Next Steps In Your CAREER - Issue 3

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CONTENTS 4 The latest in our Dream Job Series

7 Find out how Next Steps can help you find work

9 Let us predict your future!

2 Word - Our Editor's Message 4 Does this woman have the best job in Australia? [Dream Job Series] 7 Next steps helps 165 job seekers find work!

Next Steps in Your CAREER is published by HR Development at Work.

HR Development at Work is an Australian based Human Resources and outplacement consulting service that has assisted hundreds of Australian job seekers to find work they want. HR Development at Work’s services and programs are informed by best practice in positive psychology and psychological wellbeing research. HR Development at Work runs outplacement programs for retrenched workers of all ages and also runs Next Steps – a positive psychology and NLP based program to help unemployed job seekers aged 50+ in Adelaide find work they want. The information in this publication is for information purposes only. The Career Magazine and its contributors assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained about each individual, event or organisation has been provided by such individual, event organiser(s) or organisation(s) without verification by us. The opinions expressed in each article are the opinions of its author(s) and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of Career Magazine. Therefore, Career Magazine carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed therein. Comments are welcome, but they should be ontopic and well-expressed and sent to

9 Who can predict your future? I Can! 11 Working in the Mines 14 Where the jobs are now (post Covid-19) 16 During Covid-19 – Can You Earn Big Bucks Working from Home?

Editor Bridget Hogg Design Abbie Allen Contributors Alisa Chan Leanne Hill


WORD Our Editor's Message

With covid-19 having taken us all by surprise since the last issue of Next Steps in your CAREER, this is a hard time to be seeking work but THIS IS the time to be finding work. Why? Because, unless you are building your skills and you have enough income, employment or self-employment is going to help, PLUS, you will be ahead of the game – while others bide their time and enjoy some extra benefits you can take proactive action to generate work for yourself and employers will know that you are one of the keen ones. Having work we want is key to living a life we love. At Next Steps in Your CAREER we are keen to help job seekers to thrive, we want to help you choose a career direction you are very happy with and we want to support you to pursue your career dreams. Our aim is to provide inspiration, personal development and a new perspective on finding work you want. We are very pleased to share Issue 3 of the magazine with you. We have an article about the Next Steps Program that has helped over 165 people around Adelaide find work they want recently. The Program is re-launching and accepting many more new job seekers, on benefits, aged 50+ now. See the article, and the advert, inside for more details. In this issue we continue our series on Dream Jobs by profiling Laura Tidswell (this issue's cover girl) who seems to spend her life getting paid to travel to exotic locations and enjoy herself (sounds like a dream job to me!). Laura is a personal travel stylist – find out more about what it takes to be one and enjoy some of the photographs she has shared with us of the locations she has assessed for clients. We also cover jobs in gaming and “new tech” in this issue – how do you find one, who do you talk to? Are these hidden jobs and what do you have to do to connect with those in the know? And Leanne Hill shares 'Where the Jobs Are (post Covid19) with us. If you know someone in a dream job that we should interview please send their details to our editor via (you can also nominate dream jobs you’d like to hear about!). Last year we launched “Next Steps in Your CAREER” at the inaugural Employment Consultants conference in Adelaide, sponsored by HR Development at Work. It was a great success. A second Employment Consultants Conference is planned for Job Active, DES, employment and recruitment advisors. Contact if you work for a job active/DES or recruiter and would like to be kept in touch and up to date with all things “job seeker” and “careers” in Adelaide. We look forward to receiving your feedback about this magazine. We welcome suggestions and articles from contributors to support the magazine going forward, and your ideas about features you would love to see in future issues. We are also open to offers from a publishing house to turn this online magazine into a hardcopy glossy Careers magazine you can pop on your coffee table. Please contact us at Bridget Hogg CAHRI. NLP Practitioner. Professional Member of the CDAA. FGLF. Editor and Principal Writer - Next Steps in Your Career


Next Steps could be your big leap. When it comes to finding or creating a job... we must either find a way - or make one! 50+? Is your resume opening doors for you? Keen to find a job? FREE EXPERT HELP Join Next Steps Now: FREE Individual 1:1 Mentoring FREE workshops Connections to opportunities and resources. Visit the website to see the flyer and eligibility criteria Contact us with any questions or to enroll text 0407 972 694



