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The Class 1-Iistory


In the distant past, a time almost forgotten, a little bo y strode fearlessly onto thl' rolling 1?;rrcns of Howe. He was the first of the best senior clas that has ever graduated from Howe. His name was and st ill is "Al" Smitley. They u ed to say during the following year that he would be a seco nd Grant.

All those who were th ere to meet the new fellows in the far back year of "19," knew the class hi storian when he arrived becau se of hi s tongue which he just couldn't control. l t would invariably begin t? when he tal.ked. "Hass" L<"slie also came in the same year only at Chnstmas tuue of that fruitful year, bringing with him hi s foundry to play with during hi s spa re moments.

'Vht·n the ) car of "2 1" rolled around we were all at the train to meet onr Class President and Editor, "Zimmie" Hockett, for even then he sho ne out like the star on Eve. And as he stepped from the patiicnt G. R. & I., he impressed us as a Columbus coming to di scover new land. Along with him came our ongstrr, "A rchie" Langford and the sc hool' s gardner, "Pat" Pa.ti·iarch.

The following year brought us somet hing to talk a bout, for lo , who should enter upon th<' stage but our most mighty captain of all sport s, "Yib" Mead and with him to help carry the immen se load came "Fritz" House. They were laden with footballs, basketballs, ba seba ll s, tennis racquets, medals of honor and sports and both bearing a stau nch loyalty for Chicago and Jack so n and a popularity with the female movie star s of Hollywood. But wait, we have more to come, for here is "Bill" Chalmers bringing athletic uniform s, high grades, a mania for ranking his form for the year and a big "Lone Star" of Texas on hi s suit ca c. Right behind him marched "Paul" Webster with a pair of drum stic ks, a drum, and a baton all tied up in a red bandanna and hi s face wreathed in happy sm il es.

"23' \1 as starte d by the editor-in-chief of the noted "Bozo's Bunk," "A ndy" Anderson. \Vith him he brought a cavalry sa bre and a lot of pretty pictures. His arrival was heralded by the clatter of i run shod hoofs as he pranced into Howe on his noble steed. \Ne received a few other brilliant member s s uch as "Hank" Arrnington who came with all hi s sheck le s, his plumbing and establishment.

"\Vhcn schoo l started in September in the yea r of 1923, who s hould get off "The Grant! Railway Incorporat ed," but roommates, "Ken" Carter and "Boom" Biederman. Boom was carrying a book of jokes and a fool's head , s upposing I gue.ss, to he the .Rect.or' je ster. "Ken" was carrying a funny lookin g littl e horn wlrn:h he co uld Ju st barely make squeak. You should he ar him now. Eberts also came bringing with him the air of Wyandot much lad en w ith the dust of hi s father's coal es tabli shment. "Tiny" Morganthalcr rolled in about this time in hi s Jordan Six, a turdy frame well cushioned with two hundred pounds of filling.

. W:ell, finally rnlled a.nd with it came Burgess with aH hi s r:idio and hi s Curtiss taggmg along behind, lugging a large bo x 111 winch hr kept his ponderous memory. Suddenly we heard the tread of heavy feet and turning we aw our friend "Dick" Barrett, he had just hailed in from Union City, where from reports they raise wi ld women. Another newcome r ca me in crowned with a Aamin g th atc h. 1I e was the famous " .Hard Boiled" Sc hn eider from Indianapoli s, w ho had ju st l eft hi s fat h er's tai lor shop, to come here, he sa id , to lea rn somet hin g about go in g to co ll ege. \N e ha ve t he be:;t of hopes. His fellow c iti ze n , the well kno w n Stcigcmcycr, who ha s inherited th e art of scl lin i; Cad illa c cars an d makin g l ove to women, has blosso med forth from hi s hiding place to help make our cla ss mor e of a s uccess. Pr etty soo n we heard a stea dy t hump - thump and an ever-increas in g noi se a nd who should co 1nc but our old friend "H illi" IIilli goss, boun cin g a ba sketball and yelling at t he top of hi s vo ice, " I want so methin g to cat, aw plea se gimme so me ." "Feet togeth e r." vV e have among us :i. member w ho is not rated as a se ni or but he 1vill gra duate this year, hi s nam e is " ic" De Vries. H e is known for the agile pencil w ith which he draws car toon s

The neophytes for thi s ye ar are Burgess, Barrett , Schneider, Steigemcyer and Hilligoss.

Thi s end s the hi s tor y of Th e Class of J 925, a team of fellows who are leavi ng a blazed trail be hind th em wherever the y go and we hope that we arc leavi ng a mark on the records that wi ll be unequaled by any other clas s grndufrom Howe Sc hool.


Handsomest- An de rso n-W ebste r- S teigemeyc r.

Politcst Lc s li c- halmcrs- artcr.

Nca t cs t-Wc bster-Lc slic-S tci gc mcycr.

Bu s icst- H oc kc tt-Andcr so n- P a tri a rachc.

Most e ffi cient- H oc ke tt-Ch a l me rs-Sc hn e ider.

Most modest-Mead-Leslie - Langford.

Best a thlctc- Hou sc- Mead - Hilligo ss.

Be st a ll around fc ll ow -A ndcr so n-Wcb stcr-Hilligo ss

B es t nat ur ed-H ilti goss-Andcr on-Mead.

Most c:i.pab l e-Hockett-Anderson--W cbster.


Most rcs pectcd -S mitl ey- Brnn ch-Housc.

Wittiest-Hi lli goss-Beidennan-Arrnington.

B est stud ent-C h alm ers.

Most use ful - Patriarachc- Hockctt-S mitle y.

Laziest-Arm in g t o n- 1organthaler-Hilligoss.

Biggest bl uffer- Morganthaler- H illigo ss-Sc hn cidcr.

Most prominent- Ho c kett- Anderso n-Mea d.

Quietes t- Le s li e-Carter-De Vr ies .

Biggest catcr-Morganthalcr-Beiderman-Anderson.

Deepest in l ove-A nd erso n-Steigemeycr-E bcrt s

Best mu sic ian - L a ngfo rd -C urti ss-Car t e r.

:Most in need of :i. s ha ve-A nder so n .

Most likel y to ·uccecd-Cha lm c rs

Most popular da y-S und ay afternoon.