My Avatars and I

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I swear to God – wears tank tops. A total nerd. Everybody says he's on the spectrum. Firebird Telecom: You can tell it must be the twenty-first century when lay diagnosis becomes the subject of water cooler gossip. Firebird Telecom: How I long for the days of just calling someone a retard. You knew where you were back then. Magnet Commoncold: He's a complete nightmare to talk to. Doesn't make eye contact (he looks at a point somewhere off your left shoulder), ums and ahs and ers constantly, smiles in inappropriate places... Magnet Commoncold: ...says about as little as he can, in fact. Hardly ever answers your question with anything more than, “Yes, they do that sometimes.” It's like he has this little bank of phrases. Magnet Commoncold: When he sends you an email, on the other hand, it's like you're hearing from a completely different person. Magnet Commoncold: He's polite, considerate, articulate... even funny at times. Firebird Telecom: Because when he has the time to compose an email without you staring at him he forgets to be crippled by anxiety and actually focuses on what he wants to say to you. Magnet Commoncold: Me? A source of anxiety? I'll have you know I have a smile that bees try to pollinate! Pelican Bluespine: Beauty can be deadly too. Firebird Telecom: It's all about predictability. Beauty has nothing to do with it. Anyway... Firebird Telecom: What we're basically saying here is


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