WWhat Dr Cynthia Lenton Gary, Dr Pretta VanDible Stallworth, and Dr Reagan Flowers achieved on the first day of "WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH" would not have been possible without the support of HCC Trustee Dave Wilson, and HCC Trustee Robert Glaser, joining forces with them to oust Dr Cesar Maldonado from his position That being said, our entire nation just witnessed a perfect example of how people with different political beliefs can work together to accomplish a mutual goal
For the record, Dr Cynthia Lenton Gary is a Democrat Dr Reagan Flowers is also a Democrat And Dr Pretta VanDible Stallworth is also a Democrat
As for HCC Trustee Robert Glaser, he is a very wealthy Democrat However, Dave Wilson happens to be a Republican who has courage and intestinal fortitude Not only is Dave Wilson a leader, but he’s also actually, a man of faith, who loves our “UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION” and isn’t afraid to speak truth to power
If you remember, it was Dave Wilson, who led the charge against the “BATHROOM BILL” to keep biological males out of women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers back during the 2015 general election in Houston, Texas
In case you don’t remember, back in 2015, Dave Wilson took his fight to the Texas Supreme Court to get the matter of whether or not biological males should be allowed in public restrooms with women, and little girls and he won Now, what most folks don’t know is that it was African American women in the city of Houston who joined forces with Dave Wilson, and others area leaders to overwhelmingly defeat Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO), at the ballot box
It wasn't long ago that a woman was considered a man's property, but not today Women from all ethnicities are making their presence felt, and their intentions clear And this year's installment kicked off with a bang on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, with Dr Cynthia Lenton Gary, Dr Pretta VanDible Stallworth, and Dr Reagan Flowers, boldly stepping forward to rightfully end the reign of Dr Cesar Maldonado, the "racist" chancellor at HCC, who came into his position back in 2014, armed with a discriminatory Hispanic “preferential treatment” agenda
As we pause to celebrate "WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH" let's not forget that racism, sexism, and discriminatory practices must be unveiled and exposed for us to flourish as a people
“Truth be told, the five Houston Community College B o a r d
how we can fight back against racism, a n d d i s c r i m i n a t i o n g o i n g forward as “ONE NATION UNDER GOD with liberty and justice for all.”
H istory Month...
“Judge Cory Sepolio, his wife Melissa, and little Addyson “HOPE” Sepolio has it right Every warm-blooded American should be committed to shutting down racism as God’s plan for America continues to unfold ”
“One of the proudest days of my life came back during the 2018 Midterm Election, when Sandra J Peake won the race for Judge 257th Family District Court In my opinion, Judge Peake’s journey to becoming a judge is a true testament of what a woman can accomplish if she never stops believing in herself and her ability to accomplish her goal ”
JJ u d g e I s r a e l B . G a r c i a , J r. w a s b o r n a n d r a i s e d i n A u s t i n , Te x a s . H i s f a t h e r w a s a n e m i g r a n t f r o m M e x i c o w h o b e c a m e a U n i t e d S t a t e s c i t iz e n w h e n J u d g e G a r c i ́ a w a s 1 0 y e a r s o l d T h i s r e m a i n s a v e r y p r o u d m o m e n t f o r t h e G a r c i ́ a F a m i l y. J u d g e G a r c i ́ a ' s m o t h e r w a s b o r n a n d r a i s e d i n A u s t i n , Te x a s .
