HotPott February 2021

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£1 February 2021

Pott Shrigley’s Church & Parish Magazine

David’s Deliberations Dear friends, My letter this month is a shortened version of a new year message I have just written for our church family (shortened – but still quite long! For the full version see the Vicar’s Section on the church website). I hope that in some way you feel yourself to be part of that family. But even if you don’t I hope you may find that some of what I have written is helpful, or relevant to your own situation.

to work, worship, pray, and indeed grow, together – even as I am only too aware of where we have failed, and of the all the individual struggle and pain. But I know that, back in those early days, many of us expected to be well out of the crisis by now. Instead of which, like the prisoner who discovers he is to be kept locked up, we find that it is by no means over. Is there a danger that the hope, which kept us going through 2020, will in this new year ebb away, our spirit broken by the cruel extension to our sentence?

David Swales

The Nazis, and, I’m sure, other repressive regimes, had a cruel way of snuffing out all hope in their political prisoners: they would give them a date for their release and, at the last minute, cancel it. Life in a Nazi jail might be a lot more extreme and horrific than our own current trials and tribulations, but there is an important principle which still applies. When we started on this pandemic journey together as a church back in March 2020, we did so with faith and hope, with positivity, and with a determination to continue our shared life and mission together as God’s people. And, indeed, I couldn’t be prouder of, or more encouraged by, the way in which our church family has continued HotPott - February 2021

There is a well-known phenomenon amongst those who bring aid to disaster areas: the ‘six month wall’. Up until that point a mixture of enthusiasm, desperation and urgency keeps everyone focussed and motivated. But this is very hard to keep up beyond those early months. And yet, usually, the need, the crisis, is far from over – even if it is different than in those early days. So, the question for us now is: ‘Where do we find the resources to continue to be God’s faithful people in Pott Shrigley as we enter a new year with the crisis far from over? How can we

This Edition Pg



David’s Deliberations


Yet another family of butchers…


Remembering Joy Tunstall…


Psexit – the reality

11 Love Is... 12 Purdy’s exciting day 14

Your vote, your council

16 Mouse Makes 17 Coffee Break 18 Missionary Matters 20 Suffering Church Recipe: Tuscan Ragu 29 Lamb with Roasted Courgette 30 Services

February 2021

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continue to find hope, strength, vision at such a weary and difficult time?’ And from my point of view: ‘Won’t any answers I can give just seem like glib ‘vicar-speak’ – the sort of things we might say in church, but then not take seriously in everyday life?’ Well, whether it sounds like vicar-speak or not, my answer is: ‘Reach out to God!’ Remember that desperate, weary, sick woman in the Gospels? She’d tried every cure over the years but had only got worse. Then she reached out and touched just the hem of Jesus’ cloak; it was the weakest of touches – but it was done in faith, and she found healing. The most important thing for us to grasp is that our hope is not – and never was – based on how strong/happy/positive/ peaceful we feel ourselves to be. In the Bible’s picture those things, while good to have, are not the basis of God’s work in our lives. On the contrary, God can only do things in those who recognise that they come to Him weak, empty-handed and needy. It is precisely at the time when our own resources have run low, or run out, that faith becomes most meaningful. And faith doesn’t have to be big, strong, bold; Jesus said it could be as small as the tiny mustard seed. It can mean hanging on to God with little more than our fingertips. Over 30-odd years of ministry, many, many people have said to me, from the depths of their own personal tragedy and suffering, that it is precisely at those times that they have known God’s grace in a newer and deeper way. And, in this present situation, I am frequently humbled by people’s own stories of the quiet daily miracle of God’s inner strength coming just when needed. Let the witness of those who have found God in the very depths reassure you that He is there for you, too. So, we reach out to God. But there’s another part to the answer: ‘Reach out to one Page 4

another!’ The Bible’s word for ‘Church’ is ‘Ekklesia’ – Greek for ‘Gathering’. I know that for many one of the biggest struggles over these months has been the fact that we can’t come together. But we continue to need one another. We need to ‘come together’ as best we can. So, please do make use of the limited means we have at our disposal: our online services, WhatsApp, email, Zoom, the telephone, letters and cards. I know some have rather tired of these things – not surprisingly. But please persevere. Which leads to a further question, which I will leave for a future letter. We are rightly concerned about how our economy, our personal lives, our political and social culture, will survive, emerge, re-build. But the question of how the Church will re-build and move forward is no less important. I don’t expect to be able to offer all the answers – but I believe that as we move into this new year it will be important, together, to ask the questions. One thing which is certain though, for our church as much as our individual lives, is that God’s promises can be trusted. And He has said: ‘I will build my Church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it’. Your friend and vicar, David. HotPott - February 2021

Yet another family of butchers… Readers may remember an article written by Rita Bunting about her mother’s family, the Jacksons, who were butchers in Bollington. In passing, she mentioned that her great grandmother Rita Bunting was a Heathcote before marrying William Yarwood Jackson, and she thought that this may have been where the Jackson in the name of the founder of the famous J J J Heathcote’s Butchers, Jonathon James Jackson Heathcote, originated. When I mentioned this to Christopher, one of JJJ’s grandsons, he said that JJJ’s mother’s maiden name was Jackson, and that was where JJJ’s Jackson came from. So started a quest… but watch out for the Williams – numbered to reduce confusion!

Pantry & Yeoman of the Mouth to his late majesty King GEORGE the second’; he earned the equivalent of 20 months’ wages of a skilled craftsman so was relatively well off. Edward’s oldest son Ellen Heathcote (née Jackson) William (1), a direct ancestor of JJJ, continued to farm at Blue Boar Farm but also bought further housing and land in Rainow from the Earl of Derby and 70 acres of farmland in Lyme Handley from Thomas Legh of Lyme Park. Handley Fold Farm is where William (1), his wife Ellen and William (2), their first child (of nine!), were living in 1851. It appears that the farm had increased to 79 acres by 1861: perhaps part of his success was the result of William (2) and his wife Sarah having– unusually for those times - just two children, John (the direct ancestor of JJJ) and Hannah, though this is pure speculation on my part.

