試閱版《因為對大山大海的承諾》(Preview version) (A Pledge to Preserve the Beauty of Our Land)

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20 花蓮縣地理資訊整合應用平台 Hualien County Geographic Information Integration Application Platform

21 花蓮縣拉庫拉庫溪流域布農族舊社溯源與 重塑計畫 Survey and Restoration of Old Bunun Settlements at the Laklak River Basin in


Contents 縣長的話 Words from the Mayor 01 縣長的話| Words from the Mayor P.01 數據大解析 Data Breakdown 03 人口與醫療 Population and Healthcare 07 經濟與產業 Economy and Industry 11
數據觀測站| Data Observation Station
P.15 聯合國永續發展目標| UN SDGs
Hualien County
花蓮縣政府有機農業促進辦公室 Hualien County Government Organic Agriculture Promotion Act Office
24 璞石閣畜牧生質能源中心 Poshike Biomass Energy Center
SDGs 在地直擊| SDGs in Practice

27 劉一峰神父的奉獻人生

Reverend Yves Moal’s Life of Dedication


My Home is Here, My Mission is Here

33 張逸軍

Billy Chang


Keeping Tribal Memories Alive Through Song and Dance

41 黑潮海洋文教基金會

Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation


Listen to the Sea, Watch the Sea, and Approach the Sea Tenderly Like Gentle Poetry

49 馬太鞍欣綠農園

Shin-Liu Farm, Fata’an


Revitalizing the Wetlands to Pass on the Spirit of Satoyama

55 陽光三葉草生態村

Sun Clover Eco-Village


Creating a Symbiotic Environment for People and the Sustainable Management of Natural Habitats

61 原住民族野菜學校

Indigenous People’s Wild Vegetable School


Reviving the Culture of Wild Vegetables and Continuing the Legacy of Tribal Food Memory

67 天賜糧源



Presenting Local Scenes through a Bowl of Organic Rice

73 慈濟大學

Tzu Chi University


Breaking Free from the Limits of Life and Turning Life Around with Education

79 國立東華大學

National Dong Hwa University


Ensuring a Habitable Earth for the Next Generation and Establishing an Earth-Loving Civic Consciousness on Campus

85 台灣水泥 Taiwan Cement Corporation


Finding New Heights for Human Civilization, Achieving Symbiosis and Co-Prosperity with Local Residents

91 中華紙漿股份有限公司

Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation


A Tree, a Piece of Paper, a Brick: Creating a Green Cycle of Carbon Sequestration

97 花蓮縣智慧教育中心

Hualien Smart Education Center

用數位科技縮短學習距離,建構自學的未來世界 Shortening the Distance to Learning with Digital Technology, Building a Future World of Self-Learning

P.103 小測驗大探索| Small Test, Big Exploration

P.27 洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue


Words from the Mayor

旅人在踏上花蓮土地時,所做的第一件事通常是:大口 呼吸。背倚中央山脈、面向廣闊太平洋的花蓮,擁有臺灣 西部所稱羨的新鮮空氣,似乎是再自然不過的事,而, 「自然」並非理所當然,在氣候變遷、環境汙染、土地與 海洋環境飽受人為破壞的現代社會,我們不能單純「享 受自然」,我們總是思考,該怎麼解決一波波襲來的全球 性挑戰?如何讓大自然賜與的禮物永續下去?我們,想留 給子子孫孫,一個可以期待的未來。

2015 年,聯合國發布「永續發展目標」( Sustainable Development Goals, 簡稱 SDGs ),設定 17 項具體 目標及行動,改善人類生活。而在地球另外一端的花蓮, 小自個人,大至團體、企業,許多人從自身做起,在各自 擅長的面向,落實永續行動,讓「永續」成為花蓮的日常。

我們想將這些良善的行動,介紹給全世界知 道:哪些人努力消除貧窮?哪些人以友善耕作、 食農教育確保糧食安全,促進永續農業?哪些 人運用科技減少消耗、落實循環經濟?哪些人 戮力確保生態多樣性?哪些人試圖縮短教育 落差?又是哪些人盡力消弭性別、族群與文化 間的不平等?

榛蔚深深期許,透過分享這些花蓮經驗,每個 人都能從「心的變革」做起,在日常生活中落實 永續行動,當所有小行動不斷的匯聚、積累,終 能成就共好共榮的美好社會與環境,而這正是 我們「對大山大海的承諾」。



What ’s the first thing that travelers do when they set foot in Hualien? Oftentimes, they take a deep breath. Sandwiched between the Central Mountain Range and the vast Pacific Ocean, it seems only natural for Hualien to have fresher air than western Taiwan, but “ natural ”should not be taken for granted. Modern civilization is being challenged by issues such as climate change, pollution, and damage to land and marine environments by human activity. As responsible members of the world, we can no longer simply“ enjoy nature ” . Instead, we must shoulder the responsibility of finding solutions to resolve the endless challenges facing the world. How do we ensure these gifts from nature are used in a sustainable way? How do we provide our children and grandchildren with a future they can look forward to?

In 2015, the United Nations published the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which comprise 17 specific targets and actions to improve human life. And in Hualien, on the other side of the world from the UN, individuals and groups and corporations are leading by example, implementing sustainable actions in their respective fields of expertise and making “sustainability”a part of everyday life.

We want to highlight the people taking these altruistic actions for the world to see: Who is working hard to eliminate poverty? Who is ensuring food safety and promoting sustainable agriculture through ecofriendly farming, as well as food and farming education? Who is using technology to reduce excessive consumption and implement a circular economy? Who is striving to protect biodiversity? Who is endeavoring to reduce the education gap? Who is working to eliminate gender, ethnic, and cultural inequality?

I sincerely hope that sharing these experiences of Hualien will inspire everyone to start by changing their perspectives, which will then lead to the implementation of sustainable actions in everyday life. Together, these small actions can collectively create a beautiful society and environment that benefits the common good and prosperity. This, more than anything, is our commitment to the mountains and the sea.


