Dr Holmes - Transcript

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What Health Means to Me By Dr. Charles Holmes

Hello my name is Dr. Charles Holmes and I am an Assistant Professor in the College of Health, Human Services, and Science here at Ashford University. As a public health professional I am often asked what my opinions are on the concepts of health and wellness. The concept of health I feel is best answered by the World Health Organizations definition, it being that “health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.� Where I find most other definitions of health fall short is in ignoring the aspects of social well-being. There are many people throughout the world who may be physically and mentally healthy, but without the appropriate level of social interaction, which will vary from person to person, that individual may not be able to realize their maximum health potential. In terms of wellness, I believe this concept is more complex, in that I think every aspect of a person’s life goes into their state of wellness. I would of course include physical, mental, and social well-being, but I would also include environmental well-being. You can have the other three attributes at high levels but if the environment in which you live causes stress or is dangerous that would play a large role in diminishing your overall wellness. If the office in which you work is not comfortable or fulfilling that can also play a role in your sense of wellness. And last but not least, if your financial environment is not where you need it to be that too can play a large role in diminishing your overall sense of self and wellness. When I speak with people about these concepts most everyone who is not currently battling some ailment will say that their health and wellness levels are high, however, when I touch on all of the aspects that I feel are important in assessing a complete picture of health and wellness that is when their opinion will often change. So that is where I will leave you. Taking into account all of the aspects we have discussed; physical, mental, social, and environmental, what would you say is your level of health and wellness and what can you do to improve upon it? I wish you health and happiness in the future. Thank you.

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