Horse Vibes March April 2021

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Dr. Doug, our resident vet, takes on

From the Horse’s Mouth

Enteroliths and explains some of the how, the what, and the why you need to know about them. Christine Armishaw learns just how many hats a Chef d’Equipe must wear, before getting down to the basics of stable flooring: what’s best for your horse’s health and comfort as well as your wallet. And if

With Fiona Todd


you’re confused about which bridle to buy, she then delves deep into this very topic in our equipment article.

t was around this time 12 months ago that the world was struck down by the dreaded pandemic – and

Nutrionist Larissa Bilston gives us the low down on feeding weanlings.

what a journey for everyone, ourselves

Weaning can be a stressful time for


foals, but careful planning can make it much easier for both mum and bub.

But the COVID-induced lull gave us time to explore some exciting new options

Missing going on holiday? Sonia Caeiro

for you, our much loved readers. Firstly,

Alvarez reckons you should be doing

HorseVibes is even more jam packed

your research now so that when travel

with the info, tips and inspiration you

bans are lifted, you’re good to go - and

need to make your equestrian life more

in this issue she explores horseback

successful and fulfilling.

riding on New Zealand’s North Island.

Secondly, for all our annual print and

Paul Symes talks to Samantha Cesnik

digital subscribers, we now have a

and Chris Height about Racing Victoria’s

VIP area that will blow your prettily

exciting Life After Racing options, and

patterned socks off! (Need a new pair?

our featured breed is the Labrador of

We have a sensational range available at

the horse world, the rather gorgeous

the Equestrian Hub shop.)

Icelandic Horse, reputed to have the

Our VIP area is where you’ll find, among

smoothest trot of them all.

other things, some super products at very special VIP prices. Plus, we have

It’s no secret that I love jumping, so this hot topic in the VIP area. Charlie

I’m delighted that Michael Archer has

also manages to chat to Terry Snow of

climbed onto the Tackbox to give a

Willinga Park fame, and asks him 20

heads up on the need for volunteers and

Saddle Hub are now stable mates on the

pertinent questions.

the value they add to the sport.

Equestrian Hub website, so everything

Working Equitation is rapidly growing

As ANZAC Day is approaching, our

in popularity and Linda Shore shares

Perfect Partner feature looks at the

some top tips on what we need to do to

Australian Light Horse regiments, their

improve our skills and get the most out

Waler partners and the historic battle for

of amazing people and stories. We shine

of this exciting discipline.


our spotlight on Amanda Ross, a totally

Have you ever wondered what it takes

And of course there is so much more:

many more exciting benefits coming - so definitely watch this space. You’ll also notice that HorseVibes and the The

you need is right there at your fingertips. In this issue, our editor Amanda Mac has, as always, assembled a collection

inspiring equestrian on every level. Our Amanda also speaks to Liz Lewis about the majestic Clydesdale.

to become one of the best at what you do? Jamie Hocking, one of our 2020 Delivering Dreams Scholarship

Charlie Brister has an in-depth

recipients, has shown amazing

discussion with my rather tall pony

determination and commitment to

about the correct way to behave when

achieve what he has – and in this issue

being bridled. And if you’re an annual

he opens up a little and shares some

subscriber, you’ll find video footage on

tales about his journey to the top.

so as usual, pour your favourite tipple, relax and enjoy the March/April edition of HorseVibes.

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