July 2018 - English

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UNITED STATES July 4: Independence Day

Fun Fact July 4 is also the biggest hotdog holiday of the year! Around 115 million hotdogs will be consumed by Americans.

NEWS, UPDATES AND RESOURCES http://www.balitangamerica.tv./ http://www.asianjournal.com/ http://www.philippinenews.com htttp://www.philippineembassy-usa.org/

Petitioning children of your spouse from a previous marriage A stepparent may file an immigrant petition for a stepchild even without the stepparent legally adopting the stepchild. However, the stepparentstepchild relationship must have been established before the stepchild turns 18. This means that the stepparent and the biological parent of the child must get married before the child turns 18 years old. If the child has turned 18 years old before the marriage, then the biological parent can still petition the child once he or she obtain permanent residency status. http://www.asianjournal.com/immigration/immigration-columnists/petitioning-children-of-your-spouse-from-a-previous-marriage-8/

A green card is still possible despite petitioner’s death According to Section 204(I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act(INA), immigrants may still apply for their green cards within the U.S. in a certain process called “adjustment of status.” The two conditions to be eligible for an adjustment of status is: 1)The immigrant beneficiary must prove that they resided in the United States at the time of petitioner’s death and they are continuing to reside in the U.S. They do not have to be physically present in the U.S. at the time of the petitioner's death. 2)To have an acceptable sponsor outlined by NIA such as siblings, child, etc. http://www.asianjournal.com/immigration/immigration-columnists/a-green-card-is-still-possible-despite-petitioners-death/

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