Costa Rica Howler October 2022 International Digital Magazine

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Costa Rica's Loudest voice to the World Since 1996

october 2022 Beginning the Journey
Playas del Coco Playa Hermosa 2670 2175 2672 4100 Playa Panama 2670-2175 L T

Joseph Emanuelli

Never Looked Back

Herb DeMars Snowbirds in Paradise

Alain Mouquet

Michael Mills


Lisa Farrell Trading Paradises
Will Mathews Not a Cliche'
The Adventures
Theo Veenstra It's a Lifestyle
A French Canadian Welcome Explore our listings:e
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Is Costa Rica the Place to Be?

Withall of Costa Rica’s natural wonders and friendly people, why would you pick another place to be? Yes, there are drawbacks to living here. Convenience is not a word that translates. Things that we are accustomed to in our home countries are either not available here or done very slowly.

I once lost a license plate on my vehicle and thought it would be an easy process to replace it. Well, it was not complicated but it was certainly not a fast process. After hiring a lawyer and writing out a statement about it, we had to go to a “motor vehicle department “ in San José. The cost was about $250 and the time involved was two days. I thought the funniest thing was when the lawyer asked me where I lost the license plate? I just looked at him and shook my head.

Complications in different situations are just to be expected. If you cannot ebb and flow with the processes you really will have a difficult time adjusting to life here.

Forming friendships is not easy here. I find that you get a core group of a very few friends and the others that you hang out with are just acquaintances. This is partially due to the transient nature of people moving here. I had several people tell me that they will not befriend newcomers in a deeper way because they leave.

Along the same line as friendship challenges, it may not be obvious who is a trusted person. It seems like there are angles to everything. I once said that I generally go on a higher alert when a person who speaks English is approaching me on a deal. I still stand by that.

I learned early that caution is very good to have. When moving here, we were sold a condo by a very slick person. After we closed the deal, the true nature of this individual, and how he lied to do business, came to light. Exposing him and his group was one thing, but having the tenacity to fight for what we were promised took lots of energy. Many people in the complex fell for his presentation and his “dream.” They found out slowly that they also were sold a bill of goods.

This didn’t stop the developer, as well as some other residents from defaming and slandering me in the community and region. However, right is right and prevails. I could have taken every one of them to the courts for these attacks, because here in Costa Rica slander and defamation are criminal acts. In future articles I want to explore the aspects of slander and defamation. Many tell me that if you get sued for saying things and you are right, you will prevail. That is not what I have been told by the legal community.


After looking into this person and the development group, I found many others in different areas of Guanacaste and the Flamingo region had also been unfairly dealt with, if not fraudulently. It was useless to go after these guys and bring them to legal justice. I did find that the media was a great tool in exposing them.

I have brought this situation up in the past. Why am I bringing it up again? Well, now this community is thriving even though the developer, once he was exposed again, made promises that will not come to fruition. Currently he is involved in a large project in Liberia.

The construction boom brings in people who are here to make a buck and may be very unscrupulous in their dealings. We drive by many property gates that were erected during past real estate booms that are very beautiful, but there is nothing behind them. Someone got screwed in these deals. Caution is very necessary here. Jumping before you look can result in a bad situation.

With all of the above said, I still think that Costa Rica is a fantastic place not only to visit but to reside. The ability to get away from it all and relax on a beach that isn’t crowded is blissful. Spend the time to see the country … see it all. Every corner and road not taken harbors natural beauty.

Yes, there are cautions that need to be taken. Trust your gut in situations. If something seems wrong, question it two or three times. Don’t jump into something that you think is a deal without due diligence.

Contact me personally at headmonkey@

John B. Quam



October cover story takes you to Costa Rica’s Pacific coast, where the black sand beach of Ostional is one of the world’s largest nesting sites for olive ridley turtles. Learn about the miraculous spectacle of arribada — Spanish for “arrival,” when hundreds of thousands of nesting females return to the same place they have every year, leaving behind up to 10 million eggs when they head back out to sea.

This month’s “creature feature” brings you more wildlife wonders, up close and personal, in images and videos captured using camera traps. You can also learn about an important sloth conservation initiative known as SloCo. Our ACE spotlight is aimed at musician Tony Putaggio and artist Oubaïda Azzouz. The CR Biz section includes a status report on legalizing marijuana in Costa Rica.


Joanna Blanco. Integrative nutritional health coach who helps clients embrace wellness in five interconnected areas of life: relationships, livelihood, physical activity, spiritual awareness and diet.

Terry Carlile. Served as a U. S. Navy journalist for eight years, and is also a workshop trainer and keynote speaker.

Daniel Oses. Trilingual junior attorney (Spanish, English, Portuguese) at GM Attorneys, who received his law degree from Universidad Escuela Libre de Derecho in San José.

Ivan Granados. Managing Partner at GM Attorneys, specializing in real estate and corporate law.

Karl Kahler. Author of "Frommer's Costa Rica 2017," former travel editor of the Tico Times and former national editor of California's San Jose Mercury News.

Laura Méndez. Founder of Pura Vida Vibrations. Offering sound journeys, breathwork experiences, cacao ceremonies & other activities. hello@

Rick Philps. Canadian who practiced law in Victoria, BC before moving to Costa Rica in 1998. He has practiced law here for 17 years, having continued his education in civil law and notary and registry law. Offers legal due diligence seminars and consultations in the Gold Coast area for expats moving, or considering moving to Costa Rica. Contact or visit www.

John Quam. Publisher / Editor-in-Chief of Howler Media Holdings.

Dr. Herbert Weinman,MD, MBA.


Paul German. Canadian-born photographer whose international influences come from living, working and traveling in many parts of the world. Currently based in the Pacific northwest area of Costa Rica where he enjoys the company of great swells and howler monkeys. Join Paul on Instagram



Welcome to October

For east coast visitors, October is a good time to visit (weather-wise). For our Pacific-side readers, we're usually in the heart of the rainy season. How much rain, for how long, depends on your location. Mountain regions can be a challenge also with rain and cool temps.

You can blame the normal heating of the earth's tilt and the sun's position for causing the precipitation formula for a wetter experience.