Judge Garcia attended public schools and attended The University of Texas at Austin where he majored in Government and earned his Bachelor's Degree Upon graduation, Judge Garcia attended Thurgood Marshall School of Law where he earned his Juris Doctorate Judge Garcia was the first member of his family to graduate from a University and obtain a professional license
Judge Garcia began his legal career as a sole practitioner with offices in Austin, Dallas and Houston Judge Garcia has worked on cases ranging from traffic tickets, divorces, commercial litigation, criminal cases and serious personal injury cases For over 28 years as a practicing Attorney, Judge Garcia has been a true general practitioner
Judge Garci ́ a is active in several community groups and civic clubs, including serving as legal counsel to LULAC Council 402 LULAC Council 402 is known as the "Education" Council and has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving Harris County area students Assisting young students and working with children remains a passion of Judge Garci ́ a
Judge Garcia ran as a first-time candidate for and was elected as Justice of the Peace Precinct 5, Place 1 in the 2020 Presidential election
Judge Garcia focus will be on providing 21st Century customer service to the citizens of Harris County through state-of-the-art technology and a highly experienced staff to deliver the best possible service in a timely and efficient manner
2,400 years ago, Socrates aptly described the essential qualities of a good judge: "Four things belong to a judge: To hear courteously; to answer wisely; to consider soberly; and to decide impartially " These words remain as true today as they were when Socrates first spoke them
Judge Garcia will strive daily to employ these ideals
JUDGE ISRAEL GARCIA is a true public servant who must be reelected He frequently volunteers his time with legal and community organizations he belongs to and speaks to students of all ages about topics ranging from the importance of obtaining a higher education, volunteering in the community and career day among other topics
Judge Israel Garcia will be up for re-election in 2024.
“Since becoming the presiding judge for the 80th Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas, Judge Jeralynn Manor, has done an exemplary job serving the people as a minister of justice She deserves as second term and should be reelected to this bench in the 2024 Presidential election.” AUBREY R. TAYLOR, publisher/investigative reporter.
J e r a l y n n M a n o r w a s b o r n a n d r a i s e d i n N e w O rl e a n s , L o u i s i a n a H e r m o t h e r w a s a n u r s e , a n d h e r f at h e r, a c a r e e r o ff i c e r w i t h t h e N e w O r l e a n s P o l i c e D e p a r t m e n t T h e r e h e s e t t h e b a r h i g h f o r h i s d a u g h t e r H e a t t a i n e d n u m e r o u s a w a r d s a n d a c c o m m o d a t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g v a r i o u s a c h i e v e m e n t s , s u c h a s b e c o m i n g t h e f i r s t A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n c o u n t e r - s n i p e r f o r t h e S WAT d ep a r t m e n t a n d t h e f i r s t A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n d i v e r o n t h e d i v e t e a m M a n o r ’s h a r d w o r k a n d h i g h g o a l s t a n d a r d s a r e c e r t a i n l y f o u n d e d i n h e r b l o o d l i n e J e r a l y n n M a n o r ’s “ s e r v i c e t o a l l m a n k i n d ” m a n t r a a n d d e d i c a t i o n t o h e r c r a f t i s e v i d e n c e d i n h e r c a r e e r a c h i e v e m e n t s
Jeralynn studied philosophy at Xavier University in New Orleans before finishing her undergraduate studies in Administration of Justice at Texas Southern University She went on to Thurgood Marshall School of Law, where she earned the American Juris Prudence Award in Bankruptcy under the tutelage of the Honorable Justice Manual Leal of the Southern District of Texas Bankruptcy Court Jeralynn also and won 1st place in the Mock Trial competition In 2001 Manor earned her Juris Doctorate and became a licensed attorney by the Texas Supreme Court In her 18 plus years of practicing law, attorney Jeralynn Manor has worked in several areas She concentrated her early career as a closing attorney for 3 major title companies In this area practice, Jeralynn played an integral role in helping thousands of Texans achieve the dream of home-ownership
Jeralynn Manor currently practices in the areas of Personal Injury, Mass Tort, Civil Rights, Immigration and, Employment Law Attorney Jeralynn Manor is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc , Texas Trial Lawyers Association, the Pro Bono College of the Texas State Bar, and a member of the Champions of Justice Society of the Texas Equal Access to Justice Jeralynn is also an NAACP- Life Member and has been in leadership roles with Boy Scouts of America as Den Mother to her son’s pack She is also on the board of directors of The Black Heritage Society/Original MLK Parade Foundation Jeralynn Manor enjoys being a mother to her three children Taft, Rogdrick, and Brooklynn Jeralynn Manor instills into her children the same values of hard work, dedication, service to all mankind, and love, passed on to her by her father, the late Sgt Jerome M Dupre
Judge Jeralynn Manor will be up for re-election in 2024.
