Houston Style Magazine

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★ UNIQUE ICE CREAM RECIPES FOR SUMMER ★ Complimentary Houston's Urban Weekly Publication Volume 19 ★ Number 28 JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 SPOTLIGHTS


Talks About...America Needing to Wake Up


Caught in a Web of Fatal Attraction


A Rare Pearl Dead at 103



by Chris Gardner

PG 2

July 9 - July 15, 2009



04 Washington: Asleep on the Jobs 08 What’s In Style Houston Style’s Great Essence. . 10 11 Maxwell is Back

VOLUME 19•NUMBER 28•JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 EDITORIAL FRANCIS PAGE, JR. Publisher JO-CAROLYN GOODE Managing Editor/Editor at Large


ART JOYCE CAIL Art Director JULIE NONG Graphics Intern

By Jesse Jackson

See What’s Happening in Houston

By Jo-Carolyn Goode

By Jo-Carolyn Goode



4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16



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Send event info (one week in advance) to: (Fax) 713-748-6320 or editorial@stylemagazine.com Minority Print Media, L.L.C. 2646 South Loop West, Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77054-2792

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July 9 - July 15, 2009

PG 3



Tribune Media Services


t is time to wake up. This country continues to hemorrhage jobs. The pain is spreading across the country, with young men and minorities taking the biggest hits. Unemployment, now at nearly 10 percent, is still rising. But Washington seems fixated not on the imperative of creating jobs, but on fantasies of a recovery or false fears about future inflation. It is time to wake up. This country has now lost all of the jobs gained during the Bush years. More people were employed in February 2001 than are employed now. Since the beginning of the downturn in 2007, 6.5 million jobs have been lost. But with the growth of the population as the largest generation since the baby boom enters the job market, it would take nearly 9 million new jobs simply to get us back to where we were. Loss of jobs means lousy wages. Conservative economists are prating about future inflation, but wages are stagnant and headed down. There are five people for every job opening. And this will get worse. States and localities are just beginning what will be brutal job layoffs. Fewer hours worked means lower wages means less consumption. Retail stores are shutting down; malls are boarding up; commercial construction going belly up. And the best jobs are getting hit the worst. Manufacturing lost another 136,000 jobs in June (a total of 14 percent of all manufacturing jobs have been lost since the beginning of the downturn). A lot of these

Washington: Asleep on the Jobs jobs are not coming back. President Obama warned about how harsh the recession he inherited would be. The president pushed for a recovery plan that would create 3.5 million jobs by the end of next year. We’ve lost 6.5 million already. Then Congress weakened his plan. Republicans turned to obstruction, not to solution. Conservative Democrats -- led by Sens. Evan Bayh and Ben Nelson -- worked to cut support for the states and localities, to reduce the size of the stimulus, and to add top end tax cuts that have the least effect in creating jobs. Their cluelessness has gotten worse since then. Now they are warning about the debt we may build up in the future, and pushing for cuts in spending now. This is truly perverse. President Obama is fighting off the worst global economic collapse since the Great Depression. This is the time we need to borrow money to put people to work. Once they start working, getting a paycheck, gaining confidence, spending money, the economy will start pumping again.. When the economy starts working, deficits will decline as tax revenues will go up and spending on unemployment and the like will go down. And our long-term debt problem is almost entirely caused by the projected soaring costs of health care. Yet these same senators seem intent on eliminating any effective public plan to compete with private insurance companies and hold down costs. Washington is still blinded by old and failed ideas. Congress is still pouring money into the banks on the theory it will trickle down to those in pain. But people are still being forced out of their homes and are losing their jobs. Trickle down doesn’t work. Nor does our corporate trade policy. Trade has collapsed across the world, but the U.S. is still running billion dollar daily trade deficits. Companies like GM that are dependent on taxpayers are still shipping good jobs abroad. China is subsidizing its export industries, enforcing “buy China” procurement rules, and pegging its currency

below its value -- and Washington snoozes while companies take our jobs abroad. We have to balance our trade and revive our own manufacturing sector. We need a second recovery plan, one that puts people directly to work doing work that needs to be done. We need a second financial plan providing relief for Warner Hicks:High Fashion Home 11/1/06 2:52 PM homeowners and students burdened by staggering loans, not to zombie banks and reckless bankers. And we need action -- quickly before this gets worse.

In the August recess, every legislator in Washington should pledge no junkets abroad. Go home, stop listening to economists saying the recovery is around the corner, and talk to Americans about the pain that is still spreading. Put aside the false idols of a failed reactionary time. We can avoid a second Great Depression, but only Page 1 if Washington wakes up. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson care of this newspaper or by e-mail at jjackson@rainbowpush.org.

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PG 4

July 9 - July 15, 2009



July 9 - July 15, 2009

PG 5


Texas Southern University Receives Great News SACS Lifts Probation - Excellence Preserved

Texas Southern University Contingency


he Southern Association of Colleges and Schools’ Commission (SACS) on Colleges has removed Texas Southern University (TSU) from probationary status which means the university retains its full accreditation. This good news comes at a time


when TSU is positioning itself to meet the needs of 21st century students now entering college. The news allows for an additional boost to recruitment and federal aid for students. “This is significant for everyone studying and working at Texas Southern, for alumni around the world and for potential students

contemplating spending their college days at Texas Southern,” stated Dr. John M. Rudley, Texas Southern’s president. The SACS Accreditation Board voted to lift the probation after Dr. John Rudley and TSU administrators presented supporting evidence regarding University im-

provements. Dr. Rudley goes on to say that, “Texas Southern is successful because we all worked together. We produced auditable records for two years when the university had not had an audit in five years. I want to thank everyone who worked to assure our success.”

