2019 in Review

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2019 IN RE V I E W


Gratitude creates a vision for tomorrow by Jan Barker and Megan McPherson

A NOTE FROM THE HOPE ST OFFICE Wow, another year is done and dusted! As we at Hope St reflect on 2019 we recognise that we have so much to be grateful for. Education, food security, a roof over our heads, good medical care and, despite a difficult year for New Zealand, the relative safety of a peaceful country. *1 Yes, we are grateful in our abundance. Yet in our roles with Hope St, both in the New Zealand office and when visiting the beneficiaries of Hope St support, we hear from many who are grateful even though they have so little. In this issue of Hope St’s update we relay the gratitude received from Myanmar, Kenya, Uganda and Bulgaria. Noah from Myanmar recently wrote, ‘We really appreciate and send big gratitude to you all for what you have done for this children’s home. Without your help nothing would have happened to us. Thanks for your love and prayers for us.’ When we visited Kenya in earlier this year William thanked us, saying, ‘The water tank funds are a marvellous thing we will never forget.’ Daniel, who remembers nothing but life in an orphanage told Hope St’s Bulgarian partner, ‘I feel you love us and you care about us. Thank you for helping us to learn about the real life.’ The house mother from Hope Focus in Uganda, after attended a training day on child protection said, ‘This was my first ever day of formal school’, and

she beamed from ear to ear with a grateful smile. And Samuel, who has graduated ORA Uganda’s sponsorship programme as a medical laboratory technician wrote to his sponsor, ‘You have made my life complete. Thank you so much. I will never forget you for the rest of my life.’ As you read on about lives changed, hope restored, opportunities ahead, and the gratitude of Hope St beneficiaries, may you also reflect upon your life and find much to be grateful for. Gratitude truly does bring peace for today and create a vision for tomorrow. *1. In June 2019 New Zealand was still rated as the second most peaceful country in the world. 2019 Global Peace Index (GPI).

OUR NEW BRAND Last year ORA and Hope Street merged, joining together to have a greater positive impact and improve efficiency. Check out our new website at www.hopestreet.org. Our thanks to: Studio South who generously donated their time and skills to rebrand us, capturing our mission to empower the most vulnerable children and communities. Andrew Clements from Grayson Clements Lawyers who donated his time through our legal name change.

Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity... it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie Below: Children commuting in West-Nile, Uganda.


Our work at a glance QUALIT Y EDUCATION


Education plays a big part in lifting children and communities out of poverty. Hope St sponsored children are educated to a level where they can provide for themselves and others. Sponsorship pays children’s school fees, and provides them with uniforms and school materials. Hope St also supports vocational training schools, local libraries and tutoring programmes.

Clean, safe water is something we take for granted in New Zealand, however many of the communities we work with in Eastern Africa don’t have access to safe water. Hope St works alongside local communities and supports them to create their own safe water sources, lowering the rate of waterborne diseases and deaths.

anti -trafficking social business education

anti -trafficking



Water education health microfinance anti -trafficking social business


xx social business Water education health


education health Water anti -trafficking

HEALTH AND WELLBEING Poverty has many detrimental outcomes for children including ill health, hunger and malnutrition. 3.3 million children aged under 15 died in sub-Saharan Africa in 2018 *1. Hope St provides health care for children, and primary health care education for their families and communities.


*1. Levels and Trends in Child Mortality: Report 2019, UN IGME.

Microfinance groups empower women with vulnerable families to provide the basic needs for their household such as food, shelter, clothing, medical care and education. Hope St supports microfinance programmes in Uganda, working alongside impoverished children, families and communities.



In the abysmal world of the extremely poor, children’s freedom is often threatened. Covertly they are trafficked to serve in the sex industry, conscripted as soldiers, or toil as cheap labour. Hope St supports loving, nurturing homes for children at risk of being trafficked in Myanmar and Uganda. In Bulgaria we support a programme educating orphaned teens and the women and children of Gypsy communities about the dangers of human trafficking.

Hope St encourages communities living in extreme poverty to generate their own income and to become self-sufficient. We have been working alongside local partners in Kenya, Moldova and Uganda as they establish social businesses to overcome poverty, provide jobs, and locally fund social projects with children and vulnerable people. Hope St’s goal is to enable our international partners to be less reliant on international funding.


