Inquiry 2013

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Leach performs research techniques such as body composition analysis and dissection.

A Growth in Understanding By Madison Koenig Photos by Rob Hardin As a novice researcher, sophomore HTC Biological Sciences major Eric Leach is learning the art of multitasking. He has a hand in a variety of projects related to growth hormone (GH) in Dr. Edward List’s lab at the Edison Biotechnology Institute (EBI). GH is produced by the pituitary gland and is involved in many aspects of health, including growth, aging, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Most of Leach’s projects this summer use mice to look at cases of GH disorders and GH resistance or insensitivity. One project he focuses on is the study of cellular senescence, a process cells use for resisting cancer. If a cell is about to become cancerous, it can shut down its ability to replicate itself. Although this technique is successful at preventing cancer from spreading, List noted that mice with many senescence cells tend to age more dramatically. List and Leach are determining whether GH may play a role in cellular senescence,

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seeking to publish their results by the end of the academic year. The team hopes that these findings will give scientists and doctors better understanding of the effects of cellular senescence, and eventually help people to live longer and healthier lives. Leach added that one of the benefits of working in the molecular biology lab at EBI is the support of the other scientists. He is learning research techniques such as body composition analysis and dissection, as well as practical skills including grant writing. With several different projects going on in the lab at once, researchers lend each other a hand. Leach values that he has multiple mentors. “There are people from all different levels working in the lab, and it’s been great to get to learn from them,” he said. Project funded by the Brege Family Research Apprenticeship Fund

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