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CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Walk along the water’s edge 5 Burn 10 __ Strauss 14 Land mass east of Russia 15 __ bear 16 Discharge 17 Fortuneteller 18 Amphitheater 19 Plunge in head first 20 Padded leg rest 22 Chart 24 Color 25 Sight or taste 26 Detest 29 Prefix for wife or way 30 Choochoo 34 Outscore 35 __ Aviv, Israel 36 Dwell 37 Frequently, to a poet 38 Bullet diameter 40 Morning moisture 41 Champion 43 El __; Spanish hero 44 Breakfast or brunch


Wednesday, March 10, 2010 CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Carrie Underwood, 27; Jon Hamm, 39; Sharon Stone, 52; Chuck Norris, 70 HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Reach out to others and put your skills to work. You have more to offer than you realize and should be proud of your accomplishments. Business and personal partnerships will be enhanced if you are willing to work toward the same goals. Stabilization and greater security can be yours if you compromise. Your numbers are 3, 12, 16, 27, 32, 44, 47 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Keep a low profile and you will stand a much better chance of getting things accomplished. An emotional moment with someone you work with or for will set you back or cause you to miss out on an opportunity to advance. Don’t mix business with pleasure. ★★ TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Someone from your past will offer you an opportunity. Your involvement in something that you believe in and the help you offer will raise your profile and your reputation. A stubborn attitude will cause problems at home. ★★★★★ GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Don’t count on getting the help you need or the favors promised. Concentrate on the people you love most or the organizations you feel most akin to. At least, your efforts will make you feel good about yourself. ★★★ CANCER (June 21-July 22): A partnership that offers you the opportunity to get involved in something that interests you will lead to a better position and future. It’s important that you clearly state your concerns and what you need in return for your services. ★★★ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Put more time and effort into your relationships. Your energetic approach to whatever you do will lead to impressive accomplishments. A business trip will allow you to show what you have to offer first hand. ★★★ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The more you do with friends, peers and family, the better. Sharing your thoughts with people you trust will lead to opportunities and ideas. The more fun you make a project, the more help you will get and the sooner it will be completed. ★★★★★ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your determination and effort will not go unnoticed. A physical problem must be taken care of immediately if you don’t want it to spin out of control. Be careful while traveling. ★★ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Stop dreaming; concentrate on what’s factual and you will be able to stay on course and accomplish what you set out to do. Present what you have to offer and you will get what you need to proceed. Don’t let friendship get in the way. ★★★★ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You are likely to be criticized if you are too eager to share your thoughts and plans. Empty promises will be misleading and can cause you to lose valuable time and ruin a potential partnership. ★★★ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’ll be torn between what you should do and what you want to do. Don’t let your heart lead you in the wrong direction when so much is on the line. Pushing too hard will lead to opposition. Honesty will bring the best results. ★★★ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Put our heart and soul into ways to make more cash. Don’t let red tape or institutions cause you emotional upset. Deal with matters as they arise and you will avoid feeling pressured, stressed and overwhelmed. ★★★ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your good deeds for others will bring you benefits, experience and the opportunity to use your attributes or skills in a new way. Once you have proven how effective you can be, you will have the ability to earn more. ★★★★




After a match, some of us went to a Chinese place. As dinner ended, Unlucky Louie and I were engaged in discussing a deal. Preoccupied, Louie bit into his fortune cookie – and chomped down on the slip of paper inside. “What does it say?” I asked. Louie read this: “Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.” Louie’s timing was no better in the deal we’d been talking about. Declaring 3NT, he won the second heart and finessed in clubs. His fortunes declined when East won and led his last heart. When Louie led a diamond next, West took the ace –ß and two good hearts. Down one. THREAT Since West’s heart suit is a threat, Louie must force out West’s possible entry before the hearts are established. Since only East can win a club trick, Louie should start the diamonds at Trick Three. If West leads a third heart, Louie wins and finesses in clubs. If East can win, he’ll have no more hearts (or, if he has one, South loses only two hearts, a diamond and a club).



DAILY QUESTION You hold: S A J 6 4 2 H 8 2 D Q 5 C A 9 6 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one spade and he rebids two diamonds. The opponents pass. What do you say? ANSWER: Your hand is promising but not quite strong enough to force to game (especially if your partner is apt to open light, shapely hands). Since your support is adequate, raise to three diamonds, hoping he can go on. A bid of three clubs would force to game. South dealer N-S vulnerable

ONE STAR: It’s best to avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes or read a good book. Two stars: You can accomplish but don’t rely on others for help. Three stars: If you focus, you will reach your goals. Four stars: You can pretty much do as you please, a good time to start new projects. Five stars: Nothing can stop you now. Go for the gold.

Welcome to the herd Jamala (left) introduces her new baby “Stretch McCovey” to the rest of the herd at Safari West wild animal preserve in Santa Rosa, Calif. The baby Masai giraffe was the 14th giraffe born at the preserve. AP

45 Old anesthetic 46 “Thanks a __!” 47 Poorly 48 TV’s “Perry __” 50 Facial twitch 51 Tiny bit of moisture 54 Cosmonaut Yuri __ 58 Roof’s edge 59 Horseman 61 Rib or clavicle 62 Declare 63 Pumpkin or squash 64 Huck Finn’s float 65 Camera’s eye 66 Foe 67 Love deity DOWN 1 Cleanse 2 Confused 3 Perishes 4 Hearing range 5 __ suit; garb for an astronaut 6 Bottle stopper 7 Brewed drink 8 Came to earth

Yesterday’s Puzzle Solved

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9 Exhaust 10 Account books 11 Kuwaiti leader 12 “__ la différence!” 13 Article 21 Belonging to you and me 23 Daisylike flower 25 Element used in making semiconductors 26 Over 27 Be appropriate 28 Senator Orrin __ 29 Actor Gibson 31 Helped 32 Perfect 33 Recently 35 Paving

goo 36 __ as a beet 38 Deep pink color 39 Nipped 42 Hotheaded dispositions 44 Ghastly 46 Skin soother 47 Huge 49 Twilled fabric 50 Late 51 Pass out cards 52 Talk wildly 53 Kiln 54 Bacterium 55 Laugh loudly 56 Lowdown 57 Curler bonnets 60 Payable

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