Partner: ORA, Uganda West Nile, Uganda, Africa

Gratitude When we visit our international partners we talk to current and past beneficiaries. One of the highlights is receiving the gratitude of young men and women who have taken hold of all that child sponsorship offers, or made the most of microfinance loans or other grants, and are now supporting themselves and their families. Here are some of their stories.


A SPONSOR SHIP GRADUATE - WALTER’ S STORY In April we visited Walter in Uganda. He accessed sponsorship in 2010 while in primary school. A total orphan, Walter lived with his grandparents and at 12 years old wanted to be a police officer like his father. He enjoyed football and his favourite subjects at school were English, Maths and Social Studies. Through sponsorship Walter completed secondary school, and then completed a two year electrician’s course. He now has a job with the large local electricity provider.

The leader of his home village tells us Bernard would not be alive today without Hope St’s sponsorship or residential care facility. Bernard accessed sponsorship in 2007, then six years old. He has sickle cell anaemia and was spending one week every month in hospital. In 2009 ORA Uganda opened its first residential home for extremely vulnerable children. Bernard was one of the first children admitted. He stayed there until late 2018, throughout all his primary and secondary schooling. Bernard is very bright, and last year successfully completed his O level exams. He is now at university, studying IT, a career he will be able to cope with as it does not require too much physical effort. Bernard loves listening to music, reading novels and being with friends. Over summer, with family support, he managed to build a small hut to sleep in. Bernard’s village is overjoyed that he has grown so strong. Many had once believed that Bernard would die young and as such he was a community outcast, someone of no value. Now Bernard is seen as a role model; a positive example of the hope children with sickle cell anaemia can have.

When we visited Walter and his grandparents at their home in April they repeatedly expressed their gratitude for Walter ’s sponsorship. Walter is now a tall and strapping 21 year old, and his life is so different to the life he or his family had hoped for him before sponsorship. He is hard-working and has good relationships within his family and community. Now employed, Walter is able to help family members in so many ways; he assists with health care, food, education and community responsibilities. Walter has recently spoken at a gathering of the current primary aged sponsored children, promising to buy a mattress for any child who passes primary school at the top of their class. We hear this has been a big motivator for the children at school!

Bernard, age 18.

Walter with his grandparents, 2019.

'We want to thank Walter for living exemplary life and always listening to the advice of his grandfather and the sponsorship team. Indeed he is a humble and committed young man. We appreciate the sponsor for making Walter see a brighter future.’ - ORA Uganda Social Worker




29 year old Jacob recently graduated with weaving and machine knitting skills from a Community Vocational School that Hope St has supported since 2008. When Jacob started primary school his sisters would carry him on their back to school, or he would crawl. He dropped out from school for a time when he became too heavy for his sisters and friends to carry, but was then given a wheelchair and managed to complete his O levels at secondary school.

We visited several microfinance groups in April of this year, including representatives of eight groups who have graduated from the programme yet are continuing to meet regularly to progress their savings. Here are a few snippets of their stories.

Jacob’s community do not value people with disabilities but through Jacob they are learning that everyone has potential. Since completing his vocational training course Jacob has been making sweaters for children at the local nursery school. He is earning more than most able bodied young men. Jacob is creative and eager to learn more. Jacob often shares his story with other disabled children to bring them hope and inspiration. He is so grateful to the Vocational School, which Hope St supports, for giving him the chance to acquire a trade. Jacob encourages the families of children with disabilities not to neglect them, but to treat them as equals worthy of education, moral guidance, and encouragement. We would love to be able to buy Jacob his own knitting machine and a new wheelchair.

We can take our children to the hospital now.’ It has brought us team spirit.’ After paying back the loans I could buy a goat, and I can send my daughter to a better primary school so she can do better academically.’ The group loves one another and still does farming together.’ We have saved 800,000UGX (NZ$325) as a group in one year.’ This has empowered us to move together as one body.’ The benefits for my family are we now have a toilet, a bathing shelter and we are healthy.’ We were ignorant about saving, but microfinance has given us strength.’ Children are at school.’ The microfinance training has helped us to improve our family situation. We are still saving together weekly. The little we save we give out to each other as loans.

Jacob, 2019.

Microfinance group, Uganda, 2019.


