Writing history and music

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Heimildaskrá Why is Shakespeare important-Shakespeare Online. 23.10.14.http://www.shakespeareonline.com/biography/whystudyshakespeare.html

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Writing History and Music

Shakespeare popular for 400 years-About Education 23.10.14. http://shakespeare.about.com/od/shakespearebasics/tp/popular.htm 20 Literary Facts To Impress Your Friends With-Buzzfeed. 23.10.14. http://www.buzzfeed.com/erinlarosa/20-literary-facts-to-impress-your-friends-with 135 phrases coined by William Shakespeare-The Phrase Finder http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/phrasessayings-shakespeare.html Leo Tolstoy-Biography. 24.10.14.http://www.biography.com/people/leo-tolstoy-9508518 Leo Telstoy-Britannica. 24.10.14.http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/598700/Leo-Tolstoy/13422/Firstpublications The Brothers Grimm- Britannica. 25.10.14. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/246228/BrothersGrimm/2875/The-Gottingen-years#toc2876

Exploring open source software opportunities.

[ Mark, Joshua J.] [ 20 January 2012] ,, Hatti ‘‘ ancient.eu http://www.ancient.eu/hatti/ (Sought 26.10. 2014) [No author] [No year] ,,Hattusa‘‘ancient-wisdom.co.uk http://www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk/turkeyhattusa.htm (Sought 24.10.2014) [Silver, Carly] [Án árs] ,, From Priestess to Princess‘‘archive.archaeology.org http://archive.archaeology.org/online/features/iron_ladies/Copy%20of%20puduhepa.html (Sought 24.10.2014) [No author] [No year] ,, The Hittites, their forerunner and their followers’’ hattucha.de http://www.hattuscha.de/English/cityhistory2.htm (Sought 24.10.2014) [No author] [No year] ,,The peace treaty between Ramses II and Hattusili III‘‘ reshafim.org.il http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/ramses-hattusili-treaty.htm (Sought 26.10.2014) [Hrozny, Friedrich] [Án árs] ,, Bedřich Hrozný‘‘ britannica.com http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/273672/Bedrich-Hrozny (Sought 30.10.2014)

Jazz inside magazine (no year) http://www.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-slang-by-aaj-staff.php?width=102

(sought 29.10.2014) The documentary Oscar Peterson Documentary Music in the Key DVD full version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqIaZYRZxhE (sought summer 2013) Oscar‘s Peterson original webside (no year) http://www.oscarpeterson.com/bio/ (sought 24.10.2014 Biography.com (no year) http://www.biography.com/people/ella-fitzgerald-9296210#synopsis (sought 25.10.2014) Wikipedia page about Ray (no year) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Charles (sought 25.10.2014) All about jazz. (no author) (March 4, 2004) http://www.allaboutjazz.com/jazz-slang-by-aajstaff.php?width=1366#.VFgh1_msWSo (sought 25.10.2014

Writing History is a magazine dedicated to history, archaeology and literature. These three subjects are closely related. Archaeology is about searching for historic remains and studying of them. Literature is the study of the written word and through those two subjects; we build a foundation for the studying of history. Jazz music is also a giant part of the history. When United States where building up their country they had a lot of slaves from Africa. Jazz have roots from the African-American slaves.


The Brothers Grimm

Leo Tolstoy Leo Tolstoy is one of the big names in literature and is by many considered the greatest novelist of them all. He wrote several novels, including Anna Karenina, and War and Peace, two among some of the world´s most famous and successful novels: He wrote the novella The Death of Ivan Ilyich as well, which is usually said to be one of the finest novella´s. The British poet Matthew Arnold once said that a novel by Tolstoy isn't a work of art, but a piece of life. Tolstoy is known for having a close eye for details; he would write about the slightest change of consciousness or movement of the body and break things down into single moments. His characters are well-rounded and human, changing over time, in a way that would be natural for a human being to change as it grew older. It is possibly because of these qualities that his novels have remained as widely read and successful as they have, and why many believe Tolstoy to be the best novelist yet.


Leo Tolstoy

The reason I love literature is it´s diversity, it´s distraction, endless possibilities, and it´s educational value. We can entertain ourselves by reading. We can learn a lot from written works about different subjects and whether it is a novel or a book on a certain discipline, then there is no limit for what can be written.