The Heathcote family tree has been traced back to Edward, who was described on his marriage certificate of 1792 as a yeoman in the parish of Rainow, abode Blue Boar; he John, on the other hand, had eight children and his wife Mary had eight children, one of with his wife Martha, nee Trafford, and they whom was baptised at St Christopher’s, Pott seemed to fare less well. Shrigley – the first known Although the census of 1871 connection of the Heathcote shows John, Martha and their family with our church, but first four children still farming certainly not the last – though 79 acres in Lyme Handley, by most of this generation were 1881 John, Martha and their baptised and buried at Jenkin youngest eight children were Chapel. It’s not known whether living at Mitchelfold, Pott Edward inherited the land in Shrigley, with John and three Rainow, or whether he came of his sons working as farm from a wealthy family, but the labourers. It seems that after latter is possible: a memorial his father’s death, his mother in Taxal Parish Church shows a Sarah remarried and her new relative, Michael, who died in husband ejected John and his Heathcote memorial, Taxal 1768, was ‘Gentleman of the continued → HotPott - February 2021

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William Jackson, farmed alongside half brother John at Engine House Farm, Bollington Photo Archive

family from the household. In 1883, Martha died within a month of having a further child, Charles, and is buried in St Christopher’s churchyard; eight of the 10 children were baptised at St Christopher’s, four of them in one ceremony just six days after their mother’s death, with Charles following exactly one month later; perhaps the loss of Martha prompted John to think about his children’s spiritual well-being! John died in 1905; he was still a farm labourer living at Mitchelfold and was buried with Martha. John and Martha’s first son was another William (3), and this is where one of the Jackson connections is seen: in 1885 William (3), labourer, married Ellen Jackson at St Christopher’s; Ellen was servant to James Davenport of Pott Shrigley village and daughter of farmer Jonathan Jackson of Beristall Dale, Pott Shrigley. Within a year or two William & Ellen had a butcher’s shop in Macclesfield and the 1891 census shows they lived in Palmerston Street, Bollington. Ellen and William had five children, two of whom had their mother’s maiden name (Jackson) as a second Christian name and one his grandmother’s maiden name (Trafford) – obviously the thing to do in the late 19th century! It seems home life was not easy as William drank – he probably had a difficult Page 6

early life, being one of 10 children in much reduced circumstances – so Ellen sent the nine year old JJJ into service at a house in Shropshire in order for him to get an education. JJJ’s father, William (3), and older brother, JJJ Heathcote (another William (4), inevitably) died in 1905; JJJ returned home around that time to live with his mother in Church Street, Bollington; he became an assistant butcher to her and helped deliver orders – including to Pott Hall Farm where he knew the cook as she had worked in the same house as him in Shropshire. Small world. JJJ went on to establish his own butcher’s shop in Palmerston Street in 1908; he was very successful and made significant contributions to the community, being, among other things, Mayor of Bollington. He looked after his family too: his brother Oliver was injured (possibly gassed) in World War One and Dr Willie Chadwick, a local surgeon, suggested that sea air may be beneficial. JJJ bought land and had a house built for Oliver in Prestatyn; it obviously worked as Oliver’s health improved and he was able to work as the clerk of works for Prestatyn and oversaw the building of the promenade! In retirement, Ellen (JJJ and Oliver’s mother) also lived in Prestatyn but she was brought to St Christopher’s for burial when she died in 1936. JJJ and his wife Hilda had eight children, all of whom ran butcher’s shops. The youngest, Edward, attended school in Pott Shrigley: his sister Dorothy used to put him in the basket of the delivery bike and drop him off whilst she was delivering orders. In 1960 Edward opened a new shop in Wellington Road and two of HotPott - February 2021

his and wife Beryl’s five children, Chris and Jeremy, are currently butchers in Bollington. The Heathcote family’s connection to Pott Shrigley has been maintained; we regularly see Beryl and Nigel in church, and many of the family have been laid to rest in the churchyard. And what of the other Jackson connection, Rita’s great grandfather? This gentleman, William Yarwood Jackson, married a lady called Elizabeth Yarwood Heathcote, who through her father Joseph Heathcote, was second cousin once removed to William (3), JJJ’s father. (As an aside, Elizabeth’s mother’s maiden name was Yarwood, which explains why she had this as a second name, but we’ve yet to discover why her husband William Jackson had the same middle name – confusing!) Elizabeth and William Yarwood Jackson had two children, including John Jackson, Rita’s grandfather and a butcher in Bollington. Exploring Rita’s Jackson connection led to the discovery that her great grandmother Elizabeth, who died aged 26, is buried in the same grave as a Jonathan

Jackson. Although there are multiple Jacksons in Pott Shrigley graveyard, it seemed possible that this particular Jonathan was both William Yarwood and Ellen Heathcote née Jackson’s father, and so it proved to be. So, in a sense, both Rita and Christopher were right: the Jackson in Jonathan James Jackson Heathcote’s name came both William Yarwood and Ellen as they were siblings – the oldest and youngest of a large family. The Jonathan probably came from JJJ’s maternal grandfather too. Rita told me that she and Jeremy were ‘some sort of cousins’. That is now clear: Rita is Jeremy and Christopher’s fifth cousin once removed. Phew. Many thanks to all those from whom I have received an enormous amount of help: Sandra who completed the Heathcote family tree, the Heathcote family, Mike Akerman & Duncan Matheson. Jacksons and Heathcotes abound in Pott Shrigley records; as Brian Schofield would have said: ‘Kick one and they all limp’. Only he was referring to the Wainwights, but that’s another story….