Uganda Child Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsor Pauline, Daniel, Miriam, Chris or another child at ORA Uganda for $60 per month. See ‘Sponsor a Child’ on page 14.





Pauline is four years old. Her father died in a road accident and Pauline now lives with her grandmother who sells firewood to support the family. She earns less than $10 per month. Pauline enjoys sand play and playing with other children. She helps her grandmother fetch water for the family.

Four year old Daniel lives with his mother and four siblings. His father died suddenly last year. Daniel's mother struggles to support her family by selling bananas and avocados. She earns about $15 a month. Daniel started in nursery school this year and is eager to learn. He is friendly and likes playing with other children, football, singing and reciting stories at school.

Miriam’s mother died shortly after giving birth to Miriam. Now four year old Miriam lives with her grandmother who is a peasant farmer. Miriam is in preschool and expresses herself well. She likes maths and dreams of being a nurse. Miriam is generally healthy. She enjoys playing a local stone game. She helps her grandmother with work around the home.

Chris lives with his mother and siblings. He lost his father last year. Before that Chris was free and active, happy and always making jokes with his father. He is struggling emotionally now. A hardworking boy, Chris likes helping the family grow food and helping his mother cook. His favourite sport is football. He is in primary 4 (NZ equivalent Year 4) and wants to be a doctor.

Uganda Sustainability Project Opportunity VO CATIONAL TRAINING SCHO OL HOSTELS $2 2 ,000 X2 We are raising funds for two hostels at a Community Vocational School which Hope St has supported since 2008; the same school that Jacob attended (read his story on page 5). While we have helped over the years with buildings, electricity and tools, the community funds the day to day running of the school themselves. When we first encountered this initiative eleven years ago, there were a couple of passionate locals teaching a handful of students carpentry under a mango tree. The local community recognised the need for school dropouts to be given a trade, and an opportunity to earn a living and contribute to society. Today the school has grown to a student roll of 156. Courses include tailoring, weaving, hairdressing, carpentry and joinery, building and concrete practice, and welding and metal work. There is currently no accommodation available locally, so only students living within walking distance can attend

classes. The construction of hostels will allow students from more distant communities to access courses at this school. These communities suffer from extreme poverty, and youth struggle to continue with formal education due to the low incomes of their families. Many families in these communities have shown interest in their children joining the school if accommodation were available. We are excited that the local community has already raised the equivalent of NZ $4,500 for a girls’ hostel, and are committed to do the same for a boys’ hostel. We need to raise a total of $22,000 for each 16m x 8m hostel building, constructed of burnt clay brick, iron roof, solid steel doors and windows, and concrete floor.

CONSTRUCTION COSTS Foundations: $8,000 Walls etc.: $4,800

Roof: $3,500 Joinery & finishings: $5,700


Above: Students practising brick-laying at the community Vocational Training School which Hope St supports in Uganda.

Partner: LOGOS, Bulgaria Rescued from Slavery TASHA’S STORY LOGOS’s anti-trafficking education programme, Open Eyes, was presented more than nine times during 2019. The effect of this programme is far-reaching. LOGOS has recently been involved in rescuing a 20 year old Bulgarian woman who was being exploited in London. Tasha *1 is from a gypsy background. A relative invited her to England to work in a restaurant but she ended up being forced to work in prostitution. While working long hours, day and night, Tasha saw horrible things happening to her co-workers - other young girls from different Eastern European countries. Tasha was scared. She rang a cousin in Bulgaria who contacted Hope St’s partner, LOGOS. A plan was prepared to help Tasha escape, flights were booked, and a Bulgarian man who drives taxis in London was contacted to take her to the airport. Within a few hours of LOGOS being contacted, Tasha was back in Bulgaria. She was met at the airport by a LOGOS representative. LOGOS has now found her a job in a local restaurant. To make the long story short, Tasha was saved from human trafficking, from slavery. Now she is back to Bulgaria working in a safe environment. * 1. Name changed for privacy purposes.

Right: Anti-trafficking seminar run by the LOGOS team, Bulgaria.

Daniel, 13 years old in and living in a Bulgarian orphanage, shared this with LOGOS personnel: My sister, my two brothers and I have lived in an orphanage since we remember ourselves. Through all those years you have been coming to see us almost every month. I feel you love us and you care about us. Thank you for helping us to learn about the real life outside of the orphanage. Some bad people outside of our institution are always trying to take advantage of us in ugly ways. You come and teach us about human trafficking and how to protect ourselves from the bad things in the real life outside. This is very helpful for us, being without parents and family. Thank you very much.’