the Alpha Kappa Omega chapter of AKA. Having joined the Alpha chapter of AKA at Howard University in 1923, Young has rendered service to all mankind for more than 85 years. She also has membership in the YWCA, National Educational Education Association, National Retired Teachers Association, Retired Teachers of Harris County and Jack and Jill of America. She was delighted in serving the Lord and did so at the Antioch Baptist Church in downtown Houston. A piece of history dies when a person of Young’s stature leaves us with so much knowledge stored in her head. During one of my many visits with her, she taught me lessons by which I should live my life. Life lesson #1 was to monitor my fear. She wanted to record the history that was stored in her head before she lost her credibility, but she never did because she held her tongue about a lot of things. However, she did pen one book about the history of the Alpha Kappa Omega chapter of AKA entitled “History in the Making.” In lesson #2, she emphasized the importance of walking. She credited walking for her longevity. As a little girl in 1910, during the dark era of American history when Jim Crow Laws ruled the land, Young walked blocks and blocks past the “whites only” school that was one block from her home to the blue barn, where black children were educated.

“The fact that little children had to walk so far to school when there was a school almost next door was a blessing,” Young said. With people disliking her just because of her skin color, it was hard to imagine that she learned lesson #3 and was able to teach it to me, always be kind. In this instance, her former student, the late Dr. Robert Terry, was instrumental in helping her learn this lesson. Among his many accomplishments Dr. Terry received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and became president of TSU and became one of Houston’s first black millionaires. Dr. Terry said Young’s kindness made a big difference in his life and he appreciated her forever. Those three life lessons were just a few jewels she left with me. Hazel Hainsworth Young is a true pearl of the rarest kind. The world will truly miss this precious pearl. Young is survived by her daughter, Marianne Young Walker, and her sister, Mae Frances Hutson. Her wake will be held Friday, July 10, 2009, at 6:15 p.m and her funeral is scheduled for Saturday, July 11, 2009, at 11:00 a.m. Both services will take place at Antioch Baptist Church located at 500 Clay Street. It has been my pleasure to bring Young’s story to Houston but now this angel rests in heaven. Houston Style Magazine extends sympathy to the family and friends of Hazel Hainsworth Young.

Hazel’s Legacy

By Jo-Carolyn Goode Editor-at-Large


n every time there is a season. Every tion she found her life’s passion, education. season has a time. The time for Hazel She began teaching Latin at Jack Yates High School in 1926 and Hainsworth encouraging chilYoung came on Fridren to set goals and day, July 3, 2009, strive to realize their at 7:15a.m. The dreams. As a pres103-year-old died ent for her 100th peacefully in the birthday, the library comfort of her third at her beloved Jack ward home. Yates High School She was was named in her an educator, having honor. This honor been the only living was most fitting member of the origbecause she always inal faculty of Jack stressed the imporYates High School. tance of reading. She was a sister, She was very influhaving been the ential in motivating oldest living memmembers of AKA, ber of the Alpha alumni of Yates Kappa Alpha SororHazel Hainsworth Young and Texas Southern ity, Inc. (AKA). She University (TSU) was a mother, sister, to volunteer countfriend and so much more to so many people. She called me her publicist, and I take great less hours at Yates serving as mentors to students. pride in telling her story one last time. Around the same time that she Born in Navosta, Texas in 1905, Mama Hazel, as I affectionately called her, returned to Houston to began her career in moved to Houston when she was 6 years education Young would make another inold. Her formal education began in and con- valuable mark upon the Houston commutinued in Washington, D.C. where she re- nity by founding the oldest graduate chapceived her bachelor’s degree from Howard ter of AKA in the Houston area. In 1928 University in 1925. The year after gradua- with five other women, Young founded

PG 6

July 9 - July 15, 2009



Dispelling the Myths About the Black Man

By Rose Spencer

BWG Media Group dispellingthemyths@bwgmedia.com


e as Blacks draw upon different pools of knowledge and experiences that leave us to believe the myths that society has perpetuated. These myths are ruining our community. It is time that these myths are dispelled. In a series of articles I will began dispelling the myths that have kept us bound to negative beliefs. Because I feel that the Black man is the head of the household, and should be the leader of our homes, communities, churches and nation; I will began the series with our Black men. The purpose of this article is not to perpetuate the myths but to provide an insight into how society use these myths to devalue the Black man. There are so many myths about our community that have been perpetuated by the media, it is impossible to cover them all. I will touch on the myths that are most commonly repeated in the press and in our community. Myth #1. There are more Black men in prison, then in college. In 2002 the Washington-based research and advocacy group Justice Policy Institute published a research study that revealed that 805,000 black men were in college and 757,000 black men were in jail. The numbers are bad in itself but the fact that the news story line read “There are more black men in jail than college” is an injustice to our community. Never did the news story reveal the actual numbers, nor did they reveal that the study, the sample and the data was flawed. The study reported by media outlets did not contain a key statistic. The number of college age (18-24) Black men attending college was higher than the number of incarcerated men from the same age group. The Justice Policy study included incarcerated men ages (18-55), which provided a larger sample group. In using the larger sample group, the data showed more Black men in prison than in college. In 2000 according to the Status Report on Minorities in Higher Education and the Department of Justice: Bureau of Justice statistics, there were more than 469,000 Black college age (18-24) men enrolled in college, while 114,400 college age men were in prison. Myth #2. Black men are lazy. This is absurd! How can the men who built this nation for FREE become the laziest people in the nation? According to the US Census Bureau, 68.1% of all Black men over the age of 16 are in the civilian labor force, compared to 73% of