Laura has one of the best jobs in the world. As a Luxury Travel Stylist she plans luxury holidays for clients and gets to spend many weeks or months of the year reviewing international holiday destinations and luxury experiences herself. Want to know how she landed the perfect travel gig and how you can too? Read on…

As a ‘Luxury Travel Stylist’ with Smartflyer Australia, you seem to have the perfect job. Is it as perfect as it sounds? What does a Luxury Travel Stylist do? I spend my days designing the perfect holiday for my clients. Every itinerary that I create is tailor made and unique to that client, meaning no two trips are ever the same. I also offer a concierge service once my clients have arrived, meaning I can take care of anything they need, from organising a romantic dinner on the beach, to getting sold out tickets to the best show in town. How does someone get to have a job like yours? I always say “do what you love, no matter what. Find what you are most passionate about in life and focus on that.” I believe you can create your own destiny and that your life can be anything and everything you dream it can be. With that in mind, I knew I had found my passion at a young age, so after spending a year travelling the world, I walked into my local travel agency and asked what I had to do to get a job there. They took one look at me and asked if I could start the next day. From there I worked my way up through management and eventually started my own company. There are many travel courses that you can take, and these will help you learn the basics but to be honest in our industry, experience and being a people person is much more important. I would also recommend finding a mentor, as having someone else’s advice and experience, especially if you plan to run your own business, is invaluable.


Who would this be a dream job for? Anyone who loves to travel and would like the freedom to be able to work from anywhere. Being detail orientated is a big plus, as there is a great deal of detail that goes into planning and executing the perfect trip! Is that how you got into this job? Tell us about your career path and how your career path led you to this point. To be completely honest travelling the world led me to this career path, from there I just fell into a job that I loved, and I have never looked back. What does a day (or week or month) in your life at work look like? Every day is different and I think that is what I love the most. Most days are filled with planning all the finer details of my client’s trips, from booking their flights, choosing the perfect hotels, to organising all kinds of special tours and events. I also spend a great deal of time travelling and exploring all the destinations, hotels and experiences that I personally recommend. As an example, in the last year I have spent 6 months in Europe, a week in Abu Dhabi, two weeks in Tahiti swimming with whales and a week in New York. so all this travel keeps me on my toes but more importantly, it gives me first-hand knowledge of each destination, which really makes a difference when I am planning my clients trips. Is this your dream job? Yes, it sure is… Is there any downside/difficult part to your job? I work crazy hours, as I have clients all over the world. I am also a complete perfectionist, so I spend hours crosschecking my client’s bookings. But that’s just me! Has your career taken any unexpected turns or had any setbacks that you have overcome? There are always unexpected turns and setbacks when you are in business, I think the main thing is to always keep your focus on what is important to you and second to that to just go with the flow. I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason and that life happens for you, so that helps me to stay focused and never get too caught up in changes in the industry or unexpected ‘setbacks.’ Needless to say, Covid-19 has had a huge impact on the travel Industry and we are very much still in the recovery stage at the moment. That being said, it has been such an honour to be part of a company and network of hoteliers and suppliers that have worked tirelessly around the clock to ensure that all of our clients have been taken care of during this time.


What are you most proud of in your career? I love that I get to give back and I love the friendships that I have made over the years. I am proud to be part of the Virtuoso Network and I am forever grateful for the connections and friendships that I have made within the industry, from hoteliers to tour operators and many other amazing people who are experts in their field. I am also very blessed to work with some incredible organisations, such as IIMC (Institute for Indian Mother and Child) in India, an organization ran by an incredible man Dr Sujit who started his career working with Mother Theresa. Seeing the work that they are doing firsthand and being able to be a part of that is what really lights me up. (Dr Sujit is a trained medical Doctor who focuses on improving lives through education. He runs multiple schools and hospitals in India. Has sponsorship programs for children to attend schools, micro-business schemes to support families. Laura helps travelers to connect to this work, find ways to help and support and become ambassadors for the work.)

Is it a well-paid career? It’s like any business really, if you work hard and genuinely love what you do, the possibilities are endless. The perks would definitely be the freedom it has given me to do what I love, the opportunity to travel the world with my family and the friends and memories we have made along the way.








Be that working full time for a local travel company or travelling the world to gain firsthand knowledge

Someone that can really help you to create your vision

Take action, burn the bridges and start living your dream life!