But there is lots to do while it rains. Some attractions (as long as there's no lightning) can still accommodate walking and riding tours. You can relax (you remember how to?), read a book, search Howler articles and take virtual tours of Costa Rica.

Be safe with mudslides and trees randomly deciding to fall. Outside of those two items, accept the drops and pura vida.

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PUBLISHER / EDITOR-in-CHIEF John B. Quam executive director - Terry Carlile account executive Mary Fernández

Editorial Staff

Debbie Bride - Editorial Coordinator Laurie Quam - Copy Editor

HOWLER (™) 2017

Cont act John Quam - Managing Partner




CR Office: (506) 4701-5942

Howler Magazine Costa Rica @howlercostarica @thehowlermag @howlermagazine

The Howler Gold Coast CR S.A. Ced. Juridica: 3-101-725213

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The Howler Gold Coast CR S.A

Copyright © 2022 Howler Media Holding, Inc. Panama

The Howler Gold Coast CR S.A.

Ced. Juridica: 3-101-725213


Read all current and past articles online #S earch F ind Howl OCTOBER 2022 Vol. 31 No. 10
COVER STORY Arribada: They Have Arrived! UP FRONT: • Is Costa Rica the Place To Be? TRAVEL & ADVENTURE • Oct 20 is International Sloth Conservation Day • Costa Rica's Wild Side (videos) • Rainy Season ARTS, CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT • At Home With • Tony Putaggio and His Music (video special) • Oubaïda Azzouz - Inspired by Nature of Costa Rica SURFING CR • Tide Chart, Sun and Moon Schedule, Surf Articles THANK YOU ADVERTISING PARTNERS
REAL ESTATE • Timely Information from Tres Amigos • In Love's Selected Properties • Casa Magnolia in the Heart of Escazú • IntiTech Solar's Organic Farm Properties for Sale • Sun Real Estate Offers a Variety of Opportunities PURA VIDA • Scraping Your Tongue • Contact Dermatitis • Spanish Lesson: Useful Nouns CR BUSINESS • Legalizing Marijuana • What is the Legal Closing Process for a Property Purchase Transaction in Costa Rica? • Chartering in Costa Rica for International Vessels is Allowed! • What You Eat Has the Power of What You Can Achieve Click on the section to go directly to those pages.Welcome to rainy October. Click here to know "why".

Arribada: They Have Arrived!


Witnessing such an amazing event is almost spiritual.

Staff Cover photo by Paul E. German

Over a five-day period, arribada nesting turtles will lay up to 10 million eggs on Ostional's beach. Have you witnessed the arribada of olive ridley green turtles in Ostional, Costa Rica? This is a must-see if you are here during the opportune time of the year.

Ostional is a small town on the Pacific west coast of Costa Rica, its black volcanic sand beach is the site of one of the largest nesting places for olive ridley turtles. There are only three to five significant sites worldwide with over 100,000 nests, and eight to 10 sites in the world that have attracted only about 10,000 nests.

Ostional's seashore serves as the backdrop for a biological marvel known as the arribada — Spanish for “arrival.” Sea turtles visit a

particular mile of beach in Ostional during the rainy season, usually the week before the new moon, to lay their eggs in the black sand after navigating long distances to return to their original nesting place.

In 1984, the Ostional Wildlife Refuge was formed to preserve this globally significant nesting location for olive ridley sea turtles. The amount of tourist interaction with the turtles directly affects their evolution of nesting. Laws are in place to protect the turtles. However, in the past, many have ignored those laws, disturbing the nesting process.

Only olive ridleys and their close relatives, Kemp's sea turtles — the latter an Atlantic species — synchronize their nests on a large scale referred to as arribadas. There is a


gathering of many turtles that congregate offshore a few days or weeks before the mass nesting. The arribada will begin after a few days, prompted by some secret signal. Hundreds of turtles will first appear on the beach, and then a steady stream for the next three to seven days. This is a sight to see. Witnessing such an amazing event is almost spiritual.

Year-round turtle nesting occurs at Ostional, but the rainy season is the busiest. From August through December, arribadas occur monthly, often twice a month, and the number of nesting females is in the hundreds of thousands, as opposed to tens of thousands during the dry season.

Typically, arribadas occur during the darkest nights: a few days before the new moon, when the majority of turtles come to shore between 8 p.m. and 4 a.m.

Largest on record

November 1995 was the largest arribada ever recorded in Ostional, when half a million females arrived.

The turtles usually arrive on the high tide at night, but during an arribada , they begin arriving just after nightfall and continue until early morning.

The turtles, accustomed to life in the sea, drag their massive bodies across the beach until they cross the high tide line. An area that is safe to nest without the tide eroding and washing the eggs away. They dig a nest with their flippers, flicking clouds of sand, and deposit roughly 80 to 100 soft-shelled, white eggs the size of a ping pong ball.

Surprisingly, Ostional is the only beach in the world where it is permissible to collect turtle eggs.

Scientists discovered that most of the eggs laid during the first nights of an arribada are destroyed by other turtles who arrive later to dig their nests in the same spot.

As a result, the Costa Rican government since 1987 has allowed the Ostional community to pick eggs during the first three days of an arribada. In exchange, the locals preserve the turtles, clean up the trash on the beaches, and patrol for poachers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The town residents take their jobs very seriously as this is their livelihood.

The young turtles hatch at around 45 to 54 days, depending on the incubation temperature, which also determines

whether they are male or female. They experience various degrees of success in each of the clutches that are laid in huge groups to maximize their chances of survival.

Straight to the sea

Usually, the turtles hatch at night, but it is possible to see them also during the daytime. The rush to the ocean begins as soon as the hatchlings emerge from the sand. With their eyes barely open, the little turtles sense the air and immediately know which way to go.

Many from Ostional accompany the hatchlings as they crawl toward the sea, guarding them against dogs and vultures.


Small turtles may not be transported to the ocean because they require the run over the sand to grow their lungs. The little turtles are no longer secure once they reach the ocean; the next cast of predators awaits them beneath the surface.

Most hatchlings do not reach maturity, which takes 10 to 15 years. Those who make it, though, will return to their home beach. Even though intrepid turtles may paddle as far as India across the Pacific Ocean, their incredible natural navigation system always directs them back to Ostional, where they will re-lay their eggs at the same spot on the black sand beach as their mother did.