2 縣長的話| Words from the Mayor





數據大解析 臺灣面積最大

南北長約 137.5 公里

東西寬約 43 公里

總面積為 4,628.57 平方公里


3 ,186.57 平方公里


0.1314 平方公里

(全國第 2 )



資料來源:林務局林業統計年報 資料來源:國家發展委員會 國土區域離島發展處



臺灣年平均地震 40,000 次

花蓮年平均地震 12,000 次


佔臺灣年平均 30%

在花蓮縣內佔了 43 座



海拔 800 公尺


野生動物保護區 1 處

(全國有 21 處)

野生動物重要棲息環境 2 處

(全國有 39 處)


長 121.9 公里




面積 1,641 平方公里 全臺灣面積最大的第三行政區

玉里野生動物重要棲息環境 水璉野生動物重要棲息環境

國家公園 2 座 玉山國家公園 太魯閣國家公園

環保署 110 年度環境保護績效考核,

共計 14 個績效考核獎項,

花蓮縣榮獲 6 項特優:





土壤及地下水污染整治考核 環境保護績效考核總成績

數據觀測站 | Data Observation Station 4
水璉野生動物重要棲息環境 太魯閣國家公園

Data Breakdown


Largest county-level administrative area in Taiwan

Approx. 137.5 km long from north to south

Approx. 43 km wide from east to west

Total area of 4,628.57 square kilometers

Forest area in Hualien 3 ,186.57 square kilometers 20.77% of Taiwan’s total forest area

Source: Forestry Bureau Annual Report of Forestry Statistics

Park/greenery area per 10,000 persons

0.1314 square kilometers (2nd highest in Taiwan)

Source: National Development Council National Territory Outlying Islands Development Office

Yushan National Park Yuli Wildlife Refuge Yuli Major Wildlife Habitat

Earthquake frequency in Hualien

Taiwan averages 40,000 earthquakes per year

Hualien has an average of 12,000 earthquakes per year

30% of Taiwan's annual average

100 Peaks of Taiwan

43 are in Hualien County

Xiulin Township —

Chingshui Cliff averages

800 m above sea level

Largest administrative area in Taiwan

1,641 square kilometers

Third largest county-level administrative area in Taiwan

121.9 km long coast

Source: Hualien County Annual Statistical Report

Environmental protection in Hualien

1 wildlife conservation area (21 locations in Taiwan)

2 major wildlife habitats (39 locations in Taiwan)

Yuli Wildlife Refuge

The EPA performed evaluations on 14 points in 2021, Hualien received a grade of “outstanding” in 6 areas

Environmental education evaluation

Yuli Major Wildlife Habitat, and Shuei-lian Major Wildlife Habitat

Resource circulation evaluation

Sustainable development evaluation

Resource recycling evaluation

2 national parks

Yushan National Park, Taroko National Park

Soil and groundwater pollution remediation evaluation

Overall environmental protection performance evaluation

數據觀測站 | Data Observation Station 6
Shuei-lian Major Wildlife Habitat Taroko National Park


1 2


男性| 50.44%

160,823 人

女性| 49.56%

158,026 人




93,433 人


總人口 29.30%,包括阿美族、太魯閣族、

布農族、噶瑪蘭族、撒奇萊雅族、賽德克族, 以阿美族分布最廣、人數最多。



318,849 人

65 歲以上老年| 18.92%(高齡社會)

60,341 人


109,046 人


8,036 人

花蓮縣政府民政處、內政部移民署,客家人數引自客委會「110 年度全國客家人口暨語言基礎資料調查研究」百分比估計值



醫療院所 280 處

醫學中心 1 家,區域醫院 2 家,

地區醫院 7 家,診所 270 家


123 處

4 30




社照 C 據點



158.08 人

(全國第 2 )


111 間 87 間

主要為偏遠地區、福利資源缺 乏且不易取得照顧服務之部 落,提供部落長者預防性、關 懷性及連續性之照顧服務

主要服務對象為 65 歲以上 健康、亞健康之長者,透過社 區照顧關懷據點,進而增進 社會參與,並延緩長者失能 老化及降低衰弱風險

長照服務資源 長照機構


長照服務涵蓋率:79.19%(全國第 2 )

6 間交通接送服務特約單位

3 間綜合式服務類長照機構

34 間社區式服務類長照機構 88 間喘息服務

資料來源:衛生福利部長照機構暨長照人員相關管理資訊系統,統計至 110 年

數據觀測站 | Data Observation Station 8

Population and Healthcare

1 2

Gender and the Elderly Population

Male | 50.44%

160,823 people

Total population

318,849 people

Elderly people over 65 | 18.92%

60,341 people (Aging society)

Female | 49.56%

158,026 people


Indigenous persons


93,433 people

Hualien County has the largest indigenous population in Taiwan, accounting for 29.30% of the population of Hualien. This includes the Amis, Taroko, Bunun, Kavalan, Sakilaya, and Seediq peoples, with the Amis being the most populous and widespread.

109,046 people

New immigrants

8,036 people

Source: Hualien Civil Affairs Department, Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency; the number of Hakka people is estimated based on the percentage shown in the "2021 National Basic Data Survey Research on Hakka Population and Language" conducted by the Hakka Affairs Council.

34.2% 2.52%

Medical facility distribution

280 medical institutions

1 medical center, 2 regional hospitals, 7 local hospitals, 270 clinics

123 mobile healthcare service stations

Hualien medical centers

158.08 medical practitioners per 10,000 people (2nd highest in Taiwan)

Source: National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Geriatric health care planning

Culture Health Station & Saibu Healthcare Station

Hualien County has the most culture health stations in Taiwan.

111 in total

These centers are mostly set up in remote areas that lack welfare resource and access to care. They provide elders with preventative, caring, and continuous care services.