KKevin’s passion for being involved in the local politics started in 1992 Kevin was appointed to the City of Pearland Planning & Zoning Commission in 1994
Kevin then ran for City Council in 1995 and was successful He served a single term to 1998 Kevin will tell you his biggest accomplishment while on Council was being a part of a Council that secured long-term water rights for the City
Kevin made the decision to run for City Council again in 2004 and was elected He served 2 terms ending in May 2010 Kevin had several major accomplishments during this time
Cowart s Creek diversion project was an item he ran on and was able to make it a part of the 2007 bond program Today, it is complete and will help a large area of the City’s drainage
The Lower Kirby area has developed because the Council made the decision to focus on a market-based approach to the area Kevin was able to utilize the skills as a real estate developer and help lead the Council to perform a market analysis followed by a market-based land plan This led to rezoning the area based on the market and the Lower Kirby area finally took off The City had become the de facto developer in that area by putting in the infrastructure but the zoning really was difficult to deal with So the City needed to act like a developer in performing this
The City was successful in the 2007 bond program election This was the largest program in the City s history and covered roads, drainage, fire stations, parks, and the natatorium/rec center When the real estate economy collapsed in Sept 2008, parts of the bond program were able to be implemented quicker Several roads were moved up to take advantage of better pricing
He was elected Mayor of Pearland on November 3 2020
“I’m very proud of what Cindy Siegel, the chairman of the Harris County Republican Party accomplished back during the 2022 Midterm Election, and believe that she should be reelected on “SUPER TUESDAY” in the Harris County Republican Party Primary.” - AUBREY R. TAYLOR, publisher/investigative reporter.
WHAT DOES FREEDOM AND LIBERTY MEAN?: “They are two of the most beautiful words in the dictionary. It means that I have the personal freedom to make decisions on how I am going to live my life. They mean that I and my daughters have the opportunity to make our lives into whatever we want with hard work. However, along with freedom and liberty goes personal responsibility. That means working to ensure that we continue to have freedom and liberty now and for future generations because without America standing for freedom and liberty - where do people go?” Cindy
The Harris County Republican Party is an inclusive and diverse group of dedicated volunteers who believe in the conservative values our country was founded upon. We love our country, believe in the Bill of Rights, support the U.S. Constitution and stand for our Flag. We believe that all men, women and children are created equal. It was the leadership of the Republican Party that ended slavery over 150 years ago. The Republican Party continues to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans.
We believe in:
Freedom from an overreaching government
Unelected bureaucrats and our federal government should not overregulate and dictate how we live our daily lives We believe that prosperity for all comes through the free market and policies that encourage job development, economic growth and entrepreneurship in the United States vs promoting a global economy that sacrifices American jobs and national security
Freedom from those who want to weaken the sanctity of our elections.
We believe that all Americans should have confidence in the integrity of our elections and that each vote cast is cast by a citizen who has the legal right to vote Without elections that are fair, open and transparent, the very foundation of our democracy is at risk
Freedom from crime.
The rights of criminals do not trump the rights of the law-abiding citizen Activist judges and defunding police tears down the laws that are there to protect the rights of the individual and prevent mob rule All Americans deserve to live their lives and raise their families in neighborhoods that are free from crime
Freedom from failing schools.
Our children should have the right to an education that will give them the knowledge and skills to have a successful life and one that is free from indoctrination We believe that teaching our country’s history (warts and all) is necessary to ensure mistakes are not repeated We also oppose teachers and administration that impose their personal beliefs on our children and promote racism and division through policies like critical race theory We believe that school policies should support educational achievement and provide parents the freedom to make the best academic choice for their children
Freedom from democrats who want to limit our freedoms.
