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In the frame

 Strong support Leicester City Council The council’s pop-up pantries ensured children who normally get a free school meal didn’t go without by providing food for 6,600 children in the October half term.  On yer bike! Wheatley Group Tenants in communities across Scotland are being encouraged to get on their bikes and help the environment, with the housing association creating 27 new bike sheds across Wheatley neighbourhoods.

 Eggspansion Believe housing Little Chefs, Big Chefs CIC, which started off as a community pantry, has been able to expand thanks to the work of volunteers and funding from believe housing.  Time team Orbit Group A time capsule has been buried by local primary school children at Orbit Homes’ new development. The capsule contains pictures and newspaper reports written by the children about what they think life will be like in 100 years’ time.

 Friendly fun Broadland Housing Broadland tenants enjoyed a series of social events recently – providing them with a chance to browse pop-up information stalls, entertain the children and meet neighbours over a BBQ or afternoon tea, and, of course, ice cream!

 Caring kindness Fife Housing Group A staff member at the organisation, Heather, rescued these little ducklings after their mother was killed. She fed them through the night before passing them onto the SSPCA.  Garden gatherings First Choice Homes Oldham A new community growing and wellbeing facility, which will offer local people a space to meet, learn new skills and support the environment, is set to open thanks to a little help from First Choice Homes Oldham and partners.

 Football fanatics Fairhive Aylesbury Dynamos Under 9’s Team debuted their new kit for the coming season, after Fairhive sponsored the team. The grant given to the club includes funding to hire a new pitch and acquire equipment such as bibs and goalposts.

 Celebrating customers Manningham

Housing Association

More than 600 residents have attended a Mela to thank them for their support and collectively celebrate the organisation’s achievements since the onset of the pandemic in 2020.

 Prevention packs Sovereign The association has teamed up with ROSPA and partners who work with young families to provide special free child safety packs to families in Berkshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. The packs include useful items and plenty of safety tips.

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