Thank you…to all those who contributed to the Children’s Society Christingle collection in December. We had to do it a bit differently this year, with an online giving page set up (thank you to whoever did that!) as well as the candle collecting boxes we are more familiar with. Following on from a guest appearance on the Arrowsmith’s gatepost by Pudsey Bear in November, Mr Snowman appeared and boosted the church giving by £53.49! A great result. Thanks to our expert techies, and of course to Vicar David, Anne Murphy, the children and young people and everyone else who made our Christingle service the uplifting experience it was. The total Christingle collection was £173.29. Thank you, as always, to John & Liz Arrowsmith for organising it all. *** A small boy went to church with his grandmother and joined her when she quietly slipped off the pew to kneel and pray. He even copied her example of burying her face in her hands. But after a few seconds his curiosity got the better of him. “Who are we hiding from, grannie?” HotPott - February 2021

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Remembering Joy Tunstall…

Many readers will have fond memories of Joy and her husband Eric who were faithful members of St Christopher’s Church and active Bollingtonians before they moved to Alcester, Warwickshire, in 2015. We were very sad to hear last autumn that Joy had developed a brain tumour; she died on 16th December 2020 aged 83 years. Joy’s family very kindly enabled us to join her funeral virtually; it was a privilege to share in the celebration of Joy’s life, and whereas it was no surprise that the resume of Joy’s life read at her funeral was written by Joy herself whilst she was in hospital, some of what it contained was quite surprising…

Jocelyn (or Jocealynn as she discovered, aged 38, is how her name appears on her birth certificate!) Carole Underwood was born in 1937 in Hague Bar, near New Mills, to Sam and Annie. Sam, an orphan from Knoxville, Tennessee, was in the American Merchant Navy; he was refused permission to re-board his vessel in Southampton after overstaying his shore leave and subsequently he found himself in New Mills, having got off a train at the wrong station. He met Joy’s mother and married her whilst she was still 16 years old. This unusual start to her parents’ marriage perhaps explains why Joy embraced the randomness of life and didn’t worry too much about the future! Joy was the eighth of nine children; she joined her brothers in many escapades, and became a proficient apple scrumper, though she was not beyond expressing injured indignation when accused of stealing! She was obviously resilient and confident from an early age. Joy attended New Mills Grammar School and wanted to become a teacher, but as her father died when she was 17, Joy needed to earn some money; ever one to make the best of things, Joy Page 8

said that working at the local Co-op gave her lots of life and practical experience. She subsequently trained as a dental nurse, but in keeping with Joy’s compassionate nature she made a career of caring for the elderly in the community, initially for the local authority but after ‘retirement’ in 2003, for a private provider; this work continued until she and Eric moved to Alcester, by which time many of her clients were older than she was! Joy also found time to nurse each of her older siblings as they reached the end of their own lives, which is indicative of the importance she placed on family life. Of course, Joy was immensely proud of her family. She and Eric met in 1960, and when they’d overcome the obstacle of Eric being Joy’s sister’s boyfriend, they married in 1962. They had two sons, Jonathon and Christopher, followed later by grandchildren Sidney, Lydia, Elliot and Cooper. Joy, always a force to be reckoned with, was determined to support Lydia when she was performing as Annie in the eponymous musical on a professional UK tour – there was no saying ‘no’ to the invitation Joy issued to church members to HotPott - February 2021

join the outing she’d organised to the theatre! As Jonathon put it: ‘As a family, we have lost a truly inspirational wife, mother and grandmother and the person who seemed to simultaneously provide the delicate tissue and fabric of family structure as well the sturdy, unassailable glue that held us all together.’ Joy contributed an enormous amount to the local community, wherever she lived. As a teenager, Joy taught at the local Methodist Sunday school and through various efforts raised £100 to augment the funds; thus began a lifelong determination to help others less fortunate than herself. This was evident when the family moved from their ‘shed with a view’ by the side of Rudyard Lake in North Staffordshire back to Cheshire: as was her wont, Joy became immersed in local life and looked for ways to help out; she became a Bollington Town Councillor and, in 1999, Mayor of Bollington. One of my abiding memories is of Joy leading the town parade from the Turner’s Arms to Bollington Leisure Centre; she was immaculately dressed, as ever, and wearing enormously high heels – she strode out at quite a pace and never missed a step. Also, Joy was the chair of the Bollington branch of the NSPCC for many years. She worked tirelessly to raise funds and brought her unique enthusiasm and humour to the committee and to the events she helped organise. In an age of online fund raising and JustGiving sites, Joy was a great believer in the value of giving a focus to the NSPCC’s work by holding social events to raise money. Joy’s strong Christian faith was central to her life and informed her actions and attitudes; both she and Eric attended St Christopher’s most weeks and they became members of the congregation of St Nicholas’, Alcester when they moved there. Joy and Eric participated fully in the life of the church, attending a home group, being on the PCC and HotPott - February 2021

supporting fund raising efforts. They kept in touch with us at Pott after they left and occasionally visited; Joy and Eric read HotPott each month and wrote an article for us: ‘Life in Alcester’. I didn’t realise that Joy was known for writing poetry and songs, and for her mastery of the English language: I could have recruited her as an extra proofreader! It was no surprise to hear that Joy faced her final illness with courage, dignity and without self-pity. Jonathon wrote: ‘To me, my mother was the most selfless person that I will ever meet and I believe that her long life gives us all a masterclass in self-sacrifice, love and humility. But… my mother was something else aside from being just a thoroughly nice person. Mum was nothing if not a party animal and she remained a disco diva until her final days. She laughed and danced and drank… her way through life and she never took herself too seriously. Mum always had a funny story to tell and she lit up the room when she walked in…’ We send our love to Eric and will remember him and the rest of Joy’s family in our prayers. It was a joy and a privilege to know her. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. With many thanks to Jonathon Tunstall, Sandy Milsom and Mary Currell for the significant amount of help received in the preparation of this tribute. Page 9

Psexit – the reality

Well! We finally made it! After searching diligently in our ovens for several months it was with seconds to spare that a pigeon carried our Psexit agreement over the border for our neighbours to sign. While you were all dolling yourselves up for your New Year’s Eve Zoom parties, your Psexit team had been beavering away, negotiating hard, and getting the best terms and conditions possible. We can now look forward to all the enormous benefits Psexit will bring.

ladies as miners; they will need to be short in stature so they can get along the tunnels, but roundness is not a bar. It is thought that there is no shortage of such ladies in our population. Meanwhile the men will act in an overall supervisory capacity, sitting back and enjoying life. As ever!