white men. With racial discrimination and other challenges, more Black men are still working than sitting at home. While the majority of poor people in America are Black, the majority of Black people are NOT poor. Of the 33.7 million Blacks in this nation, 8.1 million have incomes below the poverty line. Myth #3. Most successful Black men seek out White women to marry. The notion that once some Black men reach success they trade in a Black woman for a White woman is untrue. As of 1998, interracial marriages composed of a White person and a Black person accounted for only .6% of all marriages in the nation. Of all interracial marriages, only 16% are Black male to White female. This myth is mainly perpetuated in the Black community. Although, there have been Black movies that have featured professional Black men, seeking out White women, i.e. “Waiting to Exhale and “The Brothers,”, the mainstream media is less likely to show this. Although the mainstream media have not deliberately perpetuated this myth, our own people continue to do so. The Grammy-winning artist Kanye West expressed this in his popular 2005 song “Gold Digger.” “This week he mopping floors next week it’s the fries So, stick by his side… …You stay right girl But when he get on he leave your ass for a White girl” In closing, it is time that we stop the myths. We have been misled and misinformed about Black men for far too long. Our Black men are our presidents, our kings, our fathers, our brothers, our sons. Black men are educated, strong, talented men. They are the backbone of our community and until we began to treat them like the king’s that they are; our community will continue to suffer. As for me, I love my Black men and I refuse to allow the myths to mis-educate me about them. When I hear anything negative about Black men, I intentionally investigate the source and invalidate the charge against Black men. We must remember that the Black man is the most hated man in the world. If his own people won’t lift him up, then who will? Join Rose Spencer at the Dispelling the Myth. The Truth about Black Men and Relationships forum on July 24, 2009 at Texas Southern University New School of Science and Technology.

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July 9 - July 15, 2009

PG 7

What’s in STYLE July 11 - 12

OPEN AUDITIONS ANNOUNCED FOR ROCKETS DANCE TEAMS Rockets Power Dancers on Saturday, July 11 Little Dippers on Sunday, July 12 The Houston Rockets will host open auditions at Toyota Center for the Rockets Power Dancers on Saturday, July 11 and the Little Dippers on Sunday, July 12. Ladies auditioning for RPD will need to display a mix of hip-hop, jazz, pom and dance technique. RPD applicants should also be 18 years old, a high school graduate and have current full time employment or school enrollment. The Little Dippers are a group of energetic boys and girls who perform hip hop, jazz and novelty dance routines at several Rockets games throughout the season. Kids interested in auditioning should be 6-14 years old. RPD Auditions – July 11 at 9am Little Dipper Auditions – July 12 at 11:30am Toyota Center – Bell Street Entrance 1510 Polk Street For information on registration forms, information about RPD Prep Classes and audition day timelines log on to www.rockets.com. ●

July HOUSTON ROCKETS ANNOUNCE SUMMER SKILLS CAMPS Registration is now open at www.rockets.com for the Houston Rockets Summer Skills Camps. The first Summer Skills Camp will be held Monday, June 8 through Friday, June 12 at CITYCENTRE Lifetime Athletic Club. The second Summer Skills Camp will be Monday, July 20 through Friday, July 24 at Memorial Hermann Wellness Center. Camps are targeted at fans ages six to 15 who are interested in learning how to improve shooting, dribbling, passing and defensive skills, while learning about teamwork, sportsmanship and nutrition. The cost for each week long camp is $195 per camper. Each attendee will receive two tickets to a pre-season Rockets home game, a commemorative Skills Camp t-shirt, wristbands and other Rockets giveaways. For information on event registration, call John Donavan at ●

713-758-7453 or log on to www.rockets. com. For information on event registration, call John Donavan at 713758-7453 or log on to www.rockets. com.

July - August IT’S SUMMER THRILLS AND CHILLS HAPPENING NOW AT THE HOUSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY’S SUMMER READING PROGRAM Kids and Teens Can Register Now thru August 1, 2009 The Houston Public Library’s free 2009 Summer Reading Program Thrills and Chills is happening now. Kids and teens up to 18 years of age can chill out and enjoy the thrills of many diverse and fun programs thru August 1, 2009. They will be able to participate in exciting, entertaining, and educational programs that will help them keep up with their reading skills. ●

To register, kids and teens can go online at www.houstonlibrary.org or visit one of Houston’s neighborhood and HPL Express library locations.

July 11 THE MARCH FOR MARSHALLPlease join us as we march as a collective community for Marshall High School. Currently, Marshall has an Electronic Engineering Academy that offers a variety of intrinsic, academic, and experiential opportunities for our students. Regretfully, the Fort Bend ISD decision-makers plan to move the Engineering Academy from Marshall to Elkins. March with us on July 11, 2009, at 8:00am to keep the Electronic Engineering Academy at Marshall. We will gather at Together We Stand Christian Church, 1430 Texas Parkway @ Scanlin in Missouri City. Pleas wear black or gold to show your support. For more information contact Pastor Theodore Deaver at 832-681-6203 or theodoredeaver@sbcglobal.net or Pastor Matthew Davis at 713-208-0907 or turninghearts@yahoo.com. ●

July 11 INAUGURAL BBQ COOKOFF EVENT AT SAM HOUSTON RACE PARK Search for Houston’s Best Ribs, Washer Tournament and the Verizon Wireless Concert Series Featuring the Eli Young Band on Saturday, July 11, 2009 Guests will be able to sample BBQ plates from all teams starting at $10 per plate. Sam Houston Race Park 7575 N. Sam Houston Parkway West Houston, Texas 77064 $19 Fun 4-Pack (4 live racing tickets, 4 hot dogs, 4 sodas & 2 live racing programs) Regular Admission $4 adults; $2 Senior Citizens; children 12 and under FREE. For more information, call 281-8078760 or visit www. shrp.com ●

PG 8

July 9 - July 15, 2009

July 16 READING IS FUNDAMENTAL (RIF) CELEBRATES SUMMER READING AND SPOTLIGHTS EARLY LITERACY IN HOUSTON AREA Borden’s Elsie-the-Cow Hosts Read-ALong at Children’s Museum of Houston Children’s Houston Museum 1500 Binz St, Houston, Texas 77004 Thursday, July 16 at 10 a.m. For more information visit www.cmhouston.org

For information to purchase tickets go to the Toyota Center Box offices, by phone at 1 866-446-8849 or online at www.cirquedusoleil.com/saltimbanco.