NEXT STEPS HELPS 165 JOB SEEKERS FIND WORK! AND YOU COULD BE HELPED NEXT! Next Steps helped 165 mature job seekers to find work they want around the Adelaide area in the last year – and now they are offering FREE help to many more job seekers. Past participants are keen to share how Next Steps helped them.

Next Steps also helps people to network and find the hidden the jobs, it gives people that little extra edge so they are just that little bit more attractive to employers, that little bit more resourcefulness and optimistic – that little bit more that wins the job offer!

“…because of Next Steps I was able to adjust and apply my

“As I said before, Next Steps is the best employment program

skills in a way that was favourable and found employment in one of the toughest markets in recent years,” said Daryn, a Next Step participant who found full-time work as a retail Assistant Manager. He found the workshops were “motivational, inspirational and gave me hope that (being) over 50 we were still highly employable and that hope gave me inspiration that translated into interviews and eventually success.” See what Daryn, pictured above, says helped him by watching this short video at What IS Next Steps? Next Steps is a program that runs until March 2021, It includes workshops (face to face and on zoom) and individual one on one help and is a tailored combination of career coaching and positive psychology based help for job seekers who really want to find work. It focuses on helping participants find the work they want whilst improving wellbeing at the same time.

that I've ever took part in just because it is much more than a simple employment program. It is a full set of services for rethinking your career, professional and personal goals.” Alexandre Generates New Levels of Resourcefulness Some job seekers say “I’ve got the gift of the gab” or “I’ve already got a resume - I don’t need Next Steps”. Some of the job seekers who found work via Next Steps also had great skills and a resume but they learnt how to improve their resume so it got them interviews, they learnt about the 2 types of interview and how to be successful at each and they made contacts at Next Steps that led to jobs. Next Steps also helps people to build real psychological wellbeing – job seekers often feel battered, unsupported or unwanted so Next Steps has a real focus on being part of a supportive community where we learn and use the tools of positive psychology and NLP to be generate new levels of resourcefulness and see things that we didn’t see before. NEXT STEPS IN YOUR CAREER | 7

“Without the Next Steps programme I don't think I would have achieved what I have in the last 15 months. I went … unemployed, redundant, upset, unhappy, lacking in confidence to now when I can honestly say 5 [on the emotional wellbeing scale] describes me now. I count my blessings that I saw the advert and made the booking.” Jacki Jacki Victory, pictured to the right, is a “graduate” of Next Steps and found work she wants as Laboratory Manager at Gawler & District College B-12. She’s also President of the Laboratory Managers Association of SA Inc. Can I apply to be on Next Steps? Bridget Hogg, Project Manager for Next Steps says the eligibility criteria are:· People at risk of long-term welfare dependency; and· Aged 50 and over (a few people who will be 50 by June 2021 are also admissible); and Unemployed or underemployed; and Not in full-time education or employment; and In receipt of New Start Allowance or other income support (desirable); or Not receiving an income; or Retrenched jobseekers who are actively looking for work MUST live in South Australia MUST want paid work of any type by March 2021 at the latest What Should I Do To Claim My FREE Place Now? If you meet these criteria, email to arrange a 1:1 or group enrolment. If you have any questions about your eligibility or the program, or how we can run a group enrolment (if you are a job active provider or DES) use the same email address. For more information about Next Steps see the webpage: Or the public Next Steps face book page:



WHO CAN PREDICT YOUR FUTURE? I CAN! The best way to predict your future – is to create it! Want to know if you’ll have a job in 2 weeks? 2 months – show me what you’re doing now to create your future! I’ve worked for job seekers for nearly twenty years – helping them write great resumes, apply for jobs, shine at interviews and find the hidden jobs. I’ve run programs, I’ve worked with individuals and all in all over 800 people around Adelaide have found a job as a result – and I believe that the more we share the tools and techniques of positive psychology and NLP with job seekers – the better the outcomes! So, that’s why, on all my programs we use positive psychology and NLP now. What do I mean by the tools and techniques of positive psychology? I’ve studied the work of luminaries such as: Tony Robbins; Martin Seligman (known as the Founder of Positive Psychology and Adelaide’s Thinker in Residence twice); and Sonja Lyubomirsky who has researched which techniques actually work for over 30 years. I’ve studied Psychology (BSc Hons, MSc) and NLP (Certified Practitioner).