We b e l i e v e i n a l i m i t e d g o v e r nm e n t t h a t a l l o w s e v e r y A m e r ic a n t h e f r e e d o m t o l i v e t h e i r l i f e i n t h e w a y t h e y c h o o s e . We b el i e v e t h e g o v e r n m e n t a n d e l e c t e d o ff i c i a l s a r e t h e r e t o s e r v e a n d p r o t e c t a l l A m e r i c a n s ( i nc l u d i n g t h e u n b o r n ) , n o t t h e e l i t e f e w. We b el i e v e i t i s n o t t h e p u r p o s e o f g o v e r n m e n t t o d i c t a t e o u r r e l i g i o n , h o w w e r a i s e o u r c h i l d r e n , o r h o w w e l i v e o u r l i v e s .
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About The Council Member
TTarsha JacksonTarsha Jackson was born and raised in Houston She spent her formative years in Acres Homes, Greenspoint and North Forest She raised her children here, went to school here, and has been fighting for the people of District B since the early 2000s
While raising two young boys and working as a mortgage lender, Tarsha’s life changed when her oldest specialneeds son Marquieth was arrested at his elementary school for a classroom disruption Just ten years old at the time of his arrest, Marquieth was sentenced to three and a half years in jail for an offense that should’ve been resolved with detention
Tarsha and her family lived the
painful injustices of a system that criminalizes children instead of helping and supporting them She became a parent-advocate and community leader, organizing other parents to fight for - and win - juvenile detention reform In 2004, she co-founded Texas Families of Incarcerated Youth with two other mothers And in 2007, Tarsha’s testimony and advocacy helped win passage of Texas Senate Bill 103, which bans the criminal justice system from jailing children for minor misdemeanors, preventing the injustice that happened to her son from happening to others
In 2013, Tarsha joined the Harris County office of the Texas Organizing Project (TOP), Texas’ leading organization for building political power in communities of color As Harris County
Director for TOP, Tarsha launched TOP’s first criminal justice campaign after the death of Sandra Bland, which TOP now runs in the three counties it serves - Harris, Dallas and Bexar Tarsha’s advocacy has expanded over the years to work on issues like ending ICE and police collaboration in immigration enforcement, fighting for affordable housing and equitable recovery after Hurricanes Ike and Harvey, and economic justice for Houston’s often-forgotten communities
As council member, Tarsha is focusing on tackling long-standing problems in her district, including flooding, illegal dumping, poor infrastructure, lack of economic development and poverty She’s also the co-founder and co-director of the Urban Community Network, a nonprofit that helps fami-
lies of at-risk and system-involved youth find the help they need to thrive Tarsha’s organizing and advocacy work have been recognized locally and nationally She is the recipient of the Annie E Casey Foundation’s Natalie S Bimel Award, the Soros Justice Fellowship, the Texas Observer ’s Tyrant’s Foe award, the American Leadership Criminal Justice Fellowship, and the Bill of Rights Defense Commission Patriot Award for her years-long campaign to raise families’ voices in advancing juvenile justice reform In 2017, Tarsha served on the transition team of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg She is currently completing her BA in Political Science at Texas Southern University, and lives in Fifth Ward
Gilber t Garcia Is Running for Mayor
The “Texas Bond King” Has Big Plans for Houston
Houston, TX (March 14, 2023) - The “Texas Bond King”, Gilbert Garcia, is running for Mayor After graduating from Yale with a B A in Economics in 1985, Mr Garcia began his career in finance by joining the Salomon Brothers in New York City In 1990, he moved to Houston to join former San Antonio Mayor Henry Cisneros in building Cisneros Asset Management Company, ultimately becoming its President Then in 2002, Mr Garcia joined Garcia Hamilton & Associates where he eventually became Managing Partner, growing total assets under management from $200 million to $21 billion
While Garcia has not run for office before, he has had his fair share of experience with public service In 2009, Garcia had the opportunity to be Mayor Annise Parker ’s campaign chairperson After she won, Parker named Garcia as the chair of METRO
