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Exhibit 6: Bank Prime Loan Rate Changes – 1974-20239

Labor and Wages

The CBO projects continued low unemployment rates for the foreseeable future at the 4 to 5% level, along with a static Labor Force Participation Rate.

However, CBO predicts a significant drop in the rate of growth of hourly wages after the high-rate growth through 2021 and 2022 of over 4%. Their projections indicate growth rates of hourly wages returning the more historical levels under 4%.

The changes in the wage growth rate could be beneficial to agriculture producers having difficulty finding workers due to competing businesses offering higher wages than farms have been able to pay in the past.

Construction Costs

Construction costs within the U.S. are expected to increase in 2023, though individual segments of the construction industry may vary. The cost of concrete and cement is expected to rise. As of Q1 2023, year-over-year costs are up 8.9 and 9.4% respectively compared to 2022. Steel, including rebar and flat steel, are up 1.0 and 1.6% respectively, year-over-year as of Q1 2023. On the other hand, lumber is expected to be down in 2023. Q1 2023 results show lumber down 62% comparing year-over-year results.10

10 Construction Industry Report Predicts 2023 Materials Pricing. ForContructionPros.com, https://www.forconstructionpros. com/business/article/22711010/linesight-construction-industry-report-predicts-2023-materials-pricing