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Pi. Delta Literary Society Activities

Football Banquet

At the close of the foot - ball season the Pi Delta Literary Society gave a banquet in honor of the varsity squad. Mr. John Huntington Ely, one of our post-graduate s acted as toast - master for the occasion.

During the course of the evening Father Robinson \Vas proffered an honorary membership in the society, after wh ich h e gave a short of acceptance. The other speakers for the eveni n g were: Father Jenning s, Mr. Jamieson, Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Millis, Major Merritt, Robert Mead, Manley Branch, Paul vVebster, Maurice Hockett, and various members of the team.

Literary Activities

Mr. Felix Gay Modjeski of this soc iety was the winner of the annual Declamation contest in which participated the Alpha Tau Literary Soc iety, the Middle Schoo l , and the Pi Delta Literary Society, each ha ving two cntrnnt s.

One debate between the Alpha Tau and Pi Delta is held every year. The members of the Pi Delta debating team are Hughes, Worth and C h almer s.

A contest takes place every Commencement between the two societ ies for the best essay a nd oration.

The Pi Delta meets every Friday night between 7: l S and 8: 15. Sometime s the program consists of debating a nd genera l discussion s At other times it consists of reading and current eve nt s.

The .o fficers are as follows:

Presid e nt

V ice President



The members are: l

Dante Paul vVcbstcr

Robert Grant Mead

John Bass Leslie

Alan Ritner Anderson