I’ve put together a model of the key factors that incorporate wellbeing and 60 tools and techniques that develop each element. Wellbeing Triad The Wellbeing Triad Model is a model I developed (adapted from Tony Robbins Triad Model).

It shows the elements of Martin Seligman’s PERMA+ model plus the aspects of happiness from Sonja Lyubomirsky’s work, in one model. In our job seeker programs we work with different aspects of wellbeing, such as optimism, because we believe this has a HUGE impact on who gets a job. It makes sense, doesn’t it? I would bet the job seekers on our program with high optimism are the most likely to believe that a good employer will offer them a job if they are presented with a great resume – so they are more likely to write themselves a great resume and be ready for the opportunity. We help job seekers increase optimism and job search skills – so they find work they want. Tools and Techniques to Help People See New Ways to Achieve Their Career Goals In my work with job seekers I use bespoke tools and techniques that help job seekers maintain a positive focus.


These techniques help job seekers to see a positive vision of their future more clearly and frequent use keeps enhancing that vision so their real life really improves. All it takes is a little bit of time to use the tools and techniques – and in our workshops the group situation encourages everyone to participate. On our job seeker programs and in my work with retrenched workers I use the tools that would most appeal to, and would most benefit, a job seeker. Mostly these tools come from the work of positive psychology – and we also use some great NLP tools. If you would like to use one of these tools FREE email and ask for the “Tell a New Story exercise” stating if you are right or left handed. Tools and Techniques to Generate New Levels of Understanding and Resourcefulness We use tools and techniques from NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) to help people to reframe their situation, to develop new insights and to generate new levels of resourcefulness. We help job seekers to know how to access their most resourceful states at will. We all have Models of the World – but we’re not always able to state them! Part of NLP is to understand peoples’ Model of the World, help them to understand their Model of the World and help them to change it if they would like to, so they can experience the emotions and states they want to experience more frequently (like peace, happiness, relaxation). We find NLP tools and techniques are super helpful when it comes to helping job seekers find work they want. We frequently find its helpful with job seekers to start by focusing on State Management and Positive Self-Communication. State Elicitation and State Management Our mental, physical and emotional states are not static, we can change them moment by moment to our advantage. You may recall a time when you found it easy to write an application for a job – you put yourself in a resourceful state. State management is the difference between achieving your goals by putting yourself in a resourceful state – or not! Sometimes we have a bad habit of being in a certain state (like de-motivated, “down”, “can’t be bothered”) – the State seems to have a life of its own (and it’s not serving us at all). We help people to choose their State so they can feel how they choose to feel, be more resourceful and get the goal. People who excel at state management can access, elicit, amplify and anchor resourceful states to get things done – they are not blown about by what’s distracting others. Next Steps helps job seekers experience this and job seekers learn these tools in our workshops and 1:1’s. Positive self-communication. NLP helps a person use their brain deliberately to produce the most empowering signals it can. If you could do that then you could use those signals to achieve your goals. NLP coaches understand the signals brains use. We can help job seekers to deliberately use signals that work; reframe challenging situations, re-examine and re-state things to themself (this is very useful when you want to be motivated and great at writing a lot of excellent resumes but you usually feel like it will be “hard work” and “you shouldn’t have to”). If you would like to find out more about how NLP helps job seekers – join Next Steps (if you’re eligible), or, if you are a Job Active Provider or DES, ask about our Advantage program where your consultants, as well as your job seekers, can experience the power of NLP and positive psychology to supercharge your programs. If you would like more details about the NLP Tools and Techniques that we have found work help people find work – email and request we include more on this in the next issue of Next Steps in Your CAREER.

"Our mental, physical and emotional states are not static, we can change them moment by moment to our advantage." NEXT STEPS IN YOUR CAREER | 10

WORKING IN THE MINES BRIDGET HOGG & ALISA CHAN INTERVIEW RACHEAL MAHLKNECHT Have you ever thought of giving up your admin job, moving interstate and going to work in the mines? One job seeker did just that – during covid-19 - and couldn’t be happier!