Duncan Matheson In the last days of 2020 you will have noticed that the Shrigley Hall car park was designated as a lorry park. Without this action there would have been gridlock on our roads, both from people trying to get into Pott Shrigley, and trying to get out. So, one of the first actions your council will be taking is to commence construction of the Poynton Wall, to prevent problems like this recurring and to stop the anticipated influx of immigrants from the north.

Ladies Mining in Pott Shrigley

Another plan is to restart coal mining in Pott Shrigley. To avoid any accusations of sexism or ageism, it is planned to employ older Page 10

To boost the local economy still further a franchise has been granted to BCOOHOO (Barnard Castle Ophthalmic Opticians and Hemianopic Ophthalmologists and Optometrists). They won the contract because their hemianopia means they can turn a blind eye to visiting government advisers. What of COVID? The tier level is determined by a combination of factors, including the local incidence of the disease and the availability of NHS beds. The bad news is that Pott Shrigley has no NHS beds so it has been decided to create a special Tier 8, which means that nobody can set foot outside their houses at all. The only exception will be for the council chairman who will be allowed to cycle seven miles, which should allow him to view and report on progress on the Poynton Wall. Are there any other advantages to creating a stumbling block to trading relations with our nearest neighbours? I can’t think of any. Disadvantages? The list is so long the editor will not allow me space in the magazine to list them. HotPott - February 2021

Meanwhile I will take up my position (when I’m allowed out of the house) on the border with Bollington, stopping all the traffic and confiscating their picnic lunches*. Otherwise, I would have to make my own. PS HotPott may be a little different next month: the editor could be down the mines#. *this will only apply to those sandwiches containing cooked meats and dairy products,

which are no longer allowed to be imported without a license issued by the Pott Shrigley Shop. If we still had one. A business opportunity perhaps? The editor sincerely hopes that the writer of this piece is not implying that she is elderly. Or round. Otherwise, he will find himself able to leave the house. But not re-admitted. #

Love Is... As we mark Valentines’ Day this month, it’s good to ask the question: what does real love look like? The Apostle Paul says: ‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.’ 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 J R Miller (1840-1912) was considered by many to be the most gifted devotional writer of his generation. His book ‘In Green Pastures’ was much loved. Here is J R Miller’s paraphrase of the famous ‘love’ passage in 1 Corinthians 13: Love thinks no evil. It does not suspect unkindness in kindly deeds. It does not imagine an enemy in every friend. It does not fear insincerity in sincere professions of esteem. It does not impugn others’ motives nor discount their acts. On the other hand, it overlooks foibles and hides the multitude of faults that belong to every human being, even to those who are the holiest and the best. Love believes in the good that is in people and tries to HotPott - February 2021

think of them always at their best, not at their worst. It looks, too, at the possibilities that are in people, what they may become through divine love and grace, and not merely at what they now are. It is wonderful how seeing through love’s eyes changes the whole face of earthly life, transfiguring it. If the heart be filled with suspicion, distrust, and doubt of people, the world grows very ugly. But love sees brightness, beauty and hope everywhere. Taken from Parish Pump Page 11

Purdy’s exciting day Oh! What’s happened? One minute we’re walking down a lovely field and suddenly Mister has slipped and is on the ground. Is this some great new game? I love games! Oh dear, perhaps not. Mister doesn’t seem David & Purdy before to be able to stand up and he’s not at all happy. It’s raining and the field is very wet and there’s no one around and the next farm is still two more fields away. What to do? Thinks... I’d better stay with him though it would be much more fun to chase those sheep in the next field. Oh, thank goodness, amazingly there must be a signal as Mister is on his ‘phone now. Did he fall because of me? I normally get the blame in these situations. Quite unfairly in my humble opinion. But on this occasion I definitely don’t think so! It was wet and steep but I was on my lead. I was keeping behind him as he had a treat in his hand to keep me to heel - which he gave me after he fell. Pretty decent behaviour considering the pickle Mister seemed to be in.

me: I’d get told off for this sort of behaviour. Oh good - someone’s coming at last. I don’t know who, but I had better jump up at him to say how pleased I am that he’s come to sort Mister out. ‘Hello, are you David?’ the man says whilst I still try to leap to show I’m so happy. Why aren’t I the centre of attention here; it’s not the normal state of affairs at all. Not sure I approve. ‘Missus has arrived at the farm’ he says, or words to that effect. Good. Perhaps things will start to improve. Missus normally gets things organised much better than this. Now what? The man has wandered off across the field and is looking down the hill for something. Yet more waiting, but – hang on a minute – my super ears can hear a wailing sound and it’s coming nearer. I know – that’s the sound of one of those yellow van things with a blue flashing light on top. How exciting! Two people in uniform are coming with Missus as well – oh happy days! Missus ties my lead to the fence. Cheek! I was the one keeping him company all this time, now I’m considered a hazard! The people are talking to Mister. I’m pleased to say that wailing sound stopped a few minutes ago – it was beginning to hurt my ears. Now two more of the uniforms have arrived as well to help.