Leo Tolstoy The term literature is defined as

Literary terms:

written work, whether it is a pamphlet (promotional literature), writings published on a particular subject, poetry or a work of fiction. Some definitions even include spoken or sung texts. The word comes from the Latin “literatura/litteratura“ which means “writing formed with letters”. There are several different careers to be found within the field literature. There are writers (whether it are novelist, poets, play writers, or writers of educational books), teachers, critics, analysts, scholars, publishers and translators. Works of literature can be categorized by different means, such as their place of origin, the time period it was written in, the author, it´s material and the genre it belongs to. My favorite type of literature are the fantasy novels. They are novels where supernatural or fantastic themes are one of the main elements. Some famous fantasy novels include George R.R. Martin´s A Song of Ice and Fire series, J.R.R. Tolkien´s Lord of the Rings trilogy and Rick Riordan´s Percy Jackson series. What I love about them is how imaginative they can be. They take you away into another world, like any good novel should, and they aren´t limited by the laws of reality, while still (at least in the cases of the best) dealing with human nature and emotions.

William Shakespeare

character from Hamlet. Shakespeare manages to capture the wide range and the complexity of the human emotions. This make his work relevant all around the world, even today. Another reason is how descriptive his dialogues are. They paint pictures, create atmospheres and capture the human nature. Yet another reason for Shakespeare´s fame is the influence his work had on the spoken language. He coined over a hundred phrases and popularized other per-existing ones. For example “my kingdom for a horse”, “as dead as a doornail”, “as good luck would have

In literature you have many specialized terms. Some are of them are words only used in literature, while others are used elsewhere, but with different or broader meaning. I have listed here some interesting word used in literature. The words might have other meanings, but here I only describe their meanings in a literary context:

1. Archetype: A typical example of something. A prototype after which other examples are modeled. 2. Pastoral: An adjective describing a work of literature (or other arts) that idealizes the rural life. 3. Allegory: A story where the characters represent an idea. 4. Omniscient: An adjective used to describe a narrative where you can see into the head of different characters, not just one. 5. Caricature: An exaggerated imitation of someone. 6. Analects: A collection of short stories. 7. Anachronism: When some element in a literary work don´t fit the supposed location or time period the work is taking place. 8. Pathos: An element in literary representation evoking pity or sympathy for someone. 9. Epistolary: A literary work in the form of letters. 10. Soliloquy: A monologue or a comment delivered by a character speaking to themselves.

it” and “foregone conclusion” come from his plays. Many of these phrases William Shakespeare are still used in everyday is one of the most language today. famous, the not the most famous, play writer and poet of all time in the western world. His work is still being performed, even now, centuries later.later. It is even commonly centuries taught at schools and some his most It is even  Shakespeare´s first published play was Henry VI part 2 famous plays are among the most well-known works of literature in commonly  Anna Karenina was originally published in serialized form history. Who has not heard of Romeo taught at  Arthur Conan Doyle killed his character Sherlock Holmes off in the short story and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello or Macbeth, orand is not familiar with schools The Final Problem to devote more time to other works, but eight years later, after Yorick´s skull? some his most lot of pressure from the public, he started writing Holmes books again. First he Shakespeare was an English dramatist and a poet, born in Stratford-uponfamous plays wrote The Hound of Baskerville, which takes place before Holme´s death, and Avon in 1564. He died in 1616. But are among the then, about two years later, wrote The Adventure of the Empty House where how is it that a man from 16th century

  

 

Sherlock is revealed to have survived. This lead to Doyle writing another set of stories about the famous detective Doyle´s Holmes never said the word “elementary” in his stories. There are rumors going around about whether Shakespeare wrote all of his plays himself The monster in the novel Frankenstein is not called Frankenstein. That is the man who created it. The monster itself is never given a name, but Mary Shelley, the author, once called it Adam. Before Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, her mother Mary Jane Austen´s Pride and Prejudice was originally called First Impressions

brothers. They were called the Brothers Grimm. Their names were Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm. The Brothers Grimm were German folklorists and linguists, known for their collections of folktales and folk songs. While the brothers often worked together, Jacob Grimm himself wrote about philological and grammatical matters and discovered the socalled Grimm law. He also published a book called Deutsche Mythologie where he wrote about pre-Christian faith and superstitions in Germany, using poetry, fairy tales, and folklore. Many authors in Europe succeeded him in writing about similar matters, but not all were as careful in their judgments as Jacob Grimm. It is still being published today because of how important it is considered. The Grimm’s most famous work is

Did you know…

most England,wellbecame such a renowned figure, andworks why is what he wrote still known so immensely important to the literary of literature in world? One of the things history. Whothat me make his work so popular, is the complexity has not heardnature of his and the compelling characters. They are not simple and of Romeo and one-dimensional, but instead, nuanced Juliet, and complicated, even possessing contradicting characteristics. A good Hamlet, example of that is the titular character Othello or from Hamlet. Shakespeare Macbeth, orcapture is manages to the not familiar wide range and the

Once upon a time there were two

Kinder- und Hausmärchen or Grimm’s Fairy Tales like they are called in English. It is the first scientific collection of fairy tales and the ones selected in Grimm´s Fairy Tales have become


some of the world´s best-known stories, and have been tranlated in about 70 languages and adapted into many types of arts throughout the years. It also resulted in the creation of the science of folklore.