Long-term care facilities

Community care station

Long-term care resources

30 home-based long-term care facilities

87 in total

Mainly cares for elderly people with good health and sub-optimal health aged 65 or older, providing community care services to facilitate community participation, delaying disability and aging and reducing the risk of frailty.

Long-term care coverage: 79.19% (2nd highest in Taiwan)

34 community-based long-term care facilities

6 contract transportation services

3 integrated long-term care facilities

88 respite care service facilities

Source: Long Term Care Facilities and Personnel Information Systems, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Statistics up to 2021.

數據觀測站 | Data Observation Station 10
3 4



21,972 家 (統計至 110 年)



17,871 公頃


16,503 家


4,054 家


有機栽培種植面積 3,047 公頃

(全國第 1,逾 23%)


542 家

資料來源:109 年農林漁牧業普查初步報告




(統計年度:110 年)



1,956 家


文化資產數 127 件


文創產業總計家數 973 家

資料來源:2021 年臺灣文化創意產業發展年報

HOTEL HOTEL 考古博物館花蓮縣 Hualien Archaeological HOTEL 數據觀測站 | Data Observation Station 12

Economy and Industry

No. of for profit businesses

21,972 (as of 2021)

Source: Ministry of Finance

Hualien rice cultivation area covers 17,871 hectares

Organic farming land area: 3,047hectares (Largest in Taiwan, over 23%)

Source: Agricultural Statistics Annual Report, Agriculture and Food Agency

Agriculture and animal husbandry companies:

16,503 Forestry companies:


Fishery companies: 542

Source: 2020 Preliminary Report on Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, and Animal Husbandry Census



11,480,797 (data from 2021)

Source: Hualien Tourism Department

Lawfully registered hospitality companies:


Source: Tourism Bureau, Republic of China

Cultural assets: 127

Source: National Cultural Assets Network

Cultural creative industry companies : 973

Source: 2021 Taiwan Cultural Creative Industry Development Annual Report

HOTEL HOTEL 考古博物館花蓮縣 Hualien Archaeological HOTEL 數據觀測站 | Data Observation Station 14

SDG1 |消除貧窮 消除全世界任何形式的貧窮。

SDG6 |潔淨水與衛生 為所有人提供水和環境衛生,並 對其進行永續維護管理。

$ $

SDG11 |永續城市與社區 建設包容、安全、有抵禦災害能 力和永續的城市和人類社區。

SDG2 |消除飢餓

消除飢餓,實現糧食安全,改善 營養攝取和促進永續農業。

SDG3 |良好健康和福祉

確保健康的生活,促進各年齡階段人口的 福祉。

SDG7 |可負擔的潔淨能源 確保所有人獲得可負擔、安全和永續 的現代能源。

SDG8 |合適的工作及經濟成長 促進包容且永續的經濟成長,讓每個人都 有一份好工作。

SDG12 |負責任的消費與生產


SDG13 |氣候行動

完備減緩調適行動,以因應氣候變遷及 其影響。

聯合國永續發展目標 (SDGs)

致力達成人類與地球未來的共榮藍圖,2015 年 9 月,聯合國永續發展會議 (UN Sustainable Development Summit) 通過 2030 年永續發展議程 (2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development),在兼顧「經濟成長」、「社會進步」與「環境保護」等三大面向下,共提出 17 項永續 發展目標 (SDGs) 與 169 項細項目標 (Targets),目標在 2030 年前,共同解決包括貧窮、水污染、 氣候變遷、城市永續等問題。



SDG4 |優質教育

確保包容和公平的優質教育,讓全民 享有終身學習的機會。

SDG5 |性別平等

實現性別平等,增強所有婦女和女童 的權能比例。

良好健康 和福祉

SDG9 |產業創新與基礎設施 建設具有韌性的基礎設施,促進包 容性和永續的工業化,推動創新。


SDG14 |保育海洋生態

保護永續利用海洋和海洋資源促進永續 發展。

SDG15 |保育陸域生態

保護、恢復和促進陸域生態系統永續利 用。維護森林防治荒漠化,制止並扭轉 土地退化,以及遏制生物多樣性的喪失。

SDG16 |和平、正義及健全制度

倡建和平、包容的社會以促進永續發 展,讓所有人都能訴諸司法,在各級建 立有效、負責和包容的機構。



性別平等 氣候行動

可負擔的 潔淨能源 產業創新與 基礎設施 永續城市與 社區

保育陸域 生態

多元夥伴 關係

潔淨水與 衛生

合適的工作 及經濟成長

消除飢餓 優質教育 減少不平等

負責任的消 費與生產 和平、正義 及健全制度

保育海洋 生態

聯合國永續發展目標 | UN SDGs 16
SDG10 |減少不平等 |多元夥伴關係


End poverty in all its forms everywhere.


Zero Hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.


Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.


Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.


Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.


Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.


Sustainable Cities and Communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.



Responsible Consumption and Production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.


Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Committed to realizing a blueprint of shared prosperity for the future of mankind and the Earth, the UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015, taking“ economic growth ” , “ social progress ” , and “environmental protection”into account in establishing 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 targets with the goal of working together to resolve issues such as poverty, water pollution, climate change, and urban sustainability by 2030.

$ $
| No Poverty | Clean Water and Sanitation | Affordable and Clean Energy | Climate Action

SDG4 | Quality Education

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

SDG5 | Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

SDG9 | Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

SDG10 | Reduced Inequalities

Reduce inequality within and among countries.

SDG14 | Life below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

SDG15 | Life on Land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

SDG16 | Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

SDG17 | Partnerships for the Goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

聯合國永續發展目標 | UN SDGs 18

SDGs 在地直擊

SDGs in Practice


Hualien County Geographic Information Integration Application Platform

花蓮縣拉庫拉庫溪流域布農族舊社溯源與 重塑計畫

Survey and Restoration of Old Bunun Settlements at the Laklak River Basin in Hualien County


Hualien County Government Organic Agriculture Promotion Act Office

Poshike Biomass Energy Center




Hualien County Geographic Information Integration Application Platform

已收納 203 類 944 筆空間圖資

Compiled 944 pieces of spatial information across 203 categories.