Nature is certainly amazing to witness!

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Costa Rica's WILD SIDE

Enjoy the Live Nature Videos and Howler Stories

Costa Rica is home to hundreds of wildlife species. Thanks to Guanacaste Wildlife Monitoring, you can watch dozens of the creatures through their live video segments. Howler offers a variety of articles on wildlife. Enjoy the videos and stories in this month's Travel & Adventure Creature Feature.

Compiled by Howler Staff Videos courtesy of Guanacaste Wildlife Monitoring


Costa Rica is renowned as being one of the most biologically diverse places on the planet. Despite being home to an incredible number of species of fauna, seeing these animals in their natural environment proves to be quite challenging. Most species have evolved behaviors, activity patterns, and camouflage that allow them to find food and avoid predation, and these adaptations make observing and studying these animals difficult.

Guanacaste Wildlife

Monitoring aims to solve this challenge by using camera traps. Camera traps are motion sensor cameras that capture photos and videos of wildlife, day or night, when they move in front of the camera. Using this technology, we capture videos of the animals in the forest and share the videos with our clients using a variety of social media and digital platforms.


is International Sloth Day, a day to honor the adorable slowmoving, tree-dwelling, and leaf-eating mammals. Help conserve the natural habitat and the way of life of the world's slowest moving animal.

Saving the Planet's Slowest Mammal in a Quickly Changing World

The Sloth Conservation Foundation (SloCo) was founded in 2016 by sloth researcher Dr. Rebecca Cliffe and is dedicated to saving sloths in the wild.

Dr. Cliffe has worked extensively in the field with sloths for over 10 years, conducting field research and publishing numerous scientific papers on the ecology, biology, genetics and physiology of sloths. Throughout this period, she has witnessed first-hand the array of rapidly increasing problems being faced by wild sloth populations. SloCo was founded with the determination to stimulate progressive change and achieve lasting solutions through research and conservation initiatives.

Sloths are the ultimate creatures of habit. They are perfectly adapted for life high up in the canopy of tropical rainforests where they have little need to ever descend to the ground. However, the rainforest habitat that the sloths depend on is becoming more and more disturbed. Roads, farms, towns and cities now dominate the landscape, cutting the once-continuous forest into smaller and more isolated segments. The sloths simply cannot adapt to this rapidly changing environment. Saving these incredible animals from extinction therefore requires innovative and long-term conservation solutions that will target both the human and sloth populations, with the goal of developing sustainable ways in which humans and sloths can coexist.

SloCo has developed a range of strategies and programs which aim to achieve this objective in Costa Rica. These range from increasing habitat connectivity in urban areas to educating children in local communities and conducting high-quality scientific research into many different aspects of sloth biology and ecology.

The Sloth Conservation Foundation is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in the UK (Registered Charity Number 1170992).

PLEASE NOTE: The Sloth Conservation Foundation is not a sanctuary or rescue center and is not open to the public. SloCo is a non-profit organisation that specializes in the conservation and research of wild sloths. Our dream is to prevent sloths from ever needing rescue by tackling the problems that these animals are facing in the wild.

Story and photos from SloCo
October 20
Click logo for: • Oct 20 events • Adopt a Sloth • Kids/School material • More information • Shopping options

Private Luxurious Oasis

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Planning Your 2023 Escape

One of the beautiful aspects of Costa Rica is the variety of opportunities for adventures. Literally there is something for everyone. The extremes are real, from being lazy chillin’ in a hammock by the beach to trekkin' a volcano trail to adrenaline rush jumps.

Deals in Costa Rica presents a small fraction of the adventures that await your next vacation/escape. We highlight examples in just five regions to intrigue your adventuresome spirit. Click on the buttons for more information.

There are two major international airports. Check to see which one is nearest your desired locations to visit.

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OCT 1 5:32 am OCT 31 5:34 am OCT 1 5:33 pm OCT 31 5:19 pm SUNRISE SUNSET OCT 1 5:32 am OCT 31 5:34 am OCT 1 5:33 pm OCT 31 5:19 pm MOON PHASES SUNRISE SUNSET 1st Quarter OCT 2 Full Moon OCT 9 New Moon OCT 25 OCT 17 3rd Quarter COSTA RICA SURFIN G CLICK FOR YOUR NEXT ADVENTURE SPONSORED BY: Read all Howler Surfing Articles, click here