July 26 HONORING A HOUSTON REVOLUTIONARY SLAIN BLACK PANTHER LEADER CARL B. HAMPTON On Sunday, July 26, 2009 two activities will be held to commemorate the life and death of Carl Bernard Hampton. The Gravesite Remembrance will take place at 3:00pm at Golden Gate Cemetery 8400 Hirsch Road Houston , Texas The Community Memorial will kick off at 5:00pm at 3212 Dowling Street Houston , Texas next to the PABA. The memorial will include a tour of the actual spot were Carl was gunned down by Houston police. The memorial on Dowling Street will also feature: a limited free food giveaway, survival program speakers, poets and edutainment. For more information call Carl Hampton Memorial Committee at 713-529-4254, carlhamptoncommemoration@gmail.com or visit www.carllives.weebly.com/index.html ●

All Male HISD Middle Charter School 5th-8th Grade Enrolling students for the 2008-2009 School Year To schedule a time to complete an application and interview, please call 713.748.0030 You can visit our website at: www.provision-inc.org

July 17 - 20 DISCOVERY GREEN CELEBRATES THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MOON LANDING CELEBRATION Discovery Green, 1500 McKinney in Downtown Houston Jones Lawn, Anheuser-Busch Stage Events: Kid-friendly interactive exhibits and hands on activities, “Driven to Explore” NASA mobile exhibit, and “Discovery Dome” featuring “Future Moon” honoring the Apollo astronauts Live Music by the El Orbits and others Films, including “Apollo 13” and “In the Shadow of the Moon.” From the archives, original footage of worldwide news coverage of the Moon landing and John F. Kennedy’s stirring speech, delivered at Rice University proclaiming America’s intent to land on the moon. All events are free! For more information, visit www.discoverygreen.com or call (713) 400-7336 ●

July 22 - 26 CIRQUE DU SOLEIL TO PRESENT SALTIMBANCO IN HOUSTON Cirque du Soleil is pleased to announce that the Saltimbanco Arena Tour will perform in Houston at the Toyota Center from July 22 to 26. Adults: From $40 to $95 Children (12 & under): From $32 to $76 Houston Show Schedule (July 22 to 26): Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 3:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sunday at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. ●


All interviews will take place at 4422 Balkin Street

Charter School students will start the 2009-2009 school year at Pro-Vision’s new academic building on its 16-acre site in Sunnyside located at 4590 Wilmington Street in August 2008.

Pro-Vision’s All Male HISD Middle Charter School is the first all male charter school in Houston and the state of Texas. The school addresses the needs of fifth through eighth grade students who desire a “second chance” at achieving academic success.

August 1 - 2 19TH ANNUAL HOUSTON INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL Saturday, August 1 and Sunday, August 2 4:00 – 10:00 p.m. Anheuser-Busch Stage Jazz will fill the air in downtown Houston Saturday and Sunday, August 1st and 2nd as the 19th Annual Houston Int’l Jazz Festival kicks off August Jazz Month. The event will be held at Discovery Green, 4:00 to 10:00 PM each day. An all-star lineup is scheduled including: “Rachelle Ferrell,” “Grupo Niche,” “Hiroshima,” “Texas Brass Band,” “Summer Jazz Workshop AllStars,” and many more. “The Houston Int’l Jazz Festival represents a rich tradition of excellence through musical expression. For more information call 713.400.7336 or visit www.discoverygreen.com ●


Grilling Secrets for a Healthier You


ummer just isn’t summer without a few good barbeques and cookouts. Outdoor grilling is not only a great excuse to socialize with friends and family, but, it has tremendous healthy lifestyle advantages. Just consider:

By Tonja Ward Style Heath Editor

• Excess fat drips away from the meat you cook making for a lean entrée. • You spend less time cooking, and • As an added bonus it reduces your energy costs because you don’t have to blast the air conditioner after the oven or stove heats up the kitchen. However, when you grill, care must be taken so that in lowering one health risk, you do not inadvertently increase another. When meats, poultry and fish are char grilled, dried out from long cooking times and/or cooked at high temperatures carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) can form, namely Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) also form when the fat from the meat drips on the grill’s heating element and produce smoke, which eventually land on the food. This caution not only applies


in your backyard but also when you order char grilled or charbroiled food from a restaurant. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) recently settled a law suit against Burger King over carcinogens found in its grilled chicken. They will now post warning signs to alert customers of the compound in their California stores. The PCRM also has outstanding lawsuits against McDonalds, Chick-fil-A, Applebee’s, Outback Steakhouse, Chili’s, and T.G.I. Fridays. From the looks of it the HCAs and PAHs are the summertime party poopers. But fear not! We don’t want this all to “rain” on your summer barbeque plans. So, here are some grilling tips to minimize the HCAs and possibly prevent negative health effects: • Marinate your meats before grilling • Line the grill with foil • Wrap food in parchment paper • Grill seafood • Make use of your spatula and flip your

July 9 - July 15, 2009

burgers often • Use a cedar plank or rack for more indirect cooking • Pre cook your meats and grill for flavor • Keep the temperature low and slow grill • Bake, roast, crock pot or stir fry your meats and serve with barbeque sauce just dust off that crock-pot that you put away after the winter and stew your meats in a tangy barbeque sauce for some shredded barbeque chicken sandwiches • When you eat-out, order grilled fish since HCAs form at lower levels in fish. Or stick with rotisserie, baked or stir fried chicken over char-grilled. At Burger King you can also order the Veggie Whopper over the BK Tendergrill™ Chicken Sandwich. • Grill your veggies - especially those well-known cancer fighting cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower • Add citrus, like orange slices, along with your grilled foods as this has been shown to reduce carcinogens in some cases, Bottom line, practice safe grilling when you cook your meats outdoors and practice moderation as you consume your grilled meats!