花蓮縣政府地理空間資訊窗口,收集並整合府內外各項空 間圖資,建置各項查詢及應用分析功能,提供對內對外圖資 及地圖服務供應服務。

開發四維圖台(3D 與時間軸),呈現社經活動稠密地區及 特色景點發展實況。



The Hualien County Government Geographic Information Window collects and integrates geographic data from a variety of sources, including the government as well as non-governmental organizations. It offers various search and application analysis functions while also providing map data and services for use by government agencies as well as the private sector.

A four-dimensional map (3 dimensions for space and 1 for the timeline) was created to present the development of areas with dense social and economic activities as well as distinctive scenic spots.

Aerial footage is uploaded and processed automatically.


迄今共計 66 個中央單位、55 個地方單位 ( 合 計 1,351 位公務同仁 ) 及 1938 位一般民眾, 合計 3,289 位為穩定的系統使用對象。


To date, 1,351 public servants from 66 central government units and 55 local government units as well as 1,938 members of the general public have become consistent users of the system, totaling 3,289 people.

SDGs 在地直擊 | SDGs in Practice 20



Survey and Restoration of Old Bunun Settlements at the Laklak River Basin in Hualien County


本計畫奠基於前人的研究基礎,發展以當代布農族 人為主體的行動方案,企圖藉由執行流域內舊社群 的普查與深入調查、石板屋聚落群與部落聯絡道路 的修復等,透過跨部門的協調與合作、串聯不同專業 領域的學者專家、導入 GIS 數位科技等工作模式,

以重新連結移住後的布農族人與祖居地的關係,發 掘與傳遞百年前布農族人生存於山林溪澗中而累 積、發展出知識與實踐等無形文化資產。


This project builds on the foundations established by prior research to develop an action plan that focuses on contemporary Bunun people. By building connections between disparate government departments as well as experts and scholars from different professional fields, and by introducing GIS digital technology, the project reconnects Bunun people who have migrated to other areas with the land of their ancestors. These goals are accomplished through censuses and in-depth investigations of old communities in the Laklak River Basin and the restoration of traditional stones houses and roads. In doing so, the project aims to discover and pass down the knowledge and practices that the Bunun people developed centuries ago.


透過族人為主力的舊社調查、傳統家屋與古道的修 復工作以及後續經營管理,創造當代族人祖居地的 契機,透過實作認識百年前祖先建立的基業與累積 的生活智慧,培力在地族人自主管理傳統領域各項 資源之能力,深化人民與土地的連結。

本計畫之執行與玉山國家公園、林務局、縣府原住 民行政處、卓溪鄉公所充分協調與合作,建立跨機 關橫向聯繫之良好範例。


The project provides an opportunity for contemporary Bunun people to learn about their ancestral lands. It allows them to take a leading role in the research of old settlements, the renovation of traditional houses and roads, and the subsequent management, thereby enabling them to better understand the legacy and wisdom of their ancestors and empowering them to manage traditional resources and deepen the connection between people and the land.

This project was implemented with full coordination between Yushan National Park, the Forestry Bureau, the Indigenous Peoples Department of the county government, and the Zhuoxi Township Office. It serves as a good model for inter-agency collaborations.


結合建築學、考古學、人類學、登山、GIS 等不 同領域的專業者,協助當代布農族人建立完整 的舊社空間資訊及文史資料,形塑以布農族人 為主體之歷史文化論述。

將持續維護佳心舊社此一觀光文化資源,並規 劃復建阿桑來戛吊橋,串聯拉庫拉庫溪南北兩 岸日、清古道及舊社資源,營造富涵歷史文化 內涵之登山新路徑,為在地社區創造財源。

Moreover, the project brought together experts from fields such as architecture, archeology, anthropology, mountaineering, and GIS to help the Bunun people establish comprehensive geographic data and historical literature on old settlements. This can form the basis for historical and cultural discourse centered around the Bunun people.

The project will continue to maintain tourism and cultural resources for the Jiaxin old settlement and is currently developing plans to restore the Asang Daingaz Suspension Bridge, which will connect the Japanese and Qingdynasty era paths and the old settlement resources on the northern and southern sides of the Laklak River, and will become a source of revenue for the local community.

完整木結構 Complete wood structure.

Slate roof.


Stacked stone walls on all four sides.

傳統石板屋建築面積為 43.19 平方公尺

The traditional stone house covers an area of 43.19 square meters.

SDGs 在地直擊 | SDGs in Practice 22



有機種植面積逾 23%

Over 23% of agricultural land is farmed organically.

目標:每年穩定增加有機耕作面積 10%

Goal: The land area used for organic farming is increased 10% annually.


2020 年 2 月 27 日成立「花蓮縣有機農業促進專 案辦公室」,近年來辦理一系列有機農業專業講堂、 國際有機農業論壇等。

花蓮縣百分之百補助有機驗證費用,同時補助有機 資材、租地、溫網室設施等方式,提高農民投入,鼓 勵農友轉型有機生產。


The Hualien County Government Organic Agriculture Promotion Act Office was established on February 27, 2020, and has organized a series of professional seminars and international forums on organic farming.

Hualien County fully subsidizes the cost of organic certification, while also providing subsidies for organic farming supplies, land leasing, and greenhouse facilities. These measures increase farmers' participation and encourage farmers to transition into organic production.

Hualien County Government Organic Agriculture Promotion Act Office



與縣內農友在友善環境面向追求永續、共存、共好、 共榮。


Farming methods that are friendlier to the land and reduce carbon emissions are practiced.