Day High Low High Low High

Sat 01 06:07 9.21 ft 12:22 0.23 ft 18:36 8.15 ft

Sun 02 00:34 0.81 ft 06:56 8.74 ft 13:13 0.68 ft 19:31 7.74 ft

Mon 03 01:29 1.29 ft 07:54 8.22 ft 14:12 1.12 ft 20:37 7.42 ft

Tue 04 02:37 1.70 ft 09:05 7.80 ft 15:23 1.40 ft 21:53 7.37 ft

Wed 05 03:56 1.83 ft 10:23 7.68 ft 16:40 1.38 ft 23:08 7.68 ft

Thu 06 05:16 1.57 ft 11:37 7.90 ft 17:50 1.07 ft

Fri 07 00:14 8.24 ft 06:25 1.05 ft 12:40 8.31 ft 18:49 0.61 ft

Sat 08 01:10 8.86 ft 07:22 0.45 ft 13:34 8.74 ft 19:41 0.18 ft

Sun 09 01:59 9.41 ft 08:11 −0.06 ft 14:22 9.08 ft 20:26 −0.13 ft

Mon 10 02:43 9.79 ft 08:55 −0.39 ft 15:07 9.26 ft 21:09 −0.26 ft

Tue 11 03:25 9.94 ft 09:37 −0.51 ft 15:49 9.24 ft 21:49 −0.18 ft

Wed 12 04:05 9.86 ft 10:17 −0.42 ft 16:30 9.04 ft 22:28 0.09 ft

Thu 13 04:45 9.56 ft 10:57 −0.14 ft 17:11 8.67 ft 23:06 0.52 ft

Fri 14 05:24 9.10 ft 11:36 0.28 ft 17:52 8.18 ft 23:46 1.07 ft

Sat 15 06:04 8.52 ft 12:17 0.80 ft 18:37 7.65 ft

Sun 16 00:29 1.66 ft 06:48 7.90 ft 13:02 1.35 ft 19:26 7.14 ft

Mon 17 01:17 2.23 ft 07:38 7.31 ft 13:54 1.84 ft 20:25 6.75 ft

Tue 18 02:15 2.67 ft 08:39 6.86 ft 14:55 2.19 ft 21:31 6.59 ft

Wed 19 03:25 2.87 ft 09:49 6.66 ft 16:03 2.30 ft 22:38 6.72 ft

Thu 20 04:39 2.72 ft 10:57 6.75 ft 17:06 2.15 ft 23:36 7.10 ft

Fri 21 05:41 2.30 ft 11:55 7.07 ft 18:00 1.83 ft

Sat 22 00:23 7.61 ft 06:31 1.72 ft 12:44 7.51 ft 18:44 1.41 ft

Sun 23 01:05 8.20 ft 07:14 1.09 ft 13:26 7.98 ft 19:25 0.97 ft

Mon 24 01:43 8.78 ft 07:53 0.47 ft 14:06 8.41 ft 20:03 0.55 ft

Tue 25 02:20 9.30 ft 08:32 −0.06 ft 14:45 8.77 ft 20:41 0.20 ft

Wed 26 02:58 9.71 ft 09:11 −0.44 ft 15:24 9.00 ft 21:20 −0.02 ft

Thu 27 03:37 9.94 ft 09:51 −0.64 ft 16:04 9.09 ft 22:00 −0.07 ft

Fri 28 04:18 9.95 ft 10:32 −0.63 ft 16:47 9.01 ft 22:43 0.05 ft

Sat 29 05:01 9.75 ft 11:17 −0.41 ft 17:33 8.79 ft 23:30 0.36 ft

Sun 30 05:49 9.33 ft 12:05 −0.02 ft 18:24 8.46 ft

Mon 31 00:23 0.79 ft 06:43 8.79 ft 12:59 0.46 ft 19:23 8.12 ft


99 Reasons Why We Love Living in Costa Rica


Costa Rica is 99% green. It is almost totally carbon-free, and the most environmentally protective country in the world. Most of Costa Rica still looks like it did when the dinosaurs walked the earth. You have to love and respect somewhere that places nature above money. This haven will blow you away.


Hiking in so many spectacular places: national parks, volcanoes and mountains, where the scenery seems to go on and on forever. You could spend an eternity clunking around this little paradise and never see all there is to see; there is an endless supply of “secret spots.”


Leatherback turtles are in jeopardy of extinction around the world, due to mankind’s growth and poaching. Yet Costa Rica is one of the leaders in protecting these iconic creatures with dozens of sanctuaries and conservation programs. Take some time and volunteer; you can make a difference.


(506) 2672-4100 Office

What Is the Cost of Living in Costa Rica?

We will get to the nuts and bolts of what it costs to live in Costa Rica in just a minute…. But maybe the real question should be…

Where you are living right now is definitely where you have figured out how to earn money and amass enough of a nest egg to be able to think about buying a property and moving to Costa Rica in the first place. But you have more than likely had to make certain sacrifices along the way in order to become successful in your business or career.


Why is it Important to Work with an Experienced Real Estate Agent and Long-Standing Real Estate Company in Costa Rica?

Most buyers and sellers in the coastal regions of Costa Rica are not native to the area. So it seems like common sense that you would seek out advice from a seasoned and professional agent who works in a wellestablished agency to guide you through the purchase or sale process of a property in a foreign country. I think we would all agree with that statement so far.


Enjoying Life

2672-4100 Office in Costa Rica

We get these questions all the time: Will I enjoy living In Costa Rica? Where Is the best place to live in Costa Rica? Who moves to Costa Rica?

Will I enjoy living in Costa Rica?

We find that most people, after visiting for a couple weeks, have a pretty good idea if they will like living in Costa Rica or not. Now of course, some people move here and ultimately decide it’s not for them and go home. But there are very few, especially if they do their due diligence. CLICK HERE FOR MORE


Contact Dermatitis

Much has been said about the possible harmful effects of chemicals and other additives to foods. More prevalent in our environment, however, and much more annoying, are thousands of skin irritants that give rise to the medical condition known as contact dermatitis.

Dermatitis is inflammation or irritation of the skin. This is often manifested by redness, itching, scaliness and bumps on the skin. Contact dermatitis is a type of allergy.

As with other forms of allergy, discovering the cause of the problem may be easy or may involve a costly and timeconsuming allergic work-up.

There are thousands of causes of contact dermatitis, but this discussion will be limited to describing clothing and cosmetics as causative factors. If a person can identify and eliminate the cause of the dermatitis, much time, energy and money can be spared.

The following describes specific body areas and agents associated with contact dermatitis in these regions:

Scalp and forehead: Common offenders are hair dyes and bleaches. Hairnets, bathing caps, hats, etc. can produce a typical “band” pattern on the forehead.

Eyelids: This sensitive area reacts to eye makeup, perfume, nail polish and anything else on the hands that comes in contact with the lids.

• Ears: If on the external ear, suspect hair dyes, shampoos and sprays. If on the back of the ear, think about eyeglass frames. At the opening of the canal, earplugs can be an offender. On the ear lobes, nickel sensitivity from earrings is a major cause. The offending jewelry can be worn after covering it with several layers of clear nail polish.

Face: Almost anything can cause dermatitis, as hands touch your face dozens of times a day. Shaving lotion, powder, cosmetics, flowers, stuffed animals and poison ivy are some of the diverse irritants.


• Lips: New lipstick takes about a week to sensitize the individual but old lipstick can become sensitizing. Other materials are toothpaste, citrus, fruits, musical instruments, pins (such as bobby pins held in the mouth) and pens, etc.

• Neck: This area is prone to dermatitis from hair preparations and dyes. The back of the neck can be affected by jewelry clasps or dress fasteners. A collar-like rash can be due to necklaces or the coloring from a new garment.

• Armpit: Deodorants and perfumes are common offenders.

