November Honest Slate

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Honest Slate


What are you grateful for? As one of the Co-op’s many first members, I am grateful for all the ingenious, knowledgeable, and talented people I have met while connected with the HWFC over the past years. With unique ideas and team effort, they have donated a tremendous amount of dedicated hours to establish a store for the community as well as for members. Their con nued efforts to provide sustainable food and products for themselves, their families, and the community are to be highly commended. —Joan LaChappelle

I am grateful for my growing family as well as, the healthy, natural and sustainable ideals which the co-op provides that make it easier for me to live and teach these ideals to the people important to me. Happy Thanksgiving! —Courtney Semoff I’m grateful for the Co-op’s triple bottom line—people, planet, and profits—and for the Co-op’s members, owners and staff who generously share their me, talent, and cooperave spirit. HWFC’s road is rocky from me to me; s ll, its people work diligently to fulfill its purpose. Thank you! I’m grateful for the safety of the food and merchandise available at the Co-op. The peace of mind and me savings I’m afforded while shopping are priceless. —Stephanie Conde I am grateful for the people at Honest Weight who listen and try to help others (and I am also thankful for our new Honest Slate  ) —Maria Schollenberger

Submissions Policy We welcome contribu ons to Honest Slate at HonestSlate-AT- observing the following policy:

• Word limit for ar cles is 500 words unless otherwise requested. Material is published at the discre on of the Honest Slate team; only signed ar cles will be accepted; all ar cles are subject to edi ng for length, grammar, style and cita ons. Ar cles deemed controversial will be reviewed before publishing. Writers must substan ate claims with facts and avoid inflammatory language. Ar cles regarded as harmful to individuals will be returned to the writer for non-personal rephrasing. Ar cles referring to HWFC policies and prac ces will be referred to the appropriate individual or body prior to publica on. We may consider unsolicited material but encourage individuals to first submit ar cle ideas. Spontaneously submi ed work is not guaranteed to earn me investment or acceptance for publica on and is subject to the same edi ng and proofing policies as assigned work.

Statement of Purpose: Honest Slate is a pla orm for communica on among HWFC Membership, Staff, Management, and Governance: promo ng transparency, repor ng news without bias, and sustaining community. Ar cles in Honest Slate are for informa onal purposes and are not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Opinions expressed in Honest Slate do not necessarily represent the views or policies of Honest Slate or Honest Weight Food Co-op. All contents ©2018 Honest Weight Food Co-op; any material appearing in Honest Slate may not be reproduced in any form without the express wri en consent of HWFC.

November 2018

board meeting decisions HWFC’s Board of Directors approved the following at the 6:15 p.m. Board Mee ng Nov. 6, 2018:

•The Environment Commi ee will add two items to its work plan: •Prepare a statement of conscience regarding a move toward zero waste which will be recommended to the membership for a vote. •The commi ee will determine three to five a ainable recommenda ons to tackle and note which exis ng personnel and/or Member-Owners would be the appropriate point people

•The Finance Commi ee work plan and the commi ee member me investment descrip on was approved. •The proposed Coopera ve Re-Commitment Job Descrip on Addi ons to the management job descrip ons were accepted with some changes discussed during the mee ng. •HWFC Member-Owners may earn up to three hours from December 1 through May 7 for a ending a board mee ng or mee ngs for as many hours of credit. • The following HWFC community members contributed to this issue: David Bulnes Yeve e Buddeau Stephanie Conde Erin Donahue Olivia Dunn Moses Durr Alena Gerli Joan LaChappelle Drea Leanza Carol Ostrow Carolynn Presser Stephen Quickenton Courtney Semoff Janet Sorell Tyler Varese Will you join us? Write a le er to the editors or inquire about repor ng, wri ng or producing at

Honest Weight Food Co-op • 100 Watervliet Ave. Albany, NY 12206 • 518-482-2667 • h ps://

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