These efforts create a friendly environment for farmers in the county to pursue sustainability, coexistence, mutual good, and common prosperity.




Poshike Biomass Energy Center


「璞石閣生質能源中心」為環保署補助花蓮縣畜牧 業者設置的畜牧糞尿資源化處理沼氣發電設施,為 全國首座畜牧糞尿集中處理沼氣發電示範點,每日 收集處理 300 噸畜牧糞尿廢水,經過循環泵攪拌 厭氧消化處理後,沼氣變成生質能源,沼渣沼液則 成為優良的有機肥料。


The Poshike Biomass Energy Center is a biogas power generation facility set up by the Environmental Protection Agency. Subsidies are provided to animal husbandry operators Hualien County in the recycling of livestock manure. Poshike Biomass Energy Center serves as a model for the development of similar power generation facilities elsewhere in Taiwan. The center collects 300 tons of livestock manure per day, anaerobically processing the manure through circulating pumps to turn biogas into biomass energy, while the residue becomes excellent fertilizer.


11 萬噸畜牧糞尿廢水

Capable of processing 110,000 tons of livestock manure per year.

每年預估可產出 87.6 萬度電

Generates an estimated 876 thousand kWh of electricity per year.

每年減少 6,000 公噸的二氧化碳排放

Reduces CO2 emissions by 6,000 metric tons per year.


每年約可處理 11 萬噸畜牧糞尿廢水,改善畜牧業廢 水與異味的問題。



Up to 110 thousand tons of livestock manure are processed per year, which significantly reduces the problems of wastewater and odors in the animal husbandry industry.

Resources are reused to create a circular economy.

SDGs 在地直擊 | SDGs in Practice 24


My Home is Here, My Mission is Here


Reverend Yves Moal’s Life of Dedication


被稱為「玉里的法國爸爸」的天主教傳教士劉一峰( Rev.Yves Moal )神父,初見面即以溫暖笑容展露他充滿關愛的能量,一 口流利親切的中文與大家分享他來 臺 近一甲子的歲月歷程。從 1966 年申請來臺服務、踏上基隆港畔,到語言學校學習中、客、閩、 原住民語,待過瑞穗、來到玉里,成為花蓮玉里天主堂神父、安德 怡峰園負責人;他不辭勞苦,成立二手物流中心、資源回收場及愛 心農場,盡最大之力照護更生人、街友、身心障礙者、學童與長者, 讓他們少有所養、壯有所用、老有所終。

Known as Yuli's “ Father from France ” , Rev. Yves Moal met us with a warm smile that epitomized his caring energy. In fluent Mandarin, he told us all about his experiences in Taiwan since he arrived almost 60 years ago. After volunteering to serve in Taiwan, he arrived on the shores of Keelung Harbor in 1966. He studied Mandarin, Hakka, Minnan, and indigenous languages at language schools, spent some time in Ruisui Township, and ended up in Yuli, becoming the priest of Yuli ’s Catholic church and director of the Yi Feng Garden. Since then, he has worked tirelessly to set up a secondhand logistics center, a resource recycling center, and a charity farm, doing his best to take care of former inmates, the homeless, the physically and mentally disabled, school children, and the elderly. His efforts have ensured that the elderly are cared for, adults are gainfully employed, and children are nurtured.

洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue 28

劉神父常常思索著:「有沒有一個工作,可以超越民 族隔閡,讓所有族群都團結起來?」回想當時政府推 行環保政策,他帶著當地居民一起參與資源回收計 畫,從各個家庭收集廢棄瓶罐並集結分類,再變換 資金回饋到社福機構「安德啟智中心」與老年身障 機構「怡峰園」。每天早上七時,卡車準時從教會出 發,北到花蓮光復、南到台東關山,挨家挨戶收集廢 棄的大型農械、電器;歷經多年,劉神父驕傲地說, 這行動已經超越宗教、信仰、民族。

Rev. Moal has often wondered,“ What kind of work can transcend ethnic divides and unite all ethnic groups? ”He recalls the time when the government first started promoting environmental protection policies. He got the locals to work together to participate in the recycling plan, gathering and sorting discarded bottles and exchanging them for money to donate to the welfare institution “ St. Andrew Training Center ” , as well as the “ Yi Feng Garden ” , a home for the disabled and elderly. Every morning at 7 o ’clock sharp, a truck would set off from the church, heading as far north as Guangfu and as far south as Guanshan to collect discarded largescale agricultural machinery and electrical appliances. After many years, Rev. Moal is proud to say that this work has transcended religion, faith, and ethnicity.

許多人在這裡重啟對生命意義的思考與認同;曾經 有位監獄老大來找他,神父帶他到回收廠參與拆卸 大型機械的工作,因為擔心監獄老大想組織黑社會, 神父特別開導他說:「你知道我們這裡沒有老大,老 大(指天空)在上面。」慢慢地,更生人放下過去逞 兇鬥狠的性格,逐漸融入群體生活。「許多人在這裡 藉由工作產生安全感,視團體為大家庭,事情便開 始有了改變。」這些來自不同文化、家庭背景、社會 經驗的人們,在劉神父的關懷與鼓勵下,跳脫原本 習氣,一個個成為團體中最有力的一份子。

Many people have rediscovered meaning in their lives and their sense of identity here. Once, a gangster came to him after being released from prison. Rev. Moal took him to the recycling center and gave him a job dismantling large pieces of machinery. Worried that he might try to organize a gang, Rev. Moal said to him,“ You know, we don ’ t have a boss here. The boss is up there. ”Then Rev. Moal pointed at the sky. Slowly, the ex-con let go of his tough posturing and gradually assimilated into group life.“ Many people find a sense of belonging by working here. They come to see the group as a big family, and their defenses start to come down. ”Under Rev. Moal ’ s care and encouragement, these people from different cultures, family backgrounds, and social experiences leave their past behind to become productive members of the group.


