Street Photography an ebook by alex coghe

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If you don't have a tropicalized body with lens of the same characteristics have to protect our camera from the rain. A home remedy can be to put the camera in a clear plastic bag (like the frozen food for instance) and secure it with rubber bands to the objective. Just drill holes through the front of the lens and protect it with a filter, possibly with a hood. Better be careful when using the flash because it could be dangerous in contact with water. Better not forget a towel to dry the water splashing. It is not crucial, however, venturing out of the house, with a little 'eye and a little' creative you can get great shots even behind glass, provided it is neat and clean. the shutter speed plays an important role in the creation of photography, with very long timescales we will highlight the trajectory of the droplets in the path while fast shutter speeds you can freeze the image obtaining greater sharpness. One of the most boring and present in photography with these conditions of light, however, is the gray of the sky. If the sky is milky white the difference of light between the landscape and the clouds is too strong to allow a correct exposure. A simple solution may be to expose the sky in spot mode or overexpose by a stop and always shoot in RAW to recover highlights and lighten shadows in post production. NIGHT The night photography is a separate genre. For street photography equivalent to document a different world because the people is different in the night. Street photography is not a genre that generally provides the use of a tripod. We must consider some things when we do street at night. The risk assessment is one of these. The choice of safe places, and frequented by many people is my suggestion. We can also think of using the flash, but always with care. Scaring people coming out of the dark and shooting at them is unethical. - Better using manual focus, it works better in the dark. AF is often really useless. - Grainy is better than blur. Now also the mirrorless secure great performances to high ISO. - Take advantage by the lights of the shops, the artificial lighting. IN CONCLUSION Also for street photography the light is our most important reference point. We must never think to dominate, even artificially, the light. Knowing it will be our best ally.

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