SEO strategies for voice search optimization in 2018

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According to the research, many of the people while searching information in the Google add question phrases so many times. When you are optimizing your site, you have to look about all these things. What your customers would be asking for your products or the service? What who or how phrase would they use to get you as the answer? Keeping the above example, if you were to ask Google a question, it would probably be, “Who has the best Andaman vacation deal?” or “How can I get to Andaman by ship?”

Include Voice for Local SEO

For both adults and teens, navigational queries that used terms like ‘near me’, ‘nearby’ or ‘nearest’ remained on top for voice search. This means that voice will eventually have a huge impact on local businesses. In addition to this, optimizing the site for micro-data can be an advantage. Adding details like

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