beauty,but give (Wo do not notice thore was about hortho express 1. SabseribeY* who this Stale, specified in section three, article fformer cannot be over exerted weeks they set out, nnd readied VWith a trembling bund ho opened it, ami Ilia trees without the appcarnnco of one truly good, and genuine In to the contrarv. ere considered u wishingto conand alono made 1,100 weight of ( safety, seven of tbe Conntitntion, for the fiscal Ilatter the they imngo , France in where however were beheld Ik of Ills child. Ernost Morfeeling the baneful cffccts of tho undueuo goodness is true tinue rVeir subscription. itho pronont season, beauty. It makes the obliged to remain for a short time in conso- ton year commencing October first, eighteen excitement and is tins indeod you exclaimed Mr. sugar tc t. If subscriber* order the discontinuance of plainest face attraction and blinds the eyes Hundred and fifty-nine, and for other purof the sudden illness of Ellic. Tho H. H extending his hand. 1 was hoping soon The most eminent physicians of ancient t*T\ workman employed in a gardon in their periodical, the publisher msy continue to nt topersonal defects. Susie stood it the door qiicncc benefits of tho seii voyage, from which tliey to tc meet you ; I lmvo a letter for you which Gloucester, Massnchiwott*, recently, dug up M.l tl lem untilall arrearages are paid. and modern times proclaim tho fatal influence . poses. moment, then opened it, passed through had hoped so' much did not oqnnl thoir an- was 1. If nfowriber* neglect or refuse to taVe their 0 w only your to bo delivered to hands. Is on# of tho old pino treo shillingsof 105# ; 6, April overstraining 1850?three-fifths being which " the mind of youth hasM and closed it gently behind her.i Kllio sat |>eriodlcal from the office to which they are di- Passed ticipation*. Nature however rallied slowly itit from her, from Ellie; oh! tell ino is it it appeared but Httlo wom, »nu tho letter* present. r" on the " aud bodily frame. Of tho with her face buried in her liamli fe-ert«4, for are held responsible till ther hare a.woment, and ina month after fr from have tliey deeply wrongwl qultoplain. I , settled the Wll and ordered It discontinued. numerous medical thoir nrrivnl set Micr I ft f \yoro authorities which we couldId then realising that she was alone, she left her JL, The Peoplr ofIke SHU of AVic-Tori. rtprtunUd 4. ITtuVMriberii remove to other places without m Senile And A/iirmblif, do enact de out for Paris intendingto spond a week there Mr. M S. did notanswer Immediately, ho conbring forward on this point, we will confineie scat and approaching the lonngs throw foltowi: ggrln ono of tho oourt* of Ohio, tho other informing the publisher, and the papers are sent herskies of Italy. sunny ; ourselves that of tho nnd then visit the But ti tinued I did not huar of hor death until ' to one, celebrated Tissotpt selfupon it with a gesture of denpair, and totkeVdCßier $1,800 from hor . they are held responsible. Sec. 1. There shall be imposed, for tho fisalas I for the fond hopes of anxious friends nearly u< six months ago, and sinco thattinio I dnv, Miss Gos* recovered says: "Long continued application in yielded to a burst of uncontrolablc ft. ft has bee* decided by the Courts that re- cal year commencing on the first day of Oc- who ' feeling. ion of a substantial farhi fusing to tsice periodicals from the offioe, or re- tober, lived, only that I might moot yon, and lover, Smook, tho to childhood destroys life. 1 have seen young For a long while she remained thus; deep nnd the physicians prediction of health to haVo hor after mapy eighteen fifty-nine, hundred and a neglecting marry is tax ol for mer, leaving prima there uncalled for, *n<*frrg tfn4 body, when tho soul, tho vital principle obtain your forgiveness (sinco hers is denied) of great mental activity, who mani-»- sobs welling up from a heart tthoM doep tho of five-eighths of one mill on each dollar of jchildren i Joete vnicnoe of in ten tiooalfraud. of nctiou, was wasting away with liopolew for fo the great wrong I havo done her. You year* "sparking." , ' a passion for learning far above their ,lr fountains had the valuation of real and personal property festedand not only been touched, or ttn- despair. Every ono w aware of our engagement, hut vou know but those most interest- was jMrThe first thousand tons of gmnit* for I foresaw with grief the fate which:b scaled, but had as it were by one rude blast ed taxable in tins state, to be assessed, raised age, day, saw her at n< not have the fading day by length but how 1 sinned. Vrom they deeply Plymouth, them; DOMESTIC RECORD. commenced their career cr been swept away and left to lum itself in tho Pilgrim Monument, at Matand collected upon and by the annual assess- awaited tliey too saw a change, and their hearts sunk fiifirst moment 1 behold Miss N. my senses taohusotts, has boon received, and tho comer as prodigies, and ended by becoming idiotsts the intricate mazes mcnts and collection of taxes for the fiscal of a pathless wilderness. M them. She nlone was not deceived seemod bound bv a magic spell, ami I bad stone will bo laid on tho Ist of August, with or persons of very weak minds." CHURCHES. But at last nature hcrsolf became exhausted, within year, in the manner prescribed by law, to be regard with situation she wish, ; Iflngcd to hcrtruo n< no savo to be always near her. I made "Experience," says I)r. Spurzhcini, "demon- n- Tlio violence of passion had spent itself, and eoremonlo*. lleTnoDisT Episcopal Cnußcn? Fourth Street, paid by the county treasurers respectfully, hi my wife, but thero was ever besldo mo a appropriate to go, only her fathor, .what- would he do her Rer. N. Vanssnt. Pastor. Hours of Serrice, into the treasury, of this state, to bo thero re- strates,tlintofanynumbcrofchildrenofequalal reason began to assert its sway. Still ever £jrTho Into retrenchments in tho Po«t without his sunbeam, its lie was wont to call f><form which otliors did not see, and whoso power, those receiving no particu-u- and anou a low sob broke 10} A. M. and 1\ P. 3L intellectual stillness, "the ceived, held for tho objects and lar I' | care in childhood, and who do not But his sunbeam had become only n blue eyes looked so pleadingly into mine, Office Department at Washington ha* produFbUv PantiirTruiA.* Chcbck?Bsmsondale. purposes prescribed learn toto which showed it to bo but a lull in tho her. in this act. soon to vanish altogether. tl many times I havo closed my eyes to ced since the lfith of March last, a sawing of that 11.Myers. Pastor. Hours ofSerrice, and write until the constitution begins to |Wf.P. J. And to tempest* At length with a low cry, the dim shadow § 2. The whole of the tax levied and col- read j consolidated, 31 P. M. Prayer Meeting at shut out tin- vision, i When you wero iu one million four hundred and llfty-ono thouday 141 »A. Mbe who One about threo weeks after arenjoy but the benefit of a words, oh my Father help me to bear it their VOUm Binij P."M. lccted under the first section this act, shall be in Florence, as she was languidly ro- {'Italy, I was in France. I longed to go to sand dollars. physical education, very soon surpass,"S burst from her lips and she sanl; upgn her rival PsLKSBTTmax Curacn?Clinton-Street paid into the treasury to the credit of the ?in their studies, those who commcncc earliercr knees, burying her face in the soft cushions; dining upon hor bed, from which shcicnew her, to see her onco again but I dared not jWWIIIinni J. Watkins, formoly assoeUtEer. A. 8. Freesian, Pastor. Hours offler- >? canal fund, and shall be and is hereby apslyo read A. VL and 3i P. M. Prayer Meeting was never inorolo rise, she sent for hor Duty and honor forbade, and now I am free irtce, books when very young.g. and was apparently lost in thought Mypreprinted as rand j mindnumerous od editorially with l'rod Douglas in hi*paper, In?li« LectureHoom at 1\ P. M. The ought never to be cultivated at theic sterious tie which binds earth to heaven, father, and with a faltering voice, told him of but alas ! too Jatv. To the of the and somewhat noted a« a colored writer au4 canal, enlargement Erio four On the separation which must so soon take place; the voyage homo my wife was taken lecturer, PntTatCAVT Episcopal Cncacn?TrinityChapel,j hundred and twelve of the body ; and physical education>n The soul in communion with its .Maker I thousand one hundred expense is under arrest in Rochester to antSornensile?llcv- J. B. Giboon, Pastor. Hours and and asked if lie had nnviiows from friends f"iek and diuj, aud we consigned her body to ought to precede that of the intellect; foror Let ub look back a few yearn, dollars thereof. #o'lvill Trinity fifty A. M. nml P. and swer a charge of bastardy. Serrice, j WA M. and grave, fH health is the base, and instruction the ornaHe said ho bcin'illHhfit they wcro all the soon after our arrival. I havo now '' in M. aseo Ellic laughter loving 31. in Rocklaud Warren The of L. a mischievous Street, thirty-eight girl Ohntfch P. sum one hundred and ( here, and I only wait for jtjr'flie Toronto Lendor, which formerly of seventeen; tho daughter of Allan 8. of tho well and hoping soon to weleomo thom nothing to keep me f thousand six hundred aud fifty dollars tliere- uicnt of education." forgiveness, mid the message she left Let parents check, rather than excite in published under its nnnonncement of tho Sr. Pbtkbv (R. C.> Cirrncn?-Rer. J. Maheney, of to the enlargement of the bswego canal. >n village of M. Her fat her was in comfortable home. For a few moments slio remained ap- your for mu, ami I must nway boyond the sea, and P.M lost in children, early parently. thought,tluyi suddenly Hours of A. M. 31 this mental raisdisposition by Paster. to ac-c- circumstances and lived rospcctcd all. theatrical piny bills tho usual mottoes," God Serriee, 10J The sum of sixty-six thousand six hundred tivity, or rather, let them 01 asking to live to rench her gruvo, to bo Huvo the Quocn" Viltmir Metiiodist Church.?Clintno-Street and fifteen counter-balance itit She was an orphan at the early age of thir- ed her eyes to herfather's facc, and regarding only and Vivo V Enipcrour," dollars thereof to tho enlarge- by | a due proportion of physical by granted, said, ?Rer. Julm Powell, Pastor. Hours of Service, him nt wo buried her side. His wish was length steadfastly, since left gymnasand now omits tho compliment to tho Kmperor teen; being possessed of an amiable dlsposiment ofthe Cayuga and Seneca canal. 3A and 7J P. M. for one morning when a child went to water of tho homo, have you heard anythingfront Ernest *' 10$ JL tic cxcrciscs; for it is not so much the inlen-»- tion, though a little i. « it French. willed, » of self for tbne Pbbsiiytf.biax forty-nine The sum thousand seven Nobtii HArimsTß.vw Curncii? lu continuity of mental action, which-'h was feared that a father's indulgence aad her Morton I She saw ho hesitated to answer the flowers on a newly made monnd, near .North Hwverstraw?Rer. F L. King, Pastor. hundred and eighty dollars thereof, first the ?is injurious * Jfy Tlio, story of Miss Judson'a elopeto the constitution. Let themm friends cawsses, would have an injurious her question, and marked tho look ofindo- whom Ellie 'was buried hu was discovered Honrs of Service, 10-V A. M.; 31 and 7\ P- M. sura necessary to tho completion of the " lying there stiff nnd cold, with a crumpled mont and marriage with the old nigcause the age of cheerfulness to he spentnt Mbuodist Episcopal Cnuncn?North and Westt Black River canal reservoirs, and the rcsiduo not effort upon her temper, aud male her (the cision on his countenance, and rightly inter? Hirerstraw?R.Winans, Pastor Hours of Ser- to the improvement of the Black River canal in the midst of tears and slavery ; let themm trial of so many households) # spoiled' child, pretiiig it, said, you need not fear to tell me 'letter finally grasped in his hand, on the udge ger" has been dramatized, and will shortly for 1 shall not lfvo to seo him again, and I of rico, 10 A. M; 3 1-2 and 75 3-4 P. M. °] which was written, "bury me by hor side." be produced ut tho Metropolitan Theatre at not chance the of to sunny fjo sensidays childhood into Hutit was far different from this, reservoir,, and the residue to the improve- a 1 tliey laid him the wronging and the Detroit, P»ofr.*#PAHT>lr.TifODisT Cnrncn?Tomkins Core melancholy gloom, which can, at best, be a bly did she feel her own woakness and the would like to hear of his welfare, aud know There ?. J. I. Smith, Pastor. Hours of Service, meat of tho Black Rivor. that lie it happy, before I dio. Mr. 8. re- wronged. w source only of misery and bitter recollection>n At Inst he had found rest. danger* which surrounded hor, that she de- gnrded her The sum of seventeen thousand seven ? £3rGcit. 0. V. Pillow, whose son waa Mi A M; 3.J and 7}PM. in maturcr years. a moment with a look of affec"After life's itftil fsvsr, termined to be guided by a higher power, .Nicholas, hundred dollars thereof to the completion Physical exercises tion, sleeps wsll." tho and of self lis T. lost l>y tho explosion of tho Bt. and cultivation the tic admiration her wonderful of than the wisdom of inan. Many trials and V? i VILLAGE TRUSTEES : of the Genesee Valley canal and the extenhasrecovered 'i'-\ bodies from the Mississippi and he control, said, finally had made tho acperceptive faculties should, with the reading ig disappointments hail she met anil J. President. sion of the same. but tnat River, conquered DeNoyelles, Sterling Helena, I. betweou and r of moral and instructive books, form the ASSAULT. lie already, and now when life seemed no bright quaintance of rt gentleman' from Xondon, G. Smith, The sum t>fsixty thousand one hundred principal occupations of his son was not among them. James Eckfbsok, of children. ex-x- as it were, tinted with the hues of the ruin who had seen them there, nnd that to all apexciting Their Last incident occur' Saturday, Joux and fifteen dollars thereof au Si'RtsosTP.rv, to, rebuilding I>aviel C. the Cmsorovr, frames require the invigorating stim-ii' bow, to be thus cruelly deceived, andAeeiip pearances tliey wore possessed of asmuch red r< on the Dover I'laius train of the Harlem Ail Irishman resident of Watorstown, Con' Auiiam S.\ei>eKer, Clerk. of the locks and improving the navigation on panding happiness, as usually falls to tho lot ot'thoso Railroad, ulus of fresh air ; their awakening organs |J lis of happiness which she seemed aboutfc raise which leaves Twentysixth street at neciicut, w hose naulo is not given, recently the Champlain canal. . FIRE DEPARTMENT. jtut many seek for external objects of who for station without p. any nptheir iir to 4 o'clock M. entered the lips, gentleman horsewhipped bo thus suddenly wished A his daughter so severely that Cnvnr Rxuinkb"?Samuel A. Vervnlen. The sura of five thousand dollars thereof, dawning to her intellect incessantlycalls for the ac-ki- away, each other's characters and ill- cear at tho depotat Twouty-sixth street, and her acroam* were hoard nearly half a milo ; without one hopo of its cvprueing preciation ofSlio First Assistaxt?William W. Oldfield. or so much as may be necessary, for the sur- , listened (agerly to every being tion of t|ieir observant powers. This is the clinntions. 1> tiie '? tjiif Secoxu Assistant ?Benjamin Fletcher. be restored. or one first, ear, subsequently the of first in tho she tied to avoid still greater vcy or the re-exauiination of a survey for tho law of Nature. as it fell from her father'* lips, and wheii ?elected si a pleasant seat Shortly after, nu- punishment, For a time, as wo have seen, slio>.bowed word HOTELS extention of tho Chenango canul, to tho great Of tho men who have conferred benefit he had finished, she said,' it is well, I hope otlier fit o entered gentleman Main-st beneath the and then tlie same destroke, ear, Amebic am Hotel. James Creney reason and Pennsylvania line. society and have been the admiration of JUTAb<.ut seven thousand dollars' worth p West-stt Jickmok Hotel. Amos Allison of duty asserted their svftty. Tile first wild they may know from experience what it is to posited his shpwl iu the seat behind tho The further sum of one hundred and on IT*itr»»'States Hotel. J. 11. Stephens?Main-st the world, the greater number arc those who,0, burst of passion was passed, and as she slowly be truly liajipy. From this time she failed ftil 'st, and tlicii left the ear. Somu ladies of liquors belonging to various parties, were j. various causes, have in early life beenen lifted her Front-st( twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much from seized rapidly, Waum House, Isaac Buchanan until one beautiful in Rockland, Maine, on Monday, for morning incline, ei afterward, removed tho shawl, mid entering thereof as may be necessary, to pay the in- j head she exclaimed with the dim kept from school or from serious study. Theyey shadow of despair upon her pale face "not she sent for her father and told, him, she was pplaced it on the scat by tho side of tho first being kept ou sale-illegaJly. POST-OFFICE. terest, at the rate of six per cent per annum, j ( to Ba*d«lCi Blautelt, P. M ..Main-st leave aud she had some meshave, him, by oncrgetic going gentleman. \u25a0 and well-directed efforts,ts, my will hut Thine be done. which has accrued and which may accrue up Jlio owner of the shaw l coming Tho annual private award of tobacco presages for her friends which «ho wished to bback, rather rudely iiifornu'd tho other that 4 a the brain was ready for the PRINTING OFFICE. to the first of July, eighteen hundred aud at period when And what had brought this mountain p.e him while miums took phice ut IjouisvilleKeutuoky, on K. C. Uessenokr, IL Smith, Ed. & Prop'r Main-st she had strength sufficient lie t'isk, acquired .knowledge and displayed h had taken his scat and had moved his Tuesday, weightof sorrow upon her young heed i Alas! for it was rapidly leaving her. Here, fifty-nine, on drafts drawn, by tho canal comthe hogshead taking tho first preabilities which haveraised to said highgentleman occupied SCHOOL. them the 1 si shawl. Tlie who tho missioners for the enlargement and complethe oft repeated story, the treachery of an- she, producing a small package which was Hlseat informed the other that such was not miuiii, soiling at tho rule of fifty ceuta per ln Hareretraw Mountain Institute, L. TT. Northrop, tion of the canals of tho state, for damag"s est eminence in the different walks of life, in Since known and lying pound. infaucy she had t| cuso; that he had been tho first mail in Mountain A venue beside her, is a present for old literature, tho arts and sciences, in the army, Prinoipal v- ' loved Ernest Morton, and now C. the he was gone, the housekeeper, and tell her I thank Mrs. Fourth-st| awarded by the canal appraisers, and for tbo senate, tho church, aud even on the Public School, L. Wilson, Principal I,e lost to her her for tlthe car, had selected that seat, und retained t-iTlowa City was visited on Tuosday awards made by tho canal board : and to pay and forever. Oh! the terrible iiuof the most distinguishher kindness to a motherless child, aud ask litil till tho present tiino. The other then last by a very terrific tornado, which swept history JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. throne. The damages port awarded by the canal of that word forever. On how many her, Main, corner Rockland-st|t the interest on John L Cole ed among those who have received a classic-,c sometimes think of me, not a* lying said, si *Yoii may as well tell me I lie, then," off houses,- burns, and nearly everything hearts has it laid its icy grasp, restraining, in thetocold Isaiah Milbnrn.Maiu-et.next to Hopiuan & Hopperr appraisers; and on awards made by the canal al education, soil of an inhospitableclime, but a after some further words, tho lie was moveable; four persons were killed ana sufficiently proves that it is not or crushing out Alexander WsMron North Haverstraww board, previous to tho first day of January to the warm affectum* which us an inhabitant of that homo "not made |J,and their scholastic instruction, but to self- flow spontaneously giveu on both sides. F. Williams, Esq. who badly hurt. Grassy Point last, for which drafts may not have been Frederick J. Wiles. as the waters of the guslibauds, eternal in the Heavenswhere j sat education after the period of school, that ing spring. with si near, informed the shawl owner that he he given pay gone ! heretofore the interest on they But had without even I hope ; and to COUNT r But time would fail w.ts owed their superiority. to meet her. £9"A rich old gentlemun in Albany baa chiefly w wrong, aud stated to him the facta of the a certain loan of two hundred thousand dola lustgood bye. She parted from himseemme were I to write of all, as all her friends- ease, Cqujtty Judge?Edward Pye. Napoleon, when in* the school of Brionne, -10 e 'Hie curs moved off, and the bolllgcr- been compelled to pay his former servant to but few ingly days pursuant ' the act, chapter three a since, and now where were remembered, and then producing a c JcItteas op Sessioxs?Jabex Wood, John B. lars, made 1:4,800 for failing to keep hi* promise girl was noted in the side quarterly by quurrel, cuts sat side. 'Die it seems, reports of that in- was he. Far away in a distant city with his hundred and sixty-three, of the laws of eigh- stitution as Ourijee. letter from bencuth licr pillow she handed it was enjoying <jwml liealth; no men- fashionable bride. « resumed oil the road, nut at Tremont, to marry her. teen hundred and fifty-seven. 'In case the The thought itself was toiler father requesting liiin give Diatbic* Attorxbt?A. Edward Suffern. tho tion was over made to it to first possessing « gentleman occupied believe, of hiii wo the who any agony. It is useless to sav how she loved moneys arising from »o taxos levied by the CouitiWClbuk?Abrain A. Deuarest. tVIt is stated tluit lodgings are m scare* superiority; but in physical exercises him and he thought he loved her, hut w hen person to whom it was addressed when he tho tl scat told the other that if ho would in provisions of this act shall fall short of or mental Australia, that men pay a dollar for lying Cocmtt Treasurer?Matthew D. Bogert. ho was always foremost. Sir Isaac Newton, step out on tho platform, he would slap his m> he met tho lovely and accomplbdicd Mia* returned to his native land, exceed the aggregate amouut hereby approin the gutter, and fifty cents extra tar restPerry. SHBBirr?William a trembling hand the father took it face, nnd rose and went out, tho other followaccording to his own statement, was inatten-:n With the said shall be pr'tated, appropriation beauty accomplishments N. her and diuzled and gazed upon tho superscription , then ing ji him. They stood fnclng one another, ing their heads on the curb stone. ConoxßßS?'Charles W. Francis. Peter P.Jersey, made then tive and ranked very in the school, which' his fancy, and ill her presence lie,forgot the pro rata in proportion to the distribi£ Jio had not entered low John Phillips. John V. B. Johnson. ' tion herein taking until after the age of her baud ho sijid, may Heaven for- and the gentleman was as good as his word, of the pur? and gentle Ellie. But orice, ZiTlt is reported tlmt the main audience provided. Commissioner?Simon D. Demarest. child; as freely as »and slapped the other's face. The one who room twelve. The mother of Sheridan long re-rc love of tho First Presbyterian Church, la he repented'him'of the step he had taken ; give liiin for wronging iny § 8. The moneys appropriated by this act, SuPßf IXTENDBXTS OP TUB POOR?IsBBC BlaUwo do! is it4lol so.darlingi Ves, oh yes I was slappod thereupon drew aheavy liowie- - Chicago, has been leased for a garded' him as tho dullest of her children. sn. ? w lt n the of the tho it w returned visit billiard room. relt, Abraham A. Stagg, John B. Gurnee. Erie, enlargement Oswego parents, to to his | . Adam Clarke was called a "grievousdunco" she said, I usk no greater blessing than to kknife and attempted to stab the other, who K ku'ek or Count* Poor House?J.J.Haring.(. and the Cayuga and Scneea canals shall be and again thrown in the society of the gen' JWTCyrus know that he is huppy. She was becoming caught his anus and held- him off for a W. Field has gone to London by his first teacher; and yqung tiebig, a tie Ellie, be Commismonbrs or Excise?lsaac Sherwood,1, applied and paid for work done and materials vows hud renewed the which too much excited, and her father gcutly ro- moment. *)!utthc one with re > bound knife, wrench- . to try and persuudo English capitalists to H. Tallman, Jabez Wood. furnished after the first day of March, eigh- "booby" by his employer.'" Shakespeare, them almost from childhpod. * Molieri), Gibbon, Niebuhr, Byron, Humphrey leasing her hand, laid her tenderly ou lier iing himself free, made a stroke at tho other make another attempt allaying an AtlantW OF SUPERVISORS. teen hundred and fifty-nine, (including any Davy, Poraon, But a sudden aud unexpected call on busi- pillow, froin which she wo* never more to who , « and were was others, unarmed, entirely in like and followed Tclcjfraplt, many work that may have been done and not paid Haverstraw?William R. Knapp. *'? ' \u25a0 mannerundistinguishedfor early application ness to the city, and consequently a return rise. I up tho platform, striking blows at every him ?Isaac Tallman. forbetween the Tonawanda and Black Hbck little boy, fivo years ol d, died In 'f to the presence oftheenchantreia, and in the j physician entered the room a. few step, * swqnl. Tlie The and, for the most part, indulged in study, heavy to the knife as a On/jtdßTowN?James S. Haring. using dam, since the first of Deoember last) Jiutlido. tho other d»y, from the effects of afterward, but he only breuflied ears bodily exercises and that wild intoxication of the moment, lie forgot J to move off,'tho man with the drinking R«iU*OViohn Crmn, §4. Tbe auditor of the canal department those wholesome some love, honor, duty, aud eouutcd a sigh im he felt her feeble, flutteringpulse, knifebegan Clerk. of mind, which contributed so much i everything; sprang on board.'and the other was left had scut him. whisky for which his lather j ? shall notify the canal commissioners, respect- freedom love of dashing the the Mis* N. of uoro their future excellent^, ?[Marcel. and left the room without ottering a word. atthe station. The greatest excitement lin? fully, when and as soon, he shall have any | to value than that of the pure minded Ellie. mediately Mr..H. him from in tlie ear. Mr. K. C. room, prevailed fdllowed the and i money on hand subject to their drafts, and JBTThrec lion Constrictor* of th* Pure With tho calm trusting spirit of a first lot*, asked the assailant for his name. lie0 African breed, were brought to Hal em, AN ACCOMPLISHED MAN the amount thereof, and for what object or she had implicit faith in her lover's veracity, in a voicc,ith»t was scarcely audible, asked Harthis name was Tucker, hilt refused to' sachusetts, by the brig l'utomac, from Siwm , ? work it is applicable; and thecanal commisThe following advantages are likely to and would sooner have doubted the .honesty his opinion of her. Hi* answer wasthere ia said ~ give his address, lit? was surrouuded by>' liconc, last week. WILL YOU LOVE ME WHEN I AM OLD? sioners shall make no more drafts on the said make a completely accomplished man: 1. of herown intentions, then those ofone wboni no hope, she i* even now (ailing rapidly, be- |l fore to-morrow sun you will be childless. tile passengers, who wero loud in their exauditor until the receipt of the notice afore- Oood natural parts. 3. A good temper. >er. she considered up nearly perfect. Suddenly (till enfold me, pressions ofindignation. Several gentlemen M3TAnins#ne man, named George CmtohAl) words were true. Hi*, long day. that said, or for a larger sum or different object, 3. Oood and general education, begun early. ly. the startling truth burst upon licr, although to obtain Tucker's address, bat field killyd his wife while she was lying I* < "\A'i't|ie dajr of lift declloea, night she lay 1n a deep sleep,' and as endeavored ' than authorized by such notice from tbe au- >- 4. Choice, not immense, reading, and care-re- for some time, she had noticed a slight aad Alabama, on th* Age with rutkleaarigor, the moon was breaking in tiie cast, with a could not. Tills Tucker, we are Informed'!*t bed asleep at 5. Experience of various ditor; but nothing in this act shall prevent ful digesting. jus change io the tone of hi* letter*, so slight Jr)ow» my face Id furrowed linea; low sigh tho word*, Ernest?father? \tlie same who challenged Daniel E Sickles., luth of May. canalcommissioners, or engineer in'charge fortunes. 0: Conversation with men ofletter* perthe ers that the eye of affection alone could eye forgela iU actio;, . No officer was at the train, aud Tucker pass-, o( SwOri«MM, whoa* rld reive it, but she strove to bauitli the idea a* m..,.tm» there, lier spirit touk iU flight. from certifying the amount dne the contrac- mid of businens.. .7. Ki|owledge,of the world cd on unarrested. Ul 1 .' f ' the band forget* ita 'kill, .i father killed her sedneor, tome time since, tor forwork done and materials furnished or gainedby conversation, business, and traveL it being unworthy, and with a woman's (rust 'Her mission on earth frMaecobiplished ! T i Ter yfbf" 7 »«rda prove resell for any award made by Hie canal appraisers she ascribed it to*n unusual presn of busincw,|J There tliey left her, but tyo fiitljgr felt thery / Was icceutly murriud to a Bed River cotton rt tl» KU'imc* king)/ willl for laud taken or damages done previous to A WORD TO BOYSof wbiph he Complained. Hot a whisper' wa* now bo tie to bind bim to hts native HORSE TRAINING. planter. , y , land, and he determined to visit Other coanthe passage of this act. ftfcew tlx deaf ear, atrained to Helen, Mr. Itarcy, after performing before the roy' Boys, did.ydu cycr thiuk that this great e»t however did he bnsathe to bet of tho cliauge triea, ?re twenty-eight weekly mvJHrThere if(fossibleto \6to "the poignancy of his al fuiuily at iicrliu, ha*gone onto Hi, I'etem.'lg>eicaly keare the opeolng word, {$ 5. In case it shall be necessary, in order world, with all its wealth, and woe, with all )n his feelings aujliutentioii« m papurt published in the Stat* of ArhlUfc ' 1 rti'ougi unhthouud deptkl offeeling to meet the appropriations made or to beT its mine* and mountains, ita oceans, seas and ud She had not heard from liigi for the last great sorrow, before retdriilfig to the land ?>«'K where lib baud* bare been kept <|ultc 11 of which arc in the firtt year of public** wU* ""route alirrad j made, of tbe moneys to be collected; upon river*, Steamboats and ships; railroads and ind two weeks, and was becoming sadly out of which her presence had rendered sitered. full. On the 10tb.be «ave » JKJrformance' tion. , for aforesaid, such lax as the afore? purposes memory, family like limner, and two Wfeu *>»\u25a0? steam printing presses, magnetic telegraphs, We will now pas* over the »paeo vttwo beforethe Kiupcror and bin hs, spirits, and wondering at the cause of his, said, it shall be lawful for the commissioner*** 4c., will ttMtu be given over to the HPjjMa# a line perepective euU? XjrThe grand jury of AUchu* coanty, of Silence, when happening to Uka np the woru- years, and look vuce again. A gallant steam- of hi* brother", beaide aeveral prince* and hands ofout our of the canal and it shall be their dock mg gene fund, doty, priucuMcn. lubject by pleaaurae, ? Florida, Korf aud arvuu'd are waitThe Ant wu a horte? U,d iugpaper, aud casually glslicing over the ar i* nearing the have presented Governor Peny, of '< the boys of the present age f Believe H, and ' 6n Ibo cunraaa of the put to invest, from time to time any surplus of look abroad box to piece* aud1 that State, as ?> nuia*uce," the inheritance, aiul get get I'"1 of marriages, site saw a name which, iug to welcome the passenger* she bring*. »lioliadjo»t kicked bin the moneys of the canal debt sinking flfnS,'? ready to enter upon The {dank i* tbiywn out, aud they come killed hi* jfrooin, and Mr. Ilurcy exhibited thrilled her and she with upon your very being, duties. read Wkeu tbe leaping blood grow* aluggUk, seveqitif under section on* of article the conJETA colony of nearly a thousand Wora throbbingbead and a brisking heart the crowding on, *orne eager for the apjieoruuee. bint after a few drfy* training a* a eircu* horiee And ike fire of youtk kad fed j stitution, not less in all than tbe suia of Sve announcementof hi* marriage to the wealthy and ready to obey order*, which w»r« uivan Xktn thefriende tkat now enrround a, EARLY TRAINING hundred thousand dollars, in the tax to be from the otber end of the ridlnjf «chool. him previou* and aristocratic Mia* N. the week. yiialf numbered witk Ike deed; levied during the fiscal year commencing onq There are few <Jul(lreu that way not he Wot a word of this had he told her, or asked The *econd waa a wild unbroken, entire When Ike jreui apjtear to+-«Um, horxj, from theateppa* of Uuuia, and be too, the first day of October, eighteen hundred formed 14 tntctahleuaw au<l goodncaa, where and fifty-nine, under tbe first section of thisM tl>« paret* tauthe eon^cU?neeU)?t^^d)'e«re(uJV«* completely »übdued in »o rfiort %tiioe\u26 to placed 3i)ty iuthu respect, Ifce ttendiiied togo be iu his went. Xkea yid Time with UM .pproaekee, the Emperor uot only publicly enact, and the money thus invested aball be ap- \u25ba- lv Marka kia dial on my bee I plied to meet the appropriations made of tip through with it; fttultlw Multeity to iuiiwd pre?ed hi. (jratiticaUgji, but ordered a report the the wind, properly MtanlftsdaoaiM of moneys to arise from such tax; and «o luucbh tobe puUli.hed in tttfMiipcr.. TV Illu»trat ltfcva our prtaent kopta nre gtlkered, t "g«iu»t one Mouther, to Mippty of the moneys as may be neeessnrr, shall,I, M> (j»y cd CondonNew*«ay»tlmi Mr. Rarey ha> AnalItie Like dead flowera on my tmekj whqnpaid into the treasury, be applied andd "hat way he debase, toaoneet what way ly concluded arrangement* with the IIor»o Ike wkoie of H> exiatomoe, 'blmowL, tylopod aay iu ftrat to e V* Wml what ha reinstance, <juard* the reimburse o « i% to teach tUi llritali cavalry, aud he Ip one fearful iuakiag back j r n the S»d unkingfund for the aMovnt investedj duubitt (or that pnrpoea to Loudon on the Wkan each waatad kour of talent, f Ue ( "like, which b« alone i do m for snob aud isterest on the at tax, Mine, wae at June. %. . Scarcely uieaaured now it all, doy bee »great the r«e o< Bve per centum per annum, Msrdive a inan hraius and richer and he ila aiincaa baak to kaualaa, from the time of the investment to the day u a king. Give a mau braiat without riehe*, IV Mk» Ike writing un Ike w>U trVoi the U*t two year* the apple * and he u a date. Oive a ma riahaa withwop h*« teen abort, and In many large di»? Wke» tke ready tongne ia paleiod, j. out hraiiu and he u a CuoL IriuU alinoi.l atrial failure Thla year then. 14V AaJ tkefern ia bowed witk m«; the ptoepeel of an abundaut crop." We U JVQemontary Schuola Ualow aud au* oar oa»ljr kopa U Huna, 14 ?. < «*'' And our only kelp ia prayer ; liberty. it taiu the uatiou'a Wken w idola, krefcea raeuad we, I ij t L y m * » F»U amide! tke rankeef men? d $W K good education ia Wt«a to mi



