Old friend, learn to look behind you in the coffee queue

Page 89

My father wouldn't swear, he'd say, “God, Strewth!” “God, Strewth!” when he was in a hurry. “God, Strewth!” when he couldn't get a shelf to stay up. “God Strewth!” when he once tried to reverse with the trailer on and ended up driving across a big flower bed. I say 'strewth'; it might, in fact, have been 'struth'. 'Struth' doesn't look right as a word, I know, but I have this itch in the back of my mind that's saying, “Struth. Struth. It was definitely struth.” Perhaps what he was actually saying, was, “God's truth.” That would make sense. Only it wouldn't, because why would you say, “God's truth” when you drove through someone's flower bed? My brother and I used to call him, 'The Admiral' for his clarity and presence of mind under stressful situations.


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