Partner: Living Waters, Myanmar Shan State, Myanmar, Southeast Asia

No Longer at Risk 32 children from Shan State, Myanmar, started school in June this year, children who would not have had a chance for an education without Noah and Ruth’s care. Most of them were at extreme risk of falling victim to human trafficking before being rescued by Noah and Ruth.

Gate Well Playground

Noah and Ruth care for these 32 children and their own four children in a new rental property. This rental doesn’t flood as their last one did, and the children’s health has improved significantly. However it is still too small for 38 people and the rental market in their city is not stable, so they might need to move at any time. We’ve visited Noah and Ruth twice this year, in February to oversee a land purchase, and in April. The project is running smoothly and the children seem happy and well loved. In April we met two young boys, Joseph and Ephron, who had recently arrived at the home. They are from a region named SR4, which is around 250km from the Thai border and run by an ethnic rebel army. SR4 has no schools or medical services and compulsory army conscription from age 7. The boys seem to be adjusting well to life with Noah and Ruth. They are enjoying the opportunity of school and get along well with the other children.


Kitchen Children's Home

BUILDING STAGE ONE If you have been following our walk with Noah and Ruth, you will know we have been raising funds for a new children’s home. We want the children to have a safe and stable home where they can be nurtured and given a strong foundation. We have made great progress, having funded the purchase of some bare land just two blocks from the children’s schools. Now we are embarking on fundraising for stage one of a purpose built children’s home. Later we will raise funds to add a second story to the dormitory building, which will include a small unit for Noah and Ruth’s family, and a large indoor common room. Please contact the Hope St office if you would like more information.

Top: Proposed site plan. Beneath: Empty section purchased for future children's home.

CONSTRUCTION COSTS Retainer wall along stream boundary, land fill, perimeter wall and gate:


Toilets and bathroom block, and a separate kitchen block:


Main building, first floor dormitories:


We really appreciate and send big gratitude to you all for what you have done for this children’s home. Without your help nothing would have happened to us. Thanks for your love and prayer for us.

- Noah, Living Waters


Myanmar Child Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsor Ah Lo, Khin, Bu Chu, Joseph or another child at Living Waters from $30 - $180 per month. See ‘Sponsor a Child’ on page 14 for Hope St’s sponsorship share model.





Khin turns eight this year, and is in Grade 2 (NZ equivalent Year 4). Her favourite subject at school is Myanmar. Khin loves to dance and wants to be a teacher. Her health is generally good.

Ah Lo is eleven years old and in Grade 4 at school (NZ equivalent Year 6). He has had TB in the past but is well now, apart from normal childhood coughs and fevers. His favourite subject is mathematics and he loves playing football. He wants to be a policeman.

Bu Chu is sixteen years old and in Grade 10, in her final year at secondary school. Her favourite subject is English, and she wants to be a nurse. Bu Chu loves sports, and is generally healthy.

Joseph is twelve years old and in Grade 6 (NZ equivalent Year 8). His favourite subject at school is history, and he wants to be a farmer. Joseph's health is generally good. He likes sports.

Below: Empty section purchased for project campus, boundaries marked in red. Beneath: Children residing in the Living Waters home, June 2019.


Partner: Chafisi, Kenya Kilifi District, Kenya, Africa



In March 2019 Hope St personnel visited the Chafisi orphanage and school in Kenya. Due to small class sizes and quality, loving teachers and dormitory staff the children are doing well. The first term finished while we were there and we attended a prize-giving where children presented songs, poems and dance.

Could you partially or fully support irrigation for Chafisi’s agricultural projects, aiming to free Chafisi from dependence on international funding to feed and educate the orphans?