Before Gilbert Garcia took over METRO, the organization was in a very difficult place Garcia took over and “methodically” helped rebuild the public’s trust by making great improvements to the
City of Houston’s public transportation system In 2015 Mr Garcia and the rest of the METRO team’s great work was recognized and received the APTA Award for Outstanding Public Transportation System Achievement in North America “I cannot thank Annise Parker enough for entrusting me with such an incredible opportunity as well as surrounding me with a great board and an excellent METRO staff”, says Garcia
Garcia has voiced that a shake-up is needed at Houston’s City Hall From a federal investigation into Houston’s Health Department, issues surrounding pay disputes with firefighters, to an impending state takeover of HISD Garcia says he is the right candidate to tackle these issues With a looming recession and COVID relief money ending, Garcia has also discussed financial initiatives he will spearhead to help improve the city’s financial stability
A true leader takes care of the present but acts now for the future as well
Garcia has big plans for Houston and is excited to be a part of this mayoral race He believes in the city of Houston and the great potential that lies ahead He listens to the voices of voters and has heard what needs to be done to make Houston the greatest city in the United States Vote Gilbert Garcia for Mayor this election on Nov 8, 2023
AAs a U S Army decorated combat veteran and current member of the Army Reserves, Judge Jones has truly dedicated his life to public service Judge Jones is running for re-election to continue demonstrate that justice at its best arises from unbought, unbossed, bold citizens who respect the rule of law as it is written In criminal cases, too often the people who make life decisions for so many of Harris County's citizens do not share similar life experiences of those they punish daily Living and working throughout the world from childhood onward, Judge Jones learned about and engaged in various cultures and ideologies These are the same things that make Harris County great
After witnessing first-hand how too many judges were closed-minded and prejudiced towards some defendants and attorneys, but afforded others with whom they were socially or financially in line with better opportunities and
common courtesies, as well as "the benefit of the doubt," Judge Jones ran for office and won in November of 2018; making him the first minority to preside over the 180th Criminal District Court since its inception Financial status, connections, race, clothing and other variables should not come into play in regards to the ad-
ministration of justice
Judge Jones was raised by his dad, a retired U S Army Staff Sergeant and his mother, who passed away on Valentine's Day a few weeks after his return from his second tour in Iraq Judge Jones has three siblings Two of which are disabled veterans While in elementary school, Judge Jones visited Auschwitz, Anne Frank's house, and other key historical examples of social injustice and abuse of power These experiences have helped mold him into the person he is today
After graduating from the storied Tuskegee University, Judge Jones commissioned as an Army Field Artillery Officer, where he led soldiers from all walks of life and held the highest standards as military combat arms officer Judge Jones, his wife and three children reside in Houston, where his children attend public school
“JUDGE DASEAN JONES IS A MAN OF COURAGE AND CONVICTION.”Political advertising paid for by DaSean Jones for Judge, Tony Eiland, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act
Explore methods to ensure nonviolent offenders are held accountable for their criminal conduct outside of the prison system while supporting and investigating programs that help rehabilitate offenders
Promote access to mental health services for those offenders whose criminal conduct is connected to mental health issues
Encouraging diagnose and plans to aid those with such issues in effort to reduce new law violations
Impact the community by having an increased presence in spaces where criminal court judges are not normally found (e.g. schools, parks, community gatherings, et cetera)
Follow the law and uphold the United States Constitution, Texas Constitution, and all current laws in effort to treat everyone with dignity and respect A judge must remove himself from personal biases and reach conclusions that are the sum of the applicable law
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future"
-- Oscar Wilde