HUB Book - Catalogue 2019

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2019 Book Catalogue


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_ INTRODUCTION I love reading! Unique series of ten readers for our little ones. Unique for its captivating stories, adorable illustrations, enjoyable audios and its exclusive supplementary Brainy Reading Booklets. Written by Jane Cadwallader and illustrated by Gustavo Mazali People become good readers through reading. The aim of this series is for an initial successful experience so that children discover they can read in English and that they enjoy it. This positive experience should stimulate them to read more, increasing motivation, enjoyment and a desire to read. One of the key factors to the success (or not) is motivation. Capturing student interest is the key. Reading must be a pleasurable part of the class and not something to be endured. The great thing about reading a book together is that you suddenly have a whole set of characters and a story that everyone is familiar with to use as a basis for a number of activities. We hope the contact with the I love reading! series will enable children to take pleasure in reading for its own sake.

Description: • Language levels: Below A1 to A2 • Level one of the series are wordless picture books • Original stories and simplified classics • Colour picture dictionary to explain new vocabulary • Comprehension exercises • MP3 audio available I love reading! Brainy Reading Booklets Written by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay Series of supplementary activities to engage and help students develop social-emotional activities while enjoying the pleasure of reading. All activities have been developed taking into account how our students learn and what they need in order to develop their critical thinking competences. In order to create an effective learning environment activities are based on four pillars: brain compatible practices, multiple intelligences, emotional literacy and critical thinking. You will find further information in the free online teaching notes that you can request at We hope you and your students will love reading the I love reading! series.


Aesop adapted by Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Aesop’s Fables A lion trapped in a net and an ant in a puddle. Who will rescue them and so gain a new friend? These are two stories from the Aesop’s Fables collection, which have stood the test of time and been read and loved by generations all over the world. At their heart, the stories have important lessons. The first is that, when we need help, it can come from the most unexpected of places! The second is an illustration of Aesop’s own saying: ‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.’ FREE!

TAGS Helping others, respecting and appreciating differences, friendship FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 01 Below A1 | Traditional story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916870

Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand

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Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Martha and the Wooly Rhino Martha the mammoth and her prehistoric animal friends are playing happily together in the wood when Martha discovers a baby woolly rhino called Ryan who has lost his mum and dad. While Martha and her friends look after the baby rhino, Bella the butterfly sets off in search of Ryan’s parents. The fear of getting lost is one readers of this age will readily relate to and the way the young animals look after the baby rhino and imaginatively solve the problem will delight and amuse children.


Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand


TAGS Helpfulness, kindness to animals, problem-solving FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 01 Below A1 | Original story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916962 Click to download MP3 audio

Mark Twain adapted by Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

The Prince and the Poor Boy This story by Mark Twain explores the saying: ‘The grass is always greener on the other side!’ A poor boy and a prince swop places with unforeseen consequences. Through the story, the reader empathises with the boys’ dilemma. They learn what it’s like to live in the shoes of the other and their eyes are opened to a new reality. In the end, readers see how the boys take up their own lives again... but with lives enriched by the experience and the lasting friendship which has grown between them.


Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand

Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

TAGS Respect for other people, curiosity, friendship FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 2 Below A1 | Original story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916894 Click to download MP3 audio

The Pirate and the Treasure

TAGS Citizenship, resourcefulness, friendship

Katie has some special friends: Regazza the doll and Monty the mouse. They live in the Land of Forgotten Toys, the place where toys go when they are thrown away or are left forgotten in a toy box for a long time. One day Regazza and Monty go to find Katie. A pirate with a problem has just arrived in the Land of Forgotten Toys. Can she help him?

FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay.

This is a humorous adventure story about friendship and using co-operation to solve a problem.


Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand


STAGE 2 Below A1 | Original story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916887 Click to download MP3 audio

Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

School Detectives This story tells the adventure of two children. One is studious and interested in all scientific things. The other is energetic and sporty. Although they live next door to each other and go to the same school, they never speak... until one day something changes all that. Kim and Tony learn to appreciate each other’s skills and to bring these together to prevent a crime. Children learn through them that critical thinking and collaboration can solve problems and that you don’t have to be the same to be friends. FREE!

Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand

TAGS Respecting and appreciating differences in others, initiative and inventiveness, right and wrong FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 3 A1 | Original story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916900 Click to download MP3 audio

Oscar Wilde adapted by Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

The Giant Rumbledumble Young readers might well see themselves in the selfish giant, based on Oscar Wilde’s classic, who doesn’t want to share his favourite possession. Through the story they see how our actions not only affect others, but can also boomerang back and affect ourselves. They can empathise with the sad and lonely giant locked into his own cold selfishness and celebrate with him the realisation that if we give happiness to others we feel it ourselves too. Above all, this story is a humorous look at accepting and correcting the mistakes we make in life. FREE!

Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand


TAGS Sharing, kindness, appreciating our environment FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 3 A1 | Traditional story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916917 Click to download MP3 audio

Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Dr. Domuch and the Dinosaur Egg What would you do if you found a baby dinosaur in your oven? This is what happens to Sally and her brother and sister. Sally and Orry, the dinosaur, quickly make friends. But how can the children protect him from the rest of the world? Underlying this story are lessons about taking initiatives and working in a team as well as a few facts about dinosaurs. There is also a good dose of humour as the children, helped by Dr Domuch, try to solve the problem of what to do with Orry.


TAGS Problem-solving, kindness to animals, a positive attitude to learning FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 4 A1.1 | Original story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916924

Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand

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Frances Hodson Burnett adapted by Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

The Secret Garden In this story by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a young girl called Mary starts out as unloved and unlovable. She moves home and, through her contact with country life and people, she gradually changes. She discovers an abandoned garden which gives her a driving aim in life: to bring the garden back to life. Mary is a changed child, so changed that, when she finds someone similar to her former self, she decides to change him too. Underlying this story are valuable lessons about the importance of kindness, physical exercise and contact with the natural world.


Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand


TAGS Friendship, overcoming difficulties, health and happiness FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 4 A1.1 | Traditional story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916931 Click to download MP3 audio

Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

The Children of the Forests Do you enjoy walking among the trees and watching for forest animals? Do you know how important forests are for our world and our health? This book is about the three main different types of forests, about where you can find them, what the weather is like there and which animals live in and under the trees. It is also an adventure story about two children who overhear plans to destroy a part of their forest and who ask other children to join them to help save it.


TAGS Caring about the natural world, problem-solving FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 5 A2 | Original story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916955

Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand

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Charles Dickens adapted by Jane Cadwallader | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Oliver Twist This is perhaps the most well-loved story by Charles Dickens. Dickens asked his readers to ‘have a heart that never gets hard’. As readers follow the life of Oliver Twist, a poor orphaned boy struggling against the dangers of life in 19th-century London, they can empathise with his childhood in a workhouse and his life with a gang of pickpockets. They can also share his relief that there were some good people, ready and willing to rescue a child in need.


Brainy Reading Booklet available online on demand


TAGS Knowing about social issues, knowing about the past, feeling empathy, developing values FREE Brainy Reading Booklet for teachers by Laura Lewin and Lucrecia Prat Gay. STAGE 5 A2 | Traditional story 32 pages | 15 x 21cm ISBN 9789871916948 Click to download MP3 audio


Horror books are awesome, because when you close them, fear stays within them. and isn’t it

to be able to

lock up all our fears where they can’t hurt us?

Luciano Saracino | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

A Terrifying Night in the City Moritz has decided to go out to the city...and the city has decided to show Moritz its darkest and most terrifying side! Dark alleys hiding secrets...abandoned houses appearing to be empty...movies where all they show are horror films, and whose audience seem to have been there for “too” long...a woman weeping in the dead of night, looking for his son...gargoyles, ghosts, zombies...

TAGS Fantasy, ghosts, curiosity, fear, punishment SPECS 48 pages | 26 x 20cm ISBN 9789871916856

Will you take that turn in the corner, even though all the lights are out? Don’t be afraid! It’s just a comic! If you go into its pages you’ll see that some fears are terrifyingly amusing.

Luciano Saracino | Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

Mysteries Lurk Behind Every Door This book tells the story of Moritz and his granddad, Arkane. Not long ago, our curious and intrepid friend found out about a truth that changed the way he saw the world surrounding him and its creatures. In spite of Arkane’s attempts to convince him of staying in the graveyard where they live, Moritz will insist on walking past the door and going to the city once again. He feels “trapped” in the sinister place full of odd characters. Our friend is determined to find out what’s on the other side...the time has come to leave the graveyard and start a new “life” in the dark streets of the city.


TAGS Fantasy, ghosts, adventure, curiosity, fear, punishment SPECS 48 pages | 26 x 20cm ISBN 9789871916863

THE readers for teenagers!


Robin Readers is an exciting series of original fiction for learners of English. Designed to be read for enjoyment, the stories are accessible and engaging, with carefully graded language. Each reader comes with comprehension and vocabulary activities to consolidate understanding. More difficult or uncommon words appear in a glossary. There is a stimulating variety of settings and storylines across a range of genres, including travel adventures, fantasies and thrillers.


Sue Murray | Illustrated by Craig Phillips

The Game Every night, Dylan plays a computer game called Orloff’s Castle. In the game he has to try and free Princess Zia, a prisoner of the evil Count Orloff. But one night something very strange happens to Dylan – by magic, he is pulled into the computer. He’s not just playing the game any more – he is in the game! His only way back to the real world is to go into the castle himself and find the princess. Can Dylan defeat Count Orloff and free the princess? And will he get back home?’