Excavation – an act of digging

The Hittites Empire

Discipline training to act in accordance with rules Statistics - the science that deals with the collection, classification, analysis and more Antiquary - an expert on or student of antiquities Linguistics - the science of language, phonology, and historical linguistics and more

This Colom is a little bit about the Hittites Empire, here we can learn a little about their history. The stories of historical artefacts are important to know when searching or digging for them. Being an Archaeologist you can do a lot of things regarding this historical place. You have many places that you can excavate and analyse many things. I like places that have a lot of history behind them and seeing what is left behind of many centuries ago.

This is Hattusili III he was the king of The Hittites Empire for 30 years and was married to Puduheba. He was known to be a very good and reasonable king. He was a commander of the Hittite forces and was the comender during the famous Battle of Kadesh against Egypt in 1274 BC. He signed a peach contract with the pharaoh Ramsess. First ever Peace contract.

This is Puduheba . She was married to Hattusili III and was a Queen. Her father was a head priest and she was a priestess of the goddess Ishtar (goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex). Pudaheba is one of the Iron Lady’s. She often ruled instead of her Husband when he was ill, and he was often ill. Pudaheba seemed to have been in charge of affair within the royal establishment. She was a very big part of the royal family. When the peace contract was made, she had a big compacted on that. She knew Ramsess quite well and had a good relationship. Ramsess contacketed Puduheba and not Hattusili when the peace contract was to be made.

This is Bedřich Hrozný. He is from the Czech Republic and he is an archaeologist and linguist. In 1905 he became a Professor at the University of Vienna. He translated the ancient Hittite text. He discovered that Hittite belonged in IndoEuropean family of languages. He translated many texts including a a Hittite legal code. In 1925 he and others with him recovered 1,000 Old Assyrian tablets, excavated the fallen city of Kanesh and letters of Assyrian merchants.

The Lion gates at the royal palace in

The Hittites Empire


The Hittites Empire was an

We will be talking about the


empire in 1600 before Christ to

Capital Hattusha. It is one of

Pharaoh Ramses II. There are

1178 before Christ and was on the

the biggest remains of the fallen

texts from the Egyptians and

Browns age. Their land was in

Empire. The ruins of the Royals

the Hittites about the peace



gate still stands. For a long time

treaty event both of them think

Turkey, also Syria and Lebanon,

while the Hittites Empire ruled

that they are greater but both

as you can see their land on this

it was the capital but it often

of the texts have the same

map. The Hittites Empire is

changed. But Hattusha was not

conclusion. It is known as the

mention often in the bible as a

only the political centre of the

first peace treaty in History.



Hittite state, but the religious

Hattusha is no more, it was

Capital was Hattusa. There were

centre of Hittites. The Hittites

burned down, but not by war. .

Anatolians. Before the Hatties

Empire was in war with Egypt

People started moving away

there where the Hattians. The

for quite some time, on of the

from the great city for a better

Stone carving of the

Hattians where absorbed to the

famous battles are Battle of

life. Before the city was

Royal army

Hattites Empire. The Hattites

Khadesh on the Orontes, that

burned down all residents

Empire was Indo-European.

battle ended in a draw. The

were evacuated. Thus it was

The Empire was controlled by

Battle of Kadesh in Syria there

no more. A few decades after

royalty that we will get to

was a peace treaty made that

the fall of Hattusha, Hittite

learn more about soon. We

lasted the whole time that The


will be talking about the

Hittites Empire lasted. The


Capital Hattusha.

peace treaty was made between








Did you know ? That the Hittite Rock Sanctuary of Yazılıkaya literal meaning is Rock with writing. That the Turkish word for Hattusa is Bogazkoy. In the religion the Hittite people believed there were more than 40 gods




How the human voice is one of the instruments in a jazz band.

The king of cool, the blind genious, the soul jazz legend.