Racheal Mahlknecht was working for the Electoral Commission when someone told her about a program for job seekers. She’s very glad she took them up on it, although, at first, she thought she wasn’t sure! As a result, she ended up getting a job she loves in the mining industry – here’s how! Racheal left school before year 10, worked in various jobs “I was a checkout chick” she jokes. She married, had kids, and then decided to go University. Racheal always enjoyed science - and geology was her passion, “I love rocks - I just love rocks.” she says. “I thought ‘What was something that could let me not be all outside or all inside all day?’ Geology was the answer.” From 2012 – 2019 Rachael studied and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a Bachelor of Science Advanced in Geology, Geophysics and Applied Geology and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Geoscience. After years of studying she says it was “very weird finishing that off. I just thought what am I going to do now? I just enjoyed studying for studying”. Career Paths Often Meander Sometimes we get qualifications but drift into other jobs. Racheal was a single mother with 3 children so didn’t head straight into a geology career. She worked in various industries (including retail, warehousing, manufacturing, electronics and laboratory work). At one time she was an usher at Adelaide Oval. “I worked whenever and doing whatever I could, whatever extra time was left – I was studying.” That’s why some years later Racheal was doing casual work at the Australian Electoral Commission and, as fortune would have it, was introduced to the Next Steps Program which supports mature job seekers find work they want. What Worked in the Past Doesn’t Work Now “I thought I had an awesome resume, so, I was resistant, at first, to changes. After attending a couple of Next Steps sessions and hearing about how to write an amazing resume - I just did it and started tailoring my resume for every job.” Racheal started to receive a lot of responses to her resume as a result. Over many months her persistence paid off and she received the “Thank you, you’ve been accepted, we’d like to offer you the job” call she’d been waiting for. NEXT STEPS IN YOUR CAREER | 11

“I’ve learnt from this that what worked in the past does not now and we need to change how we approach things, for example, I know now the importance of sending a tailored cover letter with a tailored resume.” Racheal loved the support, advice and connection she got on Next Steps – “meeting with a group to connect, talk to people, and practice was a great help. I loved the positive exercises we did that lift your mood and give you skills, like, when people say “How are you?” – the Telling a New Story exercise was really helpful as a reminder to respond in an upbeat way, talk about what you looking for, and focus on the positive. I learned something from every single session! And I’m still using what I learnt about mindset and how I apply it to how I think in the morning. It is not things that you use once and throw away. These are things that will go with you. These guys are good! Mindset is the largest impact, I discovered. I knew where I was going – I just didn’t have the right tools to get there. Next Steps gave me those tools.” Racheal was finally offered a job in mining in Western Australia – she planned to fly in and out from SA but covid-19 reared its head and she realised she couldn’t live in SA and take a job in WA. She was told she could fly in and out of Perth – she could take the job if she temporarily re-located to Perth! Racheal arrived in WA just in time “I arrived the day they shut the borders for Covid-19 and had to do the two weeks isolation.” she says. So, in April this year, Racheal started work as a Graduate Geologist at Ramelius Resources in Western Australia (Mount Magnet), which is 550km North East of Perth. What does a Graduate Geologist do? “I’ve done some exciting things – some as part of my degree studies. I’ve dated sediment in caves at Naracoorte, seen megafauna and fossil deposits, it’s exciting to work in a cave! I have taken samples and measure them. One of the most exciting finds was seeing Zircon crystals which were 3.6 billion years old!” At work, Racheal spends some of her days watching digging, taking samples, logging materials, marking up materials, and recording changes in rock types. She maps fault lines and veins, noting the alterations associated with these geological events. The mine does grade control drilling (drilling material in big long holes to “see” what is below) and Racheal assesses each metre, logging the different rock types. “It’s quite involved, and also quite simple” she says, there’s massive variance in my work from mapping and photography to some indoor work on the database, working on programs, and occasionally, production and reconciliation of materials.”