Who’s he talking to? He’s trying to explain where we are to someone. Humans really are a bit dim sometimes. Doesn’t everyone know where Higher Sutton is? Or, indeed, that my favourite walk is along the Gritstone Trail? Now it’s already 11.30am and therefore past time for elevenses and a little smackerel of something, as Pooh would say. We’ve been here over half an hour and Mister is still on the phone, and lozzucking* around on this very soggy ground. Humans never cease to amaze Page 12

David & Purdy (by Guy Lee in NSW, drawn from phone conversation) HotPott - February 2021

But hang on, my ears are pricking again. What’s that new sound? A whirring noise that’s getting louder and louder. It’s in the sky now just above us and – oops – the whirring has ripped some tiles off the little house David & Purdy after for the sheep in the next field. It seems to be trying to land near us but no, it’s too steep and so it’s landed two fields away down the hill. Now two more uniforms have arrived (is there a never-ending supply of them?) but one of these must be particularly important as he’s telling the others what to do. He’s giving Mister something into his arm, liquid I think. Magic stuff: Mister is getting a bit sleepy and they have slid something under him on the ground. About time he was off that mud, even I would have tired of it by now – and I love mud! They are talking about what to do next. The man who arrived first must be the farmer as he asks if his little tractor and trailer would help. The uniforms must have said it would as he brings it and very gently Mister is loaded onto the trailer; two of the uniforms clamber

up beside him (I’m so glad they are looking after him so well) and they drive very slowly down to the farm. And now they have driven away with my Mister in the yellow van thing, but – I’m so relieved to say – I’ve still got Missus and she takes me home in the car. Phew! What a morning! A bit too much excitement, even for me. But where have they taken Mister? Missus says it’s the hospital in Macc. I hope he will be ok as I want my walkies again. ASAP! * for the uninitiated, this splendid word means lounging around unnecessarily. David Gem - aka Mister - writes: ‘I was admitted to the hospital on 29 Oct. I had a double fracture to my right ankle and after only a short delay had an operation. I returned home on 3 Nov with my leg in plaster from knee to toe, non-weight bearing until early Jan. Now after Missus’s (aka Glen) care and with the plaster off, I’m beginning to get back to normal; hopefully it won’t be too long now before I’m back to walking Purdy again! I can’t thank the doctors and staff at Macclesfield Hospital enough for their excellent treatment and care. Further, my grateful thanks to the North West Ambulance Service and, in particular, to The North West Air Ambulance Services. If anyone would like to donate to the latter worthy charity, please go to their website at:

*** One way to find out if you’re old is to fall in front of a group of people. If they laugh, you’re young. If they panic and start running toward you, you’re old. *** As any member of a church committee will tell you, after all is said and done, there’s a lot more said than done. *** Gardening season is off to a great start: I planted myself in front of the TV four weeks ago, and I’ve already grown noticeably! HotPott - February 2021

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Your Vote Your Council

Highways Updates

the possibility of adding a handrail.

The pavements including those on Bakestonedale Road, were swept as requested.

Footpath 31: the gate to Adlington Footpath 31 (off Long Lane) has been moved to the other end of the field which makes the first part of the path virtually inaccessible. Cllr. Chong has been assured that the gate is to be reinstated and will monitor this.

Pending Other highways issues from last month are still pending •

Resurfacing Shrigley Road and traffic lights near Cedar Lodge

Double yellow lines

Gritting routes

Chevron bend signs (bend on Shrigley Road, between entrance to Shrigley Hall and Long Lane).

Parking Obstructions

Footpath 15: a tree which came down on Dec 29th blocking Shrigley Road between Shrigley Hall and Normans Hall bend by the entrance to Footpath 15 was removed during the night by CEC Highways and the police. Cllr. Goodman pointed out that there was damage to the fence and the stile and a lot of debris by the road. The clerk will inform the owner of the field and ask for repairs to be made to the stile.

During the current lockdown there have been significant problems caused by the parking of vehicles along Shrigley Road from the traffic lights close to Cedar Lodge all the way up to the access point to Lyme Park at West Park Gate. The road is narrow and steep; parked cars regularly block the road completely so other motorists cannot get through: this obviously includes access issues for all emergency vehicles.


Cllr. Wylie raised the issue with the police in December, but no action has been taken. Action: The clerk will contact PCSO Burdock and PC Barron who have responsibility for this area to take action by visiting on a sunny Saturday or Sunday when the problem is most pronounced.

NP/CEC/0720/0690 Pott Hall Barn, SK10 5RT

Footpaths Jackson Brow Steps: the Peak and Northern Footpaths Society is offering financial donations towards rights of way improvement projects within the parish. We have not yet received an estimate from the builder who came to appraise the steps and Page 14

Pending 20/2413M Proposed Poynton Relief Road Proposal: modification of Condition 41 of the decision notice. 20/3710M Heatherdale Farm, SK10 5RZ Proposal: conversion of existing barn to a single dwelling The council objects to this application. Proposal: sub-division of dwelling to form two dwelling units. The council agreed to support this application. 19/3715M Normans Hall Farm, SK10 5SE Proposal: extensions to approved Units 1 and 2 to form 2 two-storey dwellings, and increased parking to Unit 3 (Amendment to application ref. 18/4950M) The council re-affirmed its objection to this application. HotPott - February 2021

20/4189M near Wood Lane, Adlington Proposal: creation of glamping site. The council objects to this application. 20/4535M Nab Quarry, Long Lane, SK10 5SD Proposed extension to side elevation of existing warehouse The council objects to this application. Many of these applicants have been waiting a long time for a decision. Cllr. Wylie pointed out that the difficulties with planning appeared to be county wide. Date and time of next meeting

Jackson Steps

The next parish council virtual Zoom meeting will be held on Monday February 1st at 8pm. If you wish to join a parish council meeting as an observer, please contact the parish clerk, Joyce, to provide her with your email contact information to set up your invitation to the Zoom meeting.

