Equestrian Hub Magazine Issue 1 2022

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From the Horse’s Mouth With Fiona Todd


elcome to a new year, a new beginning and a host of new opportunities.

Launching 2022 on the right foot, Amanda Mac speaks to Olympic philosophy on life, luck, and being

own Warlander. Suzy Jarrett explores the evolution of this stunning horse, before chatting with our Young Rider, Charlee Dobbin.

successful in one of the equestrian world’s most demanding disciplines. Also on eventing, Wayne Copping explains the changes to frangibles, why

horses have? Christine Armishaw caught

There are now many wonderful programs to support horses on the journey from their racing career into a new life. One of those initiatives is the Tropical North Showjumping Club’s OTT Spectacular, an exciting showcase for the talents of our off the track friends. Meanwhile, Jade Willis gives us the heads up on retraining OTT Thoroughbreds, and after transitioning and rehoming over 160 in 2021 alone, we feel she’s eminently qualified to give us the odd tip or two.

up with Sergeant Sarah Maxwell to talk

Equine dentist Dr Kirsten Jackson climbs

about the NSW Mounted Police troop –

onto the tackbox to debate the virtues of power versus manual tools, and top jockey Kathy O’Hara answers 20 questions. Plus, we introduce Property Central and review the KN Ouvertüre Victoria dressage saddle.

they were necessary, and his thoughts on those 11 point penalties, while Enya Crockford talks to 5* eventer Sarah Clark about the value of teaching your horse to think for itself, yet still listen to you. Did you know the suicide rate amongst Australian vets is one of the highest in the world? We talk to AVA President Dr Warwick Vale about this alarming statistic. Be nice to your vet, they do an amazing

Jessica Morton keeps us updated with the latest in European trends. In this issue she looks at the concept of social stabling and the approach being taken by a state-ofthe-art German Warmblood stud. Starting your young horse over jumps? Charlie Brister has some great advice on getting their show jumping career off on the

I love breeding season and all those photos and video clips of gorgeous foals – with their whiskers, fluffy ears and quirky behaviour – that flood my newsfeed. But foaling down is not without its dramas, and Heather Ip of Cooramin Sporthorses relives the tense moments surrounding the red bag delivery of a rather special foal. In the last of our breed articles, it’s only fitting that we feature Australia’s very

eventer Kevin McNab about his

job in often challenging circumstances.

of our horses overheating. While most regulate their body temperature through sweating, around five per cent of horses suffer from anhidrosis and are unable to sweat. Dr Doug, our resident vet, looks at the symptoms and management of this unusual condition.

And what’s that special charisma police

how the horses are selected and how they’re trained. Feeding horses a balanced diet is not, as you might think, rocket science. Equine nutritionist Larissa Bilston offers

right hoof, and The Bit Bank’s Charmae Bell

a simple four-step approach to ensuring

expertly answers the bit fitting questions

your horse has all the protein, roughage,

So as usual, pour your favourite tipple, relax and enjoy.

she’s most frequently asked.

energy, vitamins and minerals it needs

Until next time,

Kathryn Sullivan-Butt, aka The Saddlefitter, explores the challenging and confusing world of girths: what shape do I need, where should the

to perform and look its best. Also on the subject of health, David Nash discusses water quality and its role in determining your horse’s intake and well-being.

buckles sit, what material is most

In the Australian climate we need to

suitable? Kathryn reveals all!

be particularly alert to the possibility E Q U E S T R I A N H U B . C O M . AU | 7

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