PG 9


Houston Style’s Great Essence Music Festival Ticket Giveaway By Jo-Carolyn Goode Editor-at-Large


ne fan of the late great Michael Jackson compared how he felt when he was lucky enough to get tickets to Jackson’s memorial service at the Staples Center in Los Angles, CA to how Charlie in “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” must have felt when he had the golden ticket. Four Houston Style Magazine readers did not receive tickets to the memorial service or the golden ticket, but they did get a version of those experiences when they entered the Houston Style Magazine Essence Music Festival Ticket Giveaway. Over the course of several weeks


Houston Style Magazine advertised the Essence Music Festival Ticket Giveaway in which we provided not just 1 pair of tickets for one night but a pair of tickets for each night of the Essence Music Festival. That’s right 3 pairs of tickets or 6 individual tickets were given to each winner. Many people from across the United States participated in the contest but only Helen Daniel, Marie Grant, Monica Glover, and Ryne Payne had the luck of the draw. The first to get the good news was Marie Grant of Houston, TX. Traveling with her to the largest gathering of black entertainment was her husband. “We had a

great time attending many memorable conferences. It was a great opportunity to see many great and fabulous black artists in one location,” said Grant. Monica Glover also of Houston, TX received the good news from me that she would enjoy the festivities at Essence Music Festival free of charge. Needless to say Glover was shocked. So shocked I had to repeatedly identify myself before she believed me. Lake Charles, Louisiana resident Helen Daniel almost missed her chance to party at the Essence Music Festival as she missed my call. Lucky for her, she had quick fingers and returned the call. Just as I was about to dial up the next person on the list, Daniel’s call came through. Daniel took her home girl to the big New Orleans. “What a treat!” she squealed upon learning of her good fortune. After the festival Daniel emailed me to tell me what a good time she had. “We had a blast. It was phenomenal,” said Daniel, who is now trying to butter me up for tickets to see Jamie Foxx. All I can say to the rest of you readers is to keep reading Houston Style Magazine as you never know when we will have some-

thing else to give away (but we don’t have Jamie Foxx tickets). The only male to win tickets was another Louisianan, Ryne Payne. Already in New Orleans, Ryne had purchased one ticket for one night. Although he was planning to meet some friends at the Festival, he had wished he could have taken more friends along to enjoy the fun. He got the chance to do just that after speaking with me. He had an opportunity to spread some love. It was not a stipulation for winning but he, too, emailed me after the Festival. “I had a great time at Essence. It was more than fun,” said Payne, who marveled at how well attended the Essence Music Festival was. “When I tell you it was packed, it was packed. Not just the first day but all three days.” Payne continued, “Trust me, it was an experience.” Don’t worry if you missed the Essence Music Festival this year as next year promises to be bigger and better than ever. Start making plans now to attend the Essence Music Festival in 2010. Maybe Houston Style will be calling you to say “You’re going to the Essence Music Festival on us.”

Conservative Talk Show Hosts Utilizing Propaganda? Enemies of United States Love It!!!

By H. B. (Rickey) Spivey, Jr., LCC Criminal Justice Editor

Propaganda Techniques “are the methods and approaches used to spread ideologies that further a

cause regardless of whether it’s for religious, political, or any purpose to

PG 10

discredit the subject matters involved. Closed and weak minds are perfect candidates for rumors and propagandas; they are the types of persons who are more apt to be followers than leaders. Before you RUSH into any conclusions, let me explain, for the first time in history, we have a Black President of the United States. Never in the imagination or twilight zone of any black, white, brown, or yellow minds did this reality expect to occur so soon, it did. Instead of helping this nation in its time of turmoil, war, and financial stress , high paid Americans with radio mics in their grasp are doing and saying everything possible to discredit, demean, discour-

July 9 - July 15, 2009

age, despair, and dissect every single action, or word the President presents. The world is looking and listening to a few individuals with the awesome power of the air wave viciously castrating our President before our enemies and giving them hope and aspirations that the quote of “United We Stand and Divided We Fall” has become a victim of racism and pure hatred. Yes I said it, somebody has got to say it before Americans lose focus on who our real enemies are, or we may not have a Country to espouse hatred in. Republicans has had the previous eight years to put America’s House in order, where were these genus conservative talk show hosts hiding then? They have no answers, just talk. My mother used to tell me, “If you don’t have anything good to say about a person, then don’t say nothing at all”. Bottom line, the conservative talk show hosts are stirring up internal tensions in our nation with their words of hate and division. Sit back and let our President steer this nation out of the problems America is currently facing and let the world know by words and deeds that America is one nation under


God and we will stand by our President, even if you don’t understand his methodology. Apparently some of you didn’t understand the methodology of the previous administration, or we wouldn’t be having this discussion now. EDITOR’S NOTE: H.B. (Rickey) Spivey, Jr., LCC has received a “Certificate of Congressional Recognition” for service to his community, Proclamations from the Senate of the State of Texas, Harris County, and the City of Houston. He also received a “Commendation for Meritorious Service” from H.I.S.D., and is the first and only recipient of the “Constable A. B. Chambers Living Legend Award”. Former Captain Spivey who served under Constable A.B. Chambers is a law enforcement instructor, grant writer, private investigator, and concealed handgun instructor. He is a former board member of the Crime Stoppers of Houston, and former candidate for Harris County Constable. Precinct 7. You can contact him at editorial@stylemagazine.com.