Ella Fitzgerald was one of the most famous name in the music industry in the 20th century. She grew up as a trouble child and

Oscar Peterson: the greatest jazz

turned out to become a one of the best jazz singer in the world for 50 years. She was the first female african american in history to win a Grammy Award. There are several reasons why Ella Fitzgerald is probably the best singer of all time in mankind history. Today‘s pop singers don‘t have their toes where Ella Fitzgerald had her heels. If you listen to modern popular music, everyone can be singers because of the technology today, only thing you have to have is pretty face and hair to sell records. In jazz music are singer‘s voice in a jazz band just another instrument. Unlike today‘s popular music. A jazz singer have to improve, do variations on melodies and have same command on their

pianist of all time Oscar Peterson was born August 15 , 1925 in Canada. He had a major impact on jazz music. But how could some person that grew up in a poor family become so successful? He never had any piano lessions. At his teenage years, he often snucked into the bars in the neighborhood unauthorized where jazz music was played. At the bar was an old honky tonk. He sat there for hours and payed that honky tonk. He even skipped the school just to play that honky tonk. The bartender was a bass player, and he thought he was a good pianist and they made a good friendship. They were starting to play together with a drummer few months later and they made a fantastic trio. With the trio, he gained fame and popularity throughout Canada. His concerts were

Jazz is often called "The classic of American music.“ Jazz music is one of the oldest and most adored genres which comes from North America. The history of modern jazz can be traced back to the early 20th century in USA. Jazz have been part of African American culture for more than 100 years. The job opportunities for jazz musicians today aren‘t as good as they were early in the 20th century. Jazz musicians today are often employed in fancy restaurants for dinner music. There are several reasons why I have passion for jazz music. In the first place,

I‘m a pianist and I‘ve written jazz music for years. When I was 8 years old, I started to

broadcasted live on the radio in Canada. A famous agent heard one of these broadcasts and he

play the piano and I‘ve been playing since then. When I grew older I realized how

offered Peterson to be a surprise guest and play with Granz All star Jazz at the Philharmonic at

beautiful jazz were and I began to compose some jazz. Secondly, the history of jazz

Carnegie Hall the same year which shot him to the top.

fascinates me. Finally, I really like the diversity in jazz, you can take any song and

In 1950, Oscar Peterson was voited jazz pianist of the year, what‘s more, he received this award 12 years in row after that. At his career, he also won 8 Grammy Awards. In the early 60‘s, Oscar Peterson was really busy touring around the world with his trio. Even though he was busy turing, he founded a jazz school in Toronto called the Advanced School of

improvise it in so many ways. Why isn‘t everybody listening to jazz if it is so good? It is because jazz is art. The music that everybody listen to is entertainment. For example, "The expendables" is

Fun facts you may not know

Contemporary Music. Students from all over the world went to the school. In 1993, Oscar Peterson got serious stroke in his left arm which debilitated his left hand. To proof how strong character Oscar Peterson was, he determined to continue performing, recording and composing. About a year later he revocered and he continued to perform his masterpeaces for the world. Music was not the only thing that matters in his life. His hobbies included fishing, photography and astronomy. He said music was not only his profession, but also his hobby. He had his own home made recording studio which allowed him to work and enjoy his family life at the same time. He performed music until shortly before his death. Oscar Peterson passed away at his home December 23, 2007. Memory of this legend will live forever.

The word „jazz“ have no mention and dosen‘t have any meaning or origin The saxophone is one of the most distinct jazz instrument, but it just found place in the genre in the 20‘s Louis Armstrong didn‘t switch to playing trumpet until 1926 The modern drum set was invented by jazz usicans The words „cool“ and „hip“ where originally jazz terms Louis Armstrong recorded 60 of the most influential jazz records in history, all in the span of three years

instrument just like drummer have to have command on the drums and so on.

Duke Ellington was an amateur baseball player

Ray Charles Robinson was born September 30, 1930. He grew up in a poor black community in western Florida. What made Ray Charles really special musician was that he started to lose sight at age of four, and he got completely blind at the age of seven. Ray Charles went to school for blind and deff people but got expelled the same year that his mother died for do a prank on the teacher. After he left the school, he moved to his mother‘s friends in Jacksonville. He played the piano with bands there for a year earned 4$ each night. He was allways trying to earn reputation as a talented musician in Jacksonville but nothing happend so he decided to move to a bigger place fo more opportunities and bigger opportunities he got. Ray Charles’s biggest influence on jazz music is deffinitly his version of the song Georgia on my mind which is popular song today even though it was recorded in the 50’s. As well as being a jazz musician, Ray is one of the best Rhythm & Blues musician of all time. His music have had more inspiration on modern music then any other musician from his generation. Musicians like Kanye West and Will I Am have turned a lot of his music to a modern style. Ray Charles passed away June 10th 2004, 73 years old. This great legend is still alive in heart of many people around the world in his music.

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