TAGS Problem-solving; bravery; using your skills; addiction to games. STAGE 01 A1 | Original story 36 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-05-1

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Alan C. McLean | Illustrated by Cheryl Orsini

Stars of Tomorrow Ellen’s friend Holly shows her an advertisement for a TV show. Are you under 16? Can you sing? Then you can be in Stars of Tomorrow. ‘We can enter,’ says Holly. Ellen agrees to go in the competition, but she’s very nervous about it – the other singers are so good, and one of the judges is very nasty! Only one singer can be the winner. Who is it going to be? Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Friendship; following your dreams; finding your voice; courage; acknowledging the importance of family. STAGE 01 A1 | Original story 36 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-04-4

Claire Craig | Illustrated by Cheryl Orsini

Land of Gold Maddy and her friend Cate are in Egypt on a school trip. They keep seeing a mysterious man in a black suit. Then they look in Cate’s bag and are shocked at what they find. Should they tell somebody about their discovery? Why is the man in black following them? And what is the mystery of the statue of the Egyptian queen?

TAGS Problem-solving; fear; standing up to a threat. STAGE 01 A1 | Original story 32 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-02-0

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Alan C. McLean | Illustrated by Elizabeth Botté

The Right Team Mumba Siwale is the best football player in his town in Zambia. His life changes the day a man comes to see him play and invites him to join a top English football club. Mumba is very excited. But when he arrives in England, things don’t work out the way he expected. Will Mumba ever play for the team he loves? Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Tenacity; friendship; communicating with family; dealing with loneliness and homesickness. STAGE 01 A1 | Original story 36 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-04-4

Denise Kirby | Illustrated by Paul Fisher Johnson

The Bookshop It’s work experience week for Lucy Gardner and her classmates, but Lucy isn’t happy – she has to work in an old bookshop that nobody ever goes into. And worse, the owner of the shop is a very grumpy lady. But when Lucy finds an old diary in the shop one day, things start to get interesting. Many years ago, the person who wrote the diary hid something very valuable. But what was it, and where is it hidden? It’s a mystery – a mystery Lucy is determined to solve.

TAGS Using deduction to solve a mystery; appreciation of history; creativity; backing your own ideas. STAGE 02 A1 | Original story 52 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-13-6

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Sue Murray | Illustrated by Sally Heinrich

Blue Moon Beach Sam Martin loves watching the beautiful sea eagles flying over Blue Moon Beach. But when two suspicious-looking men arrive, Sam begins to get worried. What do these men want? Soon Sam and his new friend Tim realise that the sea eagles are in danger, and they decide that they have to stop the men and save the birds. Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Bravery; taking action to protect threatened animals; environmental awareness. STAGE 01 A1 | Original story 40 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-09-9

Denise Kirby | Illustrated by Sally Heinrich

Between the Flags What Scott Gordon wants most of all is to be a lifesaver. He lives near the beach and belongs to the surf club. Soon he’s going to try for the Bronze Medallion – the first step to becoming a real lifesaver. But his grandmother doesn’t like the idea. When she tells Scott the story of a day that changed her life, he begins to understand how dangerous the sea can be.

TAGS Working hard to achieve a goal; bravery in rescuing someone; danger and loss of life in the surf. STAGE 02 A1 | Original story 52 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-08-2

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Pauline O’Carolan | Illustrated by Ian Forss

The Black Night Archie loves to draw. He often goes to the Art Gallery to make copies of the beautiful paintings there. One evening he finds himself locked in the gallery after it has closed. It should be easy to get someone to let him out. But Archie is not the only person in the gallery that night. There are other visitors – and they are up to no good. When he realises there’s a robbery happening, Archie knows it’s his job to stop it. Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Appreciation of art; ingenuity and quick thinking; bravery in stopping a crime. STAGE 02 A1 | Original story 48 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-12-9

Alan C. McLean | Illustrated by Alan C. McLean

Mistery at Lion Rock Hannah Fox and her friend Jo are on the holiday island of Mallorca. The sun is shining and the water is perfect for swimming. But in this beautiful place, something terrible is happening. Hannah learns that their mysterious rich neighbour is hiding something – a secret project that could lead to the deaths of many people. He must be stopped, and Hannah wants to be the one to do it.