*** During my surgical residency I was called out of a sound sleep to the emergency room. Unshaven and with tousled hair, I showed up with an equally unpresentable medical student. In A&E we encountered the on-call medical resident and his student, both neatly attired in clean white lab coats. The resident said to his student, “You can always tell the surgeons by their absolute disregard for appearance.” Two evenings later, I was at a banquet when called to A&E for another emergency. I was stitching away, wearing my dinner jacket, when I encountered that same medical resident. He looked at me, then said to his student, “Sure is sensitive to criticism, isn’t he?” *** HotPott - February 2021

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HotPott - February 2021

Coffee Break

Across 8 Interrogated (Acts 12:19) (5-8) 9 ‘Burn it in a wood fire on the — heap’ (Leviticus 4:12) (3) 10 Tobit, Judith, Baruch and the books of Esdras and the Maccabees are part of it (9) 11 Science fiction (abbrev.) (3-2) 13 Clay pit (anag.) (7) 16 Went to (John 4:46) (7) 19 ‘Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to — your bodies as living sacrifices’ (Romans 12:1) (5) 22 David’s plea to God concerning those referred to in 14 Down: ‘On — — let them escape’ (Psalm 56:7) (2,7) 24 Royal Automobile Club (1,1,1) 25 How the book of Ezekiel refers to God more than 200 times (Ezekiel 2:4) (9,4)

Down 1 Seas (Proverbs 8:24) (6) 2 One of the sons of Eli the priest, killed in battle by the Philistines (1 Samuel 4:11) (6) 3 Specialist in the study of the Muslim religion (8) 4 ‘Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but — him as if he were your father’ (1 Timothy 5:1) (6) 5 One of Esau’s grandsons (Genesis 36:11) (4) 6 Taking a chance (colloq.) (2,4) 7 God’s instructions to the Israelites concerning grain offerings: ‘ — salt to — your HotPott - February 2021

offerings’ (Leviticus 2:13) (3,3) 12 Confederation of British Industry (1,1,1) 14 ‘All day long they twist my words; they are always — to harm me’ (Psalm 56:5) (8) 15 The crowd’s reaction to Jesus bringing back to life a widow’s son in Nain (Luke 7:16) (3) 16 Disappear (Psalm 104:35) (6) 17 How Jeremiah was likely to die if he wasn’t rescued from the cistern where he was imprisoned (Jeremiah 38:9) (6) 18 What the prophets do to a wall, with whitewash (Ezekiel 13:10, RSV) (4,2) 20 Made by a plough (Job 39:10) (6) 21 Noah was relieved when the flood waters continued to — (Genesis 8:5) (6) 23 Jesus gave the Twelve the power and authority to do this to diseases (Luke 9:1) (4) Page 17

Missionary Matters

By December Thailand seemed to have the virus under control: Johnny and Ann McClean’s New City Fellowship Church were meeting ‘in the flesh’ and on December 20th the McCleans hosted church members to a Christmas feast in their home, but by the next day church activities became online only again because of new outbreaks.

John Ryley Although some members have moved away looking for work, the church is still managing to support their pastor Pramote. His wife Ling gave birth to their first child, Paul, in mid-October and mother and son are doing well; Paul brings much delight to everyone in church. Please pray for Peace, Pramote’s daughter by his first, late, wife as she welcomes her brother, and also for church members to live and proclaim the gospel through these difficult days. The Afghan refugees A and K, who are supported by Johnny and the church, remain in the International Detention Centre (IDC), while A’s wife and baby live in the market area near church. Pray that their faith Pramote & Paul may grow in spite of their unfortunate situations, and that they may be able to find asylum soon. A’s Muslim Afghan friend Q, who has been promised asylum in Australia, is not in detention and enjoys weekly Bible studies with Johnny, pray that he comes to faith in Jesus. Page 18

Johnny mentors a young Thai pastor Peter; pray for him as he starts his churchplanting ministry. Johnny continues to train new Pastor Peter & Family pastors with the Langham Partnership; a course was planned in Northern Thailand early this month and one in neighbouring Myanmar is planned for later this year; pray for wisdom in how to take this vital work forward. Ann has been finding life at the school she teaches at very challenging. Following the headteacher’s sudden resignation in July 20, huge efforts have been made to appoint a new head to start in August 21; meanwhile new heads of primary and secondary and deputy head of school started in the autumn term, so all change! Pray for wisdom, peace and clarity for Ann who seems to bear quite a lot of responsibility herself in school. Son Matthew started at Belfast University last September, with the promise of some student social life and most of his lectures being face to face; however, this was not to be and Matt has calculated Matt McClean HotPott - February 2021

that he’s spent six months of 2020 in quarantine or lockdown. Just in time, the Thai authorities allowed dependents of those holding work permits back into the country, so following some tortuous paperwork Matt made it home, but spent Christmas in detention in an isolation hotel. Family Christmas celebrations happened on January 5th! Matt intends to continue studying online, which is all that is on offer currently. Please pray for wisdom as to what to do when his visa expires on March 18th. When Matthew was in Belfast and K in the IDC, the youth English Bible study group at New City Fellowship was reduced to Bethan and Joshua, with only Ann and Johnny, their parents, to lead it. So, Ann took the difficult decision to relinquish her Sunday School and ladies work at New City Fellowship and start attending a local international church with Beth and Josh - and now Matt. The children enjoy meeting people of their own age in a much bigger church and having teaching in English. Pray that Beth, Josh and Matt will grow both in their love for and knowledge of the Lord, and that Ann may be able to find her place in a much larger congregation. And pray too about the gap she leaves at New City Fellowship. Megumi and Helen Fazakerley, who usually reside in Malawi, are in lockdown on the Wirral for their home assignment and unable to visit their supporting churches other than virtually. They celebrated Christmas with their family, albeit one of their daughters, Elizabeth, is in Australia: Zoom is a wonderful thing! Helen’s dad has settled well with Helen’s sister in the Midlands; apparently, he’s looking 20 years younger since his move. Sadly, Megumi’s mother died peacefully in hospital in Japan; Megumi and the family were at her cremation via Zoom and feel at peace now she is in God’s hands. Megumi and Helen continue to do some of their Malawian work. A new missionary HotPott - February 2021