• Trunk: Affected areas include the breast area from rubber in bra contact; girdle area from rubber; waist or belt area from rubber, tanning agents or products from bathtub mats. Other general rashes can come from perfumes or soap.

• Genital area: Possible causes are chemicals on toilet seats, scented toilet paper, condoms, douches, perfumes, and feminine hygiene deodorant sprays.

• Extremities: Hands and feet come in contact with hundreds of items daily. Nickel and rubber are common offending agents. Wrist or watch bands, gloves, jewelry, socks, shoes and sandals, if they contain noxious agents, leave a characteristic pattern in the involved area.

The cure for all contact dermatitis is removal of the offending substance. Immediate medical relief can be obtained with “over-the-counter” cortisone preparations and/or calamine lotion. Contact dermatitis that is longstanding, however, should be treated by a physician to prevent serious permanent consequences such as scarring.

Click or scratch photo for more "Doctor Is In" articles

Contact dermatitis is a type of allergy.

Useful Nouns

alcagüete — a person who tolerates more than he or she should, like a pushover; or someone who keeps secrets for other people

atajo — shortcut

cabro/cabra — “male goat/female goat,” meaning boyfriend or girlfriend

cacharpa — an old vehicle in terrible condition chorizo — “sausage,” meaning a bribe

chusma — rabble, riffraff or criminal element. “En ese barrio hay pura chusma” — “That neighborhood is full of shady people.”

guachimán — “watchman,” security guard, also known as a “guarda” or a “guardia”

jama — food (the verb jamar means to eat)

jamón — literally “ham,” used to mean “easy.” “Estuvo jamón el exámen” — “The test was easy.”


leche/lechero — “milk,” “milkman,” someone with a lot of luck

mordida — “a bite,” meaning a bribe nerdo — nerd paño — towel. (Often toalla in other countries, though toalla is more commonly used in Costa Rica to mean a kitchen dish towel, a feminine sanitary napkin or a moist towelette used to clean babies.)

peso — the basic unit of currency in several countries, and also used colloquially of the colón in Costa Rica

sabelotodo — a know-it-all suampo — swamp vaina, vara — thing, object, issue, nonsense, excuse, problem

zaguate — a mixed-breed dog, a mutt

zancudo — mosquito

Click here for more Spanish learning

Scraping Your

Ready for a New Morning Habit?

Ready to add a new activity as part of your morning habits? Have you ever heard about scraping your tongue?

I invite you every morning, before brushing your teeth and before breakfast, to use a tongue scraper or a spoon (don't use this spoon for anything else from now on) and gently scrape your tongue from back to front. Try to scrape the entire width gently but firmly.

Why are we doing this? We are looking for ama, a Sanskrit word that translates as “unripe,” “uncooked,” “raw,” or “undigested.” Ama is a form of unmetabolized residue, and evidence of its presence can be seen on the tongue.

The formation of small amounts of ama is normal, but when it is not cleaned and removed regularly, ama becomes a big problem, or in other words "the cause of all disease."

Ama looks like a sticky white coating on the tongue and can smell like yesterday's food. By cleaning your tongue every day in this way, you may be able to learn more about yourself and your digestive process. This part of this mission is also to raise awareness.

The formation of small amounts of ama is normal.

Ama signs and symptoms

• Channel obstruction — pre-nasal sinus congestion, lymphatic congestion, constipation, etc.

• Fatigue, heaviness, cloudy brain

• Abnormal flow of vata (one of the doshas according to Ayurvedic medicine), such as heartburn or diarrhea

• Stagnation

Abnormal or dull taste, lack of appetite

• Sexual weakness

• Feeling of being dirty, impure

Causes of ama

• Poor diet

• Stress

• Inadequate sleep

• Lack of a routine

• Excessive, inappropriate or lack of exercise

• Irregular eating habits

• Sleeping or eating before digesting food

• Sleep during the day (for some constitutions)

• Unresolved emotions

So the challenge is to clean your tongue after you wake up in the morning and see what comes out.



Your Tongue

Keep doing this so you can notice when you haven't digested food properly, when you have bad breath and when your tongue has more ama than usual. Considerations: Did you eat a heavy meal the day before? Did you eat a lot of meat? Do you have indigestion?

This is how you begin to pay attention to the signals your body is giving you, so that you can make the appropriate changes to create balance in your body.

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Business ideas are what Sun Real Estate listings include.

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Properties for Sale

In Costa Rica

Johannes Valentin Beriè, known as Hans is a German entrepreneur and the owner of different companies, working as a proven and successful businessman, for 30 years in Costa Rica, with different kinds of views, and greatly connected everywhere, to get things done.

With Sun Real Estate he formed a team of specialists and solvers of critical situations, for any type of happenings, to lead the clients to a positive outcome.

Hans never lets his clients run alone before and after a successful closure, he always watches them and makes sure they are in a safe place.

Ocean View Building Huge Horse Farm with Residential Project Property for Warehouse/Free Zone Beachfront Property

Iwalked into a local restaurant three years ago and heard a sound coming from the stage of a meticulous tune being played with Spanish flair. It was my first introduction to Tony Putaggio.

Born in Castres, France, Tony has performed in France, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Spain and Mexico. He now lives in a rural town in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, where he performs in the Tamarindo, Flamingo, Brasilito and Potrero area.

I visited Tony recently at his home. The first thing he started to say, with his heavy French accent, was, "I am a little nervous … this is my first interview to do in English."

I assured him it would be fine. So the interview portion may be hard to understand, but the music he plays will be totally comprehensible as purely melodic.

The one audience Tony wants to hear him play is his musical role model, Rodrigo y Gabriela (Rodrigo and Gabriela). The music of this Mexican acoustic guitar duo is influenced by a number of genres, including nuevo flamenco, rock, and heavy metal. The duo's recordings consist largely of instrumental duets on the flamenco guitar.

After a few minutes of listening to Tony perform in this casual setting, you'll experience the dynamics of a style that is captivating. You will also sense the passion of Tony's intent and skill.