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S >2. This act shall take rfeet immediateLAWS OF NEW-YORK-By Authority. OUR LATER FROM EUROPE. I HAVERSTRAW 1 ly, ftwpt aMtlons three and six, which «haU { Taa Pattui or Momraaaixo, OUR RAMAPO CORRESPONDENCE effect on the first day of January, eighjjivnsniAw, tf. T. Job* «, 1»48. lib W< ffcl take WlUiMlria.iWl regular first oa the place battl* took tm hundred aad sixty. teen K'**re, Jane ftfc, UN. Mr. Eorroa?l was vary much pieaatd to the 1 tMfclij after tk«4.y *f of May. the Austrian* having piwvioaJy tl* CT*> "T WlMji&OO. ,tad by the glowing d*seriptioa of the laka Mr. I£ In a dearth of local fotelll- flat *>« «? it* *-?» n «?MMaUs.] Klmh JT..I mf Xnr-Tork, I I kav* ineapshJ Ike pi*< * Casteggio aad occupied Moixtebel- tHtedkytk. assailed Barbed aompelled tq upon you fron that *~ Ramapo, ge y*w fl| » ia Inflict wllk tk« orlfiasl Isw Nferttmry 1 OMef.A by I 10. There arc several different dispatches ia ehae.T.aartl. Pawer, ea [kerjlaw ee aabliakad ialhe StateI.wilek JJ* fie (\u25a0 this oCee, sad in certify Ikst the Sssse (tHfiliaM, ia plan of *tirring itoma, I regard to th* event bat they an all pretty JtWwHliertdeweeftwtheyeper sU towa, there at least sowse of tbe iababitants elate »? Ie a cornst treaserlet tkmtaa aad efthe whale . ./>*» . mti the Mini}i cflkt It i» of our Couaty are awaking' ap to the beaa- tn trust jroawill acquit jomr correspondent of mnch It rtsll toMUM, I. .11 ik*ee« "< fo 7 'V ef ail orifinsl.J. TUCKEJL, la |U* State, nmd is ill ff u< '**'..'r QWf.O% ?eenlair if Stake. ?' neglect, and visit your iadigna- TW following, from the Pain Moaiteur, ia Is hat 1 ties of seaacry, diversifled by «lakes aad iateational *" tlHt, My er bo»H,is AM H ek.lt he thought most explieit: th* the u aatil tkiee swathe w| w rc peaceful, belong*, tic it on miir'7 refer AmU, ragged hilla, rippling brook* aad majestic tioa t rb: May Jl.?Tbe Auatriaa* it a Caarraa Sl'l. "ALanasaaaiA, elee* eflke »"ln I* wklek becaaa mountains" fooad ia M aid Roeklaad." quiet, qo aad industrious people of this ancient about 16,000 strong, attacked the advanced altertha *- ?, title T. eka,. », p«rtl,*evlred AN AN ACT for the pretectio* of Deer aad |? lasr. Are we behind Ijaipl No, thank pa iuuim,ud Uwi ®r IMS, tkMf. am. J Owe nfiou t tiiae, Horace Greely ia a pat town. to post* of Marshall Baragaay d'Hillier*. They U 0 other M gam*. *<\u25a0 said, that be could And aotkiag ia Roeklaad (h God, but before it t And the (bet, that «nee were drivenback by General Foray's division, Pm Passed April )4, 1850 ?Uiree-Mtha being daringI bat "eoid wood,aobUasUme*aad ekildraa," II>assumed my position with yoo, no single whieh behaved admirably, aad earned the think could bronght into tbe present. Cumi 4#BH celebrated) already amy and although we an aot ashamed either of record .H the present summer, constituting rTU PtufU »/rit Suit ?/ rai of violence baa stained ntj column? Village of Montebelloof -ACT preacribiag the power* and datWs four hours' duration. end Aiimlly, ds mttl at fattowt : equal in numbers and superior in dioHpUae' oar cord word or cobble stonea, aad least of nono mttrrUf, so affray, no luat, baa darkened after a fierce combatcavalry, in certain ease* of the eaaal Iwwl, the i»<a Snaf J HAVKRBTRAW. THURSDAY. JVSK9, ISM. commanded by The Piedmontene officer! thi» pevson and other 1. No withia 1 shall, state, canal commissioner*. 6 Sec. and fffieiency to that with which Napoleon" all of th* children of our county | yet. Sir, the tb (air boeom of old Rnmnpo, adda no little Gen. Oi Sonnaz, diaplayed extraordinary energy. who*e dutiea relate to the caaala of thi* kill bin any Wild deer, partridge, quail, wood- 1 against ituaai* forty-aeven J?*n ago. wt ventureto say that the tourist, profession- to set THE WAR. to my plearore in nontinninf; to hold itWere W We have made 200 prisoners, on* of whom eo" oesaipe at any time during tbe month® cook ?tate, th one dark eqfao which nbu! we ahare with ia'* a Colonel. ofPebmary, March, April, Mav, Jnne or Wf. A* the principal governments of Europa The Austrian army i* composed of various* al maa, o* mere seeker for pleasure, wilt flnd the We have from 600 to 800 killed and Failed April It, 1850?three-fifth* Wing ofl 2. Ewtt person who shall expose for We are cither already, or likelysoon to be, in- race*, (iermans, Hungarians Pole*, Sclavons,'\u25a0 ia it a* much to instruct and admire a* in any our on fellowa wherever ain can tempt or (alien present J Wounded. General-of-Bngado Bcuret (Inany (As State Tyroleae, . These *»J green deer skin or fresh venison, or whoWnllachs, ap county a war Italian* and or State m manhood be were inXtm-TtTk allnred, renoved; Jopg, being _} n ty y T'llved which i# be nanhi this otlier the ffantry) Tkt Profit of of rrfrttntiti j and m C and Commandant Ducbet are killed. -? Mil bsre the same in-hi* custody, at any shall Senate and Auembly do enaet «/<?"«» **? guinnry and important jn it* results, and a*, racca jiro all under Austrian government, so ne»r the great city nf New-York, teeming di« di crirninate and unlicena«d aale of liquor Cola, C< Gayot do Leapart, de Bellefonda, Con- la time during the months so specified in the jjm section M Section 1. The canal board shall not bare Dumesnil, and Commandant* Sacretall* tho Foreign news for months will doubtless , and are liable to conacription. with ita million of hamai\ beings, we hope atabated; were the infamol l* dena, which, under aeil, of this act, shall be deemed to-. » first to cancel any contract entered into have p power and de Feniaaoc are wounded. 600,000 the day is passed for it to remain unappre- ththe semblance of honeat trading, yearly aend ar dcrivo it* chief in(<'rc»( from it* connection ? Thf Frrnrh iirmjf consist* of violated the same, unless lie shall shoW ? of 0 the completion enlargement This affair does great honor to Gen. Forey, for fc the and of that he infantry lIM 300.000 are the came in possession of tbe same lawmen, j . by * of which elated those who love nature wild and ththeir victim* to perd;.tion, cloaed and kept wwho with tho accnc of conflict, we feci that we a canal* of thi* state, unlew upon application ?j diapbiyed aa much akill a* bravery. and without being necessary to the fully, where . cannot do our reader* better service tlwn byy line, 86,000 cavalry, 00,000 artillery, and d grand. But you have no need to leave el I contractor* in cases coercion, by legal closed then indeed could The Auatriana are in full retreat *ince last ofthe o contractor or of of the provisions of this act. any violation Imperial>l your own town, to sea as beautiful a little never 38 constitute the famous hare eauae to a'lmnk from reciting any evening. tl itate hai tailed tomake payment accordiag layjng before them an outline of the oonp- 36,000 tw e« The loa* of the enemy exceed* the Whoever shall offend against the probare . 8 3. a G® ha* taken" lake as ever nestled among the mountains, erpnt that abould hr.ve occurred amongst u*. 2,000 men. Uto the contract; nor ihall the laid board tries involved, tli« sceno of battle, tl(e ofjgln? Guard, which the present ei of this ? shall, for each aCtaee-, forvisions act The Emperor left to-day for Voghera, and power to cancel any contract enter into fert p *° ,e " the sirm of twenty-five dollies. ojT the war, and the number of troop* whichho much pain* In forming. l>*Tg* detach- \u25a0' This lake is now known as 'Highland lake,* In It fact had all our I icensed dealer*, the di»- viaited the hospitals, where the Austrian ppursuant to tbe lawiof thil state. to keep in in this act shaH he so eonNothing § are the Held. I 4. already France, Austria and Sardinia respectivelyy mcnts troop* m of these in the independence, and the nerve of w oi any completed or uncompleted por- strued 9 very appropriate name, as It Is loerted oretion, n wounded have been taken, with the French, repair r as to apply "te common cneriere ft N« ha* placed himself ft their bead,l> among the highland* of our nobl* Hudson, our neareat laadlo r<\?A. C. Wanmaker, our and titiom ofthe canal* of thil itate; and neither a[ bripg to the Held. Napoleon oi receive the same care. shall, in tbv 'linrl?gii' tbeir who agents *" issned hi* lint order of the day at Oenop Thia sheet of water ia at th* immediate base community A telegram, essentially the same as the tlthe laid canal board nor tbe canal coinmis- 'of wool*', be more reapected and our }Ve jpilhor oijr statements from several,1 and c< Jl0 their hasmess assnch, transport '* tmf deer si or either of either of them, shall have ** * above, fronAhe Emperor to the Empress, lionert, above inhibitesl petiod ; game reliable sources, being eapeeialiy indebted to? May lath, in something the styfco|his unci*.*?, of a high mountain, and supplied by springs SiSabbaths leaa p< .llutcd. or the during p the Paris Bourse on the 21st power to make any allowance to contractor*, posted was on " * prwaeewted, any person 001 shalT nor or persons iwp recent number* of Harpers' Weekly." What shall be tbe result of these hostilities gashing from the mountain side; ita water Jack Froat, »,ho generally betakea himaelf' and a the Sardinian Goverment issued a cor- under contract! for keeping said canal* in under ofthas act, be ln ssrr ofthe in the very heart of Southern Europe I What* Is clear aad very cold, even in the hottest to to aummer quai t era earlier in the aeaaon, paid r<responding bulletin. repair, beyond the ium» stipulated to be adjudged Win at or WAR. J ! gaaftr of vidiating the sarae, ifhe on government, on and no abatement ""' J '" the influence of around ia vil The is the offleial bulletin Mich contract* Summer, days scenery paid by ; flying following The U a ua on the night of the 4th, and isaued f it shalT prove tlot the game ia metthey The *eat of the war i* Northern Italy. or r any contractor 1 " or allowance ihall be made to Austrian Government: tion, in suefr pcoceeding, win gnme of my Talcc your atla*, reader, and yon will aee' on political and religious freedom, no one picturesque, and delightful to any one who )left hla dainty footprinta plainly viaible in by the 22.?0n the 20th instant, of repair*, from the mm agreed to be paid other Viikka, "'j state, or aoy foreign cetmty, tr that if IJ (bat the State* comprised in this <)istriet are can now tell. Tho conflict *rill doubtless love* nature in all its loveliness: the tower- at streaks. It w«* a gentle viaitation, just an* Gen. Stadion May forward a reconnaiss- Iby him to the itate, for the boati, tolls imple- (pime of pushed with the the state, sisnp actually all i* ing mountains on the Went of the lake, the tlthough the frolic sprite repented him of hia a| tfi» was 1 Piedmont, or the kingdom of Sardinia, and be sanguinary and attended £!*" " * ance by a forced march toward Teglro and menti andmaterial* embraced in the inventory killed, or taiccn before tbe-coiwsacncenient of 0 that are inevitably eonaected with'l> majestic Hudson aa the East, and Anthony's mmiachief wlien but half accomplished, and de->- Montebello, .V but after a hot fight with a exhibited at the letting, and attached to the the iabibittdl peried herein abeve Loyibnrdy on tlie North ; South of tlio.sf arc horror feosided of it all will'I' nose, looming up from Its blue water* beyond, ferrrd for "" reigns, repair*. but God and oat the French force of contract war, superior strength, f« balance of hia trip to aome more V retreated1 in respect thcruol l'/inna, Moden*, Frrrara, I,ticca, a part of T»a§2. All contracti entered into by any ln g5. work we believe issues that shall advance the" whit* to tb* South ia M«a Weiant's Island,' eiconvenient aeaaon. lie apared our straw-r> behind the I'o." All penalties imposed% this ac^aaay cany and tho Papal State*, On (he North( *"* The officiul Austrian Correspondence, off canal commiiiioner, luperintendent of canal be cause of Freedom among some of th* moat*t covered with vineyards aud fruit trets, and |» bc sued for and reco» eredi with the- cost of melona; apared lightly .e our of for j repair*, and Went nrc Switzerland and tbe Alpa on berriea?l t 21st contains the following authentic re pain, or engineer in charge the 1 such before any jtsttao* of the- peace ia <* snit, tyrannical goveraneata of the at tim** when the rir*r is foil of vessels with ddid hia icy aaadala graze our aueculent Lima'a and the delivery of timber or lumber for tho re- ,hl * the Eaat the Adriatic; South and South Woat|t 'despotic \u25a0 0communication on the subject: complete a this state, by sr h> the- aasaeofawy «eU of Europe. their white sails passing up tb* race, a more ?and if Ite reated for a moment, pillowed onn "On the 20th inst Gen. Stadion sent out pairt, of the canali,or to dotooriucb tlio Oulf of Genoa. makingcomplaint person thrreoC or tf oss repair*, P* Our readers will see by another eolnmaia delightful prospect is no where to be seen?- oour flrfttl'ing encumbent, the red Sun flaahedi *a reconaoitering party, to learn the strengthh ipeeific job of work relating of labor, of the srrpcrintendents ef the fair o|"iae roptLATioy. and of and position of the enemy's right wing. The and involving the performance that the hostile force* have alreaily meL having aad ita old Fort Clintoa withia a bi the not for sudi. o&tuiv shall be esapiV act," ° ® » upon waiting * county u in "in and where Tlie territory eoinpriaed witliin tbeae limita, 1 Austrians advanced toward Teglio and Mon- i- the furniihingof material*, when not adver- ted, on the North, adds very much further ft and ifsued in rile name ofany sec&i sops dalliance, he aailed away exulting on though not i|uitu ita large a* the State of JUSTICE'S COURT, HAVERSTRAW short distance where they met tho enemy in sup- tilted to be let to tbe loweit bidder, shall be crtendent, tebello, whew colketsdl *if*|jl peno&r, the to its interest to those who visit it. Here' hhia lia'.my weat wind pinion*. contract, duly authciitie erior Now-York, contain* a population of nearly force. After a very severe conflict Gen.i. in writing, and inch paid one-halfto tia- ei>mpf*mawt aotKfqp nitron* joiik I. rot-i, i w within fifteen dayi after tbe name lie would be a spot well adapted for a summer Thii flrat gun from the eonteated frontierT Stadion drew back his troops in the per- r- cated shall,executed, to the snperinCeuihirf,foe- t)W law-off the half 13,000,000 aonla. Of tbeae only 4,600,000, and before any money Justice ef thePssss. ' it seems strange to me, that long resort?and rr order to tho left bank of the Po, afterr shall be y iz: the Sardinian*, are free from the influenceP . P°poor of the coontr. t 0o'.' Piedmont aeema to have roused the fire of* feet On Sunday last, tho 6th inat. George S ere having, however, forced the enemy to employy ihall be paid thereon, be filed in the canal jj t). No person shall' take .-my spedHted er ff this, it being so near New-York City, it tthe la«t direct or indirect of Austria. I/ombiirily on" ;yj the breast* of the French,'» (his and all iucb contract* shall state century , in whole department; Murray atrcngth," and James Hed- has not been tuken up for that purpose. Tlie ai,d ,r Myera arrested Peter brook in any of the inland pnblic wjp trout, within which same to be t Napoleon wina the same field that hiaia The Viennn corespondent ofThe London the time the is the North East which la pnrt of the Austriann dy for ten of thil state, wrth jtut net, they were committed p,property to which it belongs, is soon I under- I , drunkenness;until aaya that the Austrian force consist-t- performed and executed, which shall not ex- basket, 1 'greater predeeeaaor won more than 60 ycara\u25a0 Timea J® spear, grapple,or any other «feviee-er Kinpirc, in some reaped* the finest countryi to the County Monday morning, Jail K> (t stand to be sold, when I hope some enter- 1 ed of three brigades, and tliat their loss wasu ceed one year from the date thcreot " If he can be trusted lead on the ngo. to e world, point itdviiiitagcs composition whaterer, between the fiftatuthi in of natural in the at which time they were again brought into J} 3. The office of aisiitant collector or asgentleman will put up a house nenrir nntionalitiea of Southern Europe, a future* probably about the same as that of theie of September anil the- fiffetwthi Mf'iS day contains a population of 6,000,000. J'ied- <Court, examined as to the cause of th*ir in- p,prising collecton of canal tolls on the j ] ?istanti to t|, tbe February in each year, ami whoever »la) 1 Lake, and thereby bring into notice wliat yet more glorioua liea before hiin. At all French. The Patrie say that the troops engaged onn canali is hereby abolished, and the duties ot tnont, or tho Kingdom of Sardinia on the" toiicatiou, and fined ten dollan, and two del" almost unknown, the'* offend against the provisions oftfi»- section has been heretofore be that shall hereafter office, pertaining >f tbe to events, whatever be the objecta or reaulta of Nojth Went is not no favored in fertility of |lars tl side of the allies consited of 5,000 Frenchh shall, for each offence, forfait the »ui» u| af and thirteen cents coat each, which flue |lovely 0 scenery of the Northern part of the" his present policy, the Italians hav/a chancee only, and one Sardinian cavalry regiment. by the collecton of toils, exceptt * soil or riehuoaa of back country a* Lombardy.!'? they paid and twenty-flve dollars, to bo iund for, and! ra0 Tlie Debat* says (Jen. Forey's divisionn performed th waa diacharged. town of Haverstraw. The Northern part of given a* herein provided. covered ith costs of iinsecsuit,» independence. pewvidml of it them to establish their inounti:inoua, Much i* cold and damp.I'- On the 7th inat John Harvy was arrested if ° {*" T^e collecton of canal toll* »hall notlt ®.tion waa composed of four regiments of theIe the town was, if I am rightly informc j, in-*" fivo. Another portion ia hot and productive of u orr j, n warrant issued for stealing from and eluded in the Wolfs patent," and at thele And though an Italian.Rcpublic may seemn ]line and the sixth battalion of Horse Chas-s- have the power to select or hire a room upon Cayuga and Senecsieiocfcediaad) J5 7. Tho ? an impossibilityto those who have not studied'l sours. as a collector's office, building occupied fevers. Yet between tbeae back of Ganoa,"? threatening to kill King Weyant Tie wasu etime to be lakes are excepted front the-aetixkof Osw#go of the revolution was owned Tnjarly all" t;, , the character, literuture, and history of the alleges that tho French numbcr-r- without the consent ofthe canal commission- this Tlie Nord tbcro ia a tine tract of country where wheat roi| and all laws now in Sucre, relMnig bill, ru iiired to give security for liis good lielia- by j, a gentlemanof the name of Lurei n. The10 in charge of tho division of tho canals on people, we, at least, arc satisfied that theyy ed ia raiaed; alao oranges, grape*, olivca, Ac. in" vior, to the fisheries iu said lakes, ace- hereby re£ 8,000 men, exclusive of the regiment ofj( en j vi wliicli security be refused to give, and inhabitants are scattered, as in all billy connSardinian cavalry. which such collector shall be appointed, andj P*pealed. 0 achieve it traneed the chanrc to A only abundance. ciiuiinittcd to tbe (bounty Jail until he tr w| waa The London Times remarks that the ie where such office may be located, nor shallI tries, but are very much atta< hod to theirlr ditionnl hatred of tyranny is not jj 8. All acts or parts of nets inconsistent only historic, Austrian* j ?* Tlie Duchy of I'arma i* about n> large aa give aaid accurity. evidently fought well for they?y any monev be paid for tho rent of any col- with m w this act, are hereby repealed. mountain homes. what a nan must have carried tbe town of Casteggio,o, lector's office, unless such canal commissionspontaneous but to them. And Delawuro, and contain* aa many inhabitnntalH Henry Neman waa alao arreated on the The names of Weiant, or na some old'' tion they might of the approved agreed er amount shall have become! With tile song of>f which had l>een occupied by the French andid gl XewYorlc,) I hive eenpsredltße-prean New-Jersey. It ia a productive state. "th State 7t inat. by Samuel P. Rose for drunkenness."? records have it, Waggon's, June's, Herbert's r( id to be paid for the rent of any such office.'\u25a0 iStcrrtanj't S of Offict. J ceding with Ikeerifiaalllsw Modeua about tbe sumo in aiie and popula-'? He I lanto to inspire them to brave and noblec barricaded, before they could have arrived [| was examined, and lined ten dollars, aud'<1 and im file in IWis office, anil do certify that Ikrwia* u Sheldon'a, which we find ninong tlioae of at the village of Montebello, where they were re Collecton of canal tolls shall not have thee on " and the laurel verse of Tasso for is a fertile, deed*, * Tuaeauy any a correct transcript therefrom sad*f Ikewk*lfc person too of said tiou ia less containa a |>opu-?- one on dollar and ninety-seven cent* eo*t which the driven. The Auatriana seem to to power to designate or select t earlieat inhabitants, atill remain uiiiong originsl. K crown; the subtle yet ever jn»t political } eventually lutivu of about a,OOO,000, oil an urea of H6OOf fine have been in the firat instance successful, andid measure, count or inspect any timberor Inintil bo refus<>d to pay, and was committed to '°n us, aud a deacendant of one of these families'* GIDEON J. TUCKER, Bccrclsry if 9tU*. Ul wis<loin of too mui'h abused old Machiavel to c to have been driven back when theie ber carried in rafts or boats on tho canals of>f o only ai|iiaremilca. It claimato be the moat polish- tlie tb County Jail for ten daya. very ably represented t'lis County in tlie last' guide the infant Tl this state. supports the cunning, mutch-I. French came up. Cu.vrTss 147. ed sfeito of Italy. Since It baa been controlji 5. The canal board shall, from year to AN ACT for the better iinprovemeat off COUNTY MATTERS Legislature of this SU.te. leil by Auatria, all kinda of iuduatry, enter, less statuary, the imperishable canvass of her year, when tbe annual appointmentsare made Many years ago -»hcn tho tumpiko fromn legion artist mutter* to dignify for aye her Highways iu the town of Uaverstraw, iai of tho Board of t'onimlaaioaersn DEATH OF JAMES J. WALSHProcecdinga 1 salprixo and conimcrcc luivo declined. fix and determine the compensation and the County cf Rockland. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Aries to bo paid to the collecton of canalT of Kiciae in aud for the Couuty of Rock- fc. Caldwell's landing, in this town to Goshen,* sea-washed capital; and the brave old Koinann In fact, Auatrin acern* to ifland among the j, °j. Passed April 6th, 1859?three-fifths being' I'ierniont, held on the first of in Orange County, was the outlet of that the of village clerks, weighmaster* to the toll* and their character?free and fetterless at last?to up- June, j present inst, the following Resolutions were ' a. StutCf of Euro|X', including eapeeialiy ita ownn laud. re I" of Orange Connty to the Hudson river,'\u25a0 hold, defend, and consolidate the Republicf and their assistants, and to such other offi-. At a meeting of tlie Board of Commia- part Tke Ptople depoudencica, like a great t'pa* tree poiaonthi Stall of Ntu-Kort, nfrtmUd I 1 passed unanimously :? quite a business was oarried on at the four,r ? cen and agent* connected with the collec- » Senate and of aionera of in for I Atttmbldo enact : County, Kxeiae and said Vi foresaw 11 at follow« wily The brain of Richelieu what st ing and blighting every thing that cornea AlmightyGod having taken from amongst tion of tolls on the canals as tho said boardj c<j In what was then called "Doodleheld at the Court Houac, in aaid County, onin corners 1. It shall not hereafter be optioawell might be when he styled Italy "thele us i our dear friend, Jainea J. Walsh, one of°f are or may be authorized to appoint or cm- al Section within its influence. t j 17th day of May IH6O. tlie with persons liable for highway labor iu to town" now Montvill, but the progress of the'* key of Europe;" not lesa did Metternich tho Trustees of this village, plov, which ihall not be increased during said VOIK'I*. I'OHITION OF H town to perfono such labor, but avery Present?Jnboi Wood, Peter 11. Tauliiian,u, age has found new and more outlet* u ihall bo speedy by a^ Resolved, That in the death of James J.J. such year. No clerk* X, when he gave ont the purposq of Austria to employed '" rperson or corporal ioo no liable, shall, iuitead Tlie river Tleino nina North and South be-e- Isaac I» Sherwood, Commissioners of Excise. t<l to market, and all this has long since pasaod of Piermont has been de-(v collector of tolli, except when the auditor r of pereooal labor, reduce it [to "a geographical idea." Andj Walsh, ofthethevillage pay to the overseer et tween Piedmont (or Sardinia,) uud Lond>ardy.y. On motion, Jaliei Wood was chosen Chairservices of a faithful and elfi-B- of the canal department shall certify the highway tu the prived the '* things ainoug that were. Tlie is £ land well have Austria district where such labor ia dependent* sought ami Spence Wood was appointed Clerk. and her m enable such collec- . who, oceaaiona, necessary Oviir thia river the Auatriana matching went-it- mail, cient and one all to to officer, ii, upon same be w to be perfonne<l; by tho fint day of June, ia rau 'n ff> ,n<' the preparing 6 ' K her carry to out the of veteran minnthe riak of health and of life, plotting* perta The following reaolutious were made and nd even at haa t- tor to perform the duties his office. ward have alreaily croaacd at three puluta e| year, the suut of fifty cvuti for every each for and sending to market the wood that111 ister. In the kingdom of Naples, the spiritil formod the dutiea prescribed for him by thelie g6. Por the purposo of protecting tbew threatening Novum, t'aaala, and YerceUl.li, 1,1adopted. B M 'K>r for which he or they ihall be 1011 '',u ,n °untains gives abundant and * ro ** law of tho State, and tbo Ordinances of our ur state in it* property, revenue aud tolls, on>n <k>' ' "I of tho actually life have been crushed out 10 ihaM Resolved, keepers atrmigeat assesseed.andsaidovcfscerofliighway* ia the of That tho Store and nd ig pointa, being ( > Civmle tbeae the canals, the canal board n hereby antho- expend # all sums be shaU m> receive, hi the '' License be t.lO, for tb* euauing year. P>emiiloymcut to tho inhabitants. In passing'8 people. One atrocity excited even the im- village. / |iu \u25a0 importunt military poaition. Novara iaa Tavern id "zed to appoint ten inspecton and ineasur- u rjvcnit '"' of the highways of the Dun. That while we, his friends and Resolved, We» t around the Northern bluff liii own, _ ('oinniiaaioners 'P within Rv'solved, English ' |( Thatylho passive ministry to a stern rcmonconnected with Turin i>y rail roud. of tbe id j mourn his decease in the height ht en of lumber and timber, and of boats aud district; three-fourth* of such meqgy shall of Excise, employ whatever counselavl derberg range, we come to rich bottom lands *traneo and impelled the Hon. Mr. Gladstone>u neighbors, usefulness, yet we have the happiness The French have entered Sardinia on tworo Hoard his *s their cargoes, to be located at such points be so expended by the first of u of tliev ace proper iu proaecutiug tliow who k K in Bottom," bo known aa Beaeb where good' in his celebrated aphorism that tho govern-n- to feel that he is gone where his good deedsJ, and places on the canals as mat be deemed year. aidoit by the Mont Collin, and by (icuou. By>y vviolate tlie Act to suppress Intemperance, (j re, farms of might be mado, and I doubt not that ment of Naple* was "a negation of God>d have been registered, and a rich rewardrd most expedient to accomplish the objects of person 2. or t» Any neglecting § refusing sale uieujia ofrailroa>la from Snap uud from tionoa,a, and regulate Intoxicating ai to tho of "K here aa lino farms will eventually be made a* the appointment. u awaits his. pay for the laborso required shall be subject erected into a government." Not content nt passed April 16, 1867. LI they can if they cliooao oouccutrute theirlr Liquor*,'' The uieasuren and inspectors antho- to ' any in tho County. In passing still furtherr with the dungeon and the scaffold, the infalie .Vthe same liabilities and penalties incurred Resolved, That we commiserate with the j_ u rized to be appointed under the next prccedSpouce Wood be the Clerk forces on Turin, which hua a populatiou of?f °' ltesolvud, That the c| , ,n by neglecting or refusing to perform or family of our deceased for the los* which ing lection, West along tho Northern border oftho town mou* creature called King of Naplo* in the year 1800. 10 are hereby authorized to admin- commute iibopt 160,000, in u few houra. Thia road of auid Board for with them, have but feel ra c for the highway laborM*e**ed hy sustained, they * Pond, we come to Cedar or as it is bow v full light of the Resolved, Tluit the following peraous havir nineteenth century, burnt,'t> judgingfrom his daily life and conversation,u' ister oaths, when the same becomes ncces- the t highway coininissionere. t<) |»uu)(w through Aleaaandria which next to " ing made application for a license to keed cicalled Lake Minisceongonear this lake ' lary to enable them to discharge tho dutiea lis tbe assurance of his eternal happiness, racked, thrumbscrewed, and cut in piece* his This act shall take effect Hnn liltlly, ,lu S3. Uatyu it* the strongest plaeu in Sardinia. The of their respective offices. liiii, Tavern or Hotel, and supported by tt| au >n bjr during d the revolutionary war, large Iron subject* when they aaked for freedom! Andid Resolved, That acopy of these resolutions, of aa petition of the nujuired number al greyt battle of Napoleou Firat on the plain of § 8. When any luperintendent of canal of Fr«»- >*" \Works were carried on for the manufacture" to rnwn all, Clerk, monster the be transState Xew-Tmk, \ I hsve eooapay*4 Me aaasigned by who inventitPresident and of knighted a b< Maoengo wan within »iglit of tho fortrea* of repairs, or reildent engineer having charge Secretary't of holders, be licensed; Ojffvr. | ceding with ike or%iasd lsw oof cannon balls, and large deposit* of iron)n ed and be published inthe of*uoh repairs, shall submit to the canal com-"? on what he termed "the cap of silence." mitted to the family, Aleaaandria. It ia not improbable that thelle J file ia Ikla ortee. sad de certify ikal tkeaasse CLA*S*TOW*. the th* '* nowspapors County. 0 ore are fouud all arouud Lake. It is This, an iron head piece,passing over the bee,*' of \u25a0nitsieuer in charge tbe detailed itatement nt ia u a oomet Iransetipt Iherefnn aad dtW wUlaifc jirat ?ugageiueut of the proaout war will takeIt* William 11. Quackenbush, New City. T t ? now ANDREW FALLON, li- ef« said origraal. tha property of Win. Knight, Esq. who'° rested on the breast of the prisoner, and while of the several anticipated objects of oxpendiOIDEOM 1. TUCKER, Bttrtfry *fMal*v Jacob A. Demurest, Clarksville. Pre*, of the village of Pierrn oat pluO* uc)ir tbia locality. tun on tha line of the canal under hitchargee '* year* been reclaiming has for tha last few it added to hi* other torments, that of gradual ** OACai or ma war. Thomas Eckersoa, Itocklaud Lake. commissioner, W. of such if Blacvilt, duty Clerk. it ihall be the the waste lands around the take, aad has noww suffocation, effectually silenced his agonizing Jona he diueot* from any particular object of exBURGLARY AT PIERMONT. Of course many rcaaon* are assigned, butUt HAVtaaTUAW. a flue farm in that region. u Lake Minis»* penditure set forth in such estimate, in whole'e cries. What wonder that the poor Italian' On Monday night of but week, the ekthyre give tliq views of tho Rev. Dr. Baird, of of John 11. Stephens, Warren Village. TESTIXOIiAL. ceongo" is also a beautiful sheet t, t water,r ' or in part, or if he shall consider the imp j , (tore of 11. Cooper; in the village of of 'V ing Isaac kissed even the wheel track* the French Buchauan, y Village. Warren <,r Yon|ceia, ii) a letier addressed to the N. Y, Ilaving used Allen'n Moving Machine for " er jPiennont, was catered by burglars aad all aad would well repay one to visit i ; good" Emperor in the street* of u tunny GenoaI" estimated for tha objects named to be larger James Creuey, Warren Village. ObekrveV, from Kentucky, under date of ° ell, than will be required, to state, in writing, on ume time put, 1 cu u; that it work* veil, >D the Thomas Teneyck, Caldwells. t finest goods were take* oC Ad trtnaw flahing II is found in the Lake, and - unniug allowance minister, Mr. Reed, recently from ,n Mto cutting; and, a* to draught, it U not estimate, °® May 24th. There is not another mau in ,was gained by means of oa» of the windows Our the his of disallowanoe i J j tot " the hills around it But les should among BAMArO. objectof expenditure nam- ,whicn. opens on a shed over the stora 11ere of each «particular China, has concluded a with the "Ceof treaty light United States so familiar, from many or for a team honaa. hoary hard tire your patieuo*, I must ei*** or the 1* a therein, Valley. Parsons, Spring Janes F. ed aad of the amount which in his pane of glass was broken owt. the fcatescr lestiala" which promise* to mult in com-"? yean observation and intimate acquaintance SILAS D. OIUIIL Adolphus C. Wauuiaker, Sufferaa. ppreswt. S..JUC judgmentnay be required for each work or ingsof the window on the iaaidt undone, mercial advantage* of vast moment to both Rockland Couty, Oct M, IBS*. with nil the governments of Europe, with theM object; and every *uoh »uperiotendent and when , OaAMUBTOWa. the thieves passed doww by 4 stair"J By proviaioa* couatriea. virtue of ita the present posture of affair* ou the Continent. engineer thall apply the sums so estimated way , into the store below. Everything of tha / Isaac W. Canfleld, Nyact DR. LIGHTHILL THE OCULIST AND great Wall i* in effect thrown down, and theia '* XATORBAW M9AIL MABXRand allowed to the work or object named if ' He My*: ttThe real cause of the present quality, including cloths, vtfgags. / finest 1 Wandle, Richard I'ieriuoat Waakljr. AURIST. estimate, aad to»o other purpose what- , CarsAtlly nfM aad wonted war ia to be found iu tlie (act the people of sock Eapir* opened to American inluenee. c clothing every of ready-made dbeofotioa. J. Blanch, Pienuoat everSardinia have dared to maintain, in the'* Tliouias all orders aad directions given rn considerable custom-work ready fre delivery We visited Dr. Ugbthill's office this w««k » Johu Douovan, Hunk of it, Tkiloeopher! That the art* ""?!!Hits( by any Aad 14 ( engineer to any contractor on the northwestern part <>f Italy, within the laat Aaron Jobusou, l'i*rmont and we must in it vm quite a Uut W us to handkerchiefs, shirts and drawers,asea daw* r >*? Pienuoat «6c utMH, l* a lit long Meanly ly aad science* that have lain the same R,.works, " public during progress teu years, Onq of the nubleat government tin a the of * uuuiy see w afflicted relieved. While tto his sewing silk, findings, *«, wen caw* ? James B Mason, IHenuoat MAN Own, 1,«0 Tan, prvwut some were discharged cured, and inrelation thereto, shall be in writing. ffully selected out and can-vied oA, the which can he found in Europe ; with a Con-' id locked between ike Tartan aad the Paeile,*? Faad, Peter XX Maxsoil, Tappantowa. l.« Mat. SAfe aadI?. rejoicing ia their regained tight or hearing, like (bat of England, a Parliament So long as any eaaal in this state using the back door opening in the chprck U§» lg K. are be gradually unfolded to thy gaae. e. Oala, McCrf", Lawraaca J. Snellen, Laadiag. Saedaa's tjo of two Houses entirefreedom of religion?so |ButUr, while others vera ou the road of getting well, 31 34a lie shall be let aad under contract, to be kept in .yard for their egreae. The goeil» teke* of it, O Htatciuen! That theoriee of.1" fililiM, . l.»icUiraa. av- Amongthe patientsdischarged cured we nu- Think Maw *3a P* repair* ia pursuance of law. It shall be the ke amount ltesolvi>d, That the following pehuxts havthat Protestaut ehurcbes are springing >tp iu J ia . value to over |M& As yet aw government unknown to Locke are to heM Aaplta Mc MWIUH, }** duty of the eaaal commissioner* to oause a* ulue whatever baa been obtaiaed ae te the Tueioi Pignerol, Uonoa, Nice, Novi, Aiesaaniu- 'ing n's tice some of our best eitiieus. We will nunc " ] nuuie application for a Store-keeper's <j'» .Kip, He lie Baaaa, and Wklu "Barbarian," heralded fa> the oataide boat to laden so aito drew at four ur . dria (w|tb its immense fortifications), Casala,Ja, license, be licensed: some them. Mr*. be least Booth; lad)'has H of This Be Uhl perpetrators. The probability is thsit the act It A Ma Dri«dA»lM, , and otUtr places, and the Bible uud religious >us HAvaaaraAW. been afflicted with diseased throat very bad SVUHawkad Baal; |14 3 IS" 15, inches more water-than other boat* are per was id the law* of the 48e*t inhabited eouatry inin UtM Paatkaa. ooininitted by theriver thieve* aad thafc for nearly nine yean. She was unable to laid f gal. WeflPark, 11a Us mitted to draw ; such boat so laden shall be .they were . l>ooks «iid tracts are circulating in all direc-oc William gpringsUei, Warraa safely in New Tork befcew MiaDaniel C. 4 nB the nnlverae are te be expouaded and pro- Baiaiac OuiiktM| 10# IB* nrn through tha whole leafcth of suoh eaaal, speak loud when she earns under the Doctor's tionfc?liberty of the press, an admirable aysrt- \Village. " *? i >ng t! Mr i » th their plunder. it, (# PhilanthropUt Igkauidan, claimed. Think of O lU»H>. 4N «QMajT* as oftea aa oaca ia thirtydays, day aad eight, I teui of common schools, and great activity she has had a severe so cough, treatment; TM Lard, Tills it a severs loss to Mr. Cooper, wh* Hay Jeremiah Komly, North Havsrstraw. awt. tea in waking railroads, and dcvclouiugthe rebad that her frisuds Islt alarmed aad thought That the largest laid for the eseiciie of thy* laa, f. *M Ta11.., l«la, a aad ha weighedaad neaaured atevery weigh F»°* has had rnauy adverse circumstances toeu»Phillip KlmcuJorf, Cal4w*lla, boaata of, ahall lock, impulaea weight aoble that ereatioa 41 aad the aad dreftof kingdom. OyatanVlM, MdwJriah, caiyo the It is she had Yet a few ka MM Me of eousumptioa. past year. Ha has.itaoilfuc# the existence weeks t with tend oaxausTowa. Vaflarw* Paas.« pi. 44a Me water stated on tha clows; a )U ef such a government ia Italv, aud contiguous under Dr. Lighthill'scare entirely cured her. w. all lie like aa open plain before thee. AadJ cUa of ways proved tsir, eaergetie aad «** , 174tMaaacaa.ltbaaak.tieM e*ory such trip or paasage shall be report made to to tlie Ijoinbardi>*Venetian kingdom of Auv usWilliam E. White, Nyack. She is aot only WfU but fet sud hardy also. thou, O Christian 1 tho* wboae prayer* have and Us fellow dtekrpriJng trja, that ia the occaaion, or tho cause rather, , Mr. George, another of our citiaeus, hat been" notia vain heee «|knd for the out cart wor-' «r, ; Jaru* Campbell, Plermodt 14. th* auditor of the canal denartiMat without sens sea that the entire loss does act J* should Cornelius 1). StMtwhoalaa, d kaafcat, awmmpaaiad by a M copy of. tha fidl j on hint. We War* that a reward ha» vftttf war. deaf for twenty years, an< has boeu cured by aflVto. rHH?ntiii %Vtr Tiiimtmigf thwßOi, "yj *<> | U-iewoar to decided whether Austria and md Mr. dumay ,y shipper*of the Kaat ; thou whoa* team have Ou motion,'" the Boar Oof Mn theDoctor ia a short tune. been ottered tor the arrest of the burgla*! aad MATIMEBAW MOURAHOMRfH* Despotism shall prevailor whether Sardiuia \u25a0- a atatemeat of all tha 4a!a)* nnaaiinafJ byy recovery of the goods.?[K. G Journal. ty foUea for the two tarty doom ot tae young« uia of Excise adjourned for the year 186*, I* to- wee afflicted with sore ayes over twenty p. and Itaj'iau Independence shall triumph, ia tha navigation or waat of( |»h. meet i at the Onirt llousa, ia ClarkatoWa. ia yews, and was cured by the Doctor ia thehe martyr Lowric; tho* wkoae God hast badela Marit Uat for tka waak Mdlaf, Jnaa 4 MM*. ohatractioaa .« water, and the causa thereof The auditor cannot stand in Smdiuia or a Vr , remarkable short space of three weeks. Mr. k Marian A. Varralaa. to all the wartih" pntack the shall, keep a fall reeurd of al) saeh reports, £ any'*liere ' else tn Italy, u||leas AusUi* be W. Kichardsou, who was blind with cataract 1 t.1. VUllaaiWaiaaa. u nrThe attention of the travelling pdhHe, \u25a0v think thou toe of it and whilst thox givaat *? I^",°^ cannow sec aad aaoufhly publish « brufateteoMßt of the years, read.through driven nut. Aud ih'oet heartily do I rejoice IM I for aievea to ke iis called to the Advertisement ia aauthsr 11, u.) . CUflw.... US.. frnww i^vvwva (ha oa thine armor ia gird gfoty, ajuiaa,of Him for the the arrangement tnade fcr the asa jJ the means of the Doctor's opeiauoa. A Mary Au».rt. KilUpa. M M. great many afflicted onee with cross eyas e* worfc I 4. UwJI Fast ; were successfully "operated upon while we A KUubrtfc FiaU. W Imaau Hximwoov. i KKUC. ?. Ada Ca*. WON present t. r«k. jarw* are ludabted to Mr. John Tbomp-P" It ia truly wonderful to wo »e Oj, immm Haidaa to Jeremiah lye. Its* made a* arma**?"* the Dottor operate. He handles theoiutru-- soa U North llwnlff., for a dub of Ue-«? T. MUaa H Owaa. Mammilla, ha 1U wHh the owaets of d>e»k«aaiboat perform utsy uwnta like aa old one. We could mention Aaaiia 0. Caaklia. ? licsiHie HtmwUrtiee, the large* we hare ever by which passengers purchasing tickets front DROWNED . uusny more, but time won't permit ml Go : the to KM Km*, ft toe him, and have a chat with him. and You °» TV* R & attl lad him a oentlemaa and scholar. mut »?» «*»\u2666 "* * g * ? 55! New-York aad Alhaa). !| *rt L*ww*cc KepubUtaji. *Mwu»«Tro«TW}flr