Fazakerley Family Christmas

family from Scotland arrived in Malawi to join the SIM team just before Christmas after an exciting adventure involving their flight landing in the wrong country! Helen as health coordinator and Megumi as language learning coach have been involved in their orientation. Helen is a member of the COVID crisis response team and is reporting COVID statistics for Malawi; the infection rate appears lower there but this may be secondary to poorer detection and reporting facilities. Sadly, three government ministers have died from COVID; pray for the protection of the rest of the government, especially the Christian president who is making a positive difference to the country, and for the citizens as resources and health care are very limited and no vaccination programme is in sight. A new director for SIM Malawi has been appointed: Peter Ong from Australia; please pray for his work in the country. The Evangelical Bible College of Malawi Governing Council was supposed to meet last month to discuss the future of the college but did not do so. Megumi, who teaches there, seems completely in the dark about what is going on: whether there is any money to sustain its work, any new Malawian teaching staff or even if they have been able to start the new term. Please pray; the teaching ministry for future pastors in Malawi is so crucial. Page 19

The Suffering Church

In 2019 the Bishop of Truro produced a report commissioned by the UK government on the worldwide persecution of Christians; the government subsequently pledged to implement all the report’s recommendations and allocated over £1 million to support projects concerning ‘freedom of religion and belief’, which includes those of any faith and non-believers too. It is difficult to know what action government has taken to help persecuted Christians; compared to other faiths, attacks on Christians appear to have a low profile in the media. In December 2020 Fiona Bruce, Christian MP for Congleton and council member of the Evangelical Alliance, was appointed as the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief. Fiona Bruce MP (UK Please pray for Parliament) her, and that her efforts will make a practical difference to the government’s attitude to Christians and others persecuted for their faith. At least 24 people were killed and over 20, including a Christian pastor, abducted in attacks on Christmas Eve in north eastern

Boko Haram fighters, NE Nigeria (Vanguard, Nigeria) Page 20

Nigeria: churches, homes, shops and vehicles were set on fire by jihadi militants thought to belong to Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP), an off-shoot of Boko Haram. At least eight soldiers were also reported killed at outposts in the region at the time of the attacks. An online video released by the militants showed the murders, which were reportedly referred to as a ‘Christmas present’. Many villagers fled and some are still missing at the time of writing. Egypt’s public prosecutor is considering contesting an Appeals Court ruling that acquitted three Muslim men charged with stripping naked an elderly Christian woman, Suad Thabet, and dragging her through the streets of her village in 2016 following a rumour that her son was having an affair with a Muslim Suad Thabet, Egypt (Watani) woman. 300 men also looted the home she shared with her husband, Abdu Ayad, and the homes of six other Christians; five were also set on fire. The attack shocked Egyptians and brought an apology from President Abdel Fattah alSisi who ensured the Christian homes were repaired. After the court’s ruling in December 2020 Suad Thabet said: ‘President al-Sisi promised me justice, then the court says my assailants are innocent! I feel I am still naked … Anyhow, if I cannot get justice on earth, I wait for Heaven’s justice’. Prosecutors initially dropped the case against the three men accused of the attack, which included the husband of the Muslim woman allegedly involved in the affair, citing insufficient HotPott - February 2021

evidence, possibly caused by witnesses being intimidated, but in January 2020 the three men were sentenced in absentia to 10 years in prison. Their appeal against the ruling was granted after several witnesses retracted their testimony. Although the incident against Suad Thabet is an extreme example of persecution, it is common for vulnerable Christian women to be kidnapped and forced to marry a Muslim. Barnabas Fund helps empower vulnerable Christian women by offering them training and support to start up a small business, as well as programmes in literacy and numeracy, vocational skills and Bible studies.

Christian homes and shops attacked in Upper Egypt (Independant Catholic News)

In November 2020 Christian homes, farm buildings, vehicles, businesses and the church of Abu-Seifein in Upper Egypt, were attacked with stones and Molotov cocktails after a Facebook comment deemed insulting to Muhammad was allegedly posted by a Christian man, Girgis Sameeh; Girgis explained that his page had been hacked. A mob attempted to attack Girgis’s home but were thwarted by the family’s Muslim neighbours who protected them. Around 130 Muslims and Christians were arrested during the incident. Subsequently, some Muslim extremists called for a boycott of trade and commercial activity with the Christian community: praise the Lord for the protection provided to Girgis’ family by their Muslim neighbours and ask that the Muslim HotPott - February 2021

neighbours will be protected from retaliation from other Muslims. In November Church on Sulawesi before it was 2020, burnt down (Barnabas) Islamists, allegedly from the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT), attacked a remote Christian community and Salvation Army post on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Around 10 militants armed with guns and knives murdered four Christians from the same extended family in particularly brutal ways; the church building and six village homes were set on fire and a number of local residents, some injured, fled into the forest to escape. Police have launched a major investigation. In November 2020, in Pakistan Sonia Bibi, a Christian domestic servant, was shot dead by her Muslim suitor after refusing to convert to Islam in order to marry him. Sonia’s father said: 'We are Christians from generations, and Sonia was a true Christian and strong in her faith and she has been killed for following her Christian faith’. The perpetrator has not yet been arrested. Also in Pakistan, 12 year old Farah Shaheen was forced in June 2020 to convert to Islam and marry her 45-yearold Muslim kidnapper; six months later and after a court order, she was rescued by police from a locked room and showing signs of torture. The police refused Farah’s father Asif permission to file an official complaint for three months after continued → Sonia Bibi, Pakistan (Barnabas) Page 21

the abduction; a policeman told Asif to forget his daughter and be happy she’d converted to Islam. Another officer called him a chuhra (latrine cleaner), a term often used to insult Christians.

started to contact people who have bought a player, warning them about a potential breach of the law. Anyone printing or distributing Christian and other Audio Bible player, China faith literature is (Barnabas) under mounting threat from the Chinese Communist Party of fines, business closure and prison.

In China in two separate trials in December, five Christians were tried for 'illegal business operations’ over the sale of audio Bible players (small electronic devices popular in China that play pre-loaded digital audio files). No sentences have been passed yet, but the prosecutor has recommended that prison terms between 18 months and five years should be served. Sui Muqing, a Chinese human rights lawyer, said that such trials are intended to stop the spread of the Bible in China: ‘My feeling is that this is the same kind of suppression as before, it’s just now expanded to Christian businesses… these are no different from past religious persecution cases’. Police have reportedly

n’t o D get r fo

Please pray that our government becomes not only increasingly aware of the persecution many Christians around the world suffer, but also that they would have the will to address the situation effectively. Barnabas Fund is acknowledged as the source of some of the above article.