At Home with Tony Putaggio and His Music

Story and videos by Terry Carlile Photos courtesy of Tony Putaggio 1



After a few minutes of listening to Tony perform in this casual setting, you'll experience the dynamics of a style that is captivating.


video 4

video 5
Live performance:

Oubaïda Azzouz

Inspired by the Nature of Costa Rica

Born in Brussels and of Moroccan descent, artist Oubaïda Azzouz grew up in a culture of mixed influence and developed a pronounced taste for the Orient.

With a fascination for drawing and illustration and skills superior to other students his age, Oubaïda was encouraged to enroll at the Sainte Marie Institute in Brussels, a specialized secondary school to prepare students for the visual and fine arts.

"My teachers very quickly spotted my potential,” he tells us. “In my late teens I started to create commissioned paintings while still in school and started to have public expositions."

But with his heart also leaning towards sport, Oubaïda left the institute, feeling unchallenged. New things were on the horizon, however. Quickly embracing his second passion — performing arts — Azzouz achieved multiple championships in the Benelux Dance competitions, traveling throughout Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg.


"My heart has always swung between art and sports," he admits.

At the age of 37, Azzouz and his wife decided to make the move to Costa Rica. Now in his new home country, Oubaïda explores different artistic expressions and perspectives.

"My arrival in Costa Rica has really made me aware of the space that nature occupies and how great it is, in all its varied, surprising and sublime — but also strong and wild — elements. Our mindsets should always be linked to nature and, thus, be humbler in front of her!”

Oubaïda finds it odd that in Europe, people seem to be disconnected from these notions. “But here in Costa Rica, by taking the time to observe natural surroundings, listen and connect with all this overflowing life, I see that my senses are opened, which increases my inspiration and desire to create so much art, because there is so much to show. At the same time, it pushes me to go deeper and deeper into every detail, every color, and every gradient because they deserve to be exposed in broad daylight."

To see Oubaïda Azzouz's premiere exhibit in Costa Rica, plan a visit to the Hidden Garden Art Gallery; visit us online at www. or contact us at info@

Our mindsets should always be linked to nature and, thus, be humbler in front of her!”

Visitors to Hidden Garden Art Gallery can view these paintings on display (left to right): Parrot diptych, Colibri, Loro and Quetzal.

Legalizing Marijuana

CR BIZ in Costa Rica

Will Costa Rica be the next country to legalize marijuana for recreational use?

President Chaves in November's legislative assembly will be presenting a bill to decriminalize marijuana and allow its cultivation and sale to be legal.

This can be a new era of economic boom for Costa Rica, not only from tourism but also through the creation of much-needed jobs for the people.

With the state of the economy in Costa Rica, this could be the life ring to flip the tables on the high unemployment rate and the high debt that burdens progress here.

Just the tourist dollars alone will be staggering. Cannabis tourism is a big business, as many countries and U.S. states have seen.

Will this dissuade the illegal drugs that are present here? This is a good question. Costa Rica is a land bridge from South American producers of narcotics that make their way to the main consumer country of the United States.

I sometimes travel to Nicaragua and see the lines of trucks waiting to head north. I wonder how many of these trucks have drugs packed within their cargo? From several interviews and border chats, I have derived that very small amounts of drugs are actually seized.

At this stage, we all know the drug war has wildly failed to stop the flow to the north and the consumer base. So why not join them? Legalizing is a great way to effect a change in the region. It gives a great tax base and cuts into illicit drug operations. Why let the cartels have all the money when the biggest cartel is the government?

Tourism potential

New business models are emphasizing agritourism.

Farm tours would be an opportunity to learn about how marijuana is grown, and sample the different strains. Why not try it with gastronomic tourism, pairing marijuana with food and wine? Cannabis festivals are wildly popular. Are you ready to stay at a "bud and breakfast"? I would imagine that several hotels will follow this path. City tours of dispensaries and clubs are another viable tourist activity. Will cannabis make you more flexible? How about, "ganja yoga"? I am sure we will soon see travel packages that include lodging and cannabis experiences here in Costa Rica.

Get ready … the tourism sector is going to increase rapidly. I am from Colorado and have witnessed the growth of the cannabis industry. It certainly is an economic boom but has its downfalls as well. Colorado experienced huge growth in population alongside the legalization of marijuana. The once-tranquil place to live is now a traffic jam nightmare with a high cost of living. I guess growth has its ups and downs.

Marijuana has been making its way into a growing number of countries around the world. Below is a list of countries where marijuana is legal.

Source: La Republica

• Uruguay was the first country in the world to regulate the cannabis market in 2013, with the legalization of its recreational use. The population can carry and share up to 30 grams of marijuana.

• In 2021, Mexico approved the annulment of the ban on the recreational use of cannabis. The resolution establishes that marijuana can be planted, collected, transported, and distributed without penalty, only when it is for personal use.

• The Senate of Canada in 2018 approved the legalization of cannabis for recreational production and consumption.

• In the United States, marijuana can be sold and grown in Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Colorado, Michigan, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont, as well as Washington, D.C., New Jersey, South Dakota, Montana, Arizona, and New York.


Cannabis tourism is a big business, as many countries and U.S. states have seen.

What is the Legal Closing Process for a Property Purchase Transaction in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica uses the Roman civil legal system, which is the legal system used by the majority of countries in continental western Europe and Latin America. It is a more formal and document-oriented legal system than the English common law legal system, which is used in the majority of the U.S. and Canada and countries that are members of the British Commonwealth.

Most foreigners searching for a property to purchase in Costa Rica will do so in person, in many cases returning to their home country before the closing date for the purchase transaction. If the purchasers do not intend to return to Costa Rica for the closing, it is important that they attend before a Costa Rica notary public before returning to their home country, to grant a power of attorney to a party in Costa Rica who will be able to attend the closing, on the purchaser’s behalf. To accomplish this process by the purchaser from their home country, while possible, will be a very complicated and time-consuming undertaking.

Purchasing a Property by Way of a Property Title Transfer

The most common purchasing process utilized to acquire the title to a property in Costa Rica is by way of a property title transfer from the registered owner and seller of a property, established by way of a search of the property registration particulars recorded in the National Registry.

