HSMT Sloping Island 2015 Survey Report

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Methods Vertebrate surveys were undertaken from 7 to 11 Dec 2015 during which the island was well covered inland and coastally by foot by most members of the Hamish Saunders Memorial Trust (HSMT) survey team who all contributed fauna observations. Small mammal Elliott traps, baited with oats and peanut butter, were set in transects in different habitats with approximately 40 m trap spacing (total of 112 traps). At the start and end of each transect a 10 litre bucket trap targeting reptiles and amphibians was buried so the rim was flush at ground level (total of eight bucket traps). Motion sensor cameras (Scout Guard SG560Z Zero Glow 8 m camera, setting mode-camera, photo size 5MP, one photo per 30 seconds, flash range 15 m, date and time stamp on, 8GB SD camera card) were set at a vantage point along each transect with fish oil used as a lure (total of seven cameras). Elliott and bucket traps were checked daily and any animal caught was weighed, measured and released, with a small dab of red paint to indicate capture. Bird surveys, using the two hectare search methodology of the Birds Australia Atlas of Australian Birds Project www.birdsaustralia.com.au, recorded all species by sight and sound within (or flying over) the search area during a 20 minute period. Specific surveys for the Forty-spotted Pardalote Pardalotus quadragintus were undertaken in white gum woodland using the methodology of Bryant (2010). The sandy beaches and rocky coasts were surveyed by walking slowly along the entire length actively searching for nests above the high tide mark. Gull counts were made but Little Penguin and Short-tailed Shearwater population estimates were conducted by other team members and this information is reported elsewhere. Appendix 1 reports on a survey of birds on the nearby Isle of Caves that was conducted by Sam Thalmann on 2 March 2016 (DPIWE) during the


visit mapping the caves and reported by Eberhard in this volume. Species nomenclature follows Christidis and Boles (2008) and GPS data is GDA94. A summary of survey effort: • 112 Elliott traps in 7 locations over 3 nights • 8 bucket traps in 4 locations over 3 nights • 7 motion sensor cameras in 6 locations active for 3 to 4 nights • 7 x 2 ha bird surveys plus random searching for birds • 2 Forty-spotted Pardalote surveys (at N552813 E5244294 and N552575 E5244603) • 1 coastal shorebird survey (sandy beaches and rocky coast) • Count of Kelp Gull breeding colony and Pacific Gulls • Scats collected and identified separately by B. Lazenby (DPIPWE)

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