: tmi noon n tin mwTO BBAJDEBB and CORREfKJBDFJfTI All Communications lentto iba offlee stlhVnatwr The Sardinian nrmf eowlat in p«aM of,'< for Insertion, umt uri iha nam* dad sd4N>* be 70,000 mea, which ia time at, of Iha writer, nqf asoMMrllrforauMieailka, biit u a guarantee of good The moat km*r* of ' f?\\W increased 4)*msr>oade;t« osn da as food imlaa hi tbr- ihe*jaretheßef»#gll«l, <>r, l ''linW,OT *warding Ilia particular! of any lA'cldant wank reeordla* which comes uadar (hair ohaervstioa. «r» an admirable corps aad won rnncV fan* > Advertisements and Commnnlestion* mint ba aant in the Crimea!) war. ?*'«? !?»? of Ihrt pOet Mm I# a. m. H at The Auiirlan mrmy ia Mid to Wadnaadaj, to ininrs an Insertion. time of about 000,000 men, of r**rsi, present the (hi. mora *aWfb«m f* paper. Aa/ persoit procnrlnft 1® good tsrfH wfllbe j whom 400,000 are infantry, 60,000 e*ra)ry, l*aaaaUd with a enfj of tbe Uaattngar for ana 70,000 artillery, aad 16,000 aad Jaar Car Ma iroabla. , sappers. 6( the**, it i* estimated thajk two" '