In this scenario, the registered owner and seller of the property may be a person(s) or a Costa Rica company. In either case, a Costa Rica notary public must prepare a property title transfer deed, as follows, to:

• Set out the current registered owner and the purchaser’s particulars

Describe the property whose title is to be transferred, by reference to the registration particulars recorded in the National Registry

• Specify the purchase price of the property and the method of payment

Indicate any continuing conditions or restrictions associated with the use and enjoyment of the property by the purchaser

Include a declaration by the purchaser of the source of the purchase monies utilized in the property purchase transaction


The registered owner and seller must also make various declarations confirming the state of the property title as is registered and as represented, with any monetary debts associated with the property, such as municipal property taxes, being paid in full up to the closing date.

The property transfer deed will also make provision for the discharge of any financial encumbrances, such as a mortgage, registered on the property title in favor of a creditor of the property owner and seller, utilizing a portion of the property sale proceeds.

At the closing date, as has been agreed to by the seller and the purchaser in the purchase and sale agreement, the personal purchaser and seller, or their personal representatives attending by way of a power of attorney, will appear together before the notary public to execute the property title transfer deed.

Following the closing process and payment of the purchase monies and closing costs — usually from an escrow company account set up for the purpose — the notary public is responsible for submitting a notarized extract of the property title transfer deed to the National Registry, along with payment of the property transfer tax and registry fees associated with the transfer process.

The registration process in the National Registry usually takes between one and two weeks to complete, following which the Registry will issue a property title extract indicating the purchaser(s) names as the registered owner(s) of the subject property. This Registry document is available to be obtained online by the notary public attending the closing. This document issued by the National Registry is the only document issued in Costa Rica to denote ownership of any given property.

Most foreigners searching for a property to purchase in Costa Rica will do so in person.

beachfront • KITCHENS breakfast • PARKING PLAYA TAMARINDO @ t h ec o a s tta mari n d o

Chartering in Costa Rica for International Vessels is Allowed!

In April 2021, the Costa Rican Congress approved law 9977, "Ley de Impulso a las Marinas Turísticas y Desarrollo Costero," published in La Gaceta on April 23, 2021. This law has legally opened the door for international vessels' chartering services in Costa Rica. Before this amendment of law 7744, "Concesión y Operación de Marinas y Atracaderos Turísticos," foreign vessels were allowed to use Costa Rica's marina facilities. However, the chartering service was prohibited. Hence, it was unattractive for international boats who are in the entertainment industry, looking to satisfy the needs of modern and luxury tourism.

How is the chartering service going to work?

Chartering service, as defined in the law, is an activity in which a vessel (24 meters or greater in length) with an international flag is the object of a leasing contract. The chartering includes all the crew members, supplies and logistics needed. Thus, a third party leases the vessel services to enjoy various activities, including tourism, fishing, and scuba diving.

The chartering license will be issued by the ICT (Instituto Costarricense de Turismo), per Article 5 of the reglementary dispositions; these are the steps to follow and documentation requirements:

• Complete the application form available on the official website of the ICT, (annex documents). This document must be signed by the owner or legal representative of the vessel.

• A copy of the seaworthiness certificate “certificado de navegabilidad.”

• Affidavit manifesting the vessel has a valid insurance policy that covers all the activities part of the chartering.

• Have an executed lease agreement with a fully opened and authorized marina in Costa Rica, such as Los Sueños, Marina Pez Vela, Flamingo Marina, Marina Papagayo, or any other marina approved by the government.

The ICT will analyze the application within 15 calendar days to issue a resolution. The chartering license, if approved, is valid for one year and could be renewed. Vessels destined for commercial freight transportation are not qualified to apply for a chartering license.

The chartering license, if approved, and could be renewed.


How long legally does a vessel with chartering licenses remain in the country?

The chartering permit will be valid for one year; it can be renewable for the same period. The vessels with an approved chartering license can leave the country without losing it, as long as the license remains valid.

How long does a vessel without a chartering license legally remain in the country?

Suppose a foreign vessel is just under contract with a marina (not doing chartering).

In that case, the ship can apply for a "temporal import status" of the vessel, valid for six months with the possibility to renew for another six months, for a maximum of two years. When that term is attained, the vessel has to leave the country for at least 90 calendar days, then come back and stay for the same period following the same process for the "importación temporal."

Obligations and crew members' migratory status

The fee for the chartering license will be 2.5% over the gross income of the service and is paid by wire transfer to the bank accounts of DGME (Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería). The 2.5% gross income payment will be verified against the leased contract the vessel has in the marina for chartering, and an affidavit has to be submitted along with the payment to DGME.

The captain (or another legal representative assigned) is the person who represents the vessel and its crew members; therefore, the legal capacity to deal with government authorities relies on him.


approved, is valid for one year

Sunset at Quepos Marina

What You Eat Has The of What You Can Achieve

Hello, my fellow wellness-prenuers! It is unbelievable how time flies; it is October, and most of us are looking forward to having a unique costume for the end of the month. Well, it will give us 31 days to find the best costume, and to get a better understanding of how you eat.

I chose this topic because after October, we have Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I want to give you a way to keep good healthy eating habits, which can help you stay focused and keep the energy to continue a dynamic work routine.

Why it’s essential to know what we eat

Food is our energy, our fuel. Food gives us the necessary sources to maintain proper body and mind functioning.

So, knowing what you eat will give you the knowledge of what food works better for you than others.

Let´s review: What are the components of any food?

1. Macronutrients: they give metabolic energy and sources to the body. There are three types:

• Proteins are amino acids, our building blocks for body tissue that keep us strong

• Carbohydrates give you energy.

• Fats (the good ones) help to produce, regenerate and maintain the optimal body and brain function and cells.

2. Micronutrients: these are vitamins and minerals, which are very important because they are largely involved in the chemical process that has to do with your metabolism.

Now that you know how food is composed, we are going to talk about the best sources and the worst ones.

When I was in my Integrative Nutrition Health Coach training, I received a master's class from a doctor who demonstrated that we can heal ourselves through a good nutritional diet. Dr. Joel Fuhrman dedicated his work to showing us that we can heal and reverse diseases with a proper diet.

Nutritional Food Pyramid

I love Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritional Food Pyramid. At the base of the pyramid, he added leafy greens and vegetables. Above that are fruits and legumes. Then, in smaller quantities, come whole grains, seeds, avocados, potatoes, and nuts. At the pyramid´s peak, you will find fats, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, meat, and sweet and processed food.