有時團體裡也會有爭吵、失控的情況,幾次劉神父也陷入莫名挨拳的危 險當中,但他總以寬大的胸襟看待,「我在一個和諧的家庭中長大,沒 聽過爸媽爭吵,但很多人從小就不曾感受家庭的溫暖。」他想將自己所 擁有的,回饋給這些人,「氣氛改變了,人就會改變;我希望以身作則, 在團體中凝聚以往所沒有的平和氛圍。」即使有人又因故進了監獄,「但 我不會放棄他們,每個月都會寫信鼓勵,希望他們出獄後不要再酗酒打 架,我們這裡隨時歡迎他們回來。」考慮許多人無家可歸,劉神父又著 手在玉里大街上蓋一幢六層樓的房子,「將他們集中在這裡生活,每天 晚上安排有意義的電影欣賞、專家講座等,期許他們慢慢站起來、拋下 過去的壞習性。」

Fights can still happen in the group, however, and things can still spiral out of control. There were a few times when Rev. Moal was in danger of getting punched as well, but he always handled things with a loving heart.“I grew up in a loving family, and I never heard my parents argue. But many people never got to feel the warmth of family. ”He wants to give these people a chance to experience what he had as a child.“ People can change when they no longer feel a hostile environment. I hope to lead by example, to create a peaceful atmosphere that they have never experienced before.”But what if someone re-offends and goes back to prison?“ I won ’ t give up on them. I write encouraging letters to them every month, hoping that they will stop drinking and fighting when they get out again. They are always welcome to come back to us. ”Since many people have no place to go, Rev. Moal built a six-story house in Yuli.“We have them all live in one place, and arrange movie showings or expert seminars in the evenings. This allows them to find themselves and helps them kick their bad habits.”

洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue 30

劉神父也帶領一群人協力運作愛心農場,種植蔬果, 供應整個安養中心及老年身障機構內近 200 人的 飲食。而為了讓孩童有更優質的環境可以讀書,他 特別提供教會閱覽室,甚至建置適宜的空間供孩童 使用;他也舉辦各種活動例如籃球、游泳、爬山等, 陪伴孩子成長。

劉神父說,建置「安德啟智中心」與「安德怡峰園」 的過程中遇到不少困難,因為臺灣人的友善及政府 的協助,才得以順利促成,而在申請公部門的補助 經費時,花蓮縣政府也給予極大的幫助,讓他深感 於心。

每天早起,劉神父會把一天所要做的事情、煩惱向 天父傾訴,與住民一起祈禱、唱歌,就寢前也會把還 未解決的困難都交託出去,他閃著靈動的雙眼說: 「如果不這樣做,大概會睡不著;天父愛我們,祂是 全能的。我常跟祂說,現在我要好好地、舒服地睡 覺。」他笑說,在祈禱後很多事情都變得迎刃而解, 「每一秒我都感受到天父在愛著大家、我也學會用 這樣愛的方式去包容和寬恕別人。」劉神父對臺灣 人的深情,都來自於他的信仰:「當我覺得每個人身 上都有可愛的地方,我就會很自然地喜歡他們。」時 間一年一年過去,他漸漸減少回法國的次數,他說: 「我越來越感覺到自己屬於臺灣,也知道自己會留 在臺灣,我的使命在這裡,我會一直努力,直到斷氣 那一刻為止。」

Rev. Moal is also the leader of the group that runs the charity farm, where fruits and vegetables are grown for the 200 people living at St. Andrew Training Center and Yi Feng Garden. To provide children with a quality environment for their studies, he opened the church ’s reading room, even setting up a suitable space for children to use. He also organizes activities like basketball, swimming, and mountain climbing for the children.

Rev. Moal encountered many difficulties throughout the process of establishing St. Andrew Training Center and Yi Feng Garden, and he believes that he was only able to succeed because of help from the Taiwanese people and government. While applying for public funding, he received a lot of assistance from the Hualien County government, for which he was deeply grateful.

Rev. Moal gets up early each day, praying to God and telling Him his tasks for the day and his troubles. He prays and sings with locals, and tells God about any unresolved problems before bed. With a twinkle in his eye, he said, “ If I don’t do that, I probably won’t be able to sleep well. God loves us, and He is all powerful. I often tell Him that I'm about to get a good night ’s sleep.” Smiling, he told us how a lot of things are easily resolved after he'd prayed, “ I feel God ’s love in every second. I am learning to be compassionate and forgive others with the same kind of love.” Rev. Moal ’s love for the Taiwanese people stems from his faith, “ When I find that there is something lovable in every single person, I naturally feel a sense of affinity towards them.” As the years pass, his trips back to France became infrequent. He said, “ More and more, I feel like I belong in Taiwan, and I know I ’ll stay in Taiwan. My mission is here, and I will not stop working until my last breath.”

洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue 32


Keeping Tribal Memories Alive Through Song and Dance 張逸軍

Billy Chang


花蓮縣政府 2022 年主辦的全中運以「躍升山海 洄瀾之夜」開啟序幕, 三男三女成對進入演出場域,分別代表著大山、大海與天空;依循著花蓮 原民文化所傳承的成年禮儀軌、來遵循與再造奧林匹克主義哲學的運動 賽事,並重新思考「花蓮在地的運動身體主張是什麼?」、「是什麼樣的 身體主義創造了臺灣原民的身體文化?」以此打造全中運開幕演出,於眾 人眼前展開。總導演張逸軍說,花蓮縣境內有六大原住民族群,「對原住 民而言,在成年禮的年紀,必須向族人證明自己是經得起考驗的人,於是, 我與藝術總監李小平老師將運動競賽設計成為一個成年禮的儀典。」整 個表演敘事脈絡更像是織布的紋理,當代與傳統相互編織經緯。

The 2022 National High School Games hosted by Hualien County opened with the performance“Over Mountains and Sea, Night in Hualien” . Three pairs of male and female dancers, representing the mountain, ocean, and sky, took the stage. Their performance followed the coming-of-age rituals passed down by Hualien's indigenous culture, and adhered to and recreated sporting events in line with the Olympian spirit, re-evaluating“what bodily notions are derived from local sports in Hualien ”and“ what notions of the body created Taiwan ’s indigenous body culture?” These are the ideas behind the opening performance presented to the audience. There are six major indigenous groups in Hualien County, said director Billy Chang.“ For indigenous peoples, the coming-of-age ceremony is the time to prove to your people that you can overcome challenges. Therefore, Art Director Lee Hsiaoping and I turned the sporting competition into a kind of comingof-age ceremony.”The narrative of the performance interweaves the threads of contemporary and traditional elements into a storytelling tapestry.

洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue 34 照片提供/張逸軍 Photo Source / Billy Chang 攝影/三稜鏡有限公司 陳智皓 Photography / HOW CHAN Photography

當三組人馬拿著狩獵的工具,到山林野地裡進行狩獵來完成成年儀式,卻發生意外插曲:首先是大 山組準備狩獵時,看到猛獸的右腳受了傷,他們便採集部落耆老所教導的藥草敷蓋傷口,最終放下 手中的那只矛;天空組正要拉弓射向飛過的群鳥,卻發現一隻落單的鳥掉落在樹頭,兩人疊高救下 了那隻小鳥,讓牠回到大母鳥與同伴身邊;游進大海的青年沒有帶回豐碩的海鮮,卻是拯救了一隻 被糾纏的海底生物……。當三組人回到部落卻什麼都沒帶回,正在懊惱時,卻發現母親之河正在召 喚他們,在風中聽見耆老對他們說:「對大自然擁有包容和愛,才是我們期待的真正的勇士。」這是 「躍升山海洄瀾之夜」的精彩一幕,導演張逸軍在大量閱讀原住民文化史料後,捨棄所有族群的傳 統,萃取部落精神後轉譯成新的詮釋。透過編排,傳遞給所有來參加的勇士參賽者:「你們來參加比 賽不見得會獲得獎項,但這卻是你自我認同的歷程,『看似沒有,其實才是真正的擁有』,你已證明 你的成年,後面還有更多別的挑戰等著你。」

Hunting tools in hand, the three groups venture into the wilderness for the hunt of their coming-to-age ceremony, but what occurs next is unexpected: When the mountain group is preparing to hunt, they notice that the right leg of their quarry is injured. They gather medicinal herbs that the tribe’s elders had taught them to recognize and apply them to the wound, putting down their spears in the end. The sky group is about to draw their bows and shoot arrows at a group of birds flying past, but find that a lone bird has fallen and is stuck on the top of a tree. The pair rescue the bird and return it to its mother and companions. The youths that swim into the ocean do not return with abundant seafood, instead saving a marine animal that had gotten tangled. The three groups return to the village, frustrated that they have nothing to show for their work. But the Mother River calls out to them, and they hear the elders ’voices in the wind, saying,“ Compassion and love for nature is what we want to see in our warriors.”This is a riveting part of the performance. Billy Chang had read up on indigenous culture and decided to set aside all the traditions and reinterpret the spirit of the tribes. The choreography is meant to convey a message for all the brave warriors taking part in the competitions:“You might not win an award, but this is a journey of finding your identity, for it is the things you thought intangible that you truly own. You have proven that you are of age, and that you are ready to tackle the challenges ahead.”


在榮耀返鄉後這三組人一起欣賞了夜空、分享彼此的故事,在夜裡生起了熟悉的篝火同 時,仰望著天上那些化成榮耀的祖靈星光,並領受他們的賜福。呼應故事軸線奔跑進場, 他們站在自己的祖靈聖地上遙視著祖先,唱著撒奇萊雅族的聖火之歌 向火神借來光芒 與智慧。相信這是第一次以傳統原民音樂來作為點燃聖火主題曲的一大跨越。

Returning home in glory, the three groups gaze up at the night sky and share stories with one another. Sitting by the familiar bonfire, they gaze up at the glorious ancestral spirits that have turned into stars in the sky, and receive their blessings. Running into the performance area as part of the narrative, the performers stand on the sacred lands of their ancestors, watching their spirits from a distance, and singing the Sakizaya people's song of the sacred fire light and wisdom borrowed from the god of fire. This is believed to be the first time that traditional indigenous music has been used for the lighting of the torch, a major breakthrough.

洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue 36

演出結合多元舞蹈、馬戲特技、古謠樂舞、動畫投影, 表演者從六歲到六十九歲,打造一齣沈浸式的開幕 表演,成就跨族群的融合。對張逸軍來說,最大的挑 戰其一是讓六大族群的聲音能被聽見,其二是受到 疫情影響、直到表演當天才全員到齊。不過,這樣的 困境卻造就感人的一幕,原本在表演時,所有族群 會唱自己的歌謠,然而布農族受到疫情影響,從五 男、一女的表演人數變成只剩下一位女生,「換到布 農族的時候,大家竟然齊聲高歌,陪這位女生一起唱 完布農族歌謠。」當下大家已經不分你我,而是展現 跨文化、跨族群的最高情操,令人動容。

The performance combines a variety of dances, circus stunts, ancient ballads, and animation projections. Performers, ranging from age six to sixty-nine, create an immersive opening performance that integrates different ethnic groups. For Billy Chang, the biggest challenge was making sure that the voices of all six tribes could be heard, as well as handling the issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the pandemic, the day of the performance was the first time every performer was present. However, such challenges serendipitously led to a touching moment. During the performance, each tribe was supposed to sing its traditional songs, but because of the pandemic, there was only one girl performing in the Bunun segment instead of the 5 boys and 1 girl as planned. “ When it was time for the Bunun segment, everyone sang with the girl to finish the song together.” It was a touching show of unity across cultures and ethnicities.