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MESSENGER, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1850. ROCKLAND COUNTY YXI ? Btfo-gorh 1 ark 1 Dttfo-IJ | fBtfo-JJoth AWij^fL AkUiViTJ



H. Tr.a.


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I Kew-York at..141 A a I Albany .BJX. a.



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INSTBUCTIOH I* MUSIC. who te a very atfepeieM. aad at. Teacher of liaeie : Pianoforte, aWBi HAVERSTRAW POST OFFICE Organperlaneed Melodeon, wiehee for a fow Papila, aad [** uiu aaaira raoa I auucu>» n>a 11 a. a. New-York at 4r. a. whan aha will laatract on Moderate term. For Kw-T«ku colore parti Addreea Mlas A. P. O. M . Albaay «} r. ai. | Albaay TJ*.a F*? Warren Hooeo, Hareret raw. N. a?Where aati,f.«ory referent*., Aa. *0.. ehall be given la Yonng Udiea. who., education haa been neglected in childhood, caa new fled a deairableoppr rtanHyof improvement, aa the Adrrr rrerti ! '*>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I' r ',*? »«'l*at Teacher oftha French "^"' »* and Ao. JVtT KJSLIBHED, ( Engltah Language, June 9, 1H59 1L» Havenstraw, «




From th*


J)" DH




Advtrtiiimf OJSe*> IK

JT« tW




(n-fat* Alhaay



From Pfewfcr, Own k Co.