Where does a Graduate Geologist go next career-wise? Racheal says it takes 2-3 years of graduate work until one becoming an ‘actual geologist’. “To work in pit geology – you need to know what you’re going to expect. I could go on to work in exploration geology – going out where they are drilling, collecting samples, logging and examining what we find. I love putting a puzzle together, determining how old is something, how did it get there, how did it form, millions of years ago.” So, in the end does it matter if you don’t take the short, direct path into your chosen career? Racheal is proof there are graduate jobs for mature job seekers and that taking years to study (and doing it via multiple degrees), and being a single parent doesn’t stop you getting where you want to go in the end. “I knew what I wanted to do and the jobs I wanted to apply for. I was qualified with enough subjects and enough degrees but it was a very messy career path and I had to work around being a single parent of three. I was being realistic, wondering ‘what could I apply for, what I would be doing?' I’m lucky to have had support from my Mum.” If someone wanted to follow in your footsteps what would be the best path you would recommend? “Things are opening up for women, especially in this environment. If you think you want to do it, just go to University, even just for the first year. If you dislike it, you can change after the first year as university can be very flexible with keeping credits. Don’t let age stop you! I was worried for a little while, being an older female, about not getting any job. I applied for so many. I was in the top 8-10 people, then I was not in the running anymore. I thought my age was a factor, as my resume was fantastic. If you have an inkling for it, don’t put it off. You can drop things at any second and change tack. If you’re wondering whether a career in geology is for you – Racheal says “get a geology dictionary, look at pictures of rocks, find out where they’re from and what they’re composed of. Visit museums - especially the Geology section! Visit the Tate museum in the Mawson Building at Adelaide University, or the SA Museum to find out more.” If you want to pursue a career in mining check out the careers section of the Minerals Council of Australia website: If you would like free help to find the work you want and, like Rachael, you’re over 50 years old and reside in SA – see the article in this magazine about the FREE Next Steps Program help.


WHERE THE JOBS ARE NOW (POST COVID-19) BY LEANNE HILL Employment Facilitator Leanne Hill shares with our readers where the jobs are since the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic

Growth sectors and jobs in demand include: Warehouses/stores – large growth in warehousing, due to everyone doing so much more online shopping. However – these roles are way more automated than before so may not be a traditional warehouse any longer. Many are computerised in terms of accessing the products and the role of staff is more around quality control and checking that the order is accurate. Care - The care sector continues to grow. In order to work in the sector the minimum requirement for any position is a current police check, working with vulnerable people clearance and a quality targeted job application. Not every role will require a qualification, and not every role is involved with hands on care. Roles can include cleaners, drivers, cooks, counsellors, physio, receptions, administrators and site managers to name but a few. Cleaning - Since Covid-10 the cleaner sector has increased with many businesses now having cleaners 3 or 4 times a day rather than once every couple of days. Call Centres - Call centre roles (such as Datacom) are experiencing a large growth. These require customer service skills, empathy and an eye for detail. For roles such as Datacom you will need to be an Australia citizen (this is due to the clients they service) Defence - Defence sector roles will continue to grow in SA over coming years. Not all roles will require a trade or particular qualification. Register if interested to learn more at BAE Systems ( or at where you can add your name to the workforce register and have a chat with a career practitioner. NEXT STEPS IN YOUR CAREER | 14

Jobs Hub Portal Jobs Hub is the new federal government portal post Covid with info on businesses hiring by location Check out company websites – adverts and careers information are on their pages – often before they hit other platforms. It’s also a good idea to read any information about companies – to find out about new projects, growth and recruitment.

Leanne's Biggest Tip My biggest tip is to contact employers in the sectors you’re interested in, and use your network to let people know you are in the market for work (but you need to be specific about what that work is). 31% of jobs are found by word of mouth. Be prepared to share your story at every opportunity when you meet someone – be that at a party, at church or at a sports match or school parents event. Every chance to tell your story is a chance to impress someone.