Maxwell is Back


BL0901784 Engagement City: HOUSTON, TX TRADE AD Media: Job No.:



sually out of sight means out of mind. Well, not if you’re Maxwell. For the past 7 years the


R&B singer has been a bit incognito. He ducked out of the limelight soon after the release of his 2001 album “Now” to live a “normal” life. He needed to gain some life experiences so that his music would have more meaning. He cut his trademark locks, so that he could blend more easily in society because no one really recognized him. Seven years later Maxwell is back! Maxwell comes back with a plethora of new music that has fans yelling a simple “Thank you.” Thank you for coming back to the industry. Thank you for returning the soul to R&B music. Over the next three summers Maxwell will release a trilogy called “BLACKSUMMERS’NIGHT.” According to press material, the first installment, “BLACKsummers’night,” is a dark and soulful compilation. While the second installment “blackSUMMERS’night” is a more spirited gospel influenced sound. The last installment “blacksummers’NIGHT” is a cool collection of slow jams. Debuting on July 7, 2009, “BLACKsummers’night” is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated albums of the summer. “Its’ a record journey for me. I have had such great real experiences living an everyday life and that sort of created this really amazing, I feel, album in my life,” said the singer who is now in his mid 30s. “In your 20s you’re just a sketch of what you think you’re trying to be.” Using his life experiences, he created the trilogy and reintroduced himself

Insertion Date(s):

to industry. alizing that I should give it one last try.” I have to agree with Maxwell Check out the album that was recorded this latest project is amazing, but I love with a live ten piece band right now at anything by him. He could stores everywhere. sing the alphabet and I would buy it. There is something sexy about his voice as well as his passion for music. He is not the average artist. Maxwell said, “Every time I’d get in the studio it would be like am I trying to outdo this last record? I just wanted to make a really good record.” Currently the first single on “BLACK,” “Pretty Wings” is #1 on America Urban Adult radio stations. Performing recently at the 2009 BET awards, the song talks about wanting to be with someone but the timing was not right. “It’s about the last relationship I had,” Maxwell said. “How you meet the person of your dreams but at the wrong time. She was a serious muse and the song is a testament to what I wanted to say and say, Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Wed. JULY 15 H 7:30 PM to her.” “Pretty Wings” JULY 16 JULY 17 JULY 18 JULY 19 OPENING NIGHT 11:30 AM 1:30 PM 3:30 PM 1:30 PM also debuted #1 on the TICKETS $10!* 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 5:30 PM 7:30 PM Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Billboard Singles chart. JULY 22 JULY 23 JULY 24 JULY 25 JULY 26 JULY 21 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:00 AM 3:30 PM 3:00 PM “Pretty Wings” gives 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM *(Excludes Circus Celebrity , VIP Dining, Front Row and VIP seats. Service charges, the sound that we are facility and handling fees may apply. No double discounts.) used to hearing from Buy tickets online, at Retail Locations, Maxwell with falsettos and baritones. He gives Reliant Stadium Box Office or call 1-800-745-3000 listeners a different feel, For information call (832) 667-1400 • Groups of 15 or more call (281) 367-9717 a more seasoned man TICKET PRICES: $16 - $24 - $30 Limited number of Circus Celebrity, VIP Dining, Front Row and VIP seats available. persona with the song Call for details. (Service charges, facility and handling fees may apply.) “Fistful of Tears.” “It’s Come 90 minutes before show time to see our Asian elephants at the Animal Open HouseSM. kind of about wanting to And, meet the stars an hour before the show at the All Access Pre-show – FREE to all ticket holders! leave the industry and a relationship but then re© 2007 Feld Entertainment

By Jo-Carolyn Goode

5.875” x 10” Section: ENTERTAINME Ad Size:

JULY 15 - 26



July 9 - July 15, 2009

PG 11


Houston, TX

I am Sasha Fierce Tour

Buffalo Soldiers’ Annual Juneteenth Freedom Festival

Photography By Vicky Pink

Photography By Joyce Cail


n Saturday, July 4, 2009, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the I am Sasha Fierce Tour at the Toyota Center. Houstonians danced and screamed for the hometown girl, Beyonce´, as she gave attendees a show worth every penny. Houston is a part of the third leg of the tour that began in March 2009 in Edmonton, Canada. The tour is slated to end in November 2009 in London, England. Giving her concert more meaning, Beyonce´encouraged fans to bring non-perishable items to her concert to be donated to local charities to help feed the nation’s hungry. This is in partnership with the new “Show Your Helping Hand” campaign.

PG 12

July 9 - July 15, 2009


n Saturday, June 20, 2009, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Buffalo Soldiers’ Annual Juneteenth Freedom Festival and Motorcycle Rally with the Southern Soul Music Concert at Jones Plaza Complex. The festival included a showcase of custom motorcycles, Buffalo Soldiers history displays, merchant booths, a soul food festival with the coming together of restaurants and a cook-off with chefs from around Texas and Louisiana. The concert features Michael Henderson, Cherrelle, Allan Harris, plus Blues, Zydeco and R & B entertainment. This fundraising concert was one of the highlights of the day and helped to support the building of the new Buffalo Soldier Museum, slated for completion in 2010. The highlight of this event was Buffalo Soldier Troopers Bobby McDonald and Harry Hill of the 9th & 10th Horse Calvary riding horseback to read the Freedom Proclamation.



