Better Homes Dec'14

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Clockwise from bottom left: Giardino Segreto home fragrance collection, Fornasetti; Sara Farah, founder of White Almonds; Hayon Studio’s Valencia candle holders for Gaia and Gino; Boca do Lobo gold folding screen, Nakkash Gallery

in recent years. ´, FRXOG VHH WKDW WKH PRGHUQ GD\ couple didn’t want to be tied to one department store anymore and different couples wanted different things,â€? says Sara, whose showroom DQG RIĂ€FH DUH ORFDWHG LQ 6LGUD 7RZHU Media City. “So I created a programme where we team up with art galleries, fantastic boutique travel agents, furniture stores and decorative home stores so clients can put their wedding gift registry together exactly how they like. We’ll soon be working with jewellery suppliers and photographers, which is very exciting.â€? White Almonds works with 40 luxury EUDQGV FKRVHQ IRU WKHLU KLJK TXDOLW\ products and materials. All items are made in Europe to the highest VWDQGDUGV VXFK DV KDQG VWLWFKHG OLQHQV KDQG FXW FU\VWDO JODVVHV PRXWK EORZQ YDVHV KDQG VFXOSWHG SRWWHU\ DQG FDUDW JROG GHWDLOV %UDQGV LQFOXGH Fornasetti, Siegar by FĂźrstenberg, Egizia, Andrew Martin, Nakkash Gallery, The Odd Piece, Bang & Olufsen and Gayle Warwick. “I still wanted to keep the traditional side of gift giving, which is tabletop items and decorative home accessories,â€? explains the diminutive entrepreneur. “My parents bring out their dinner set they received for their wedding and it’s so lovely to have something special that lasts that long. It makes every dinner memorable and beautiful.â€? Nowadays, even the modern married couple is quite traditional with the Ă€UVW LWHPV WKH\ ZDQW IRU WKHLU QHZ home. Dinner sets and vases are still a top priority. The key focus is very much about entertaining at home and enjoying that experience, assures Sara. While men and women have different tastes, neutral colours and soft patterns are a good compromise and will suit most dining situations. When it comes to furnishings, some couples want a collective fund for furniture, while others will list lamps, occasional chairs and even sofas. And once the donations from guests have been received and the couple has taken home their wishlisted items, :KLWH $OPRQGV DOVR RIIHUV D SRVW wedding interior design service to help them style their new home accordingly. “I like to be imaginative and suggest clients cluster beautiful tumbler glasses on the dining table and use them as vases – they don’t have to be used as water tumblers all the time,â€? she says. “I think it’s quite playful and creates a nice talking point when you entertain, especially if you received them as a wedding gift.â€? December 2014


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