LIOItTHILL. Ocnllat an,l \ariM. hep main Slrffl, IlnTffilmw. BOAT ro» NBW-tOBK. 6,OO?MORNING 80 AHEAD ltftre to Inform the Public tkat K« kM re- T r,rnt Wines, groceries, &d. AaiWß BUBBCRIRRR takes this method morrd T<M pHB mO from S!W Broadway, to a? ll.iul Strwt, Imp A m of Gm4 Ten tor 11. TOUCHING 1 of informing the inhabitants of Havwratraw N. T.,» TOCC AT 81NO BINO, TAnRYTOWN t» tr.nt;iicO»«ftilly the Y. he eontlaae* t ieri DOl DOBB'B FKRRY, HASTINGS k YONKBBB. snd. ita vkiaity, thatke kaa opened a Cabinet rami I. w; OEERY. El EMPIRE CITY TEA WAREHOUSE, various Jlmm ofthe RYB a*i> Kar!" hr the Wareroom In Main Street, where he will keep put *M Cana'*., nadTlft flrondw**, A«r-J'eri, past S year*, I>. L. ku paid apenial aMnalliaulo . W3 \u25a0militant 18SS, TnX FAVORITB HTBAMEB constantly on hand a large assortment of Cabinet the treatment of dlfcm sf th**n »Ki«pl*t 1804) (RnnhlllkVd t *'* Ware of the most modem style and best quality, organ*. organ llCattarlMllrMl, NBWYOtK wltk the moot gratifying mail*. He Ha« IMrtliTttlB ufrlfl i DRALF.RS lit FIRST QUALITY * as " cheep as can be found In the county, k lie restored rastoi u il(tht and hraring m«ay .wh***' «ui k JOYCR, Imaertera Wholeeale and trusts by strict attention to bnsinees to mfrit a had beta l oonddered hopele**, mi<l who** extreRetail Daalore In eholoe T«», Coffee, Sugar, 'r?" stock consists In patronage. publio \u25a0hare of His ordinary ordln cure* frequently anrarfet the attention 8pleat, unci all article* utually kept by firtt olaa BROADWAY, part of Bureau*, IHning. Breakfast. Work, Card of the prow, who be*t*w*d upon him tfcn moat the Trada, Hotels, Private Families grooai ofthi Offer Off'al to (hir ?(oftk It admitted he alt to ha a* and Centre Tables, Desks, Book Csscs. Cane, fiatte and alt who are choice toffctir taste, and desire a Oni Battering notice*. A and Car*. P. FBORT. Urgent MAP OF NEW-YORK. Rusk and Wood Buttom Chairs. Rocking Chairs, Th Those Individual,who place thrro.fi re* under genuine gennli article, aTargdPriety of ) h telected cltr. Wt onr Import and An< b«tt In lb* own \u25a0JW leare Hateratraw erery morning at 8 00, \u25bclit BUKHEK ARRANGEMENT SEWING MABedsteads, Looking Glasses. Picture Prauea. ke. his titreatment, will receWe all the benefit which TUB MWIM A BAKER TK TRA.S?Green and Black, Souohong. Pouchong goodt. Mil buy for otwh, which enable. at to t«11 Sing g| n Blng fI.HO Tarrytown J, Dobb*' Perry, 1M 8. Plates, Oolonc, haetjnet published a Mount(laps Imperial, P. Coffins, and Collars Science Sdei Shrouds, Hyson, ?I Englli and Art can heitow. aa|well aa the (treat- English m su«tooh prices thai no other henna In the elty In Hnetli RreakfUst, ft BTEAMBOAT LINE FROM 7.40. Yonkert, 8. )Ui off the State of New-York, embracing always on hand. Interments procured in all eat attention and car*. A pamphlet recently Gunpowder, Young Hyaott, &«., in chests ana half our HiUna ofbnalneat can compete with iia. Dealer* llaatlaga 'PTAOK Gunp Betnrnfaig?leatet New-York foot of Jay-eUeetr?, "VI VILLAGE. TO ALBANY k NEW- Cemeteries ylflM oTCKc«nd Town*, withfall and sccurate WARREN publishedby tho Dr. may b* had gratia upon ap- chests. Cemet and Burial Grounds in the Connty. puhli ohoti Ac. andotothers can tatl.ftr Ihemtelrea of the tratb of atery anil atery afternoon at 4 00 t'eVxk ( Sundayt eietplef the8»r«f»« ofNew-YorkCity. Albany, plies plication. 4i«fr»n YORK tia GRASBY POINT. Hears snd Carriages to let. Hearse COP COl FRF*?Moeha and Java* aatertlon, by glrlng l | Ibis a tbli in aoall. ei tonohlng at Awioa-etreet, and landing at Yeaedl H. B. MoKKNZIB. WlNKS?Maderias, Troy, SjlWHi. Rockester. Oswego, and Buffalo. Sh Should further Information he desired, address Wl Sherrlee, Porta, Hocks, *o ahlpped free of oharge, la any part oftha kere, ycrt llaatlng*, DobU 1 Parry, Tarry town, Blaf Got Goodt It%M keen compiled from the latest end moat anHaverstraw, May 1, 1854. *«ry vary Dr. E. B. 1.1(111 Til ILL. old and high grades, in original packages, city. "y Sing and ltaTeretraw. Bint accuracy ofdetail demijohns, Ji-mij ?tiWffctaoarees. end exceeds in 57 Bond Street, Now York. mapnum* and bottles. jf 0 Freight landed at Amoa-*trMt. Remember Her the No. 81 Catharine Street, Joining No OftlVeawty of finish, toy similar map that Tim BARTON and Ouestier's Clarets. May I'lotblng 1859?Sm. BA Hmol Brooke' Bro't Store. New-York, 1» , No No retpontlhllllyfbr Freight afler It la delivered warehouse, _?? %«mw published. .Site, 51 by 57 inches. Pplce CIIAMPAGNKS : Moot and Chnndons, Cabinet f(e! New-York, March .11,1869.?9 m. 1) on Dock. Q. II rat ?$*,25 per copy, or sit copies to one address for * , } Imp Verienay IVliiln Slifft, Ave raw. do. Heidseick. H. Mumm's do. SUBSCRIBER will run a Stage from the * IMPORTANT NOTICE. Freight will not h« dellrered until paid fee. .1 United States Hotel in Warren Village, to fTIHI SUBSCRIBER wishes to inform the in- A LI QUORH?Rrnndies, Rums, Whiskey, Oln, Arn Ha & KENWORTHY, Hareratraw, April 14. 1889. OOFTIN ?k Kirscb, l§f*Liberal arrangements will be made with fjr,,, Grassy Point, to connect with the Steamboat [ J. habitants of Haverstraw and its vicinity, that In orginal packages. rack, Absinthe, ha > MANTILLAS, iktortkm or anii i>kai.rim im rrrr KT also Curacoa, Maraschino, Anisetto, Noyoau prompt, active men to sell this may in every part >i lttoy Metamoba. to and fr<uu Albany. Starting from iJ he haa ha taken his old stand in Main Street, former- M. 1889- BPRING ARRANGEMENT. 1889. sf Hie BUte. Address MANTILLAS MANTILLASI Ritters. FOREIGN AND hj? >illageat 8| A. M. on Tuesdays, ! tthis niu*i AMKUICAN occupied by Wagner, A. where he will keep * ' Thursdays ij ly ly oc< CVTLBRfi&«., GtOVER Jt BAKBH SEWING MACHINE CO., k kS MA MALT . VVARDWAIIK, MQUORR?London Rrownstout,Seotol} Saturdays, to meet the Metamora for New-York ' constantly const: on nand an assortment of Cabinetware. aOTAT HALF THE CSUAI.I'ItIcKB.JS«« II NYA NYACK k lIAVKBBTRAW STEAMBOAT LINE, 495 Broadway, New-York. f or^Albany, and meeting said boat on her return j vix. for B and Knglish Ales. 1 Stands, Tables, Looking Glasses jvU. Bedsteads, Erik lUt'loinoh, eon. WitT & Dvalllti. N.T. Tovontxoat JTew-rork. May 12, 1859.-3m. SEI AR'S?A variety of Choice ftrands. frorr Albany for New-York, on Mondays, Wed- !jand Chairs. from SF.G ALL ELKO '.NT NEW ClflOOS. C8. Coffins, Mahogany. Blackwalngt, White .qq Convenient to theLandings., of tho North Uirer ROCKLAND PiCKLKS?English I'll and French. LAKE, PIERMONT k YONfcBKB nesdsys ne«<l k Fridays, P. M. P. P. of ® +'-* ami Depot of the lludaon Rlwr Railroad BAUCKS?For Fish. Currie, Game. Meat. fte. D Tiokets purchased of the Subscriber, will con- I wood, F wood, will sell at a reduced Price to suit thetimes. ' FAILURE OF B. MACKENZIE. jrootla will ho aold at tho lowest oasfc W. Co Co. Our CHKKBit?Stilton, . Royal .HIM ADVERTISEMENTS. vey passengers to any point at which said boat j Inter; THE STEAMER Cheddar, Vlotoria, price*, and in qnantities to pnlt Interments procured in all Cemeteries and Burial purchasers. Albert, Parmesan, Gruyere, Sapsago,' P'j® lands, *New-York, March 10,1859. ?Bm. \u25a0 Uu< at a reduced rate, as arrangements for the Groui Grounds in the County. Hearse and Carriages UNITED STORE, Prince ' same have been made with the proprietors of said to let. let Dutch and Amerioan. 2«fl Canal Stukst, Nmr-Yo*K. SUOARB?Loaf, gp 294 and Croix Ortished, Pulverised, MOWING AND REAP- boat. St. M. A. ARCHER. &0.. 4c.. in barrels and half barrels* BOOTS AND BHfOBS FOR CASH. INO MACHINE. Patented 18M. for JEREMIAH PYE. Proprietor. Dec. 31, 1857. na Haverstraw, pnj! 1 P. SMITH, HAMS?Westphalia HUTTON k BROS. N. POSITIVE AND PEREMPTORY SALE FOR HA and American. A. BAYLY, (late T. F. Newell k C0.,) ISAAC * fleUhr N B.?Families wishing to becalled for at their TOI TOnN OlLS?Olive, qi Sperm and Whale. ,J real OF ASSIGNEES, AT I'RI01 30ft residence, Captain SMITH, will have their orders at the Liveryj BENEFIT ?I Greenwich Htroet, Between Murray and Katiaat, Juae 9, 1839?1y. REMOVAL. Liquors Evoryrarlety Rtal in Liberty Street, or at the United States are-warranted Warr of . - Stable, unadulterated, . Men's, ' i Warren ata Now York. yf\ VATE TREATY, OF H'W*AfcDS Will leatr* Harriaon Street Pier, Ntit abora )J® °< Hotel. and 4n of ouf own importation. Rove* HITROOrWT.F.D RUPER-PHOS H Rovs and Youth Boots and Brojrans, Women's Jay Street, N. Y., Dally, except Sunday, artry M. HARRIS returns her sincere thanks or 5000 Rich akd Co»tly Srniso Mantillas ! H New-York, Nov. 25, 1856.?!y. Warren Village, June 9, 18. »9 ami after J^/|^ to her PIATI OF LIME. Torsale by and Misecss' Gaiters, Morrooco, Kip and Grain afternoon nt S.fiOo'aloelt. nntrons for the very friends and Impnrtntion «ri present season's The and MonuRooti Children's Shoes of every style. ' - Boota. Returning, will tear*, Haecrelraw at #90 HUTTON BROS. Ho t liberal patronage bestowed upon her since her fucturo. f4C j, comprising in part ns follows : Every ad van tngo wilt bo given to Oaah Boy era, o'clock 0 » 0 i0 WARREN HAT ft CAP FTORE, Kooklnad Lake f1.40; Nyack 7. It i Pier.iMt, Jan. 9, 1559. commencement in business in this place, and Lyons t lvoi Velvet Ladies' f'loth from the Muutillas, Ches'fields, purohmed aa our atook ta Caah Auction , »ul take the present opportunity of informing non 7.80 j Yonkere, 8.16 o'clock.* mont, MAIN.STREET, nAVERSTRAW, M would c Black Silk 4 * t | | Mantillas, Rich Pusher l.sce the manufacturer* Inat "A sav. Bales and heat ," & n and the publio, that she has removed from Guipure Uqe 41 'her A them Cloth Sacks, 90 90T GREENWICH 84., NtiwTork. ing of one profit guaranteed." "Call and Sea.'* XAW BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED. JOHN S- SNEDEKER. Brelght Boat*?leavea New-York rrtry Taetformer stand to the store formerly occupied Ladies' u 11 French Lice * 4 rP SUBSCRIBER' respectfully informs theie i! b'y Shawlettes. V" Attention paid to ordera. /^v ay, rpHE BT BANKS A BROTHERS, Ann Gardner, (now Mrs. Cole,) dlreclly OH Cloth*. & Particular nr Thuraday awl Saturday at 8 P. M. for tka fiOO.OQO TartlsofCnrpcta, aud Circalart. ** by Mrs. of Haverstrawand f Moroli Talmas, Point*, Goods, New-York, 17, 1850.?3 m. ,^T placea. vicinity, I. inhabitants that New the t aboro Mattings, J of fresh fVom best opposite Jfo. 475 Broadway, AlhtLtiw, H. Amd Xo. 144 ,he .has added to his stock of the Cabinet Store of Hcman B. M'Kenxie. a a ]j where I.earea Hareratraw ercry Monday, Wtdnetdty Shoes, Nattan Sl.y Sete- York. w el she will bo happy to see all who may favor makers of Europe and America. The Largest!\ NOTICE TO LA generally assortment of Hats and Caps of every7 her > Stock of the most Splendid Colors, made express|j er with a%all. CI CHINA GLASS ft EARTHEN WARE, anil Friday, at B o'olock, A. M. f,'° H O W A K D'B COB!. strle end variety, embracing the .Bonner Hat, T The well-established reputation of'tbi* Store ly ]y ffor city trade, ever opened in this city. Lanjllng returned from New-Terk, where eaoh way at Rookland Lake, Nyack, just .She has (Tiia Staxd.) Old W'ebster, Broadway Style, Cable, Hiawatha. .i. e has been adding to her previous stock, and is (unfortunately now reduced to insolvency through Look at tiia Prioesl Conic awn Srk tub (loons!" ftt Paois. Twice, $6.00. Wei Plarmont and Yankera. Ledger, Kossuth, Black and White.? she at Moi outside speculation,) neels no comment; r-i EOIIOK W. CRBIGHTON, 3»3ltuil.on Street, Cede ofProcedure of Pleadings an! Prac- Morphy. now prepared to suit her customers with the adverse tk tur Partloa having Freight to tend to thaabate now X! 7s. fj Ingrain Carpets.2k.Jtofls. Super Corpets.4s to Ala Also that the has on a jt say Stock, Boys, Leghorn, Caps.| l ijzht present ' constantly Large placi plaota Men's and Scotch suffice iu to ieasori'l vT hand aaaortinent will Snd it to Ihtlr adrantag* to ahlp la Spring fashion and style., JL tiaa ef the Btate of New-York, 1858-9. with ""J black, *4 's. to 9s. I Tapestry 11 ss. to Bs. ofthoabovo ware, which lie ia'aeHing aa low aat thi* kc. ke. He is daily adding to his18 latest PJ; ort,< chiefly in Paris for Fir>t Class Trade, 39 Ply. Ilateratraw, March S, 185>. complete Notes and References. By Narna.sN and N. B. Particular attention paid to Mourning ordered t this line. » ss. tal6s. | »*l' stock every new style to keep up with the times. Btoc together with the usual manufactures) fpr, wlijclj Velvet any Store in New-York. Tho Variety oonaUta ofif ?J an j Children's Bonnets. |«VAe», and Jr., Coansdllor-at-Law. 1)| JOHN S. SNEDEKER. Hr.v-Ho ! tTar-Hof Hrrk tou oo I VelvetCar-rHi Vases all kinda. 2 The latestfashions received Irons frow-York rich this Pinner Setts, . house has always stood ilrc-emincnt.) fr»im TkU work contains IkeCode of Procedure as itit 88400?MORNING BOAT roa PBEKSKILL. 11 11 m. ssi saw Velvet Carpet for « 9,1859.?3 Whoeyer recently imported pets per yd.* Lamps Haverstraw.June oh and will be of>r Tea T« materials,pets Sapplementary Chap. at each succeeding season. «fcfa*tle4 iaKTSB, with a r' Laxnixa at during the season at suoh extremely Lon' ss. fered 65.?? You never did. nor never will, unless vou\u25baw T<Toilet " Ilrlttan'a Ware. «Bi», ecataiaaag the amendmeate of 1859. It also MATILDA HARRIS. I'? YONKERS, HASTINGS, BOBBR' PERRY. tc the'Old Hoad Quarters, where you can nndd l "*.' as must insure their speedy sal{, and af- go to RiBreakfast' 1 Glaaa Wara all descriptions, ?eoaieia* 4lre latest rules of the Courts, with a* Bept 17. 18.59.?3m. Mi Haverstraw, JKates ford an opportunityfor every La<iy to purchasea ever TAI SING SING, HAVBRBTBAIT, , TAIIIIYTOWN, every kind of articles kept by Carpet Dealera,a, 1 r ford Waitera k Travs?Bead. in great variety. W H|<Hi dnflex te the whole work. The notes off Pampheno. Oil ond Fluid. Lanpa altered Re- i. Ca very cheap. AR qualities and widths of Oil Clothstia PATENT MOWING MACHINES rich and beautiful garment at tbe prioa of ordi- very VaariAXca'a Poimt Ago Caldwili,'!. of the Courts, to the several sections 4ki>4esisiom REMOVAL. pair And llcgilt. paired nary productions. -slftke Code, contain the most recent decisions, THE xil BEST AND CHEAPEBT IN AMERICA front 1 yd. upwards. from RF.NJ. C.OALB, rr(] May 12, 1859.?f1w. N And in foot every tbinor comprised in a well seAi New-York, rpilE SUBSCRIBER, grntcful f»r past farora, 4tl are very ftM. The hook constitutes a work Lawn , and Field, Hand and Light One aud Two°* | Vesey I returns his thanks to his old patrons, and 207 Orscnwicfi, between Fulton k loot* Block. (Call and Examine.) St., N.Y. looted ?a*'Practice and Pleadings, ke., which every Lawkonie Mowing Machines at the Mvch 17,1859.?3m. hereby erc informs them, that he has removed his N« GRO. W. CRKIOIITON, New-York, A NEW AND DBAUTIFIIL ARTICLE, yOr aad every Jnstice of the Peace should possess. TUB STEAMER Unpurnulcled Low I'riuos of Hair 30.1 Ilndaon Street. Nuw-Yotk. . Hair Cutting and Shaving Saloon, from "GoldHoward has added largely to his reputa- ' Spring Th Building" FORTY. *0 to tho now The Oriental Elastio Bed. Ntw-Yark. March 24,18f10.?8ra. handsomely smit smith's' Saloon tils kj this Code. Re has been identified withb . States FIFTY, (directly * fitted fittec up in the United Hotel, * '' opffce Cede since its formation, and has had muchh (Robinson'b PAttrr.) Capt. Annixo Smith, SIXTY, posil his former stand,) where he cordially inposite atpcrieacein its practice, havingreported sixteen WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SEVENTY. vitei his customers to givehim a'call. vites The attention of Housekeepers fs calledto'this new, Mlakeief Practice Reports, and they have metlt The Will Itare New-York IVnio l'lar foot of Jay Street, orory morning at 8 o'clock. Tottohing at EIGHTY. He keeps constantly on hand a choice Stock of>f H< C. W. & N. TOOKER, tjba approval of the Judges and Profession at large.. v and beautifOifiniendon. c H. f. DEGEAAF, ' NINETY, Water, Cologne. Boy also a , kc., Perfumery, ana Psrf var351 ?« This volume will he found of great value and ser-r. 351 Canal St., between flrcen and Wooiter Btf., Amot Street. §y ROWF.RV, (Wholflnnlo War# Spring Red having now become an indis-<- 8T ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! !! I iety of useful articles/as Toilette Brushes, Skirts. npiJE | Returaing. leara Petktklll atl | Hareratraw. eice, as it contains the very latest amendmentstg .L pensable article in evory lsoune, on account NKW-YORK. |lloua.',):»\u25a0\u25a0<! Cravats, Suspenders, Ac. Large two-horse Mowing Machinesss hereto-o- Collars. Coll eSCIIKYBTIE St*., 34)0 i Sing Sing, S.OO ; Tarrytown B.M ; Dobba* aad daaaions to dat*-" acknowledged Superiority over the old-fash* of fJ N the attention of the public to thalr larga fore, made at corresponding prices. per rj-'.'t* . for< N B.?Shaving (I cents, Shampooing 12 cents,*' ioned N. P Perry » its bed ;it only remains to be dotcrmlned which NEW-YORK. 4 | Haitlnga 4.10 ; Yonkert 4.80. (Rnlnll Store,) ?» and Hair Cutting 12 cents. aaaortinent of No Freight rocolred at Araot St. No reapoaalAlso, Combined Reapers und Mowers, far. an-u- and * ' for sale, is the best, Where of wj,fl will be found the largest and most sxten- WIIITK CHINA. (IRANITB DINNER, TEA,l, bill) °'nft . the many kinds offeredconstruction, perior to any others in the market. PHILLIPS ON EVIDENCE. P« HENRY RITZGO. bllltr for, Freight after dtllrtredoo the dock. simple in mbrit elus-'\u25a0 cheapest, most assortment in the city. sive superengaged As 1 have been more or less in r* May 19, 1859. May S, 1898. II Haverstraw, | c most durable and gives tho greatest ease andd JKff-Rißa of 825 Retailed at Wholesals Prices ( ft TOILET BBTTB ; tic, tcomfort. .; Fourth Edition. intending the manufacture, working and perfectBhapea nnd beat qualityRich, Fancy and cea at the ltowery Store. Mot Modern Thbks Volumes. I'bice $18.00. be jnfE the above machines for the past five years, the ing L ARRIVAL AT NEWMAN'S. LATEST ne Plnl MARKET SLOOP. THE ORIENTAL SPRING BEDA Furniture guaranteed as represented. One All Plain White China, Dinner and Ten Hetta, Rich Treatise on the Law of Evidence, in threo nubile may be assured that all I offer them are of nul 8000 yds. English Prints, fast colors, 6J cents. **un in Cut, constantly employed in T Cut Plain ond preaaod Glaaa, Bilver Plated Ware, ?. '? pels., with Notes by Esek Cowen, formerlyly the the most approved kind?made in the best manExcelh in all these qualities, and possessest hundred and tifty hands It ]voi 500 do. Red French, 13 c. manufacturing. All stock laid in for not Cash. H Ivory Cutlery, and all kinda of Druggiata Ware, Ie v mRn ner, ?\u25a0eeftfc* Judges of the Supreme Court of the net and of the most lasting materials. others not belonging to?in fuct, not claimed by Merrimack, 10 c. part,?KOHKWOOP. 2000 do. MAHOGANY JY which will ho aoldnt Wiioi.>:aalk comprises, { in all of or Kktaii., State ef New-York, assisted by Nicholas* Hill, Jr., ATKIN'S SELF-UAKER?Several of these 0 ®°"J any other Spring Bed made. It can l>e applied to le, ut low ?1000 do. Hickory, from 9to 18 o. any Redmond in a few minutes, and is also adapt- k "WALNUT PARLOR FURNITURR,In Rrosade, Heaping Machines?sclf-raking?for eel li prices. Goods carefully pooked And shipCoauselUr at Law. anl late State Reporter,? celebrated 1000 do. Hickory, 9t013 c. pod pod free of cliArge. to any part ofthe couutry. Delaine. lMuah und Hair Cloth, ed to cradles, cribs, berths in Steamboats, Ships, Rroeatelle, g- sale "rjjROSKWOOI). With additional Notes and Ref?rences to tho F.ngsal at very low prices. J! 500 10to 14 c. «D NNew.Vork, April 28, 18ft9.?8m. ' & ENAMELLED do. Check. MAHOGANY the J. A. B. &c. A time, by ALLEN, liek aud American cases to present J. t J500 ,il * FURNITURE, insets, from twonty do. Overall Stuff. 10 to 14 c. 191 Water St. New-York. <loops contain ingredients whlohwill keeplp CHAMBER m Mamden Van Cott, Counsellor at Law. Fourthlh June Jul 9, 1859.?1t.* Good " Black ar.d Colored Cnssimere, 4s. to 14s.'