Former NFL Football Star Dies at the Hands of Foul Play

By Jo-Carolyn Goode Editor-at-Large


n 1995, there was something new in he and his family frequented where she the air of Houston. That something was worked as a waitress. Reportedly, Kazemi recent National Football was very popular with the League (NFL) draft pick customers, so it was not unSteve “Air McNair.” He usual that she and McNair signed a seven year contract would strike up a friendwith the then Houston Oilship. This friendship develers. Starting out as a backup oped into an illicit relationquarterback, McNair did ship several months ago. not see much action during Two days before the his first year in Houston but pair succumbed to gunshot in a December 1996 game, wounds, they were pulled he along with the rest of over by police and she was the Oilers were all over the charged with DUI while Jacksonville Jaguars. After driving a 2007 Cadillac that game and his second Escalade, a twentieth birthSteve McNair season McNair’s stats were day present this past May. compared to that of Houston quarterback Kazemi was taken into custody, McNair great Warren Moon. In that short period of left the scene in a taxi, and a previous time before the team moved to Nashville, boyfriend of hers picked up the car. AllegTN, Houston came to know and love Steve edly, on that same day Kazemi is said to McNair but sadly he is no more. McNair have purchased a handgun from a private was found dead in his Tennessee condo- source. Steve McNair was last seen enterminium on Saturday, July 4, 2009. He was ing the condo around 1:30 A.M. on July 4, only 36 years old. 2009. It was reported that Kazemi’s Cadil When Wayne Neely, a friend lac was parked outside when he arrived. with whom McNair shared the condo- About twelve hours later, the two were minium, arrived about 1:30 P.M., he went found dead. directly to the kitchen. Nothing seemed to His wife, Mechelle McNair, is be out of the ordinary until he saw blood. said to be distraught and angry. Fred McHe then went to the living room where he Nair, brother of Steve, and other family found McNair slumped on a couch with members are reportedly making their way two gunshot wounds to his chest and two to Tennessee to be with Mechelle. to his head. Lying on the floor close to him McNair was a viable asset to was his 20-year-old mistress Sahel Kaze- the Tennessee Titans National Football mi with one gunshot wound to her head. League football team, McNair led them Immediately, Neely called a close friend to the 2000 Super Bowl. In 2001, he had who in turn called 911 after he arrived at a career best as a professional player by the condo. Police have evidence that Mc- gaining a passing record of 3,350 yards, Nair’s death was an apparent murder/sui- 264 completions, 21 touchdowns, and cide at the hands of the vey distraught and a quarterback rating of 90.2. Due to his confused Kazemi. They (the police) sur- awesome record, he was named to the mised that she felt as if her world would Pro Bowl for the first time. He would be come to an end without the love and sup- named to the Pro Bowl two more times. port of McNair. These feelings are what This former Most Valuable Player also pushed her to this tragic outcome. played two years for the Baltimore Ra McNair met Kazemi at a Dave vens before he retired from the game in and Buster Restaurant in Nashville, TN April 2008.


July 9 - July 15, 2009

PG 13


Toyota Camry Hybrid: The Economy Booster

By Jo-Carolyn Goode Editor-at-Large


he unemployment rate may be decreasing, but people are still losing their jobs. Although they seem to be on the decline, gas prices are still too high. Folks have tightened their belts so much that now they can hardly breathe. It is hard to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel in this dark, bleak economic depression in which we find ourselves. This past week I found a glimmer of hope as I test drove the 2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid. Sitting on 16” wheels the Toyota Camry Hybrid gleamed as the sun’s rays reflected off the specks of glitter in the gray metallic paint. There seems to be little change in the frame of the 2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid. The headlights are more cat like as they are slanted upward. Ordinarily when I open the door of a vehicle and see all leather interior I smile with excitement, but when the temperature outside is above 100 degrees and my skirt is short. I look at the leather a little differently. Now if the weather had been a little cooler, I would have looked at the leather seating more favorably. Another feature that would be impressive during the colder months is heated seats, which



known for being extremely quiet vehicles. Since the Camry uses both a gas engine and battery power, a quick take off from a stop position is not expected. The switch from one source of power to the other prevents this from happening. Just because the Camry doesn’t have a quick pick-up does not mean that it lacks in performance. The Camry steps up to the plate by providing an excellent, smooth ride. Handling the vehicle is a breeze the way it hugs the road. EPA fuel economy estimates are 33-mpg city and 34-mpg highway. Still the best thing about driving a hybrid is fewer trips to the gas station and more cha-ching in the pocket. An entire week would past before I needed to refuel. Heavy city traffic can make gas

dwindle faster from the tank, that is, if the car is something other than a hybrid. Those who drive hybrids know that stop and go traffic is no barrier to fuel economy. In heavy traffic my Toyota Camry just kept moving and switching from the 2.4/l 4cyclinder DOHC 16V gas engine to the battery power with efficiency. Fewer trips to the gas station put more money in my pocket and boosted my appreciation of this marvelous motor vehicle. More money can also be yours if you buy then drive the Toyota Camry Hybrid. The base price is $26,150.00. Discover greener horizons and stimulate your personal budget by visiting your local Toyota dealer or by logging on to www.toyota.com.

Scoop Up Summer Fun

ummer parties and sunny days just scream for a scoop of ice cream. From banana splits to sundaes, ice cream is an easy way to enjoy the season. So grab a scoop and gather the kids around to create a few ice cream treats and great memories. Pop to it! M a k e summer celebrations unforgettable with these easy ice cream lollipops. Just take a few scoops of a yummy ice cream, add lollipop sticks, dip them in a coating made from semisweet chocolate, cream and condensed milk, then decorate and add flair with a favorite topping. Make it personal. If you need extra plates for serving dessert or simply want to spend more time enjoying your treat than cleaning up, use personal containers such as Blue Bunny Personals. You will get all the fun of a banana split in a manageable size and there will be no dishes to wash! Give ’em the works. Watch guests do a double take when they