Generous kiwi donors recently helped fund a water tank for the orphanage dormitories, along with plumbing and sanitation in a new boys’ dormitory. William from Chafisi told us, ‘The water tank funds are a marvellous thing we will never forget.’ We were able to visit several sponsored children in their homes. Their stories are heart-breaking, as is the poverty in their villages. So many families live in hopeless poverty. Sponsorship is the only hope of an education for so many children. We also visited two social enterprise farms which have been supported from New Zealand. Agriculture usually brings in close to a third of Kenya’s income, but recent drought has increased poverty and forced the withdrawal of children from schools and medical services. Subsistence farmers are struggling to feed their families. Food prices are on the rise. The Chafisi team have been trying to find a solution and have initiated a drip irrigation trial which has been extremely successful. When we visited, maize, mung beans and greens were flourishing in the driest season of the year! The wilting crops in a control sample were watered manually with a hose and used more water than the drip irrigation trial. Our goal is to support the full install of irrigation at Chafisi’s farms, aiming to free Chafisi from reliance on international funding to feed and educate the orphans they support. Chafisi is doing a fantastic job working with the needy children and families in their communities. We feel so privileged to walk alongside William and his team, such faithful project partners.

The water tank funds are a marvellous thing we will never forget.

- William, Chafisi

1. Flood Irrigation, $8,900 Generator and pipes to pump water river water to floodirrigate 0.8 ha of cropping land, and a 3m x 3.6m building to store the equipment and shelter a caretaker. 2. Drip irrigation, $6,100 for 0.4 hectares Drip irrigation kit and installation to irrigate 0.4 ha of arable land with harvested rain water; $6,100 for 0.4 ha, or $14.25 for 10 m 2. We have committed to fund drip irrigation of 1.2 ha, in three stages - $18,300 in total. Below: Farm with drip irrigation trial and water tanks outlined. Beneath: Trial crops.


Kenya Child Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsor Fina, Fortune, Sherry, Sunday or another child at Chafisi from $30 - $90 per month. See ‘Sponsor a Child’ on page 14 for Hope St’s sponsorship share model.





Three year old Fina loves storytelling. She started preschool this year, but her grandmother only earns about NZ$3 a day doing casual work, so Fina has already dropped out of school. Fina gets asthma so her health is not always good. She is well behaved,

Fortune is three years old. His mother died and he now lives with his grandmother. She is old and unemployed, so depends on casual work to support Fortune. She is not in a position to pay school fees. Fortune is in nursery class at Chafisi school.

Sherry is nine and in Grade 2 at Primary School (NZ equivalent Year 3). She wants to be a teacher. Sherry loves to sing, and her favourite sport is netball. She often misses school because her school fees are not paid. Sherry's grandmother says Sherry is well behaved, caring and friendly.

Nine year old Sunday lives with his grandmother. There are 14 people living in the home, 8 of them children. Their average monthly income is NZ$60 per month, earned through casual labour jobs. Well behaved and friendly, Sunday likes to read novels and play football. He wants to be a teacher.

Below: The students and staff of Chafisi Orphanage, June 2019.


Partner: Hope Focus, Uganda West Nile, Uganda, Africa



In April we were excited to catch up with Emmanuel, who first came to Hope Focus in 2013.

We have started a sponsorship programme to raise more funds for Hope Focus. However until we raise sponsors, we urgently need donations toward the running costs of Hope Focus, so we can help children like Emmanuel. Can you contribute to educate, feed, love, and provide medical care for these children? Please spread the word about the impact Hope Focus has in changing the lives of street children.

Emmanuel dropped out of school after his father died. His mother was struggling to support her seven children with small scale farming and could not afford their school fees. Emmanuel would walk a long distance to the city and sell plastic bags in the market to raise money for the family. Eventually he decided to stay in the city, returning home occasionally to deliver his earnings. When Emmanuel first met the Hope Focus staff he thought they were child traffickers. It took a long time for staff to develop a relationship with him, and for Emmanuel to trust Hope Focus. Now we’re six years on and Emmanuel has completed a basic building course. He is pictured below with his mother at his graduation in June.

TAILORING TRAINING Some of the youth at Hope Focus have missed too much schooling during their time on the street to fit into the formal education system. Instead they receive tailoring lessons at the Hope Focus base; a trade which can provide enough income to support a medium-sized family. Their craftsmanship is improving, and the products they are learning to make can be sold locally. The shoes pictured on this page have soles made from repurposed car tyres. Below: Emmanuel with his mother at his graduation.

