You cannot hold ships you pilfer in Star Citizen, Cloud Imperium Games suggests...

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You cannot hold ships you pilfer in Star Citizen, Cloud Imperium Games suggests Any ships that you simply steal in Star Citizen will disappear the moment you log off of your recreation, which makes it unachievable to construct your personal fleet by means of theft, Cloud Imperium Video games has explained. Thieving ships must be a "short-term goal" for "joyriding, piracy or offering them for scrap", not for growing your assortment, process designer Will Maiden reported with a discussion board publish. But some gamers are miffed via the choice, which appears to limit the scope for currently being a space pirate. You can find fantastic arguments on both equally sides. From CIG's point of view, they've got to make certain the game's ship insurance system is just not open to abuse. Players will choose out ingame coverage on their own ships to ensure if it is stolen they are able to have a new one. That potentially opens up exploits because-as the individual that started the discussion board thread details out-you could enable a colleague "steal" your ship, claim on it to get a substitution, and they'd even now possess the first. Deleting stolen ships bypasses that issue. But if you desired to be described as a pirate then you certainly may be upset. Stealing ships in your collection appears just like a number of entertaining. And perhaps there were more elegant ways to unravel the issue that fit in with all the fiction of your universe: the developer has earlier mentioned that stealing a ship will invalidate its hull ID code, that may make it tough to promote. Also, with out that code you cannot land on any lawful planets, and in-game legislation enforcement will be after you.

If that process were being robust adequate then it could solve the issue on its own, I do think. Gamers would have less commitment to steal or commit insurance coverage fraud due to the fact they wouldn't have the ability to do much using the resultant ship. They'd be able to incorporate it to their selection and examine it, guaranteed, but actually finding anything at all completed ingame might be hard. They'd need to stay with the shady aspects of the universe, which boosts the danger of someone else pinching it. Basically, if you need to be a pirate, you may, but you will discover consequences (whilst perhaps this is certainly just the armchair developer in me coming out). But alas, it seems CIG's head is created up. And getting a pirate will nonetheless be described as a fun selection, I reckon. You'll steal valuable cargo, break down ships for scrap and sell them, and usually cause havoc. As a result of the Reddit person that lifted the difficulty. What would you consider the choice?

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