\u25a0It to one hundrod and Ally dollars. , The Is Xditiaa. by Isaac Edwards, author of "Edwards REMOVAL. Spring Shawls, 8l lo $10. Also, Cane Seat aud Common Furniture, in VEIIMIN.j© t | ?a Bail meiits." and ''Edwards on Bills of ExMAP OF ROCKLAND COUNTY, N. Y. FItEE FROM w (© ENTIRELY llat Ribbons, Is. to 3s. very choap. great variety. A large assortment of Gilt and Ma ekaage and Promissory Notes." IIHats in same proporiion. Mirrors, Spring aud Curled HairMsttras bog ORIGINAL and only CORRECT MAP Retail Price from 4,50 to $5,60. Dealers SupV !j hogany pli on Liberul Tarms. A of thia County", made from actual measurerecolored Bloomers nt low prices. mom, Patent Premium Sofa Redsteads, with Spring plied C Child's ses. REVISED STATUTES of the State ot *"® T with Togetner complete assortment of first'*t Agents Wanted. Send for a Circular. Formerly of 604 llroudwuy, by O'Connob, can be had at the Messenger jer and Hair Mattresses attached, &o. and New-York. Authorised Edition. Certificate,' ment lor t1 class clai Dry Goods ami Millinery ut correspondingtie ULMEII & CO., Proprietors. otlice, or at Thomas McAdams, Spring Valley, lor IVKW-YOKK, M «r !D. to I the Secretary of State, 1858. STKAMROATB AND HOTELS FURNISHED. rT PIIE SLOOP NOVELTY, Cant. John P. D* 1 ib- low General Depot 2H5 Canal Street, $3,f)Q per copy. Thp purchoaers of all maps, subApril 2H. 1858. low prices. Haverstraw, to inform his old customers and the X j give Thiiek Dealers will And it interest to us a call. all. \\7"IBIIKH , j . Volcmfb Pmci 815 00. sequent| their groat, will commence running at Market Jf¥ru Eoitiox. Near Broadway, New-York. \JTV Ml y published,which may be deemed an \u25bc 10 Kloop,.on public gonornlly, that ho haa removed to New-York, March 91. JBsU*?3m. h| Monday, March 14th, 1869. Leatu Prepared by Amasa J. Parker, fleorge Wolfordrd in' New-York, May2fl* 1859.?3 in. * invaaion upon my copy-right, will be held » to 1 Bpaclous Broadway, tho Newand ' ' ' Rooms, 037 j{ t tho Dellaun'a Dock, otti o'clock, lit-. Hareratraw, and fMward Wade, counsellors at law. B tr /1 accountability. strict where he will keep a largo assortment of tur turning will leare New-York erery' Thuraday at R. F. O'CONNOR, Publisher. Extractfrom Preface to the present edition. HOW TO SAVE MONEY! HUMPHREY& CO., IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS OF AND MILLINERY GOODS, Q 8 MILLINERY 4 0 4 from foot ofMurrny Street. o'clock, Feb. 3, 1859 ?ly. All Ike public Rtatutes now in force in this wl which will be sold Carpeting*, and Dealers in Oil Alto will run from A. Waidron'a Dock, North YOU WANT a beautiful I'arnanl. call at T! ,1 1 TI W IIOLRSAtiS k Rrtail, State, including those puxsed at the last nesxion I| I\u25a0 KREUDER'rt. Hnreratraw on Saturday, March 19th at 4 o'a lock, Cloths, nnd Curtain Mnterialxofall d«sorif»tions. 1 1 . possible at the lowest eush nricoM. p M. and erery other weak thereafter. Prelglit of the legislature, are embodied in this edition, EXECUTOR'S NOTICEM Broadway, New-York. (Opposite St. Nicholas I" P. , AND OLD CLOTHS .?h 524 ? IF YOU WANT Muslins at la. per »ard. worth '\u25a0> V)DRSCANT to au order of Edward Tye, BurWM. RIMMONB, |, and Produou carried rtaaonabla nnd told ta tba \u25a0 Bad placed under their appropriate headn. (In Murch 81, 1869.?3m.' "< Hotel,) ? r la. Bd.. call at 4 preparing the text, the previous editions have been KiIKUHER'S. 037 Broadway, (up atairs) New-York. rk ' W PETERSON CO., aifl Canal Stnal. rogate of Rockland County, notice is herebyy »^ *n beat ndrantagea and bllla promptly paid. Ordrra ?: store, a most comNew have in York, 6.1H51).?0w. carefully examined and all errors found therein May 10 all the IF YOU WANT Brilliant Challica now persons any against Maracilloa, New-York, having to claims h? 1 and ADI Uilla left at Abraham Pelter'a Stor* will ba p'« plete T assortment of English and American Car«erreeted.) rD IiDe Lainea, a good articles, at low pi ices, call a,>. LOOK AT OUR * - \rs t estate of John W. Defreis, late of Clarkxtown, 9 £ attended to. OEO. W, SNEDEKEU. of the best Trade, peting Spring KRKUEER'B. for Retail Fabric ' Tke index has been prepared with great labor, ori 1 Rockland County, deceused. to'exhibit the same Hareratraw,March 10, 1868. im ; EXAMINE OUR BROAD CLOTHS ! I and Quality. Purchasing our stook exclusively 4 will ke found to be very full and well arrungw the vouchors thereof, to John E. Hogenkatnp. np. *8* with IF YOU WANT Embroideries. J.ace Mlta. Ac. kc for Cash, wo are enable to sell full 10per cent, & >\u25a0", JIALL » Fancy. 44 for reference. executor of the lust will and testaments of said aid Ca at KIIEUDER'H. CASSIMEIIK3?BIack GRANITE . e] Call INSPECT OUR less 91 than other bouses. AMABA J. PARKER. W Defries, at his place of residence in HavJt John a*. ONE rttlCß IP you WANT a beautiful Hat. for Summer ier Please give us a cull aud we will endeavor to Our orders were given bsfore the late large ad, . # PEOHUK WOLKORD er raw, on or before the first Monday in Januerst na- Wear, w< call at KRBUDEII'S. '« y make it profitable, as well us agreeable. m SEALERS IN GOAL * LUMBXR, , vance, yH EDWARD WADE. and we will continue to sell at former ary w next. good IF YOU WANT a Mantillae. call at "" prices, making it a desideratum toclose cash buyers N. 1.-irßy remitting us the annexed prices, ei. . Dated June 7, 1859. lIOCSB &. DbDACN. Alt ,nd ALSO LIME, LATH, lIAIB, CEMENT * PIBLD pri 149 Fallon Nt.. (Iletween Broadway and KREUUER'B. eiiker ef the above works will be sent free. JOHN E. HOGENK AMP, Executor. 50 0 Royal English NEW-YOKK.) Velvet PLASTER. Haverstraw, April 21, 1859 Nauau, $1 25 to 81 Albany, Jan. 6, 1859.?1y. IF YOU WANTa tine handsome Shawl, call at " Tapestry, June 9, !859.?f1m. 1 00 to 1 25 / hand, a large aMnrtmtnt?°off o | >Conitantly on Harantraw, KREUDER'S. M Rotkland Co >\u25a0 T. Rrussels ~1 00 to $1 25jj all «| kinda of tjlothlug.Clothtand Uattlmaret, which DOORS/BASHES & BLINDS SUPREME COURT?ROCK LAND COUNTY. r. gt Tbree-Ply, IF YOU WANT a Hat, made to order, to flt 1 00 r Heavy defy Extra SCBSCRIDEBB thankftilfor paat palm. oompttlonof the lb* world. rid. PHB A for oheapneat, we 11 you KIIEUDER'fI. T SASHES Sc BLINDS, constantly on M 5up5rftn5..................75® T° well, call at 1 age hope by a prompt careful aad pererterMay 6, 1H511.?3m. Hareratraw, ?« FREDERICK J. WILES, J at shortest 50 pot Depot hand or made the notice. All Wool 45 to Ing attention to buainaaa, to merit and raralre a IF YOU WANT a fine eitension Hoop Skirt, Office, against l Archer's Building,neit duo* to the Post o'public (trora. at a rery low price, call at tho New-York Cheap ~ tan Main Cloths from Bto 24 feet wide, all patterns and p u contlnuanco M Street, Haverstraw Huffc#* 8cents light, David Mackey and MaryA.Mackey rht' ftOil FIK IiDifcdAlt DISN BEKDS. C. KREUUER. Store, ' Our orat* Coal for St*am*ra, Itaplendldk (raad, bis wife, Joxopb Peterson, George from 40 ctf.,. to 81 per yd. Mattings, . ' "*nd upwards ; Bliltds. up- qualities cents Q? foot, and upX WWo detlre yon all, may wall understand, AQRICULTURAL & HORTICULTURAL IF YOU WANT a complete assortment offirat wufds ; Doors $1.50 and.25apwiitda. Hill,Robert Ferdon, Sumuul I). See, &c. and all Goods Shades, ' Rugs, Ri Window Mats, class Dry Goods, and Millinery, constantly on That theae who hara need, la u« may apply, Tl IMPLEMENTS. Patrick Hunt, William W. F. Gurnee, A.. Y. B. BTAQO.'? in first-elass Carpet Stores. ?», fol found hand and For sale, at extrcineiy low prices, call ha wWhen courluced wa prttuma, will not paat aa by. ? Jumes Rose and Thomas Bulson. Vol. PERUVIAN (JIIANO, Hareratraw, April 21, lßr>9. tfig*A call is respectfully solicited before else> at C. KRKUDKIt. "**; HUPKIt VHOSI'IIATE Of LIMB, wWe bar* all kind* of coal, thatyon may daalra, any freely and sent to 28, shown, pari May 1859. where. Goods Haverstraw, DIIHT, eme of a Judgment of the Supreme BONK ? \u25a0K llAVKgnind the con:on- 1 "I1 N PUR.SUANCE to keep it band, w* wilt alwaya aapirt, charge. '**? neighboring A LARGE 6TOCK. eltles. Free of Or of New York or I'LAHTKII, aud rendered at a uae || J ' Court of thjs State, themade J 1 titlenee of all wbo u.e P. S.?Jersey City and Grund Street Stages, White Aab and Red, dellghtftil and nlc*. of Clioli« Orooerlaa, at «**' LOT ('ourt ' Special , held at House in ClurksLOOK HERE LOOK 4« . Term, POUDHETTE, ? ha*, j proved on. of the most Talu.ble town, and Bth Avenue Cars pase the door. ouoJ Llw*' I'*" ' : "air, at afclr market priee. 1. also *1 othand of the HOUSE It UkBAUN'S. at tba North >rth Rocklund, County prices, m»kin the on nineHold at the lowest Market ofllocse k Prßaux, and you wil, E. A. PETERSON A CO.. inaatloui rfTthe «ge. They um SUatllf, ak- tfcenth day of April. 1859, I. the undersigned, A seetheaStore J'' iod, Httreratrnir, April 7, IM't'l. f;,Cement a nd Field Plaeter. moat charmlag aad rata, Biter Arrloultuml Warehoute. good assortmentof Mantillas, Parasols v!? »'« lac the Lock Ktitch on both tidea of the cloth ® ? 315 31 Canal Bt., two doors from Mercer St., N. Y. of said County of Rockland, will expose Lawns of good quality, at low prices. ItKOTIIEBR k 00., (an aaeel, t.l.eted with aan, out. Sheriff UKIKFINO T That noo* pull cannot nnravelled or be alike, which Next door to Abbott. Pollock k Cochran's Man '< at Public Auction at the Uuited States «0 Cortlaodt atraat, H. Y. City. \ YARH r> All Haverstraw, May 28,1859. y* that bar* need, plena* fir* aa a aall, - They are all nade with the high.it mechanical ca j for sale n of lilla and Cleak Establishment. Ntp-York, April 38,18M.-l«a. L M jg Hotel, in the Village of Warren, in the Townnof -j With pleatura w* cheerfully,will wait apaa all. SUxklng Yarn, for aal* hr Aill, aad all warranted to work well ontoall kinda New-York, April 21. 1860.-»m. IAA UTj Haverstraw, in said County, on Baturday, the Henry k B*oB. «t jooda, from the Li|;hteet Fabric HANDS WANTED. llili UUTTOH Than a*m* atl y* Ptrmera. th* country ar*und, an. Fourth day of u June, in the year 1859, at Twelve LIOHTE k BRADBURY'S, Leather. In particular, we would e.ll the attenNaou*«. Oct. 16. 18S8. Ya Gentlemen too. akllled la acl*a*e prefoaad, H understand making Summer NEW AND CHEAP 0 noon? Allthose two certain lots, pieces eces rriAILORESSES Mr ]t o'clock Ilea of alltoour new Family Hewing Machine. It PIANO FOKTB MANUKACTUHKIW, "> KEaamlne our Btoak, tbaa bay ifyaa *h***a. or parcels of landand premises,situate, lying and i JL Pantaloons and Vests. Mar eall at Coats, for and eipreaaly Family Uaa, Jss, being in the Town of liae been uanubctured I. T your ntighbon around, tkaapitaae tptraadtka To tli Storeformerly occupied by P. MarksJOHN R. HcKKHZIE. 4*l Brfrato Urett, New-Ytrk. Haverstraw, in said County inty theClothing piil b aad kaa met with faror from all. It la ao aimpli»""? »ws, villa. vil H. LAVENTHAL.* attention of tb« Trad* out t of Rockland, bounded and described as follows, red* BUILDER, vH tad ae to reader it alnoet impoaalble to get ou \\TK detlre to salt the (.ntrallr ARCHITECT tIT Cnnnl Str**t, n**r M*rc*r, New Vork. Haverstraw, >Uy 26, 1859. to our l'lano lano f)Oar Yard oontalna Lumber of erary kiad, : public t isia ***The VV and of the >.\u25a0 rnttMer, or derenge iu eperatioaa ) indeed itiiece §rst IJKHICJNH, HPECIFIC'ATIONH * DETAILL beginning 'Jt a stake In the line of the proaouneed .ciperler Iks F to all othert beta | juttly complete,'you'll plaaaa baar la miad, mint Portet. In order Sg;W (a almple aa to aatonlah one, that AO email a piece THE LADIES will «nd at IkU ertnkll.hment aing land (fete) ef Samuel Brewster, snd running DRAWINGS FURNISHED. in Toluiut, richness and purity of tone?Poeaets- /Andaa cheaply w* tell, aa *le*wh*r* If told, HOI HOI HO II af archaaieea will eaw. opened.) nn* of tk* mo*t ootnpl*t* "\u25a0 a*- lag alto a peculiar aiacinf quality, adapted to, fur jftrth twenty-two degrees, thirty minutes rent thence 0 current Bank aotaa, for ellttr aa geld. llaviutrjv, B. q rloa C. Ijnat f Below, wa give a deacription of the different j ACEMITS.OIo.ee. Hoeicry, I.adiea Cambriea 1east twelVe U T T chains and twenty two links, to a stake tO ' ' i?" Patent. ort%a» (and barmonMnf withtba buniaa roloe, thejr ara .Our looatlon la hnady, for I hot* wiahlng ta kayt ? , I£ i Handkerchief., Ac. kc. Ac., a full aaoortISB itylee of the Wee-t convenientetyle. aaortmenla of Silk Maatllla*nnd Bark*. Bilk Ck*» te and stones In lie msrsb a little northeasterly tr J went oftha latur. r.rr prop.rlr oalled the "Organ, or Vooal Piano." _ traneportin Me. 1 I. every which can be J a small Isfftid. and in line oflend ofRiohard an'k To Steamara, that on the rirerdantyble. from LAW CARS. tt*rfl*ld Hack,, Bilk nnd Laee Mantlllnn,Bkawln, »"K Being made with the Patent Aieh Wmt Plank. fpß 'Brewster w.rkrd by hand or foot, oa or off Ita own table. HOUSE A DeBAUN'S. rde dehereafterb* *" sixty may profeaalvnally thence sonth seven and a half Tk« Underlined i. a. «l they will aUnd in tana In all ellmatet. We guar-' The Romantic Hndton'tdaapbrlghliparklingtlde trge Urge ; 7 Point* k Half Poinla, Cloth Raglan* nnd Bn*fe< Ha.er.traw, May M, 1858. \u25a0 Faraanveuience of .hipping, aad also for ft*ight,la* earIt* tarfoaa they Wall with hjwn Ave te ta at tkla * « ? ' " effort, * sixty life-long long links aonaulud kla r«alden«e in Wll.fr. autee our outtotnerethat no that a a I reeß Kaet fourteen chains and aa.aafMt.riea, where It ia neceewry to placese a * nrary color, H. O. i'BALL. middle of a ditch or brook nesr the Hudson or Cloth Cbe.leri.l4 Buk* la Bind* experience, untiring indwtlryor saplUl aan proling the 'River feaeaber of Machinea into along bench, meklng *WICE. Ifyaek. Sept. 11, IBM. ; thence along the middle ofssid ditch South . eure, will b* tpared to maintain for Mr inatru- , neat aamatadlaaa a*4 «a. table aaewer for them all. Price, $UO, daak I* aonraaUat, ' * Brown*. Drab*, tf, snd a kalfdegrees West four chainsia ta te TUBT received, a freah supply of Lnblna Ocn- meutt their world-wide reputation aa "th* beet Oar Wuh Walnut or Hahogany Table, either ?sixteen V fp it *r*ry D**crt|ition, ** , ***». o*«m lands of David Hacker , thenee alonghis ttke he el «J viae Eitraeta for the Handkerchief. Aleoonn rend d pPiano," and that M«ry iniprotawnt of inlHnaie For Steamera to laad, aall T*aa*ta ar Barga, IWQ , other « W with er without Boa Top, which locka down. CffOA , Mackey's sixty eight good perfumery, Und north hand a aaaortment of common te a l'laae will befound in our.. All ordera Onr clerka ar* pollU, aad qaiaklr ahoy, de*reee weet weet hi r.lue ?said * W Price $100, aad $110In tk* public. chains and fifty links to a stake and stones oaee aueh su aa inaitaiioh L.biaa?J. D. Edrebi.?H.rwith which w* are fcrorad will b« promptly mm! B ¥ He. >. Haute aiie aa N.. I, bat rune with a belt. wit. allrfit, < All order* reeairad, wltUut aay delay. ance ri.uaa Jdto 10 faithfully attended,to. (Joluaikiaa?Olognea, ke.. Ae. Try the '{ corner ef lend ofsaid David Mackey ; thenee ri iQ d attks e" > ' Bew-Yorh, May la, IWM.-la. \u25a0 <mt M a much higher rate of Speed. Thie klad Wr*."?? f Mackey's degrees lsad aoutk there from North aad from Seatk, froat Boat aad fcata alongsaid twenty g< geuuiae'Luhina, nothiag reea ia tereuoal k. Caa , adapted \u25a0laafaaturing Clothing to or or Mala atr*M, lla.«r«r»w. wkua* k*>|e well | mor*r***on*bl* thantk«a« BuiMiuf. of aay *tk*r Suto Bl*to aad be b« had at the Drag Store ot '\u25a0irk* Weet eight chains la a smsll wkitewood tree Bad .tend, to keen ft good aaaortwcDt of everything Weot, in ' ieag 8. C. BLAUVELT."? Mlaft riENTLEVBN'B KUKNIHHINO 00088 AT We 1 larlta thoae to *aB, who weald earetaak teal, th« liae of land lata ofSasauel Brewster ; theace along the eheapeat Machine ia the kia line of Oooda. So Fltnae <i»* klaa a Call, and *f tk* klad ia tk* City, and wklek will antlafy ,7 Wheletala and Bettil.-B. «. PULLBBTO*. '08. Iflalwit Wad frleodt. you trulyregard, doty U '? Haxerstraw, May 19, It9*. . kla 1»* Prion*. ria( said land late of Baamel Brewster, North sixty aad)ndg* aoe eat IMock iMet, aa there la ao werk done aa a Bowing . , .r.ry Btreot.) nn*. C*Uand *uaUa* ? I Broadway, New-York, (near Dwane BO ?at ) Yaa will raad with aUantlaa, thU paetia eard. aa- eeven degrees aad forty ive minutes Weet eevea u . * O. H. COLLARD. thatIt will aet do, It la ooaidentiy aeBhlrte, ColUra. Crarate, Boaienr. Marino.' Bilk, ' aad ten links to tke plaee of beginning, ""k. WILL YOU > WILL YOU M. D. BOGIBT * 00. 'IW y*nr**lr**. L u okains I Ceuan llnderahirta nnd Drawer., Nhawle. Haverstraw, March 24, UM -lm tCftod that thu Machia. raaa aaeier thaa aay contaiaing eleven and one quarter aeree of and A HD Lad lea ia parti ealar do let fcrget ear ) Eighth (Broadway and Arenne Can, aaeortment of Boarfa beiag premisoe conveyed Dretalag large the eane kerotofore 4 ta A t#-oiitk and Harantraw, May 0,184#.?4m. / Bobee, a ujua. F.rfuniory. X choic \ u 25a0 -a,,,,, Daeigna. end Bhlrta mad* to order from . , llackey by Niekolas Suiter **? City Tiea, New TO THE LADW al** Oraad, CnaaJ, Or***wlckaud J era./ City Uro work- it ruaa at a high rata 0eff tke said David HOUSE k DaBAUN'S. a**orta>*nt of the bo« aaaaaar*. nil at low priee. for Caah. the Haanah kis wife, by deed dated April 23d, 1854, M""* "". May M, IBM. Ferfnawrr F*rry Btagr* paa* tk* do*r. YARN VOE BALM apeed. naae aaa»ly. and ia, without a doubt, tke Bow York, Oat. 14, IIM.-Iy. . 4c- . any k* found at HOUSS * DaBAUN H. heet Maohla*for Tallore' aea. ever offered to the Ih* eogether with the right of W»y mentioned and fcFOB SALB la Lambertend Yillaae.BalUrriWd in said deed. I?ARM quick gen Call or It. ilim a. fc COCHRAN, ABBOTT, It I. .U* peculiarly toted for ablatio. CHALLIES POLLOCK Co. , I liraa Naw-Yark. near Ball Raad flatlet. piecee parrels Tke second of said lota, or Hareratraw, May 13, U» durof the eSaeoa, T» UAim rlaiting Bew-Yurk work, aa It ? »ery aipple yet avbeiantial aad durM ?fjof rpnSOO*OBEATEST BAKOAINS Canal aad Biter, aa aaiarprialag family, aa* Mt 917 C.nnal Stmt, *«wVork der. Uad and premi»es commoners at a wkitewood (naet a aMe, with tat little liability to get out of order. part aaah, th* * y.rde 1 ef the U free of ooet, 8t» acrer. Chailiee, at awJ~~ tree ia tke line of land lata of Samuel Brswster. TAYLOWS HAI/KW, at Tkra* downftroa M*rccr Btmt, «ad afil <Um _i»I *. FOB SALE weed on It will t*ll for IWOO, aleoby It ? atnM "ins about Easterly si tke saidline runs nine deroaa sacrifice Call eoon l,u, ttyle, aad MIA NT Brandwaienr. haaklia XEWMAH'B,'? dam, haary water iwwer, beet nlaee for Ma..*. Thla la a *tw and cheaperLeather, 8. 0. atane River; , nit.p*tam*a * Co.'* Cwpat Wanbnaw. liaks tke Hudson tkeaca Vorrnlen'* Briak Fonr M.<Um, Carta, art*, rpWO fifty to aad chains aad ? B.Teretraw, May 19, ISM feaeral iaearita for F«uily ; light Mile tad elore, good wheelwright aad Maakamllh 1 ua* nna-bnree Lumber W.gna. ene Mt *f*ln- N.w-T.rk, April SI. IKt?tm. degrees BaetaloagaaM up North about tnentrfoer UD th* meet, h.hioaable reeert ftr Ladle* in . * great variely of work It l|fa Uen gotteaable rU H*rn**a. a lot at Inn Wbntln nnd Ail** for Rt*«r Maeachains aud tktay-Jhrae links to land with refrreaec ta furnl.hipg a atroag aad durable forsser'y New-York, being ggMI 4eaimhlyloeatad In th* ofsaid Bamael Bravstar at Stony Point} R. NELSON, Wk**lbarrew«, nil or nny of tk* nbot* nnn>*d nr. Uiaa WILLIAM prinetpnl thoroughfare, and turr indli hy Ik* BOBCS. tkenee about Northwest along land formerly <4 Ljlv AT LAW, I'KEKMKIIX, hem alar** la the dsf. said Bamßel Breweter two chaias and twenty HT» : TarLon'e Balouu iaaalebrntad alt *w*r the A front SUMt. degrees WTlll attend te all knaiaee. that may he aa *\u25ba links; tken Soutk about tUeorane w*r!4for th* magu!lg«at epUador ofiufor*, lUrnrMnw, Apnl U. UU. ear- W treatedTahiti aa heretafcra. and the tie*., aa well ee for th*quality of th* Faah.kill, May M, . gM7 the at/1* la whleh it i* anted, which oeneot ha gaj





