Mandibular distraction for correcting jaw abnormalities

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Mandibular Distraction for Correcting Jaw Abnormalities Mandibular distraction can rectify a small lower jaw and disordered breathing during sleep by increasing the size of the lower jaw.

Houston Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery

Children born with micrognathia, a condition characterized by an abnormally small mandible, may experience difficulty in breathing as well as feeding or eating as the jaw pushes the tongue into the back of the throat and blocks the airway when the child breathes in. Distraction osteogenesis can correct such jaw abnormalities. This surgical procedure involves the gradual stretching of the existing bones for new bone formation, which will eventually improving the breathing problems and facial appearance. This procedure can effectively address issues such as 

Midface retrusion

Obstructive sleep apnea

Temporomandibular joint ankylosis

Cranial synostosis

Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis This surgical procedure rectifies the lower jaw by increasing its size and allowing it to grow in proportion with the rest of the face. The surgery is performed by making an incision inside the mouth to cut the mandible bone. The plastic surgeon will then set the bone ends apart and he place a distraction device, which can be adjusted to lengthen the jaw. Adjustments are then made on the distraction device to stretch the incision until the new bone is formed between both the ends of the jaw bone. The gap created will be then filled with the new bone. When the new bone is strong enough, the distraction device and connecting pins are removed. The hardening ensures that the new jaw does not collapse. This is usually a one-time procedure, but


may have to be repeated with patients who have a facial clefting syndrome or Treacher Collins syndrome. This reconstructive procedure can correct severe breathing problems in children. It reduces the airway obstruction and also helps to avoid the need for tracheostomy, a surgical procedure performed to create an opening through the neck into the trachea. This surgical repositioning of the jaw offers many benefits: 

Increased level of oxygen in the blood

Corrects sleep disorders

Helps in weight gain

Improved brain function

Improves academic performance and behavior

Resolves gastroesophageal reflux disease

The treatment also improves overall facial symmetry and enhances the child’s self confidence. Some pain and discomfort is typical after the procedure. Medications will be prescribed to lessen the pain and chances of infection. An expert plastic surgeon with experience in reconstructive procedures can provide optimal results for mandibular distraction surgery. Ensure that the procedure is performed at a plastic surgery center that is AAAASF accredited and equipped with advanced technology and resources, and has caring and experienced support staff.


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