During Covid-19 – Can You Earn Big Bucks Working from Home? MY EXPERIENCE AS A STREAMER BY ALISA CHAN These days entrepreneurs can earn big bucks working from home. Many thriving businesses started off as a home-based business. While some people are staying home to avoid covid-19 risks, and others can’t do their usual jobs in hospitality or travel due to covid-19, some smart folk have learnt how to work from home doing what they love! Could you be next? We hear from one Streamer who is delighted to be helping others and making money online at the same time. “I began streaming early 2019 using my sister’s community to launch. While I do play some games, my core streaming content is on creative writing and digital art. In my local community there was little interest in my art featuring elements of Japanese anime, video games and Dungeons & Dragons - but online there is such a massive market. Combined with a discord community of 60+ members, I have a loyal fanbase who love to promote my art for me. I remember walking into uni, my steps turned into skips, and a grin crowning my face. People paid me for my art! Hundreds of dollars! I have since created a business to sell my art commissions with plans to produce comics and written works. I use streaming and my creative arts as an outlet for my wellbeing. My ambition for streaming is not having people watch my creations form. My ambition is inspiring others to draw, write and create alongside me. I am very proud of the community I have built, mostly on social media platform Discord, as we share our works, achieve challenges, and motivate each other.” We know of several folk who use online media to boost their business - including local photographer (and Next Steps Peer Mentor) Yasser Badr (see his images on Shutterstock here, Justina Schneider (Next Stepper) of Bolè Creations, and Nancy Baron, a local Instagram Influencer and Pilates Trainer who gets paid to wear certain brands of fitness clothing on her Instagram posts. Portfolio Careers These days many people have a “Portfolio Career” – they have paid work as an employee plus a home-based business or side hustle, and perhaps some casual, or contract work, too. Our Streamer also has another career path in Human Resources mapped out! “I won’t become a full-time streamer. I have learned many skills from streaming and community management such as the value of diversity, communication, and resilience. I will be continuing my streaming, artwork, and stories but it will still be a hobby. As of July, I completed my Masters of Management & HR. I keep my two identities separate by not revealing my real name on stream. By day I will be a businesswoman excelling in the workplace. By night, a famous artist and writer accessible globally.” You can join our Streamers community on Discord or follow her on Twitch and Instagram! Twitch - Instagram - Discord - To connect professionally with our Streamer you can contact Alisa Chan on LinkedIn NEXT STEPS IN YOUR CAREER | 16

Want a career in online gaming? See Mighty Kingdom and Foxie Ventures for local jobs in the online gaming industry and see the South Australian Film Corporations website for information about the State Governments Innovation Fund - and which companies have received a funding boost What is Streaming? Our Streamer explains… Streaming is entertainment media with a host streamer presenting real-time video content to a watching community. The audience can respond to the showcased live media through text or other means. This is shared entertainment beyond geographic restrictions. It can connect an interested community with professionals, entertainers, and friends in the moment. The most popular genre for streaming is the diverse content of video games, such as a skill display of an eSport professional (i.e. like watching a traditional sport game) or watching a player explore a game as a piece of art (i.e. similar to an interactive movie). Excluding video games, there is a broad topic range of streams that includes coding (my sister is a popular global coding streamer), art (which I do), cooking, ‘just chatting’, music production, other crafting or even more abstract content (two Aussie politicians recently discussed the future of Australia’s Game Industry). Essentially, if there is a hobby or an interest there are streams available for a community to gather around. Streamers can earn money for their services through different methods. In over a year as a small-time streamer, I have earned a couple hundred through donations and ‘subscriptions’ - a good amount for sharing my hobbies with friends. (Editors note: Our streamer also received commissions for her artwork as a result of showcasing her work through streaming). The future of streaming is very bright. With Covid-19 streaming became a popular method for education and entertainment as more people sought social enrichment. Can you be a streamer and how can you excel? You need 3 things: 1. Be disciplined 2. Be Resilient 3. Make Connections Anyone with good internet and system (PC, consoles, and even mobile devices) can be a streamer. Therefore, new streamers are constantly emerging and like any business it is important to have a distinctive brand. A streamer depends on their community for viewership, funding and even motivation. Starting from scratch without any community support is nearly impossible, which is why efficient new streamers will use social media. There are some streaming platforms that facilitate socialising (such as Twitch’s raiding and hosting system), but the power is in complementing streaming with social media such as Discord, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. To excel, be disciplined with a streaming routine so that your audience know when to watch. Secondly, you must be resilient for when you have bad streams, or when ‘trolls’ appear. At this development stage of streaming you will need moderators to monitor your audience with strict rules. The most important recommendation is to make connections. There is a lot of dedication needed to create relationships with other streamers, their communities and your community.

Equipment of a Casual Streamer Computer with two monitors Webcam and microphone - Streams gain a lot more attention when they can see and hear their host. Consider a lamp to project soft light onto the streamer. ‘Good’ upload speed - This is dependent on who else is using your internet at the time, the streaming platform, and chosen content. Streaming software - I use Streamlabs OBS to connect with Twitch. A pet - Be respectful and loving to your pets, and your viewers will love it. NEXT STEPS IN YOUR CAREER | 17

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