Family Groceries,












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Rockland Co. Messenger,


DIBECTOfjyjFOR 1859/



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\u25a0 4IMTSBET,



OfiOVEE Sft BAKES CELEBRATED THB *r«SB!«OEIl OrTICB. FKOCLAIATIOI A BON'S NEW WBBKLT LISB-OF-BATBenjamin U. nam Main, corner Liberty-* TLB Skip far this W«.k I. oat f It Is a \u25a0 BT JOVH A. KINO, ARCHITECT ANDBUILDER. I Nptndid Nomlxr?full of lutmrting roading John R. McKeotle I SEW BTTLBft?PRICES FROM $50 TO |I®. Centre-* of Tws Brat* or Ksw-To*r. Par Hal* at B Smith's S.w«paj.«r and PntoJlcal Ootkbxob AITORXRYB aw» COUff*fc£tOftB at LAIf. EXTRA CHARGE OF |5 FOR 11EMMER8. Depot. PrU., 4 Crata. AB, H Imm bW« reprwenttd Mm CJ. I*. Hofftftan A John 11. Hopper........VUAp*l V TUB STABS AND STRIPES I. tha nam. of a f A. Edward * Pafferw, Dittriet Attorney, E4* spools, u p®*» WwerdP ye. Msin-et The»e Machines H* from two ».w illtuMrated weakly paper rtart.d by Prank ward Pye, County Judge, and John II Stepbene, yf jnr A. Edward Buffern Main it chased from the ttore, retiring bo rewinding of LMlle. It la a n.at and .ic.ll.nt.h.et and I. dar h< in a? » Sheriff of the County of Rockland, that Thomas iwl Stitch Gather, ; they thread Hem. Fell. \ family n.w.pap.r, BAKERS. and Por country slgnad aa a Mai >*« ? roe. and Michael MeCormWt, under senteneannerioretyle, Unitizing each seam by their ownn .I of death, to be evented on the 16th December nert Jowaa Allison .... Hroad-*t Sal. If.r. only 4 C«nf«. i inform hit friende end the Public that he *111 eontln.e hi. gtet«, Tta .nd n.rdw.re ! .op aslB operation, without recourae to the btnd-needle,do Garrlt Deßaun M«fn-et 1 on the 6th November inst., made their escap* M AIM BALI.OtJ'S PICTORIAL, WAVERLT Uo.inw., (two door. Wert of Peter E. See", etore, j where he will "7. They will 0 did T . ;If by other machine# Snyder. required J" ;.. .. .Main-st BTO\I.B, Mirniiii. flaw VrtK* Hunrxar, H.arra'. I Mil PA from ,| , ! 81.08 ""»\u25a0 the Jail of the County of Rockland, and luvn u for .ale. ireaerel e.nortment of the moetnppro»e<lpett*nieofCOOKl!<o»iid than a seametrets can, D | cheaper tewing better and J the PILLS, apprehended n « d | l BILLIARD 8ALOON. ; and wbereaa W.RKI.T. Fa**it tntiwjm Nawsrar*., Tara alw S| M TIV not since been and JAPAN WAHE and HARDWARE, con.i.ting of the '""owing article., , even if the worka for one eent an hour, and are. ; n<* Sylvester Clark Johnson'* Building, Froot-et V. Wr.t«n, Pun | f)l! Kail,BKITAMKIA Pi*o, Poura Attorney. County Judge, end Sheriff,htv# 1>I» hy th. ke* or pound. Amea' Hhorelaand Hpadee bj the doien oraingle one, Forte. Hoee, ' unquestionably, the best Maehines in the marketet '. District ti«: A BOO* TO THK RICK J requested that I would offer a rewardfor the ap. I. b. Binitk... ,~.<b**ement) United Hutes /lotej or orn U»io». and oth«ra to nnm.rooato men- [loo| ho or Lorke, Hnttaand llingee, Screw*. Padlocks. Bolta. Window Fastenings. Angers and Gllml , i for family tewing, on account of their simplicity, IJ req to meet Nmsl® . of Mnlreeand Mieh^ sterling preheniion The want of medicinal the Ills Por Sal. Her.. IIor*« the said Thomas HI) | j j Raepe. . pre a ntion. 0 and Hatch*". I'ick Area. Rack and Hand Sawe, A*ee, Files. »a BOOTS A SHORB. uammers H <ra « durability, ease of management, and adaptation , *el McCormick ; *«d \u25a0?eeesities of the suffering portion of human* I'nmpe, Cornelius Damn Msln-st and PKANK LESLIE'S BI7DOET OP PUN, for 1 \Und Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Hollow Ware. Shovels and Tong». Pots, Kettles. Spider*. OHjkM, j to all varieties of family tewing?eiecuting either er ' jael nn »y. and one entirelyfree from mineral and other MAY, Now, therefore,in compliance withsuch request itjr. jd Alexander Goldsmith i« out I It Is a Handsome Sha»t. ) fj Worfle Irona, Knives and Fork*. Snuffers, Tea Boards, Stair Roads, Coal Hods. . 'j heavy or fine work wirti equal facility, and withh ~. Gridirons, Sadirens, I« " >» . r deleterious particles, waa severely felt till this all full of Splendid Kngra.ings. Por Sal. Her.. Maln-at deU I Ilarsdo offer a rewtrd of Two Hundred I>olJakes Miller bum fluid. out special adjustment. out 9' herebypaid " /laming Fluid and fluid Lamp*. Glau and DritannU Lamp*, Oil Lamp* altered to Al to any person er persons who will lto, l)anlel 0. Smith pf Centres! powerful P"* medicine was inhered Into the world; Print to be only 0 cent". | A tupenority of of' lari i An evidence of the unquestioned deliver Hoi PHlaharef/eeomethehonseapprehend the takl Thomas Mulroecfand Mn H. ftnedeket. Maln-atreet llolloway'sinralnable «o japy NOW I. the tlm. »o take the NEW VORK 1 fTin Roofs laid, Gntter* and Leader* t/isde to order, and all Jobbing pertaining to the Machine#, the Gnornn A BtRKR Bewiro i their to ica Sheriff the Count/ *>o| . remedy pra ! of all nations. Their attribute is jj Hvlvester Wadsworth Weat.»t hold refer er jhin him into the custody of thesum EU, the Hon. Edward Erereft write, for it, !nt beg retpectfolly I.BDO at ltthe shortest notice, and in the most workmanlike manner. The Subscriber being a Coxrxxr leave to Macrivr of Two Hundred pre aa well as to cure'} they attack the favor htm w»tn a ca of ?* Rockland, and a further George If. Burr. ......Sameoudale prevent nicest paper printed. The Ledger Is man, following it is th. m N feel" ronfhlent. as regards price and onality, to satisfy all who may to the dollars, to te psid to .any person or persons who or root of the complaint, and thus by removing' foil fn of good things from the pens of the able.t BIIICKMAKKBB. fact, everythingaold at hit establishment will be aa Tceti monistic°j, apprehend the said Michael McCrfrmiek. an<l the hidden cause of diuuise relnvigorate and re writer* will w wr in the country. Por Sale Here. Price 4 j Joseph Coegrore. John D. Gardner, "Havinghad one of (jrovers k linker's Machine® del J ? Good as flic Heat unci as Cheap as the Cheapest. deliver him into the custody of the said Sheriff. ,store the drooping energies of the system, assist- £ Cents. John M. Gardner. Allison A Cosgrovt, for a and I witness whereof I have hereunto nearly ing functionary year tt- " ken a-half,reliable AIsoIIAP.PER. KNICKERBOCKER, FRANK I Repairing done t,r Pa/*torie», Copper Pipe made to order for Engines, and put np on mm in my family Isaiah Gardner, William Call, 'n * nature in her task of vital and >!? formation. in commending it at every way affixed my name snd the Privy Seel of pie pleasure orl LESLIK'H R.i LADY BOOK, and HOME I ble ~ Andrew Doltaun, Jfoward Van Ordan, .OODEY'S term* as can he done in the city. Merchants supplied on the most reasonable terma with at r i,y for which it is designed?Pamily \j [L-S. ] the State, at the City of Albany, this DYSPEPSIA. ffor MAOA/.INEM, Yankee Notions, Nfck Nai. Por <J TTin Ware. \' T the purpose Jehn Campbell, Silas D. Gardner. >r. Hewing/'?Mrs. Joshua /.eantt. trift of Rev. Dr. Sixteenth day of November in the yenr ? -j.N.B ?Wood, Old Iron, Rrase, Copper, Pewter, Rags and Cash taken in exchange mjrir . a The great scourge of this continent vielde <|nlck k Sale 8s at 11. Smith'. .Vew.paper and Periodical Isaiah Ifllnorn, ' John Kednor, hundred and fifty" Leavitt, MainStreet, Harerstraw. N. BBIGOB. Le Editor of X. Y. Independent. one thousand eight Governor, 1y to a course of these antiseptic Pills, and the« Depot. jj John H Stephens, Thome* I>oyle, D< Way '/ W. Haverstraw, 18r,9.-ly# J, By the ng eight. digestive organs are restored to their proper tone; ' "I confess myself delighted with your Sewing Arnet Seaman. John Oldfield, ny JOHN A. KING, REMOVAL. which has been in my family for many Machine, J. AO. Sherwood, 11. A U Washbun, no matter in' what hideous shape this hvdra ofi ts Ms n*jcßr I. S«a*as, Private Secretary, redis disease exhibits Itself, this searching and nner- ri months. It hns always been ready for duty. re. Denton Fowler, Patrick Butler, BVIIBORIBEK would announce to the and is easily adapted to ring rin remedy disperses Itfrom the patient's system. J Inhabitantsof Ha.er.traw and ticinlty, that quiring no adjustment,sewinjr. Miohael A. Archer, James Bote. The Sheriff of the County of Rockland hereß/ by simply changigevery variety of family he has remoted to Tarrytown, Westchester Co. Gnorgo 8. Wood, A Brifigs, DEBILITY AND WEAKNESS. GENERAL ek- off. offan a reward of the further turn of Two Hip* ing the spools of thread."?Mrs. Elisabeth Btrick* and has left the following article, with Boh.rt rp ohn Owen, Dmiel Tomkins, lownessiof spirits, and Hmlth. Esq. Editor and Proprietor of the Rockland ] Editor of X. Y. dn Dollars for the apprehension and delivery From whatever of Ft'r. Dr. dred cause, Benjamin Cosgrove. land, Strickland, Prince Nickerson. J tri/e liver, and other dlsor- County q, The stove yanUruihrnrr wsnwinrlng (,mi of I<onglg all other signs of a diseaaea fj |Ninto t his custody at the Court House in C'larkstowi* Messenger, who will dell.er them as soon IG. MVERS of this place, whose right and interest he haa purchased, and nneing imprvi Christian Advocate. P ganization riom and trnrUwK u for Op an Stony IMsC. of the svstem, vanish under the eradi- aa called for by paying the amount of their bill. |Ij andS.fitted up the old esta/>li«hment, has now opened with an entire new stock, consisting in taid County of Rockland, of the Paid Thomas gal f3 After trying several different g«od machines, M« eating ® powerful antiaeptie influence of thia all and attached McConnick ; one Hundred ty| ! Mulroe and Michael Grassy Point,t cat Samuel Fowler At to their articles, I preferred your*, on account of its simplicity, ! ,Mt RanVee, Pur,p., Lead Pipe, Store.. o Sheet Lead, Tube, Tin, Japan andth®a full and 11 remedy. p, del TO oofflItriunnla Wart, Public. Dollars of which will be paid to any person . . Parley, bras. Watch, Theodore 8. Smith.. Mtinn's Island j detergent Patrick the perfect easo with which it is managed, as ?Dc which by far surpasses any thing before offered to an established businesa and who will apprehend either of the said pe p ersons, W Clock. 75 the customers ofthe old of the Rose, durability seam, Joseph Bams.. Hanging ..Charles Benson's Hill William Lerer this metho-I to solicit eall from friends and well at the and im. strength j respectfully BILIOUS DISORDERS. a i a(After long experience, feel competent to speak John Beehe......Charles Benson's Ilill ink || co . convicts, and deliver him os aforesaid. The abo.e article, al th.Me..enger Office. M he can guaranty to them the worth of their money., as The proper quantumand right condition of the it j Thomas Mclrob is a native of Ireland, thirty OTTO C. BEER. JSdwln Marks Chemical Bridge bile ie of momentous Importance to the health of? in this manner, atid to confidently recommend )it e K E K not uk u B. 7* years of age. but appears older, straight ligM Dec. 23,1868. for every variety of family tewing?Mrs. E. D. j BUTCHBR SnOPB. the human frame, this anti-bilious medicine exthe |obrown r Star. A bair, no whieaers, Tight colored beard bln# William Burn T Corner of Main and Llberty-et pels Spoon*r, wife of the Editor of Brooklyn pe the hidden seeds of the complaint, and renm eyes, low narrow forehead, fair complexion, and U Knapp........Corner Liherty-st Sewing of Mnfn and \u2666?I have used a Groverand Baker Ma- ;of Levi I ,jders el all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, fl unintelligent and care-worn expression ofcetft' ' chine for two yaars, and have found it adapted to | tenance, round shouldered. limps aid stoeps af CABINET-MAKERS AND UNDERTAKER#, cleansing cle and resusitatlng tha vital unctions of Q , all kinds of family sewing, from Cambric to BroadMichael A. Archer.. .Maln-stit the the bod/. R 8 iefcht, to* inches in th* ! M. DAVENPORT, Surgeon DentUt. | cloth. Garments hare been worn out without the Jleinan B. McKenzie Maln-stit SICKLY FEMALES. and weighs about 150 libs. When he escaped 4# renpectfully Inform Ills nnmerotm paCARPENTERS AND BUILDER*. irivinsr wav of a stitch. The Machine is easily ! wore n Should lose no time in trying a few doses ef this§ ITirOULD Kofltonth Hat. Tight coTeted shift# \ lk.pt in onler. nnd en,iljr u,«1."?1/r.. A II. | breastetf Summer Cloth no Vest, red faanel re; garret J. Allison. Centre-st<t regulating and renovating remedy, whatever mayj W trone an'l frienila In Rocklan'l County, tliat Coot, >r Whipple, wife of Iter. Qeorye Whipple t Sew 1 ork. ht may be foun'l at Nyack; the necond weifk o» John Cosjrrore 1 Front-etit be be their comnluint, it can be taken with safety inI he ' nnder on«l blue cheek over Shirt, and a pair #f my ''Your Sewing Machine has been in use in my John Felter. Front-st»t all en month ai iiNual, an'l at IfavorNtraw the rc. Shoes, he has considerable brogne in hisfangnagd. gj nil periodical and other disorganisation, its effect:t each the upon m thone who may favor Indies reqne**. MicitaklMcCornick ita nativeofthe Worth ?, rnaiii'ler, Henry Phillips rca«ly to wait family the past two years, and Corner of West and South-etit ball in but mlrecnlous UNREFUTED PROOF. ecl Ireland, j John P. Jersey .....Wane-stit The testimony of Nations is unanimously bornee him hi with their patronage. me to giro you their testimonials to its perfecttwenty-two years of age, straight black r, All operatiorm in his line will be done with as labor-saving qualities in the perr " hair, jlf to the health-giving virtues of his noble remedv, black eyes, no whiskers, about 5 feet 9 inches CARPET WEAVINO. \u25a0 ness, as well sewing."?Holiving language dispatch family certificates bear neatneM and and warranted. of and household high, weighs al»out lf»0 lbs., walks erect andin | every on in wit-U m forma nee John Thompson Front-stit and o. Main-street, j Oliice at Haveretraw, in comer be lert Moorman, New York. in his movement, is intelligent, snd of ge&i n( | active no to the unaniableness of their intrinsic worth,1. a ::j H CUSTOM AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. ness k I Rockland .over the wellknown store of Ezra Mead. nsed Grover\u25a0r & | teteel appearance he has very little brogue in MS John C. C05......, "For several months we have Main atit llolloioay} I'ilU are the Lett remedy known in the living in tho vicinity of Hpring have fcoroe to the lalanguacre. When he escapcd he warn a Hp4Jt * N. B. Persons and Machine, Baker's Sewine Xdgar M. Farrington Cor. West A Main-etst world for th*following diieneet : y ing piplaid Cap. a black silk Cravat, a dark thhi CUttr Valley and Clarkxtown Depot, will plen«e leave { conclusion that every lady who desires her sowing 1,4 Alexander Goldsmith .........Main-st Asthma Headachea th their orders at either place, and they will ho at- "" I am the only authorised Agent for this Range in Rocklanrt County, which I will set for Brick* beautifully be an 1 quickly done, would be most for- { J CCoat with side pockets In tkirt. dark Due Yeef Thomas Kenughran Maln-st Bowel n Complaints Indigestion tended to the first week of every month. SteekingSy v nt the shortest notico. Samples can be seen in workingorder atit tunatc in possessing one of these reliable and in- '? w withsmall figure, black and n*l Hotels and Private families tu Yard*, P. Marksvllle.. Main-stl q y Influenza *? M. DAVE?PORT. combined ned J SIShoes. i ' Daniel C. Springsteen.....Main, corner Centre-st Coughs Mr. James ( 'reney's, American Hotel, and Mr. Sylvester Clark's, United States Hotel, in this village.e. | d< def.iti gable 'iron needle-women, whoso q Colds 00 Inflammation Haverstraw. April 9. 1857. arc i and simplicity, are JOHN 11. STIWTTOy .^ GUTTERS AND LEA DERS made to order?of the b(*t material, and TIN ROOfINiJ LAIDD ! qualities of beauty, strength, A. A. A E. Couckl'n. Bamsondulelc Chest (jj, Diseases Inward Weakness (Jen. Morn*, W. 'Jco. Sheriff of Kookkuid tightness daughter (jco, which for durability and I would refer to my Hoofing the past nine years in this place, of Gm»tJk e, ininvaluable/'?J DENTIBTRY. Oo Costivenesa Liver f'omnlalnta EZRA MEAD, Rockland-Strce*, ami as Ido not idly l»oast, bnt in reality do my own work, I intend as usual to give satisfaction. F. I' Morriii, Editor of the Home Journal. Clarkstown. Nor. 35tk, lf*»8. IX. Daren port. Main-stst Dyspepsia Di I.owness of Hpirits Copper,- Pewter, Lead, Wood and Country Produce taken in exchange. HAVERSTRAW. | Extract of a letter from Thos. R. Leavitt, E*q., Piles !>? Diarrhota DRESSMAKING. Jan. now resident in Sydney, e » y' , 1859. i ? Haverstraw, 8, ! jrentlamen, prepared to JOHJI TURNBULLan American m SHERIFFS SALE. rjlllEflubacrlber is now Miss Margaret Burn Front-stnt Dropsy Stone and Gravel IJI furnish the New Htyle of Spring ?; NNew South Wales, dated January 12, 1858 : Secondary Symptona Dc i Mrs. P. A. Btedweil... .Rockland, corner Broa«l-st Debility Execution® to mp dfc-. in TV' "I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in Hats, of superior finish. He liiim no« Venereal Affections I which j], Qof{ I O rcetcfl and delivered against the prope|ty nf* Mrs. G. Vancleaf Middlo. corner Fonrth-stt Ferer and Ague A over three thousand yards in assortment .f there wero Female laid a Complaints f Worms, of all kinds. Miss Harriet Wiles, .opposite Sherwood's, West-sttl C. On e»r. of the Town tf Kamapo. ? : dono with one of Grover & Bilker's Ma- Frederick newing * Cloth A Hprinff Caps of various deacri)*tions smt1 have levied upon theright chines, and a single seam of that has outstood all DRY GOODS. fedrCMIJTIOff!?Nona are genuine unless|# * all County of lUcklatid. season. 'n,ereBt ' w h»ch the said Frederick C. ? th words '?Ilolloway. New-York and London."it able foristhe edle l'!' t^e Ilonse A Deßauii Maln-stnt the the double scams sewed by tailors with a needle Now the time to get a cheap and fashionable (Inoff, had on the 16th day of December 1858, or Main-st?t are or descernible as a Water-mark in every leaf of article p. Krender and twine." Hpring for the months. ai "hich be may th book of directions around enoh potor box ; the since have acquired in and to tW 0. G. Newman Main-st the irky " -JT EZRA MEAD. If Homer could be called np from his murky Ala thai following premises, to wit ; ga may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to Penny ft Smith ...Main-st Bt same hades, he would sing the advent of Grover k Ba- j certain.lot,described Haverstraw. April fl, Iflftfl. light. given piece tho A handsome rewar<l will be to or parcel of land aitnatr. lying * ker as of art than benignant DRY CIOODH AND OROCURIEB. a more miracle was Wfl losing in tho town ofßamnpo, County of RocklO one rendering such information as mny lead1 v m jj. i and ® Ahram Cassedy Rnmano Road any ever Vulcan's smithy. He would denounce mid,a,e of New York, and bounded and dffo the detection of any party or parties counterfeit* WHEELWRIGHT AND BLACKSMITH S S nightshirt-makinff a« 'the direful spring of wocsJ (rocs J'" ,® Mr. Eichhorn. Corner Brood A Wane-stt|tt ing SHOP. -1 ?'scribed, as follows ; Beginning nt a stake in thn [), r John Gunkel. Main-s.H [P theto medicines or vending the same, knowing rpHE unnumbered.' ?l'rof. Xorth. SUBSCRIBER respectfully annonnccs to stone fence at the north west comer of Joseph be spurious. House ft Debaun i....Main-st, them rr k | of Professor Hol>1bis former patrons and others in thin town and "I take 'pleasure in saying, that the Grover Sold at the Manufactories I Paul's land, and on tnc south side of the highway j . Abraham Marks West-st j Baker Sewing Machines have more than sustained leading C that ho has again wmrnenced businexH New-York, and bv all reeasterly and northerly frofn said Paul's e- County, Main-st Bt low, 80 Maidon Lane, After trying and retnruing ir >g ](| expectation. Thomas Shnrikcy my Shop, (Allison's Dealers I' in his obi on tho . Neck, Avenue,) ' » dwelling houses ; thence running along the land Druggists and in Medicine 1. ft G. Sherwood.. West-st snectnble others. I have three of them in operation in my m v 0 said Joseph Paul south 10 1-2 degrees west 0 throughout tho Unltod Htates and tho civilized - lof oc! where ho hopes by strict attention to buuines» Main-st Penny ft Smith years' Ht w< after four have huT and, trial, ® places, t< merit a share of pub'iia patronage. different chains, G9 links to a stake ; thence South 83 dog. world, in boxes at 25 cents, 03 cents, and 81 each. h. to A. ft E. Marks Bamsnndale0 no fault to find."?J. 11. Hammond, Senator of °f 25 rain, east 5 chains. 29 links, to a stake and ABRAHAM B. HOOENKAMP, For sale at the Messenger Office only. |George Benson Benson's Cornerpr South Carolina. Haverstraw, ()cto»jer 14. IHfiH. min. west 2 ch. \u26 jstones , thence South 14 deg 25 Ctrjy-There is considerable saving by takingtheio North Haterstraw lW ,4 J. Bowers,.V Fam& Baker's Fam* j sizes. hns one offlrover 62 links to a stake nnd stones ; Ibenco South T4 ? larger ,ft My 44 IIity wife had North natorstraw CLOTHING AND GENT'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Knight ft Vanralcr m« ui'.d I'll do yon Good." ily Sewing Machinesf«»r some time, and I ain sa- deg. 30 min. east IS chains. 24 links to a stake N. B.?Direction for the guidance of patlente in ln Strength DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Healthami lines and stone heap on tho line of John Cole's lands 1 teemed, by the ute of the Cor. Main and We.st-»ts. Ilavcrstruw. tisfied one of the best labor-saving machines evnry dinorder are affixed to each box. ti hasit isbeen Bamuel C. Plauvclt Post-Oftice. Main-st. Juno 3.?eowly. GREAT SPRING AND BUMMER MEDICINE, invented. I take much pleasuree in in thence along tho tame nnd land lately eonveyetl 0 I that 'recommending i Main-st Public nre invitedto call and examine the stock to be found at this place, of the latest style House & Dcßaun 1« it to the public."?J. U. Harris, rrit, by Abram Palmer to Mr*. D. B. Looinie north 12 j Langloy's Root &. Herb Bitters. I. & G. Sherwood Dr. West-st and bust ijuality of deg. )5 min. e ist II chains, 94 linkß to a ttakn | {Governor of Tennettee. :« FOR BALE Office. Main-st of Wild YelC A SSIME Messenger CLOTHS, ANI) STINGS, Sarsapurilla. Cherry, Robert Smith..* IRES VE into and and Innd of George Jonee ; thrneo a beautiful thing, and puts e*erbody Into "It is low Dock, ' l.'riokly Thorough rH wort. Rhu-»Ash, HOUSE ft LOT owned ami formerly oc* excitement of good humor. Were 1 a Catholic. together with articles for SPRING and SUMMER Wear. olio, along the same and land of Daniel Johnaon, nnd FANCY GOODS AND CONFECTIONERY. lan .Coi. Main and Woot-st -st I cupled by Samuel Bruckner, as a Barber's»'§ barb, Mandrake, Dandelion, fco., all of which aro0 Also, a general n«.«ortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, consisting in part of Shirts,ts, I should insist upon SaintsfJrover and Baker hav- the taid highway north 75 deg. 20. min. wesl 23 L. A. Marks Main-sr 63 to the place of beginning, son*?, Shop, in Main-street, in the village of Warron, Anna MciCollough -sr 81 i 'so compoundoj'i as to uct in concert, and ofassist an eternal In commemoration of chains. links Collars, Suspenders. ing holiday Cravats. Handkerchiefs. &c. their their j this! \u25a0st town to of Havorstraw. Also several vacant Lots on The effect 26 acres, and 35-100 of an acres of land/' Frqnt-st Ready-made (inrinenta of good materialand made in a workmanlike manner. Dn Nature in ore dicating disease. g deeds for humanity.''?C'attiui M. Clay.f. j taining good IJainuel T. Wright medicine Is most wonderful-?lt acts directly upon,s Likewise several Houses to Let. *k'ch shall expose for sale nt Public Auction, Cloths, Cussimcrcs and Vustiutrs by the yard or pattern, and cut free of Churge. 11 FOUNDRIES. Droad-streef. I "I think it far the best in use. This This by patent tho bowela 'And blood, by removing all obstrucInquire of biggest bidder, at the Hotel of Jeremiah JOHN I COLE. M Children's Gannents ofevery description receive particular attention. ihrin i to \Machine can be adapted from the' finest cambric Warren Foundry R. A.ft 8. A. Vorralen.Front-stHt tions from tho internal organs, stimulating them nt his Ofllco Muin-St. E. M. FARRINGTON. li, ft I|| Pye. in Clarketown, on Saturday, the Becondi >t, Haverstraw, March 13, 1859. Grassy Poiut Foundry, Wiles Brothers.Grassy Pt. 'to into healthy action, renovating the fountains of of 1 the heaviest cassimere. It sews stronger, fastday of April next, 1859. «t Ten o'clock. A.M.. Havorstraw.May 10, 1850, l mm er, and more beautifully than one can imagine. FRUIT, FISH, ftc. life, purifying tho blood, cleausing it from ull huWILLIAM PERRY; Sharif. 1 Main, corner Llberty-st j If mine could not be replaced, money could not RonKHT R. Camimjkli,, mors, and causing it to course anow through pverr JVilliam Burn Atty. Main-st HOFFMAN & HOPPER, I buy it."?Mm. J. G. Drown, Afaihtillt, Tenn. ( Abram Felter part of tho body ; restoring the invalid to health New-York City. T neat, Llberty-st Xetl Knapp. ?st COUNSELORS A LA IK, "It is speedy, very and durable in o its Main, cornor and. usefulness. Thoy cure and eradicate from Dated Feb. 17, 1859.^?flw. GoorgeS. Oldfield Main-st tho system. I.ivor Complaint, that main-wheel of work ; is easily understood and kept in repair. I iTli.ii. Nlr.tvl, fto ?') many diseases ; Jaundice in its worst forms, earnestly recommend this Machine to all my aoGROCERIES. " I Tho above Sale is adjournedtill Saturday (Two doors from tho United States Hotel.) ) rc,t Forrut) and others ?Mm. M. A. * j Dyspepquaintancet Gilbert H. Collard. Main-st -st nilBilious diseases aud Foul Stomach, May the Fourteenth, at the same time and plnen. o. r. iiorrMAK. J. u. uorraa. Memphis, Tenn. Kdwards Main-st Dated April 2d, 1859 ?6w. sia, Costiveness. all kiuds of Humors, Indigestion,£ AT -st "We find this Machine to work to our tatisfaeHavorstraw, May 14. 1857. Headache, Disziness.Piles, Heartburn, Weakness. :fj 4 '* Houseft Main-st sfaeMaln-st Pains in the Sido and Bowels, Flatulency. Loss of The above Sale in adjourned till Saturdn/ Abraham Mkrka. M ? and with pleasurerecommend it to the puh. & ;tion, Appetito, and a topid or disoasod Liver, a disor-°! Maln-st lie, as wo believe the Grover k Baker to be the '- Mav the 28th inst, at theaatnetiuie and plncn. MatthewB. Marks. ?'KUIHY'S AMERICAN" Stomach, Peter E. See Main-st dered or bad Blood, to which all uro Sewing Machine in use.'*?Deary Drothert, hers. Dated May 14, 1858.?2w. I)best '.jt Penny ft Smith Main-st AND "LITTLE BUFFALLO" more or loss aubjuotin Spring and Summer. No. 701 Greenwich-st. and 4G7 Sixth Avenue, New-York. Mlitonia, Tenn. Ssmsondulo A - A. ft K. Concklin. Moro than I>ouo,ooo persons have been cured above Sale is adjourned till Saturday "If used exclusively for family purposes, with 'j ? aro prepared to offer a largo and well assorted stock of Dry Goods suited Ed H SURSCIUDRRB by this medioino. It is highly recommended by rpHE W. Sands Mead s Corner ler last June the Uthinst. at the samo time and pfcsve. they will wager will one ! L to the season, among which may bo found Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Flannels. Blankets, ts, ! ordinary care. everywhere. Try It, aud you will[) Meriuos, WIJJ.I AM PERRY, Sheriff. he i 'threo seoro years and ten.' and never get out ut of GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS. variety, Bombasins. Alpacas. Paramattas, and Dress Goods of the a Mower or Reaper, these Machines have Physicians In great Shawls ' i Silks, never regret it. Dated May 28,1850.?2w. D. C, ft W. Springsteen Main-st J Emkine, Nathville, Tenn. no equal. Tho "American" Harvester Is . fta n styles, together with many kinds of Goods not usually found in Dry Good Stores, thus enabling Dg , fix."?John Only ots., for a pint, and Bfl cts. for a largez0 newest Muin-st -"t two-horse Peter It. Gaynor Pk mnohino, and the ''Little Buffalo" is Bottlo. 23 t, customers 01 to save much time and trouble. '*1 have had vour Maehino for several weeks, Sold by Dealers in Medicine everywhere. I 0 n fitted for both one or two horses. Both machines We invito particular attention to our assortment of Carpets and Oil Cloths which will befound to and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does is JIAIRDKUSSERB AND BARBERS. GRAND AND PETIT For Sale at 8. C. B auvolt, Main-st. Haverstraw.' f,r Josopli Anselm Creney's Building, i-st are | tthe a very strong and durable, very siutplo in their include the newest patterns, nnd best goods manufactured. l best and most beautiful that ever wut mado," A List of Qrand and Petit Jurors drawn thin Ordore addressed to J. 0. LA NO LEY, or very light, and of easy draft?have n, May/ie Aimiion, Xuthville, Tenn. i-st construction, c< Henry Ritzgo..... ..United States Hotel, Main-st English and American Tapestry Velvet, Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain, and Tapestry Ingrain, Te J '* C. Fox, fll Barclay St., N. Y.Y of May 1859, to serve at the eneoiDff Rods. Window s teent ' pressuro Mats, Rugs, no side draft and no on the horsea' nooks. Stair Hearth Parlor and Door Hassocks, Shades, (ing coats, Carpets, Carpets, dressmaking. | HARDWARE AND TINSMITHS. Stsir J, Boston, March 17. 1859.?3 m. "I use my Machine upon le, . (3X They are entirtdv of iron, oxcent tho aont, pole, I>at Gilt Cornices, Luce Curtains, Drapery Muslins, Vestibule Luce, Ac. all at the lowest CASII priees. Warren N, Briggs and fine linen stitching, and the work is admiranira- County CouK and Court of Setsions, to be held ~.. Maln-st 0 renper attachment ; have but one driviugthan the best hand-sewiug. or any «any at the Court House, in tho town of Clarkstown, in ' William R. Lano IHIt and READ THISbetter FARMERS, 1.... Main-et ble?far TOWNSEND,) J. 11. .Bt wheel, s whioh obviates the neocssity ©fa joint In in J? on John Turnbul! other machine I have seen."?Lucy D. Thompson .Main, corner Fourth-st and for the County of Rockland on the ?eoond J. P. BROUXER, [ J H. TOWNSEND & CO. the finger*bar, and insures that the connectingTenn. HATS AND CAPS. The Own Paper." 11. B. MEAD. ) I 2Xashville, Tuesday ofJune (14th) 1859. . rod is always in a line with tho outters. Thu 467 Sixth Aveuue, N. Y. Machines, purchased from you, do Alexander Goldsmith Mnin-st wheel No. 701 Greenwich-st. and "Our two and Anger-bar (by w an arrangement used with New-York, Msy 5. 1889.?3m. twenty young pieaplea!I tho Ezra Mead work of ladies. We GRAND JURORS. llookiand, corner Main-st.? in no other machine,) act independently of each THE GENESEE FARMER.I. t recommend the Grover k Baker Sewinor MaJohn S. Snodeker ..Maln-st other?each sure Ma0| ;ho following the iuequalitios of tho A MONTHLY JOURNAL Or lIAVERSTR AW. , ehino to be the beat in use."?A. Stilliam f Q Co., lE. ground without uffecting the other. The finger0 JEWBLRY, WATCHES AND BILVER WARE. »«"W. MELICK, Oeorge B. Weinnt, AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE, < '*et bar Amos Briggs, A. F. 1nf01d.....,.... .Main, corner Kockland-at FKESII GAKDKIS b can be raised from tho ground at pleasure, I Memphis. Tenn. '' Fitzgerald Fraser. [EaTAULISUKD 1831.] IN strongest ' John Gnukel Main-st >**1 to the work the and most benutipass t< over obstructions, or to move from field to REAL ESTATE, "I find #U GROWTH OF 1858. ' seen, fi made either bv hand or ma CLARKSTOWM, field fill I have ever ; and tho knives can bo thrown iu and out of just LIVERY STABLE. THE KI'USCRIHEII has received Twenty-Eight Years Agent. in one>o Home and General Land |>ÜBLISHED for lh 'ne Wm. B. Hart.ll, g Jerry Py®. Liberty-et [ chine, and regard the Groverand Baker Machine ?at gear while in motion. ' AhramJ Blamlt, . jg329%b recent importations, hia annual | BUSINESS I of the finest wheat and fruit sections ofAmer\u25a0Mrt. jn«oph Peterson, Asa Reaper they are light and eonveniently? ioa, it has attained aa unrivalled PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO,), as one of the greatest bleating* to our sex."?Mrt. supply of Gardeu, Crust and Flower Cornelius A. Blaundt| \u25a0 , LUMBER, LIME AND COAL YARD. circulation, andi,I Taylor, Xashrille, Tenn. and worked withfacility, and vory easy Bogart ft Eokerson. Bogart's Dock arranged | Aud no charge unltss effected. John E. Uogenknmp, Stephen Lyons. has ablo and experienced correspondentsin every 9Seeds. the growth of the |>a»t year, for tho drivor, raker, and team. They are war& wouldinvite uttentionof Oardeners, ? 4 1 have one of Grover k Baker's Sewing rti, Jacob Dc85un..,.... Deßaun'f Dock State ofthe Union and in the Britiirb Provincos. i . Patronage solicited. ORAXOKTOW*. ranted to give satlsfaotion both aa Mower aud V myfamily, ai to a number of new and improved vaMachines in ute in and find it invaluothers, j an<l and Each volume eontains Three Hundred MARKETMAN 4 EXPRESSMAN. i_a Reaper. Seud fbr a circular able. 1 can confidently recommend it to All per- Jamet Copper Thomas P. Blanch, o't i »le Vegetables, introduced now for th« Office ix Habt's Dagukhukaji Rooms, Smith.)...Second-at r jThomai Kennedy, (Isuao Eighty-Four Pages, and is profusely illustrate*!,] rieties ? Wiu. IV Bolmer, A Thompeon Blauvelt, ORIFFING, BROTHER ft CO.,v with sons in want of a machine." expensive wood cute. It is sent to any ad-j. first time this Country. MASONS AND PLABTERERS. 00 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. 80. 407 Broadway, K. Y*? G. T. Thompson, XshrilU, Tenn. enn. John Uennion, Abram G. C'onklin, H A & eaeral assortment of Green House Plants | dreaa for FIFTY CENTS A YEAR: Joseph Chambera. Broad-et f 1858. N.w-Tork, 22, April New-Yoik, Jane 3.1859.?1 in. p and Shrubbery, Tunis J. Blsnvnlt. ' " \ u 2 5 a 0 j | to Fruit and Ornamental Trees to of ty i g | pleasure certifyinK utility In order Introduce the Farmer into districte I take in the of William Keesler 1..,.,. .Centre-et "1 where it has few readers, we will take subscripon hand, or packed to order for shipment p. always ¥ the Grover k Baker Sewing Machines. I have bave ramAro. West, corner Clinton-et Marcus Kirkpatrick AT WILL'S MARBLE WORKS, WILLIAM of at almost of auy part (July every description tious to the coming half volume to Decern- to to the world, short notice. used one on work w ork Johnaon, Howard*and Divition-it. J'eekikill. N. Y. Y Wm. Wm. Ond.rtek. \ u 25a0 MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS.» 1 Corner ALEXANDER SMITH, M ber inclusive) at the following rates : Single sub->. |I ' for months, and fiud it much stronger and better Ahraiu O. llarrlDK, & Kphrain 1 McKen*le, ? Harris..opposite Mies M. H. B. Main-st J 9 sort bora, 25 cents ; five oopies for $1, and a copy SUBSCRIBER would announce to the ,| in every respect thanwork done by hand. 1 Rectlsm in and Florist, No. 64 White-street, 555 Uroudwuy, I*ew-York, Jaeoh Eckeraon, Oarrct <1. Acbwai, Mrs. C. Krender.opposite Penny ft Smith, Main-st -Ht oitlxens of lluverstraw, and the neighboring 1 n* 1 Mrt. D. W. Xashrille. Tenn. of our beautiful 25 ceut book the Rural Annualil j| Feb. 4. 1860. Aaron Bla«»U. ~..Main-«t *" 008SES8E8 1 NichoUaC. Blaueelt, \u25a0* Mrs. 8. (i. Newmuu. attraction, Lull., .lilting th. towns, that he still oontinues thebusiness of Stone oe aud Horticultural Directory, prepaid by mail, to !!'" { The Grover & linker Sewing MacUne work, of Cutting opposite Sherwood's, Wuat-st X Miss E. S. Wilea J M.tropolU duriug tbe for at the corner Division and lloward-sts. Hummer, un.qu.ll.il the persou getting up the olu|; eight copias for" i LUMBER ! .° > | <! think the stitch and wjA farsupePETIT JUIIORS. admirably. I is to any Peekskill, prepared i* > 4 OYSfER SALOONS. b aaloou in tbe world. Tbi. Saloon 1. ail* 81.50, and a Rural Annual, orepaid by mail, to0 f and that he furnish att by /~ILAI' BOAKDS-tor narrew siding, taw. rior to that of any Sowing Abram I". Jersey Maln-st -st inuilfably looal.d In th. nio.tfitiblonabl. part uf uf the person getting up the club; sixteen oopies i V.V lIAVK».ITBIW. 11 to 16feet long, reasonable notioe, V On fine work, I think the Machine bard * lo fbr -st tltbe city ; beautifullyfurui.b.J anJ taitefullv (10,-.t Piine Boards, 12to 16 feet loug. FranoiaMartinez, Mesfenger Buildings.. .Main-st OHAVE STONES, MONUMENTB, Wm. Oatildwell, Jamea Wood, $3, and a Rural. Annual and un extra copy of uf P to beat.? W. J. Davie. Memphis, ,-.t oorat.3 o< : pro.iileil wltb a room for tb..afek..|I" - the Farmer for a yeor. or two fbr the half volume,a, Hemlock William W. Oldtfeld.. Main-st and Wesley J. Weiaot, II Joice Timber. a j 11 Iliratn J KprinnUut, and every thing in his line, on the most reasonsthe Machine easily very it 1 find ing parcel., thoroughly " We5t....... i-st of and veutilat.J a * by Levi D. .1 i'.^............... Moin-at » to the person getting up the club. J i Wm. Brooka. Pi Pine suitable for Gutters, 16 to 24 ble terms, and executed in the best manner. He Johnaon Canon, Timber, and in durable, j pleature recommending .0 the take it to . proceu, new patant that feet long, ® n atiuoaph.r. on Joeeph Johnaon, We also offer a liberal list of CASII Premiumsis j Wm. 11. WUm. »f' PAINTERS. would respectfully invite persons to oall at his and pleature." *° bid* B- all whowish convenience.economy to form cluba. Fuilil Pi*e Jamea King....«. ..Messenger Buildings. Main-et ttth. warmeat day, U a. 000 l and raftuung a. iu aa a still greater inducement Pi Plank, 1 1-4 to 1 I*2 and 2 inch, 13 to 16 Shop and examine the specimens he has on hand, Mrs. F. Titus, Memphis, Tenn. \u25a0a. ttiuiTin. B _.t Spring. Liberty-at particularswill be (bund in the paper, and everyy | feet long, % good article for cutting up. G trrel 0. Vancleaf and feels confident they will need no farther as" am happy to give my testimony in favor _ N.w-Vork, June 1869?Sm. I or of Theo'ore JameaK.tie.aor. S, Polhamua, Liberty-at at one interested in the culture of tbe soil is invitoidd Clear CI Boards and Hank. Hiruui 0. Van Wart... .Cor. Broad and suranoe of his ability to execute any work entrustthe Corn.llua Howard, Pine Plank worked for flooring, 12 to 20feet long. ed to himin a manner perfeetlv satisfactory. Grover k Baker's Sewing Machine, and of the Hear; Brinkaril 1o eend fbr a copy. and. if pleaaed with the paperir Pi PAPER MILL. FOR SALE perfect aatituction it gives in every retpect. It Nlcholaa WUUauooHi. to act aa agent. Specimen copies sent free to all11 1 Pine for siding on ceiling,' 12 to 16 Jaooh Polhainaa, Pi llourd* worked Monuments. ba * Bridge g Tops.. : Griffith M intel and Table Tombs, John Chemical \ HOUSE AND LOT, and a BLACKSMITH applioanta. Address JOSEPH HARRIS, feet long. Tablets and Grave Stones of Foreign and Domes-' tewt neatly, and is by no means complicated, John W. Traaiper. ated, physicians ANJ) surgeons. and I prefer it to all other* I Have seen." Publisher and Proprietor, Y Yellow Pins Flooring. 18 feet long, asuperior tic. punctually attended to. and WIIBBLWKIQIIT SHOP. ljt o*A*O«T()w». Main-st I on, Dryon, ,t Stephen W. A11en.t.... 2 Memphis, Mrs.Dry Kev.' Tenn. Tetut. Rochester, June 2. 1859. N. VIfl article. vife of A. Peek*kill, July 28, 1858.?1y. r Pll K llou.e 1. In good oonditlon, containing A a Kent, . Ft»ot-«t L-nt r laue 8. K.lUr, Jiuutf, w. "?! would be unwilling to dispose of my Grover Kdarard ' Pine Shingles, (s*wed\ extra quality. cut X basement, to which i. attached agood bedroom Riiubuu Ow«# BroMHitrwt David A. Umrym, NOTICE. for a large amount, could I not Wm. O Bell, 20,000 Pine nicjtets, 4 htt long, extra quality, AOMIRISTRATOR'B k Baker Machine floor, (Irat on there i. a room cellar; U»in-.tI-.C .aud th. Jukn Purdu.. Peter A l).p»w, Wm. D. Smith. loug. an orfterorEJw. d I'ye Surr 1ICI 2 4 it F. replace again Stwsel, pickets, pleaswe."?Mrt. to Chestnut to feet at Q. two bedroom.; aud In the garret, one bed-id- PURSUANT .' Tho.: V. W. Warner, fiueuopr 8. Sl#»t ? !»? Wia. J Bell, \u25a0 \u25a0 Front-»tl-st and rptlß UNDEBSIGNBD takes pleasure of InXaihiilh. r««. Ceiling Lath, Lin** and Cement. L rcgate of Rockland County, notice ia here-?? { Also A f . al. room. UutS. Trouper, Jacob U. Blaae.h. Mvk PuU. -1 fonnlng tke iuhabitanU of tkia lowa and viI'lease oall and exumiae our stock. that th« rt, by given to all persona havingany claims apain.-tft PI The Shop i. IS by '21 feet. In tl>. low.r part, "It afford* me much plotNir* to North Iluv.ntn. aw WUliwu Gov.iq UUTTONB. cinity, thai he is prepared to famish at short % the estate of Abraham B. Stephens, late of Clarke*i*iro. ° n Muchin. work, well; >.<ll do notkaaiut.toored.algned blaekemithing for and the li« npiirpoae. ; BOOKLAND PRINT WORKS. notice, aay tkiag ia Lis lias of buaiaeas, such M Rockland to exhibit Kanuet N. &K. B. a* wheelwright town, Station, designed Shop, County, pouea-Inf advantage* fbr a la it deceeeed. the it T. It all the upper M } CQiumrnd part, Tonag, IU M jo. laue L Bherwood, , Italian or American Mouuiasut* aad llead-Stouea. ilaiu for IL My wife la very much r teue>l with « Al*lAud»r D»yid«on,Sup«Hnt.nJ.nt..O»rnertm. aame with the vouchee thereof to Jebes Wood, atit Sept. 4, 1858. 18 by 44 feet; tack are In goixj oonditlon. with John Wiiaoo. ick* r<l V *" Also Mantel Pieces. Tabl* Tone, te. A*. «f all ' i .( SADDLE AND HARNESS. Tke Lot ia AO f..t wide, and ISO hit deep, and nd hie place ot reeidenoe in Clarketown, on or before* it. .ad w. take pleaaar. in Mrti'yinf to Ifcial*.t J.ha W Ttaie. ArHV-f £"S* 81 kinds of Foreign Marble, SURQBOH M»iu-«t AHD AIALYTIC PHYMGUS. lb* different j, well supplied with achoioc .ajriMyof currant. JJruUU), 'TbMd.r. ). Frederick.. U \u25a0ie the first Monday iu December neat. ft.:"?ii. C. Tom. " T '"** . j. W. MtKNIdHT, formerly of New-York, .'i.......... Dated Mar30th. 1859. At lb* Lowest CASH prices. ' and gMaabarri... There U aIH a good wall ?f of Wrftorf Johnson "It Itl'M ma riMHK to fi.d U. Onm ud >-** , HENRYS. STEPHENS, Administrator. I let* of Crugrrt, take this opportunity ot The Public ar* particularly invited I* "Call Ab«»s.VMHo.tw wut.r on th. place, and all tk. uacaaaary out-ui. all Baker Sewiag Xacliiu* itiviug as iuu*:h aatiWaoJune 2, 1859.?-6 m. ' 1-uTpKRJHr, auric. informing in kl> frirul, and thePnblio In general, and Biamine" th* different *pecimens of work, buildings ara in good repair. BASU AKD ULINDMAKERS. rk, lien. I hat. it in .onotant uae, and Ind It U1 b ,84# t " tbut be ha* rwond to the eillege of IWeeratraw, as well as tke quality of Marble, bdby* *' pur lhat could b. deeirad. It la th. niMIaim pi. and This property i. situatad In Keooad-rtrMt, In .4 Clarkatowa, Mai U.rt.t f.'AUjun. M.w.niier UuildinK*. Mniu-«l-st MARKETMAN, » where be can hold consulUtiuu with hie Patients -st .a businua part ef th. rillag., u.it dour to tka ; or they will itas* "Justice" ?" SUgg, chasing" T. Arolwr'. W.lr-.» elaewhera machine in and reeMMad *. uae, heartily Abrabiua Buildi«f. Ur»d-.t-al reaidenc. of the Editor of the M.Meagv, and durarl. I ou ull oases of Ailuteuts and Diseases ofthe Human nd BETWEEN IiAVEUSTRAW ui NEW-YORK, 01 r. done them by leasing theirard*r* with Mr. Samuel «1 H.»~r M WhiU, M'mfki., Tmm piuiie) L»k.7; WS body. Special given etearneare to allfemale disease*. CAU3TOAR Sn Davenport, within three minutes walkof either of the 00OTT " Verralen, ar Is Mr. Dentist, both p. Smith, per Steamboat T SEOAHB, lOBACCO AMD SNUFF. Office at the hoiue formerly occupied by Mr*. A. "I oonsider my Be.iaft Uaohin. invaluable, laudlug*; aud it will ba sold lav, aa tke ?»* at this Village. Xaniaw MlW icuJd Cireait Ctmru, awl 0/a» A>rou Edward*..... . JJ"' 8 -*' «w« boat A and would not take Sv. time* ita coat, iflcculd (Un. «aita, Coanuiw, MarUiug, M in Frout-sir**!, oornerof..Di»i*ion-*toer kus other busiuess to attend to. GEO. W. TOWNBB, Uoldjuiuh'. italldlug, Ckfcg.'Mlwhil not upnlv ita place With H1 can do all uy lamUm- ih.ld «a t*. limveratraw, April 38, 1868. A part of the uon.y mayreuialu 00 mortgaga.'\u25a0 Nyack, X. T. Fni rVPvytUt. Itvck ntry*orni*f al 6 I-S eFk. Maia-*tre*t, ily aewinjr in about one-ronrih the tim, I could ?* ? SILK FACTORV. Inquire further at tke offie* of aI particular., F»b. I*. 18S».?It. rpHK BUIIhCBIBBIt would infcrm tb. Firnior. Cb.mloU Drldg.*' theFor with my haada?M J Scott, iftlmilli,ffcaa lioMg. % Cjowtlier WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL «*? «U)k» Booklaud Co Memnger. or at 1 uJ (Jmi. U ttocklud Couuljf, ttuit b. will Alar, Hinges. eat "Having Men. examined end oved May other . Oteaw MARTIN KNAPP, Olarkatowa. AeMaheioMr * \r A 1 Ltt?Out and Wrought Nails. C CREAM LAUKH BKBB ftota *11 urUt-r. .atmaMd M ki. cat* wilt 1 h*taala| p (m ?uiadlv il Bait*. Screw., Look* and Door of of klad. of Sewing Maehinee. 1 1 U aay Uat * ?«» February IT. 1868. uronplnc.. ti.d Odelitjr. Unbar'* hi UnmtrJ, fer Ml* at lb* Depot *f rarioua kinds Ho**. Shovels, Hay aad Manure ir» the 0 rover 4 linker Machine, ar. far euferior tp \u25a0 Kruit aad all kind, of Pcoduc. w*y b. 1.(1 ai" M, nil Other. In u.e"?M frmuM StUt, AuMifa. J. 60NKBL, Cbaia raaM, »«*», lefkaa, .St 4HO TWO LOTS FOR BALK UuNojt.llm Douk, In okarf. oftk. Storekeeper, Plaus, Aa** aarrow aad broad. Saw*. A r« H M» e e« . asm, > » f Main-street, UaKlwtraw. ajsd blacksmiths. wko will .tar. aajrtking fcr m. la »y .Ueuoe. March t}, IBM. , I QABBBT a VANHOKN. bur,..4(ll^V L BOH A AI...LU. H0g.Dc.mp:.........Allium'. A,.n«e »i Hawk 17, IW.-Jta. ( * sr«M«r«4l I. twill./ limd« « a onit v4O Loan, oa m«»>it«i A locM. Aoarr WAtnoA. KDWA&P SOt'VVilN. A. A*»)«,a"» tadfMUtoh.ll.UW. J Ibmninv o*. 18, MM*. HitWIT. jUrik tl, .OMipfcUJUi BMtmfefi 9. =

"Great Attraction!"








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