這次演出除了藝術總監李小平的協助,也結合了音樂人柯 智豪創作配樂、鄭惠中設計表演布衣、何佳泓帶領動畫團 隊設計視覺效果……,「我想傳達未來乘載過去與現在的 樣貌」,於是張逸軍設計了一段讓孩子們畫出對未來植物 的想像,將圖像轉換為符號與視覺,結合科技與音樂,在 舞台上交疊再現;同時舞台上也集結了在地許多表演團體: 奇萊山藝術團、瑪大藝術恆舞集、花蓮在地的中小學生團 隊、花蓮高工聯合管樂團、花蓮縣中小學排笛隊、撒奇萊 雅族羅法思祭團、花蓮街舞 -Aboriginal unity 大小朋友 們等。他回憶:「奇萊山以及瑪大藝術媽媽們是最認真的 一群人,每次回家都會不停練唱、練跳。」他希望每個人都 能享受在表演過程中,感受到各種肢體的美麗與當下的快 樂,「我想創造一個展現他們真實美麗的舞台;原住民的 表演不見得只能有歡樂;展現安定內在的喜悅,也是一種 美。」這種美盛開綻放,榮耀也回歸所有的原住民族群。

In addition to help from the art director Lee Hsiaoping, the performance also included music by musician Blaire Ko, linen costumes designed by Cheng Hui-Chung, and visual effects designed by the animation team led by Ho Chia-Hong.“I want to convey the idea of the future carrying the past and present,”said Billy Chang, who designed a segment in which children drew plants of the future, which are turned into symbols and integrated with music and technology on the stage. Many local performance groups also took the stage, including the Qilai Mountain Art Troupe, the Mata Art Dance Troupe, local junior high school and elementary school teams, the Hualien Industrial Vocational Senior High School Band, the Hualien Elementary and Junior High School Pan Flute Team, the Sakizaya Lubas Mapalaway Putiput, and the hip hot dance troupe Aboriginal Unity. Billy Chang recalled, “ The moms in the Qilai Mountain Art Troupe and Mata Art Dance Troupe were the most hardworking of all, always practicing their singing and dancing non-stop. ”He wants everyone to enjoy the beauty of movement and performance.“I want to create a stage that shows off their authentic beauty. Indigenous performances don ’t have to be just joyful. The more subtle joy that comes from contentment and peace is also a kind of beauty. ” Such beauty honors all indigenous peoples.

洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue 38

有感於全世界的原民文化正在消逝,花蓮又是原住 民文化最繁盛的縣市,張逸軍對原住民文化的傳承 有更深切的盼望,「原民文化的三位一體:野菜、樂 舞、建築。」如今花蓮已有「原住民族野菜學校」, 他很希望在這之外,在樂舞、建築這兩領域也能有 更好的發展,加上許多部落孩子不會講族語,若能 創立「花蓮縣原住民族樂舞學校」,跨族群學習彼 此的歌謠,才能將部落文化傳承下去,「歌要唱,才 會傳下去;舞要跳,記憶才不會跑掉。」對他來說, 原住民族的樂舞不僅只是嘉年華式的跳舞,而是在 傳承感動人心的真實傳統。

Fearing that indigenous cultures are disappearing around the world and keeping in mind that Hualien has the richest indigenous culture in Taiwan, Billy Chang wants his work to pass on indigenous cultures, “ The trinity of indigenous culture is wild vegetables, music and dance, and architecture.” Hualien already has the Hualien Indigenous Wild Vegetables Center, but he also wants to see further development in music and dance and architecture. Furthermore, many children in indigenous communities don ’t speak their indigenous languages. By establishing the Hualien Indigenous Music and Dance School, he can encourage indigenous tribes to learn one another ’s traditional songs and pass on indigenous cultures. “ You have to sing the songs to pass them on; dance the dance to keep the memories from fading.” For him, the music and dance of indigenous peoples should extend beyond carnival-style dancing, and should represent the legacy of real traditions that move people.

張逸軍期許,「『花蓮縣原住民族建築學校』的成立, 能記錄原民從取材到樂舞、禱詞、採集等珍貴的部 落文化。」在不同的季節採集不同的植物、編織產品、 建構房屋,都與自然生態的永續概念有關,背後也 依循數千年的傳承儀式,「將各部落的建築體系建 構起來,未來招募更多志工幫部落重建更多傳統祖 屋,把部落傳統美的事物傳承下去。」

深感於東海岸擁有極大自然資源的優勢,能栽培出 獨特的藝術能量與運動選手,就像位於洛磯山脈最 高峰的科羅拉多州,發展訓練出各種耀眼的運動項 目,張逸軍認為,花蓮具有深厚的潛力,若能有嚴謹 的栽培內容,將可以改變、扭轉,讓花蓮的運動成 就、創作能量以及族群文化傳承,都更上一層樓。

Billy Chang hopes that, “ the establishment of the Hualien Indigenous Music and Dance School will help create a record of the precious elements of indigenous culture, such as dance, songs, prayers, and foraging.” The way indigenous people gather different plants in different seasons to weave handicrafts and build houses, a practice passed down over thousands of years, is closely connected to the sustainability of the natural environment.

“ We can establish the architectural systems of different tribes and recruit more volunteers going forward to rebuild more traditional ancestral houses and pass on the beauty of indigenous traditions.”

He is well aware that the east coast of Taiwan is blessed with abundant natural resources, making it ideal for cultivating unique artistic energy and athletes. Like Colorado, where the highest peaks of the Rocky Mountains are located, Hualien can be a suitable training ground for many athletes. Billy Chang sees Hualien’ s profound potential and believes that with the right training, it is possible for Hualien to reach even greater athletic achievements, elevating the region ’s creative energy and legacy of ethnic cultures.

洄瀾 Issue | Hualien Issue 40
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