PG 14

my Camry had. My Camry Hybrid also had dual zone auto climate, AM/FM/CD player, driver’s power seat with lumbar support, and power windows and door locks. Some of the controls for these features were also conveniently located on the steering wheel that also included Bluetooth wireless technology. The dashboard was very clean and not cluttered. Accents of wood grain was tastefully placed throughout the cabin of the vehicle. There was more than adequate leg room in both the front and rear sections which seats 5 passengers. I really took a liking to all the storage space in the Camry. There are spaces in the doors, two on both side of the console, one embedded in the center console, one on the armrest, and one on the side of the steering wheel. There are pockets for storage on the backs of the front seats. In addition, the glove box and a spacious trunk are also storage compartments. Now that it seems as if I am well acquainted with the vehicle, it is time to put my knowledge in gear. With my smart key in the cup holder, I push the button to start the car. No loud noises are heard as this is a hybrid and that is just it, no noise. They are

see these eye-popping treats. From a distance, they’ll swear these cool ice cream hamburgers are hot off the grill! For more tasty recipes and how-to videos, visit bluebunny.com. Ice Cream Lollipops A cool, tasty twist on the lollipop that everyone will enjoy! Prep time: 20 minutes Serves: 4 4 small scoops Blue Bunny Premium Cookie Creations Monster Cookie Ice Cream 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, chopped 3 tablespoons heavy whipping cream 1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk 1/2 cup of your favorite toppings, chopped if necessary (sprinkles, chocolate chips, cookies) Sucker sticks Scoop ice cream into 1 1/2-inch scoops. Place on a parchment lined sheet pan. Place in freezer for 15 minutes or until ice cream is semi-hard. Remove ice cream from freezer, shape into balls and insert a sucker stick into the center of each ball.

July 9 - July 15, 2009

Return lollipops to the freezer. Place 1 cup water in a small saucepan; bring to a simmer. Place chocolate, whipping cream and sweetened condensed milk in a small stainless steel bowl. Place over hot water (upper bowl should not touch water) and stir until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Place toppings in a small bowl. Dip lollipops in chocolate sauce shaking gently to remove excess sauce; quickly, roll in toppings. Return to freezer until serving time. Sweet Ice Cream Hamburger Treats Have your children help make these adorable “hamburger” treats. They’ll love these burgers. Prep time: 20 minutes Serves: 4 8 dessert sponge cups (strawberry shortcake cups) Light corn syrup Sesame seeds 2 drops yellow food coloring 1/2 cup marshmallow cream 3 black licorice twists, for grill marks 2 cups Blue Bunny Premium Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Red gel frosting, for ketchup


2 large green gum drops, sliced, for pickles Trim upper edge of each dessert cup to make level. Lightly brush flat side of 4 cups with corn syrup, sprinkle with sesame seeds; set aside. Stir food coloring into marshmallow cream; set aside. Cut licorice in half lengthwise, then cut in half crosswise; set aside. Place 1/2 cup ice cream in each of 4 dessert cups, smoothing edges to look like hamburger patties. Press three pieces of licorice onto each patty for grill marks. Spread each with about 1 tablespoon marshmallow cream mustard and drizzle with gel frosting ketchup. Top with gum drop pickles. Top with sesame seed coated dessert cup. Serve immediately.

Style Book Review “Start Where You Are” by Chris Gardner

By Terri Schichenmeyer Style Literary Writer


his summer, you’re really going to do it. There’s no other choice. You’ve stalled long enough. No more dragging your feet. You need some sort of income, so you’ve decided to start your own business, change careers, take on additional responsibility. You’ve made up your mind. Now it’s time to figure out what to do next. In

the new audiobook “Start Where You Are” by Chris Gardner, you’ll see that you already possess the information you need. You just have to put it all together. Sometimes, when you have an idea, just thinking about acting on it can be overwhelming. You hardly know where to start or whom to ask for help. Gardner says that you don’t need to worry so much if you remember that your greatest assets are within you. You have the power to determine who you become. But your dream is just that – a dream – unless you have a plan to implement it. Do your R&D and make a plan that focuses on what you want to do. And don’t be afraid about moving too slowly; Gardner says he drives his staff crazy by repeating this mantra: Baby steps count, too, as long as you go forward. But speaking of forward, don’t be afraid of yesterday. Identify your past and know how you got to where you are, but give yourself permission to dismiss parts of it that don’t match the person you are. Oh, and it is possible to forgive transgressions without forgetting them. Find your passion and keep your eyes on it. Put things into perspective and never disconnect with yourself or the per-

son you want to be. “Know yourself, be yourself, choose for yourself.” Practice the Five C’s: clear, concise, committed, consistent, and confident. Seize every opportunity you can to get on-the-job training. Be willing to go back to the basics if you stray from the path you’ve chosen. Make friends before you need them. Pick your battles wisely. Be both an apprentice and a mentor. Above all, know that it’s okay to fail but not to quit, and remember that there is no “secret” to success. Once upon a time, author Chris Gardner was one of the “working homeless”, and in this audiobook, he uses his early adulthood as an example for what he preaches. Because he started from the bottom and is now the CEO and owner of Gardner Rich LLC, you can bet that everything he says here was personally vetted. While what you’ll learn in “Start Where You Are” is definitely helpful, listening to it is a bit difficult, particularly if you’re trying to do other things while you’re listening. The tips come fast, and there are so many of them that you’ll almost need to clear your schedule and listen twice. But if you’re just beginning a


July 9 - July 15, 2009

“Start Where You Are” by Chris Gardner c.2009, HarperAudio $29.99 / $38.99 Canada 6 hours / 5 CDs

new career, you won’t mind. And if you’ve been around the business block a time or three, this audiobook is a great brainpoking reminder. Pick up a copy of. “Start Where You Are”. And then do it.

Terri Schlichenmeyer can be reached at: The Bookworm Sez, LLC N5593 County Road C West Salem, Wisconsin, 54669  bookwormsez@yahoo.com

PG 15


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PG 16

July 9 - July 15, 2009



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July 9 - July 15, 2009

PG 17


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July 9 - July 15, 2009



July 9 - July 15, 2009

PG 19





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