Hand-out: Interprofessional Competencies in Practice

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Collaborative Approach to Care – Yours, Mine and Ours, November 9, 2010

Uplifting the whole people: Interprofessional Competencies in Practice Dr. Sharla King, Director, Health Sciences Education and Research Commons . www.hserc.ualberta.ca . hserc@ualberta.ca . on Twitter @HSERC_UAlberta

No single person or profession is responsible for teamwork. However, one individual can make a difference. Take Home Messages

1. 2. 3. 4.

Take Action Connect with Students Involve the Patient Not everyone is skilled at this

erent ways of

Six National Competency Domains 1. Interprofessional Communication 2. Patient/Client/Family/Community-Centred Care 3. Role Clarification 4. Team Functioning 5. Collaborative Leadership 6. Interprofessional Conflict Resolution

Where can you begin? Listen to others Express your own knowledge and opinions with professionals and patients

Use plain language Explain discipline specific terms

Interact with other professionals and build an interdependent relationship

Respect others contributions Determine who should be involved based on patient’s needs

Share decision-making

Focus on commons goals Implement joint decisions

Resolve conflicts

Address conflict before its counterproductive

Understand and have confidence in own role

Share discipline knowledge and professional culture/values with others

Knowledge of others’ professional role Integrate feedback


Ask questions, show an interest Observe non-verbal and verbal cues Clarify and confirm understanding with others

Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative www.cihc.ca UAlberta Health Sciences Education and Research Commons www.hserc.ualberta.ca BC Competency Framework for Interprofessional Collaboration www.chd.ubc.ca/teaching-learning/competency/bc -framework-interprofessional Interprofessional Health Collaborative of Saskatchewan www.usask.ca/ipe/about_ihcs/index.php UToronto Centre for Interprofessional Education www.ipe.utoronto.ca/about/index.html Online IPE Modules www2.iihse.ca Primary Health Care: A Framework that Fits (patient surveys) www.eicp.ca/en/toolkit/patientengagement/surveys.asp Accreditation of Interprofessional Health Education (AIPHE) Principles & practices for integrating IP education into the accreditation standards for six health professions in Canada www.afmc.ca/aiphe-afiss/home.html Health Canada Commissioner Roy J. Romanow, Q.C. Building on Values: The Future of Health Care in Canada dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/Collection/CP32-85-2002E.pdf Centre For Advancement Of Interprofessional Education www.caipe.org.uk World Health Organization’s Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice www.cihc.ca/files/Framework%20for%20Action%20on% 20Interprofessional%20Education%20and%20Collaborat ive%20Practice.pdf

Seek out information regarding others role Embrace professional role overlaps Respect others professional culture/values Ask others how you can work better together


TEACH: IntD 410 Health Team Development. Facilitate interprofessional teams of students in how to work as an effective team. This is an introductory team experience for the majority of the students. www.hserc.ualberta.ca/nav03.cfm?nav03=93963&nav02=93955 &nav01=86306 MENTOR A TEAM: Interprofessional health science students are looking for community organizations or clinical programs to partner in a resource project. Teams of students work with the partner organization to complete a project. In the process of completing the project with the partner, students gain an understanding of health issues and needs of client groups. We are recruiting 25 partners for this course component which will run January-March, 2011. www.hserc.ualberta.ca/nav02.cfm?nav02=93835&nav01=86306 PROVIDE A PLACE TO LEARN: IntD 411 Advanced Interprofessional Team Practice. This course offers a unique opportunity for students to gain practical, immersive interprofessional (IP) experience in a clinical setting. This may be a great fit for your site! www.hserc.ualberta.ca/nav02.cfm?nav02=100481&nav01=86306 CONNECT WITH STUDENTS BEYOND THE UNIVERSITY: Interdisciplinary Health Education Partnership. Enhance your interprofessional team skills by debriefing student teams after a simulation learning experience. www.healthteameducation.ca

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