Environmental New Years Resolutions Press Release | Hubbub

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Press release, [embargo] 00:01 Tuesday 5th January 2021

Environment ranked more important than romance in UK’s New Year’s resolutions • 1 in 6 choosing to reduce their impact on the environment • Public want to stop being sold “unnecessary stuff” • January sales may be hit by consumers “making do”

• Hubbub highlights key steps for households to help UK reach net zero Is this the year that consumers really go green? New research* from environmental charity Hubbub which surveyed 3,000 adults in the UK, shows that 1 in 6 people are making a New Year’s resolution to reduce their impact on the environment. This ranked higher than resolutions about romantic relationships, relationships with friends and hobbies.1 Over half of this group said they plan to recycle better (54%) which topped the list, followed by eating less meat (49%), cycling/walking more for shorter journeys (38%) and wasting less food (36%)2. 34% of those making an environmental New Year’s resolution plan to buy less “unnecessary stuff”. This theme was echoed when people were asked what the top priorities for companies and brands should be. The top three, which all ranked higher than looking after employees first and foremost and allowing employees to work at home more often, were:

• Stop making and selling products that nobody actually needs (30%) • Produce products that are designed to last (30%) • Stop putting pressure on consumers to buy things we don’t need (27%) The survey also showed shifting attitudes and habits in clothes purchasing, suggesting grim January sales for retailers and manufacturers, but potentially positive news for the environment. 61% of those polled said they are choosing comfort and warmth over fashion this winter. This was even true for 16-24 year olds, the age group which normally has the highest levels of fast fashion purchases, with over half agreeing with the statement. 61% said instead of shopping for new clothes, they are generally making do with what they’ve got at the moment.

Over a third (38%) said they’re taking much less pride in their appearance this winter and over 1 in 4 (28%) said their standards have dropped and they’re more likely to wear items with holes in. 21% said they’re using charity shops more than they were this time last year (this was 30% for 16-24 year olds) and 1 in 6 said they’d consider renting clothes – behaviours which Hubbub predict will increase significantly in 2021. Trewin Restorick CEO of Hubbub said: “It’s really encouraging that the sorts of changes the public are embracing as part of their New Year’s resolutions, like recycling better, eating less meat and dairy and cutting down on car use are closely aligned with the recent Climate Change Committee report which details the pathway that the UK should take to reach net zero by 2050. “We are currently seeing a significant increase in the number of businesses approaching us because they want to be more sustainable. At a time when household finances are strained and the environment is becoming a real priority, our survey suggests that the message from the public to businesses is loud and clear – stop pushing products that people don’t actually need and start making products that are designed to last.” Hubbub will be providing more guidance to households in 2021 on what we can all do to help the UK reach Net Zero. They have taken the detailed recommendations and analysis in the Climate Change Committee report and distilled them into the following key actions: Food

• Cut red meat consumption by 30% • Cut dairy consumption by 20% • Support low carbon farming through purchasing choices. Home

• • • • •

Cut the amount of waste thrown in the bin by 40%. Commit to recycling all electronic waste. Reduce your energy use by 5% Shift to a renewable energy tariff Explore ways to move your home heating towards electricity – for example by installing a heat pump

• Commit to not buying peat Travel

• Cut miles driven by 10% • Commit to replacing a car with a new electric vehicle


• Make a charitable donation or volunteer to restore peatlands and support planting mixed UK woodlands

For tips on how you can live more sustainably, head to https://www.hubbub.org.uk/


ENDS ****

NOTES TO EDITORS * Survey was conducted by Censuswide in December 2020 with a nationally representative sample of 3,002 UK residents over the age of 16

1. Participants were asked what their New Year’s resolutions will be about: Sample:


I don't make New Year’s resolutions






What I eat



Relationships with family



My impact on the environment



Romantic relationships



Relationships with friends



I don’t have any New Years resolutions yet








Other - please state

2. Those who selected “My impact on the environment” were then asked what in particular? The responses were as follows:



Recycling better



Eating less meat



Cycling/ walking more for shorter journeys



Wasting less food



Buying less unnecessary ‘stuff’”



Using less energy in my home



Using my car less



Eating less dairy



Growing my own food more



Holidiaying in the UK



Buying less fast-fashion



Buying second-hand more



Flying less





None of the above

ABOUT HUBBUB Hubbub is an award-winning charity and social enterprise that inspires ways of living that are good for the environment - disrupting the status quo to raise awareness, nudge behaviours and shape systems. Their aim is to revolutionise communications with the public about environmental issues - using everyday language and good design to make environmental actions desirable and tapping into things people are passionate about such as food, fashion, homes and neighbourhoods. This innovative approach saw Hubbub win the Charity of the Year Award at the prestigious Charity Times Awards in 2020.  Since its formation in 2014, Hubbub has delivered more than 60 trailblazing environmental campaigns in collaboration with over 700 partners, helping to shift the national debate on key environmental issues such as food waste, sustainable fashion, air pollution and recycling. Hubbub’s campaigns include #LeedsByExample which brought together 25 of the UK’s largest companies to boost recycling on the high street, a 3-year partnership with IKEA to create the world’s largest consumer-facing sustainability campaign ‘Live Lagom’ and creating a Network of 100 Community Fridges across the UK, each redistributing on average 1.5 tonnes of food every month that would otherwise have gone to waste.  www.hubbub.org.uk Twitter: @hubbubuk  Facebook: @HubbubUK  Instagram: @helloHubbub  LinkedIn: Hubbub-UK

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