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Sunday, 14th Feb *** A young clergyman, fresh out of training, thought it would help him better understand the harsh realities his future congregations faced if he first took a job as a policeman for several months. He passed the physical examination; then came the oral exam to test his ability to act quickly and wisely in an emergency. Among other questions he was asked, “What would you do to disperse a frenzied crowd?” He thought for a moment and then said, “I would pass an offering plate.” *** HotPott - February 2021

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HotPott - February 2021

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HotPott - February 2021

Recipe of the Month

Tuscan Lamb Ragu with Roasted Courgette Christine Bowes has kindly sent this favourite recipe: a warming, delicious dish for a winter evening. Serves 2 Ingredients: 1 red onion I courgette 250g lamb mince 1 beef stock cube 15ml balsamic vinegar 30ml tomato paste 200g tortiglioni pasta 5g basil, finely chopped, including the stalks 35g grated Italian hard cheese Method:

further 2 to 3 minutes

Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C (fan)/ 350°F/ Gas 4

Add the stock, plus a pinch of sugar to the pan and cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until the sauce is thickened to a Bolognese sauce-like consistency.

Peel and dice the red onion Heat a large, wide-based pan containing a generous drizzle of olive oil over a medium heat Once hot, add the red onion & cook for 4 to 5 minutes, or until softened. Chop the courgette into bite sized pieces, place on a baking tray brushed with olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until softened. Add the mince to the onion and cook, stirring, for 3 to 4 minutes, or until starting to brown

Cook the tortiglioni in salted boiling water for 8 to 12 minutes, drain and reserve a cup of the pasta water Once the sauce is thickened add the roast courgette to sauce and mix thoroughly; add a splash of the pasta water if the mixture looks a bit dry. Season with a generous grind of black pepper to complete the Tuscan lamb ragu part of the dish

Dissolve the stock cube in 100ml boiled water

Add the cooked pasta to the pan with the ragu and give everything a good mix up until the pasta is coated in the sauce.

Add the tomato paste and balsamic vinegar to the onion/mince mixture and cook for a

Serve in bowls, garnished with the chopped basil and grated cheese

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Page 29

Services 7th February. 10.45am

Morning Worship

Matthew 6.25–34

David Swales

14th 1 before Lent 10.45am

Morning Worship

Mark 9.2-9

Lynne Bowden & David Swales

Family Service

Mark 1.9-13a; Matt 4.2-10

Anne Murphy & David Swales

Morning Worship

Mark 8.31–38

David Swales

John 2.13–22

David Swales

21st Lent 1. 10.45am

28th Lent 2. 10.45am

7th March Lent 3 10.45am

Morning Worship

Our services in February: • At the time of going to press our services will continue to be online-only in February. • If this is so, then the information above relates to our 10.45am service, which is live streamed, as well as being able to be viewed afterwards. Do join us in that way; just click on the link on the ‘Sunday Services’ page on our website. • As soon as we do return to having a live congregation in church, then we would expect to hold both our 8.30am shorter service and our 10.45am main service every Sunday: the 10.45am service continuing to be live-streamed. Church website: Readers


7th Feb

Richard Chasty

Anne Murphy


Ian Malyan

Audrey Bomford


Children & young people


Reg Ferguson

Paul Bowden

7th March

Audrey Meecham

Celia Fraser

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HotPott - February 2021

HotPott - February 2021

Page 31

Directory Priest-in-charge:

Rev. David Swales, The Vicarage, Spuley Lane, SK10 5RS

575846 Readers:

Dr John Ryley (Reader Emeritus), 2 Wych Lane, Adlington, SK10 4NB

Parish Assistant:

Gillian Mosley, 129 St Austell Avenue, Macclesfield, SK10 3NY


Andy Phillips, 26 Hurst Lane, Bollington, SK10 5LP

829595 829819 07881 358976 David Gem, Ridge Hall Farm, Ridge Hill, Sutton, Macclesfield, SK11 0LU

01260 252287 Verger:

Situation Vacant

PCC Secretary:

Chris Day

PCC Treasurer:

Peter Kennedy,

Gift Aid & Planned Giving:

Sally Winstanley, 3 Green Close Cottages, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SG


Mary Currell, 61 Crossfield Road, Bollington, SK10 5EA 07850 740335 574545 573735 David Garton,


Andy Phillips, as above

07881 358976

Weekly Bulletin:

David Gem, as above

01260 252287

Electoral Roll and Safeguarding officer:

Kath Matheson, Church View Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA

Tower Captain:

Duncan Matheson, Church View Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA

574983 574983 Pastoral Care Team:

Kim Swales, The Vicarage, Spuley Lane, SK10 5RS


Church Guild:

Georgina Wray, 14 Paladin Place, Bank Close, Macclesfield, SK11 7HE

615547 Children’s Ministry:

Anne Murphy, 14 Silver Street, Bollington, SK10 5QL

575768 Praise and Play:

Celia Fraser, Rose Cottage, Bull Hill Lane, Rainow, SK10 5TQ

665054 Parish Council Clerk:

Joyce Burton,

Wedding Coordinator:

Pam Cooke,

Head Teacher:

Joanne Bromley, Pott Shrigley Church School, SK10 5RT

573260 Website:

Tess Phillips, 26 Hurst Lane, Bollington, SK10 5LP

PCC Members:

Dr John Ryley, Duncan Matheson, Sally Winstanley, Peter Kennedy, Jean Ferguson, Andy Phillips, Pam Cooke, Eileen Buffey, Ian Clarke, Mary Currell, Mike Akerman, Sheila Garton, David Garton, David Gem, Anne Murphy, Kath Matheson, Chris Day, Reg Ferguson.

(please prefix numbers with 01625)

This directory was updated on 23rd November 2020. Please give corrections and additions to

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