CHILD -PROTECTION TRAINING Several years ago we ran a child protection training seminar for the senior staff from Hope Focus and ORA Uganda. This year we asked those same staff to lead a seminar for all personnel from the two organisations, which they did in August. The house mother from Hope Focus told us this was her first ever day of what she termed ‘formal school’ and she beamed from ear to ear with a grateful smile. Below: Attendees at a child protection training seminar. Beneath: Shoes made by tailoring students, with soles crafted from repurposed car tyres.


CHILD -TRAFFICKING AWARENESS PRO GRAMME Through years of counselling children living on the streets of a nearby city, Hope Focus have identified the at-risk communities that many of these children originally came from. When visiting these rural communities the Hope Focus team have observed that most people do not know there are children living on the streets – they don’t know where their runaways have ended up. They are not aware of child prostitution, modern day human trafficking, or the risks that street children face. Hope Focus is planning a programme to raise awareness in these most at-risk communities. They will continue visiting the communities, and will be speaking regularly on a radio talkback show which will reach many villages.

Their radio presentations will share the stories of street children they have rescued, and stories from the communities they have visited. It is estimated over 24,000 people will be reached during the community awareness outreaches, and up to one million through the radio broadcasts. Hope Focus’ Board chairman explained the outreach programme in this way. ‘When HIV first came to Uganda, many people died. It was a hidden thing, not spoken about. When the government started education programmes less and less people died. It is the same for our children. People are not aware of the risks they face when they run to the streets. Through education people will become aware and fewer children will be at risk.’ We are currently raising $10,000 for the 2020 Hope Focus child trafficking awareness programme.

'This was my first ever day of formal school’, she said as she beamed from ear to ear with a grateful smile. - Attendee, child protection training seminar.

Hope Focus Child Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsor Topista, Stony, Vincent, Stella or another child at Hope Focus from $30 - $180 per month. See ‘Sponsor a Child’ on page 14 for Hope St’s sponsorship share model.





Topista was abused by her father, abandoned by her mother and beaten regularly by her grandmother. There was little food and no money for her to attend school. At 8 years old, in order to survive, Topista harvested grass from the bush to make brooms which she traded for food. Topista now lives in the Hope Focus home and is in primary school.

Stony is the older of two boys. His father died when he was very young. He went to school but his mother couldn’t afford to pay the exam fees. He stopped attending school and started selling scrap metal in town. He has been in the Hope Focus home since he was eleven and is progressing well at school. Stony started in Secondary School this year.

Vincent and his siblings were unsupervised and left to fend for themselves. Vincent dropped out of school to sell handmade knives and steal so he could eat. Through Hope Focus, Vincent has finished primary school and is now learning carpentry skills. He has also been reconciled with his family. Vincent likes athletics and playing football.

Stella would walk a long way to town to sell firewood, using the money earned to buy clothes, medicines, and necessities for her poor family. Often she would sleep on the streets and be at risk. Stella moved to the Hope Focus home, but now lives with her mother again. Hope Focus supports her education and health care, and counsels her family.


Sponsor a Child

Watch our video on child sponsorship in Uganda by scanning this code.

Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar

From only $30 per month Hope St’s aim is that every sponsored child can support themselves and others when sponsorship finishes, so we commit to supporting sponsored children through vocational training or tertiary education. Education is the best long term solution to release these children and their families from poverty and exploitation. When you sponsor a Hope St child you help their family and their community too. Empowering and giving hope to their children empowers and gives hope to the whole community. You can read brief profiles for some of the children available for sponsorship on previous pages.

THE SPONSOR SHIP SHARE MODEL As programmes in different countries have varying costs, Hope St’s sponsorship model is based on $30/ month shares. Sponsor a child fully, or share with other sponsors. Either way you will receive the same regular updates on your sponsored child's progress. Please contact the Hope St office if you are interested in sponsoring a child. We can discuss children available for sponsorship and optional add-ons such as mosquito nets, sports equipment and Christmas gifts.

Two kinds of gratitude: The sudden kind we feel for what we take; the larger kind we feel for what we give. - Edwin Arlington Robinson Top Right: Sponsored child, David, receiving extra-tuition classes in Uganda. Right: Sponsored children in the new entrance class at school in Kenya.