So, if this pyramid shows the optimal amount of a type of food that we should eat to have balanced nutrition that contributes to our wellness, it can give us a guide to keep us working in the best way.

Do you know that your diet is unique? People get confused with the word “diet” and believe it refers to a specific named diet. The truth is that we have created our own diet by the way we eat.


The Power Achieve

Homework assignment

So, I will give you some homework. See how your diet is composed. Take, for instance, Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritional Food Pyramid and create your own pyramid. Then compare both pyramids with each other.

If you are interested in improving your energy, focus, and productivity, think about three things that you can change in your pyramid to make it more balanced like Dr. Fuhrman's pyramid. Your pyramid doesn´t have to be exactly like his, but take into consideration that Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritional Food Pyramid works for body and mind wellness.

If you are looking for professional guidance, you can contact me at any time. Howler readers can receive a free consultation. and follow me on Instagram and Facebook

Drinking coffee can have a positive effect on your cognitive functions, because it is rich in antioxidants.
The truth is that we have created our own diet by the way we eat.
Paying More Attention to the Way You Eat Can Help Your Productivity

Real Escapes Costa Rica

For Sale: Hacienda near Los Colinas

10 minutes to Playa Grande

Are you looking for a great place near a beach like Playa Grande in Guanacaste Costa Rica? This property has amazing trees and other features. Schedule a viewing and see how this could be your place to escape to.

• mini organic farm with 3000m2 or 3/4 acre

• house is 1800 sq ft American construction

• ceiling and woodwork in cypress

• large kitchen fully equipped

• laundry room with full size washer and dryer plus storage space

• walk in closet with true cedar shelves

• large bathroom, 2 lofts

• large covered patio

• fully furnished

• carport

Bodega/workshop 580 sq ft made of combitek (stucco over wire and styrofoam) walls and roof. Space with shelving, tools, garden equipment, and sporting goods all included. This space could be redesigned as a casita.

Greenhouse with raised beds and aquaponic system with artisanal well and city water.

A small tank with sacred lotus and blue lily of the Nile that can be transplanted to the pond in the rainy season. The pond can be stocked with tilapia, guapote, or koi.

Huge mango trees, coconut, ylang-ylang trees that produce the fragrance of Chanel no.#5, cinnamon, tamarindo, banana trees, star fruit, guanábana, manzana de agua, avocado, moringa, neem, guayaba, guava, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lime, blueberry bushes, acerola, cacao, fig, and pomegranate. All creating a mini fruit jungle

$289,900 usd

For showing:

Contact Mike on WhatsApp +506-8409-2587

Contact John on WhatsApp +506-8995-5497


Costa Rica Real Escapes
+506-8409-2587 +506-8995-5497

Two Condos for Sale in the Quaint town of Matapalo, Guanacaste

Both condos are modern, with three bedrooms and three bathrooms, located close to seven of Costa Rica's most beautiful beaches. They offer 1,150 square feet of air-conditioned space, plus a back porch, private rear garden, parking pad for two cars, and a paved roadway in a safe, friendly gated community.

The HOA fee is a low $175 per month with excellent property management and good reserve funds.

The open floor plan offers a spacious feel. The bedrooms have built-in closets and ceiling fans. The kitchen is equipped with a stainless steel stove and fridge, and a white washer/dryer unit. Countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms are all granite. There are ceramic tile floors throughout and screen doors on the front and back doors. These condos come fully furnished with everything you need to move right in.

Costa Rica Real Escapes PROPERTY SPOTLIGHT
Perfect for Retirement, Families, or Rental Investment Sponsored Content

The rancho and community pool are great for outdoor entertaining and a cool swim. The condos are located in Matapalo, a quaint Costa Rican town with convenience stores, where you will hear and see howler monkeys, birds, and iguanas.

It is a short drive to quality 24/7 medical care, several restaurants, and shops. Playa Grande (famous for surfing) is minutes away! Conchal Beach is 10 minutes the other way. Even the Liberia international airport is only a 50-minute drive. Email for further information or to schedule a showing. crrealescapes@gmail. com or WhatsApp: +506-8995-5497

These condos come fully furnished with everything you need to move right in.

Home for Sale in Matapalo, Guanacaste

High-quality construction and design in a quiet secluded area — it’s all yours, within an easy 10-minute drive to the area’s beaches, and just 20 minutes from the popular communities of Tamarindo and Flamingo.

Special spaces throughout

This classic Spanish hacienda-style house optimizes all its tropical living space, inside and out: 125 square meters under interior roof, expansive front and back patios measuring 55 square meters with a two-vehicle carport. This is all situated on a 1,645 square-meter, treecovered lot in a small, off-the-beaten-path subdivision of quality homes.

This home offers the best of both worlds — privacy and convenience.
Sponsored Content Costa Rica Real Escapes PROPERTY SPOTLIGHT

The three-bedroom floor plan incorporates two bedrooms / common bathroom and a master bedroom / bathroom. The open great room features exposed beams and high vaulted ceilings encompassing the spacious kitchen, dining and entertainment areas. The covered patios bring the tropics to your doorstep.

Ready and waiting to live in

As a turnkey property, “Casa Escondite” is completely ready to live in or rent out. The home is tastefully finished and fully furnished with all necessities.

Highly desirable location

This home for sale in Matapalo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, offers the best of both worlds — privacy and convenience. With no through-traffic at this dead-end, low-traffic gravel road, the only noise is that of monkeys and birds.

The house is located just 450 meters off the main road and two minutes either way to the small towns of Matapalo or Huacas for shopping convenience. The drive to Playa Grande or the south end of Playa Conchal takes just over 10 minutes. Tamarindo and Flamingo are both a 20-minute drive.

The subdivision: Pase de Terras

Pase de Terras is a residential oasis with a sense of remoteness. The landscape configuration of buildings and trees ensures adequate shade and breeze for reduced reliance on air conditioning, as well as protection from the strong north winds and dust during the dry season.

For more information

Contact: or WhatsApp +506-8995-5497 to schedule a showing. Brokers welcome.

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