TAGS Bravery; preventing crime; standing up to intimidating behaviour. STAGE 03 A2 | Original story 56 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-16-7

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Paula Smith | Illustrated by Elizabeth Botté

The Secret in the Farmhouse Four friends – Alex, Dan, Matt and Hannah – are spending a week in the country on a school trip. In an old, empty farmhouse, they discover hidden boxes full of stolen things. They tell the police what they’ve found, but someone makes sure the police don’t believe them. What has happened to the boxes? Who is keeping the secret in the farmhouse? When the four friends try to find some answers, they find themselves up against a group of dangerous criminals. Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Friendship; quick thinking and bravery in solving a crime. STAGE 03 A1 | Original story 56 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-19-8

Philip Voysey | Illustrated by Cheryl Orsini

The Rainbow Girl Maribella is different from other children – she has a humpback. The people in her village say she brings bad luck, and they don’t let their children near her. But Maribella’s mother Luz tells them, ‘My daughter has a big heart. One day she will do something special.’ And one day she does, in a way the villagers will never forget. Set in the mountains of Peru, this is a magical story of sadness and hope, kindness and courage.

TAGS Standing up to evil; social inclusion and exclusion. STAGE 03 A2 | Original story 56 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-18-1

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Sue Murray | Illustrated by Elizabeth Botté

Blown Away ‘Going to Samoa changed my life,’ says Corey Cassidy. He and his friend Grant are driving around the beautiful Pacific island, looking for good places to surf, when the weather changes. The sea gets rougher and the wind gets stronger and stronger. A tropical cyclone is coming. Corey tells the story of the terrible storm, and the people who help him get through it. Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Survival; enduring danger; helping others. STAGE 04 B1 | Original story 64 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-21-1

Sue Murray | Illustrated by Sarah Davis

The Singing Stones ‘Find the stones… find the way to help all of Avondel.’ Finn doesn’t understand the note his great aunt gave him, but there’s no time to think – when soldiers come looking for him, he has to escape and go on a dangerous journey. Finn learns that only he can defeat the evil warlord Gondar and bring happiness back to the land. But he needs the help of the singing stones, and of the strange, wonderful friends he meets along the way.

TAGS Following your destiny; going on a journey; friendship; bravery. STAGE 04 B1 | Original story 72 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-23-5

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Denise Kirby | Illustrated by Elizabeth Botté

Murder Weekend In an old country house, celebrations for Adrian Bennett’s fortieth birthday are going well. Everyone is enjoying themselves – the guests; the actors who are acting out a murder mystery; and Milly, who is helping her mother cook the food. But the weekend is ruined when a real crime takes place. The road to the house is closed due to bad weather, so thepolice can’t get there. Milly decides to find out for herself who did it. Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Solving a mystery; getting along with new people. STAGE 04 B1 | Original story 72 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-22-8

Sue Murray | Illustrated by Marjorie Crosby-Fairall

Wild Water Do you want an exciting adventure? Then come on the Black Bear whitewater rafting trip!’ Four friends – Mouse, Scott, Dario and Ryan – decide to go on the trip down Black Bear River. At first it’s a lot of fun. But when things start to go wrong, they find that whitewater rafting can also be deadly.

TAGS Adventure; bravery; supporting others in adversity. STAGE 05 B1+ | Original story 72 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-00-6

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Mary Tomalin | Illustrated by Marjorie Crosby-Fairall

When the Sea Came In

TAGS Survival; bravery; the importance of family.

In the future, the world is much hotter and life has completely changed. Because of global warming, sea levels have risen. There have been three ‘Great Floods’, when huge waves covered coastal cities and towns all over the world. In the small Australian town of Axel, life for Meena and her brother Mark is calm, but not completely safe. There is danger from bandits, and there is always the possibility of another Great Flood…

STAGE 05 B1+ | Original story 64 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-4945-25-9

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Alan Milson | Illustrated by Paul Könye

The Creature Kin Zen is on the star ship Voyager, exploring the outer galaxy. When the Voyager arrives on a new planet, Kin is part of the team that goes looking for new forms of life. They capture a bizarre alien creature, but it soon becomes clear that the creature has powers beyond those of its human captors. Who – or what – is in control of the ship? And does Kin hold the answer to the crew’s survival?

TAGS Facing an unknown threat; bravery; reaching out and communicating with aliens STAGE 06 B2 | Original story 80 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-1916-97-9

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Paula Smith | Illustrated by Elizabeth Botté

The Art Show Sophie loves painting and wants to become an artist, but her parents have other ideas. Her good friend Dorothy gives her some advice – ‘Show them that you are good enough to go to art college.’ She offers to help Sophie put on her own art show. While working to prepare for the show, Sophie discovers a sad secret about Dorothy’s past and decides to try to help her friend. It’s a life-changing time for both of them. Click to download answer key Click to download MP3 audio


TAGS Loving art; following your dreams; friendship; the importance of family STAGE 06 B2 | Original story 80 pages | 12,9 x 19,8cm ISBN 978-987-1916-98-6



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