Uganda rural children’s programme Uganda Hope Focus programme Myanmar anti-trafficking programme Kenya underprivileged children programme

N/A * 1 $30 (Six shares per child) $30 (Six shares per child) $30 (Three shares per child)

$60/month $180/month $180/month $90/month

* 1 Uganda rural children’s programme note - due to the children living in a widespread area, we require one sponsor to hold both shares for the Uganda rural sponsorship programme.


Funding Opportunities Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar

Every $10 helps

by a Hope St donor

In the early 1990s I heard a Kiwi speaker talking about their work with ORA in Tajikistan. With a single income home, we didn’t have a lot left over each month, but we pledged $10 a month to support their work and still managed fine financially. Recently, some friends of mine started an AP to Hope St for $10 a month, and my mind went back to that first commitment of mine to support the work of ORA (now Hope St). What a difference we could make if 100 of those who receive this newsletter started an AP for $10/month. Long story short, every $10 helps so much to bring hope to the hopeless.

HOMES OF LIFE GIFTS For most of us ‘home’ represents love, acceptance, and security. However, for millions of children around the world home as we know it has never been a reality. One of Hope St’s priorities is providing homes for at risk children in Uganda and Myanmar, children who are vulnerable to exploitation, trafficking and violence. A home for these children means the difference between life and death. We have an urgent need for running costs for these homes. Help us fund this gap by purchasing a homes of life gift below, so that we can continue offering a safe haven to children at extreme risk of violence, exploitation and child-trafficking. Contact the Hope St. office for further information.

PROJECT FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES We’re excited about the projects Hope St’s international partners are proposing to run in 2020. They’re just waiting for us to find the funding. Can you give a few dollars towards one of these projects we are currently fundraising for? Or even fully fund one? Feel free to contact the Hope St office if you require more information. $160,000

Living Waters children’s home building project, stage 1 (Pg. 8) Kenya irrigation (Pg. 10)


Uganda vocational school hostel, female (Pg. 6)


Uganda vocational school hostel, male (Pg. 6)


Street children and trafficking awareness programme (Pg. 13)


Regular international partner running costs shortfall


Kenya Maize Mill Sustainability Project


Kenya Hire Equipment Sustainability Project


Uganda Water and Sanitation Projects


Uganda Secondary School Library


ORA Uganda Children’s Home Security Fence




Buy a Homes of Life Gift

Books for a child





Mosquito net




1 2 3

Games (e.g. soccer ball)




You donate to buy a gift and Hope St gives that gift to a Homes of Life project in Uganda or Myanmar.

Sheets and blanket




Medical care




We send you a card that you can personalise and give as a gift to your family member, friend or workmate.

Feed one child for a month $50



One breeding goat




School fees and books




The card tells them you’ve found the perfect gift for them, a gift to transform the lives of children.

Clothes and shoes




Pay the carer




GIFT CARDS (Optional)


Send me gift cards for my purchase. Please email info@hopestreet.org or fill out your contact and payment details over the page and post to us.

Get Involved VOLUNTEER


We have a great team of volunteers who form the heart of our organisation. We’re united by our compassion for vulnerable children and work together to give them hope and a future – and we






+64 7 843 2224 0800 HOPE NZ

would like to join the team.


125 Saint Georges Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052


PO Box 99025, Newmarket, 1149 Auckland, New Zealand

have fun while doing so. Contact us today if you

SUPPORT US There are many ways you can support us: through donations, sponsorship, attending our events, organising your own fundraiser, following us online, or becoming one of our valued volunteers. We would love to hear from you. Donate to: Hope Street Charitable Trust Bank account 01 0370 0032261 01.

Charities Registration # CC24875 • Aotearoa Council for International Development Code of Conduct Signatory.

We at Hope St take seriously our responsibility to use all donations effectively and efficiently. We receive regular reports and accounts from international partners and visit to ensure projects are well managed. At least 80% of your donation goes to project expenses; up to 20% is levied for administration,

advocacy and promotional costs in New Zealand. If funds donated for a specific project exceed what is required for that project or there are changes in circumstances beyond Hope St’s control which limit our ability to utilise all funds in the affected areas, Hope St will direct donations to a similar Hope St project.

Ref Connect 201912

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SPONSOR SHIP Send me information on sponsoring a child or project.

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Cheque enclosed (Payable to Hope Street Charitable Trust) Direct credit to Hope St's bank account: 01 0370 0032261 01. (Please email us details of your donation)

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